Unit Block Plan East Hartford Public Schools Health Education Core Unit: Human Growth/HIV/AIDS Topic: Anatomy/Reproduction Pacing (# of Lessons):12 Grade level:10 # of Students: Time: Standards: (Healthy Lifestyle Framework) Standards Description H-1.3, 1.11 H-1.10, 3.1 H.1.3. Evaluate the impact of personal health behaviors on the functioning of body systems H.1.11. Compare and contrast abstinence to other forms of contraception to reduce risks of disease/unintended pregnancy H.1.10. Describe and analyze the physical, mental, emotional and sexual changes that occur over a lifetime, from birth to death H.3.1. Assess the importance of assuming responsibility for personal health behaviors Common Core Standards: Standards Description CCSS.MATH.S.IC.6 CCSS.RST.4.9-10 CCSS.RH.8.9-10 Evaluate reports based on data Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific or technical context relevant to grades 9-10 texts and topics. Assess the extent to which the reasoning and evidence in a text support the author's claims. Big Idea: Responsible sexual behavior is essential for sexual health and disease prevention. Essential Questions: How does the reproductive system impact sexual health? What behaviors put me at risk for disease and/or pregnancy? How does pregnancy impact one's overall wellness? Concepts & Skills: 1. 2. 3. 4. Concepts Skills Reproduction and societal impact. Contraception, pregnancy, and disease prevention. Risks and consequences of pregnancy. Risk factors and causes. 1. Demonstrate the influences and behaviors of sexual health choices. 2. Identify short and long term effects of pregnancy. 3. Demonstrate strategies to deal with influences, factors, and risks of sexual activity. 4. Identify causes and effects of HIV/AIDS contraction. Assessment Evidence: Activating Prior Knowledge Pre-test (Anatomy) 2013-2014 Assessing Knowledge Gained Type 2 Male Anatomy Fill-in Type 2 Female Anatomy Fill-in CFA Type 3 & 4 Contraception Project Page 1 Unit Block Plan East Hartford Public Schools Health Education 10% Summary Unit Test 2013-2014 Page 2 Unit Block Plan East Hartford Public Schools Health Education Learning Plan: Class # Learning Activities Product Essential Questions (DOK) 1. Pre-test Why Do We Study Contraceptives? Pre-test (Vocab) How or why would you use contraceptives? What approach would you use to prevent pregnancy and/or STD’s? Can you assess the value or importance of staying abstinent? 2. Male Anatomy Diagram Can you recognize the different parts of male reproductive anatomy? Can you identify the functions and locations of male reproductive anatomy? How would you describe the path of sperm? 3. Female Anatomy Pregnancy Diagram Can you recognize the different parts of female reproductive anatomy? Can you identify the functions and locations of male reproductive anatomy? How would you describe the female menstrual cycle and ovulation as it relates to pregnancy? 4. Anatomy Assessment (Fill-in the blank/crossword/vocabulary challenge) Worksheets How would you organize these facts/observations? 5. School Based Health Center Presentation Post-test Contraception CBA Type 3 Overview Type 2 Exit Ticket SBHC 3-2-1 Post-test Can you predict the potential benefits/drawbacks of using the School Based Health Center? 6. Contraception CBA Type 3 Class work Time (Computer Lab) Note sheet Gather, analyze, organize and interpret information from multiple sources to draft a report? Can you construct a model that would advocate for a specific method of contraceptive? Create a project that represents the characteristics of specific contraceptive? In what way would you design an advertisement to advocate for a specific method of 2013-2014 Page 3 Unit Block Plan East Hartford Public Schools Health Education contraception? 7. Contraception CBA Type 3 Class work Time (Computer Lab) CBA Type 3 Script Draft Gather, analyze, organize and interpret information from multiple sources to draft a report? Can you construct a model that would advocate for a specific method of contraceptive? Create a project that represents the characteristics of specific contraceptive? In what way would you design an advertisement to advocate for a specific method of contraception? 8. Contraception CBA Type 3 Class work Time (Computer Lab) CBA Type 3 Script Final Draft Gather, analyze, organize and interpret information from multiple sources to draft a report? Can you construct a model that would advocate for a specific method of contraceptive? Create a project that represents the characteristics of specific contraceptive? In what way would you design an advertisement to advocate for a specific method of contraception? 9. Contraception CBA Type 3 Presentations Contraception Chart Worksheet Explain, generalize, or connect ideas using supporting evidence from a source. Assess the value or importance of different types of birth control. 10. Contraception CBA Type 3 Presentations Contraception Chart Worksheet Explain, generalize, or connect ideas using supporting evidence from a source. Assess the value or importance of different types of birth control. 11. Unit Test Unit Test Can you recall and describe male and female reproductive anatomy and methods of contraception? 2013-2014 Page 4 Unit Block Plan 12. East Hartford Public Schools HIV/AIDs 10% Summary CBA HIV/AIDs 10% Summary Health Education Identify and summarize the major events in a narrative. Can you formulate a central idea and apply vocabulary words? Modifications/Differentiation: Assignments/Activities will be modified based on students needs. Multiple articles will be provided for 10% summary and varying expectations for written work based on student levels. Resources: N: Drive Health & PE EHHS Health 10th Grade Health http://www.plannedparenthood.org/health-info/birth-control/ http://kidshealth.org/teen/sexual_health/contraception/contraception.html School Based Health Center 2013-2014 Page 5