
The Art of Leadership
Irma Molinares
School Relations Director, ECMC
 Definition of Leadership
 Leadership style
 Quiz
 Manager vs. Leader
 Common activities
 Attributes of a Leader
 Expectations of a leader
 The leadership challenge
Leadership is defined as influencing others to
work diligently toward achieving their goals.
1.Clearly stating your
2.Explaining your plan
for attaining your vision!
3.Instilling confidence
and optimism!
4.Expressing confidence
in those you lead!!!
Leadership Style
is a leader's approach to provide direction, implement plans, and
motivate people.
Leadership Style Quiz
Evaluate the
results. Do
you agree?
Know your
strengths &
Take the test and be
as honest as you
can, only you will
see the results
Leadership Style Quiz
This quiz aims to identify the styles you use most or least.
Below are some statements about different behaviors.
Indicate in the space provided how much these describe
you, by scoring them from 0 – 4
0 = never true for me
1 = hardly ever true for me
2 = sometimes true for me
3 = fairly often true for me
4 = frequently if not always true
Quiz Evaluation
Add up all your
scores for all ODD
# statements
Add up all your
scores for all EVEN
# statements
Quiz Evaluation
Odd Higher - Your current style is probably high in credibility,
leadership, strategic networking, innovating thinking, and
achieving targets.
Even Higher - Your current style is probably high in
approachability, people skills, information gathering, and
problem solving.
Odd/Even Closer - Your balance of credibility and approachability
means you probably have valuable talent for being a liaison or
mediator, as well as radiating qualities of charismatic leadership
Managers vs. Leaders
 Focus on things
 Focus on people
 Do things right
 Do the right things
 Plan
 Inspire
 Organize
 Influence
 Direct
 Motivate
 Control
 Build
 Follows the rules
 Shape entities
Common Activities
 Planning
 Budgeting
 Sets targets
 Establishes detailed
 Allocates resources
 Devises strategy
 Sets direction
 Creates vision
 Creates structure
 Gets people on
board for strategy
 Job descriptions
 Staffing
 Hierarchy
 Delegates
 Training
 Communication
 Networks
 Solves problems
 Empowers people
 Negotiates
 Cheerleader
 Brings to consensus
 Implements control systems
 Performance measures
 Identifies variances
 Fixes variances
 Motivate
 Inspire
 Gives sense of
- Booker T. Washington
Difference Between Skills and Character
Success is:
Leadership is:
10% inspiration
10% skill
90% perspiration
90% character
Attributes of a Leader
 Guiding vision: Effective leaders know what they want to do, and
have the strength of character to pursue their objectives in the face of
opposition and in spite of failures. The effective leader establishes
achievable goals.
 Passion: Effective leaders believe passionately in their goals. They
have a positive outlook on who they are, and they love what they do.
Their passion for life is a guiding star for others to follow, because they
radiate promise!
 Integrity: Because they know who they are, effective leaders are also
aware of their weaknesses. They only make promises they can follow
through on.
 Honesty: Leaders convey an aura of honesty in both their professional
and their personal lives.
 Trust: Effective leaders earn the trust of their followers and act on
behalf of their followers.
Attributes of a Leader
 Curiosity: Leaders are learners. They wonder about every aspect of
their charge. They find out what they need to know in order to pursue
their goals.
 Risk: Effective leaders take calculated risks when necessary to
achieve their objectives. If a mistake is made, the effective leader will
learn from the mistake and use it as an opportunity to explore other
 Dedication: The effective leader is dedicated to his or her charge,
and will work tirelessly on behalf of those following. The leader gives
himself or herself entirely to the task when it is necessary.
 Charisma: This may be the one attribute that is the most difficult to
cultivate. It conveys maturity, respect for your followers, compassion,
a fine sense of humor, and a love of humanity. The result is that
leaders have the capability to motivate people to excel.
 Listening: Leaders Listen! This is the most important attribute of all, listen
to your followers.
The Leadership Challenge
 Focus on the individual members and the team
 Provide staff the opportunity to develop and utilize their talents and
 Listen to employee’s concerns
 Allocate the right resources for the right project, at the right time
 Specify standards and expectations
 Delegate responsibility through empowerment
 Let employees and stakeholders identify their own interests and abilities
 Lead by example: set the standard for excellence
Overall, Others Must . . .
. . . Trust you!
. . . Have faith in
. . . Believe in you!
Take Your Place!!!
This is your assignment, your role, and your responsibility as a facilitative leader.
Facilitative Leaders
Facilitative leaders coach,
mentor, sponsor, teach, and
- Lao-Tzu
Irma Molinares
School Relations Director