CSDi Center for Sustainable Development, Inc. 724 Via Santo

Training Workshop: Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change: Guatemala
PRE-WORKSHOP FIELD COMPONENT: Identification of Your Community's Challenges
In-Country Context: Those of you attending only the main six-day workshop will conduct these exercises with your community in your country through CSDi's distance
learning program during the month preceding the main workshop. Send photos please so that we can share them with your colleagues during the 6-Day Workshop.
Guatemala Context: Those of you who've elected to do the field component in Guatemala as part of this workshop will conduct these exercises live. Preparation for the
assessments and summarizing the results will be in a meeting room. The assessments themselves will be conducted in a Guatemalan village setting as a true needs
assessment being conducted for an actual project that will be developed by a Guatemalan NGO. Mr. Magee will oversee the assessment process—but you will lead it!
The following activities in the syllabus follow the chapters in Tim Magee's book A Field Guide to Community Based Adaptation—which we will be using as a textbook.
This is not a workshop based upon lectures. You will walk away from this hands-on workshop with a well-designed project specific to the context of your community's needs,
complete with management documents and donor presentation materials. Workshop facilitators will be there working individually with you full-time.
Website addresses change frequently. If a link doesn't work, simply enter the author’s name, the organization’s name and the document’s name into your web browser to find
the most current link. If you find a broken link, consider writing us and letting us know. Thank you!
SATURDAY. 9:00 – 4:00. 60 minute lunch. Morning and afternoon coffee breaks.
SECTION 1. LOCAL CONTEXT. NB: You will need to have read chapters 1 and 2 in the textbook prior to the speeding in these field components.
Please Note. Because of different village contexts the two needs assessments may be done on two different days (such as one on Saturday and one on Sunday) –
or on the same day (such as both assessments on Saturday). This will be decided with village leaders in advance.
1. Community: Local Need
communities, challenges and sustainability
developing a project based upon a participatory needs assessment
introduction to the 10 seed technique
developing a workshop lesson plan
facilitating a 10 seed technique participatory needs assessment (2 - 3 hour village context)
creating a simple project outline based upon the assessment
Magee Field Guide to Community Based Adaptation Table of Contents and Chapter Summaries
Magee Field Guide to Community Based Adaptation Introduction
Magee Field Guide to Community Based Adaptation Chapter 1
E-Mail and Homework Etiquette
Field Assignment 1. Discussion
Field Assignment 1. Homework Directions
Field Guide 1.
Ten Seed Needs Assessment
Field Assignment 1
Workshop Lesson Plan on Ten Seed Participatory Community Needs Assessment
Example Homework Template of Field Assignment 1: Facilitating a Ten Seed Participatory Needs Assessment.
Links to General Development Sites and Documents
Links to Community Based Adaptation Specific Sites and Documents for Diploma 340
Recommended Resources
Chatty, D., Baas, S. and Fleig, A. Participatory Processes towards Co-Management of Natural Resources in Pastoral Areas of the Middle East. Module II –
Introducing Participatory Approaches Methods and Tools, FAO.
Dayal, R., van Wijk, C. and Mukherjee, N. Methodology For Participatory Assessments With Communities Institutions And Policy Makers, World Bank.
Jayakaran, R. Ten Seed Technique, World Vision International.
Theis, J. and Grady, H. Participatory Rapid Appraisal for Community Development, IIED.
UNDP Bureau of Development Policy. Designing Climate Change Adaptation Initiatives: A UNDP Toolkit for Practitioners, UNDP.
United Nations Development Programme. Gender, Climate Change and Community Based Adaptation: A Guidebook for Designing and Implementing GenderSensitive Community Based Adaptation Programmes and Projects, UNDP.
SUNDAY. 9:00 – 2:00. 60 minute lunch. Morning and afternoon coffee breaks.
2. Community: Local Climate Knowledge
introduction to participatory capacity and vulnerability assessments (PCVA)
developing a workshop lesson plan
facilitating a participatory capacity and vulnerability assessment (2 - 3 hour village context)
Magee Field Guide to Community Based Adaptation Chapter 2
Field Assignment 2. Discussion 1: Preparing a PCVA Lesson Plan
Field Assignment 2. Homework Directions 1: Preparing a PCVA Lesson Plan
Field Assignment 2. Discussion 2: Leading a PCVA Assessment
Field Assignment 2. Homework Directions 2: Leading a PCVA Assessment
Field Assignment 2. Homework Directions 3: Results from a PCVA Assessment
Field Guide 2.
Participatory Capacity and Vulnerability Assessment
Participatory Capacity and Vulnerability Assessment Workshop Lesson Plan
Example Homework Template of Field Assignment 2: Results from facilitating a Participatory Capacity and Vulnerability
Assessment Workshop
Recommended Resources
Chatty, D., Baas, S. and Fleig, A. Participatory Processes towards Co-Management of Natural Resources in Pastoral Areas of the Middle East. Module II –
Introducing Participatory Approaches Methods and Tools, FAO.
Dayal, R., van Wijk, C. and Mukherjee, N. Methodology For Participatory Assessments With Communities Institutions And Policy Makers, World Bank.
Theis, J. and Grady, H. Participatory Rapid Appraisal for Community Development, IIED.
Center f or Sustainable Development, Inc.
724 Via Santo Tomas
Claremont, CA 91711
Km 12.7 Carretera a El Salvador
La Encantada Dos N. 31, Ciudad Guatemala
CARE. Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis Handbook. CARE.
Carloni, S. Rapid guide for missions: Analyzing local institutions and livelihoods, FAO.
Krantz, L. The Sustainable Livelihood Approach to Poverty Reduction, SIDA.
Regmi, B., Morcrette, A., Paudyal, A., Bastakoti, R. and Pradhan, S. Participatory Tools and Techniques for Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Exploring
Adaptation Options, Livelihoods and Forestry Programme.
MONDAY. 9:00 – 5:00. 60 minute lunch. Morning and afternoon coffee breaks.
2. Community: Local Climate Knowledge (continued)
review the first two field assignments; this is a chance for course participants to share what their projects are looking like
summarizing and correlating the results of the assessment
Coping Strategies And Adaptive Capacity
revising the project outline based upon new PCVA findings
Field Assignment 2. Homework Directions 4: Coping Strategies and Adaptive Capacity
Field Assignment 2. Homework Directions 5: Revised Project Outline
Field Assignment 2. Example Homework Template of Field Assignment 2: Revised Project Outline
3. Climate: Scientific Climate Information
Researching Scientific Climate Change Information
Assessing Risk And Summarizing Local Scientific Climate Change Information
Field Assignment 3. Magee Field Guide to Community Based Adaptation Chapter 3
Field Assignment 3. Homework Directions 1: Researching Scientific Climate Change Information
Field Assignment 3. Homework Directions 2: Assessing Risk: summarizing local scientific climate change information
Example Homework Template of Field Assignment 3: Researching Scientific Climate Change Information
Recommended Resources
CARE. Community Based Adaptation Toolkit, CARE.
World Bank Climate Change Portal. DC: World Bank.
IISD: CRiSTAL, a decision-support tool to help users design climate adaptation activities at the community level.
4. Challenge: Local Context
comparing local knowledge to scientific climate knowledge
completing a revised project outline reflecting local need, local climate knowledge and scientific climate knowledge
Field Assignment 4. Magee Field Guide to Community Based Adaptation Chapter 4
Field Assignment 4. Homework Directions 1: Comparing Local and Scientific Knowledge
Field Assignment 4. Homework Directions 2: Completing a Revised Project Outline Reflecting Local and Scientific Knowledge
Field Assignment 4. Example Homework Template of Field Assignment 4: Incorporating Scientific Climate Change
Information into the Project.
Recommended Resources
CARE. Community Based Adaptation Toolkit, CARE.
Mitchell, T. and Tanner, T. Adapting to climate change: Challenges and opportunities for the development community, Tearfund.
UNDP. Designing Climate Change Adaptation Initiatives: A UNDP Toolkit for Practitioners,UNDP.
TUESDAY 9:00 – 5:00. 60 minute lunch. Morning and afternoon coffee breaks.
5. Solution: Adaptation Activities
researching solution-based adaptation activities
the program and activity solution list
mainstreaming: integrating adaptation activities and traditional development activities
verifying activity effectiveness through evidence: have your activities shown evidence that they will work to solve the problem?
writing a project goal statement
community ownership: feedback, input, and engagement (post workshop distance learning)
assessing your NGO's areas of expertise
Field Assignment 5. Magee Field Guide to Community Based Adaptation Chapter 5
Field Assignment 5. Homework Directions 1: Researching Solution-based Adaptation Activities; Program and Activity Solution
List and Goal Statement
Field Assignment 5. Homework Directions 2: Verifying Activity Effectiveness through Evidence
Field Assignment 5. Homework Directions 3: Community Ownership, Feedback, Input, and Engagement
Field Assignment 5. Homework Directions 4: Assessing NGO Expertise
Sample of Complete Field Assignment 5: The Program and Activity solution List
Field Assignment 5. Example Homework Template of Field Assignment 5: The Program and Activity Solution List
Center f or Sustainable Development, Inc.
724 Via Santo Tomas
Claremont, CA 91711
Km 12.7 Carretera a El Salvador
La Encantada Dos N. 31, Ciudad Guatemala
Recommended Resources
CBA Specific Recommended Links
Community Based Adaptation Online Resources by Topic
50 Programs for Community Based Adaptation, DRR and Development
Center for Sustainable Development website
WEDNESDAY 9:00 – 5:00. 60 minute lunch. Morning and afternoon coffee breaks.
6. Project: Management & Funding Tools
developing a logical framework
measuring your success: outcomes, long-term impact, monitoring and evaluation
the detailed budget
the project schedule
Field Assignment 6. Magee Field Guide to Community Based Adaptation Chapter 6
Field Assignment 6. Homework Directions 1: Logframe, M&E, Budget & Schedule
Example Homework Template of Field Assignment 6: Logframe 1
Example Homework Template of Field Assignment 6: Logframe 2
Example Homework Template of Field Assignment 6: Logframe 3
Example Homework Template of Field Assignment 6: Budget
Example Homework Template of Field Assignment 6: Schedule
THURSDAY 9:00 – 5:00. 60 minute lunch. Morning and afternoon coffee breaks.
project summary: writing a compelling two page fact sheet (LOI)
how will you organize a donor presentation?
Where will you find donors to present your project to?
Field Assignment 6. Homework Directions 2: The Compelling Two Page Fact Sheet & Donor Presentation
Field Assignment 6. Example Homework Template of Field Assignment 6 Fact Sheet
7. Launch: Partnering with the Community
preparing for a teambuilding workshop: developing a workshop lesson plan
workshop: forming a community based project management committee (post workshop distance learning)
OL 343 A8 (Also Chapter 7)
Field Assignment 7. Magee Field Guide to Community Based Adaptation Chapter 7
Field Assignment 7. Homework Directions 1: Developing A Workshop Lesson Plan & Workshop: Forming A Community
Based Project Management Committee
Field Assignment 7. Example Homework Template of Field Assignment 7 Chapter 7 – Lesson Planning & Forming a
Community Project Management Committee
Recommended Resources
Stalker, L. Why some Village water and sanitation committees are better than others, World Bank Water and Sanitation Program-South Asia.
FARM-Africa. The Key Steps in Establishing Participatory Forest Management - A field manual to guide practitioners in Ethiopia, FARM-Africa Ethiopia.
Bonita, M. and Payuan, E. Village Forestry Handbook, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Lao People’s Democratic Republic.
V&A Programme. Vulnerability and Adaptation Experiences from Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh: Community Based Institutions, V&A Program.
Gender Mainstreaming Field Manual for Water Supply and Sanitation Projects
India Case Study: Community Based Institutions
8. Sustainability: Capacity Building for Community Takeover
engaging management committee members in project activities (post workshop distance learning)
OL 344 A1 (Also Chapter 8)
empowering committee members to co-manage the project (post workshop distance learning)
OL 344 A2 (Also Chapter 8)
community capacity building: adaptation skill set workshops
two-way knowledge transfer: lesson plans
the first community skill set workshop (post workshop distance learning)
OL 344 A4 (Also Chapter 8)
Field Assignment 8. Magee Field Guide to Community Based Adaptation Chapter 8
Field Assignment 8. Homework Directions 1: Engaging Management Committee Members in Project Activities & Comanaging the Project
Field Assignment 8. Homework Directions 2: Community Capacity Building - Adaptation Skill Set Workshops & Lesson Plans
Field Assignment 8. Example Homework Template of Field Assignment 8: Lesson Plan CBA Participatory Mapping for
Subsistence Farmers
Field Assignment 8. Example Homework Template of Field Assignment 8: Sustainability: Capacity Building for Community
Field Guide 5.
Participatory Mapping of Soil and Water Resources
Recommended Resources
Cash, D., Clark, W., Alcock, F., Dixon, N., Eckley, N., Guston, D. Jager, J. and Mitchell, B. Knowledge systems for sustainable development, Proceedings of the
National Academy Of Sciences of the United States Of America.
FARM-Africa. The Key Steps in Establishing Participatory Forest Management - A field manual to guide practitioners in Ethiopia, FARM-Africa Ethiopia.
IFAD. Good Practices in Participatory Mapping, IFAD. http://www.ifad.org/pub/map/PM_web.pdf
Center f or Sustainable Development, Inc.
724 Via Santo Tomas
Claremont, CA 91711
Km 12.7 Carretera a El Salvador
La Encantada Dos N. 31, Ciudad Guatemala
IIED. Participatory Learning and Action 54: Mapping for change: practice, technologies and communication, IIED.
CARE. Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis Handbook. CARE.
Regmi, B., Morcrette, A., Paudyal, A., Bastakoti, R. and Pradhan, S. Participatory Tools and Techniques for Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Exploring
Adaptation Options, Livelihoods and Forestry Programme.
FRIDAY 9:00 – 5:00. 60 minute lunch. Morning and afternoon coffee breaks.
9. Impact: Milestones into the Future
participatory project monitoring and evaluation
milestones: post-project monitoring and evaluation
finding future expertise and resources to address future challenges
developing a long-term project management plan
packaging and presenting this post-project toolkit (post workshop distance learning)
Field Assignment 9.
Field Assignment 9.
Project Toolkit
Field Assignment 9.
OL 344 A5 & A6 (Also Chapter 9)
Magee Field Guide to Community Based Adaptation Chapter 9
Homework Directions 1: M&E, Future Resources, Long Term Project Management Plan, Presenting
Example Homework Template of Field Assignment 9: Impact: Milestones into the Future
Recommended Resources
Jain, S. and Polman, W. Training module on participatory community monitoring and evaluation, FAO.
CARE. Framework of Milestones and Indicators for Community Based Adaptation. CARE.
NGO Programme Karnataka-Tamil Nadu. Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation: Field Experiences, Intercooperation.
Mathie, A. and Foster, M. Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation: A Manual for Village Organizers, Coady International Institute, St. Francis Xavier University.
SATURDAY. Departure. This is an ideal time to take a few vacation days to explore beautiful Guatemala— and visit Lake Atitlan or fly to Tikal to see a major Mayan
archaeological site—learn more. The hotel can easily arrange these expeditions for you.
POST WORKSHOP: Five Weeks Distance-Learning.
In order to receive your diploma, you need to complete the distance learning assignments listed in red in the syllabus above within the prescribed timeframe: five weeks from
the end of the live workshop.
Live field components conducted in your own country with your original community that you've developed a project for during this workshop.
community ownership: request feedback, input, and engagement
forming a community based project management committee
engaging management committee members in project activities
empowering committee members to co-manage the project
the first community skill set workshop
Participants will be provided with specialized web links to topics identified in their community needs assessment. These topics are quite diverse—learn more—and
we have analyzed contemporary resources on the Internet where you can download scientific papers, handbooks and manuals. Resources include these field guides which
address common themes in workshop participant projects.
Chapter 10. Tools and Field Guides
knowledge transfer: developing field guides, lesson plans and workshops
field guide 1: participatory community needs assessments
field guide 2: participatory capacity and vulnerability assessments
field guide 3: preparing garden beds and planting seeds
field guide 4: soil restoration and conservation for smallholder farmers
field guide 5: participatory mapping of soil and water resources
field guide 6: agricultural soil and water management for sloping land
field guide 7: household rooftop rainwater harvesting
field guide 8: community level water harvesting
field guide 9: overview of developing a Community Based disaster risk reduction plan
field guide 10: diversifying livelihoods through market links
Recommended Resources
Example Field Guide: How-to Card and Workshop Lesson Plan: Agricultural Soil and Water Management for Sloping Land
Community Based Adaptation Online Resources by Topic