Status and Schedule M. Della Negra US CMS Collaboration Meeting Florida State University, 11 May 2002 Civil Engineering and Magnet Updates on sub-detectors status Finances Schedule and Milestones Experimental Cavern UXC UXC55 More than 50% complete UXC55 ready July 04 M. Della Negra/CMS Status/USCMS-11 May2002 2 USC Service Cavern USC55 More than 50% complete USC55 ready March 04 M. Della Negra/CMS Status/USCMS-11 May2002 3 Swiveling Platform (Korea) Assembly finished at Pt. 5 Swiveling M. Della Negra/CMS Status/USCMS-11 May2002 Platform 4 Swiveling test in 2002 A counterweight will be installed to simulate the equivalent weight and momentum due to the cantilevered 250 t of the Cold Mass M. Della Negra/CMS Status/USCMS-11 May2002 5 Status of Conductor Each length is 2650m long M. Della Negra/CMS Status/USCMS-11 May2002 6 Winding Prototype Full diameter 6m 1/4 length ~0.6m M. Della Negra/CMS Status/USCMS-11 May2002 4 layers winding using spare length of 2.65km – progressing well 7 CB-2 mandrel ready Coil is made of 5 submodules CB-2, CB-1, CB0, CB+1, CB+2 Mandrel for CB-2 is finished ~6 months late – problem with supply of special elements in high strength alloy for mandrels, plates and flanges. CB-2 completed end 02 CB+2 completed end 03 M. Della Negra/CMS Status/USCMS-11 May2002 8 Compressors for Cryogenics at point 5 M. Della Negra/CMS Status/USCMS-11 May2002 9 Tracker Outer Barrel Module Hybrid with ST sensors APV • 50% of Si Strip Tracker budget committed • Si modules from the Milestone 200 produced in different production centers • Start of Si module production shifted from June 2002 to Nov. 2002 due to hybrid optimization (safer design and cost). M. Della Negra/CMS Status/USCMS-11 May2002 10 Production Hybrids First 4 received, flex cable ok !!! 20 + 20 ordered, delivery ½ May All mechanical test up to now are ok Specifications ready by 25/5 Going to tender asap M. Della Negra/CMS Status/USCMS-11 May2002 11 Outer barrel rod fully equipped for system test First small sub-system (outer barrel ‘rod’) equipped with modules M. Della Negra/CMS Status/USCMS-11 May2002 12 Beam Pipe EDR and Pixel installation EDR went well and pixel installation was proven to be compatible with our expectations. M. Della Negra/CMS Status/USCMS-11 May2002 13 Crystals and Photodetectors All 138 ovens at BTCP modified to grow large boules Offers in hand for endcap xtals APDs 20 Expected rate of 5000 APDs/month reached. 25k out of 130k APDs delivered VPTs First 500 production VPTs delivered M. Della Negra/CMS Status/USCMS-11 May2002 14 ECAL: Mechanics Module assembly Endcap ‘Supercrystal’ Assembly of modules for first supermodule (SM1) started in CERN and Rome. M. Della Negra/CMS Status/USCMS-11 May2002 EE EDR mid-2002 15 Supermodule Assembly Assemble a few ‘bare’ SMs in 2002 M. Della Negra/CMS Status/USCMS-11 May2002 16 ECAL Electronics CMS and LHCC Reviews in 2001 revealed major cost overruns in electronics Last RRB: Double speed of optical links – half cost of links – BUT insufficient Action - Mar 02: Alter electronics architecture to contain costs – generate L1 trigger primitive (S25 xtals) on-detector rather than off-detector – reduce links and off detector electronics by factor ~ 10. FPPA: Final submission May02 Electronics team reorganised, synergy between ECAL, Tracker & Preshower electronics TDR TP 91000 Data and Control Links 800 Off-detector Trig/DAQ Boards M. Della Negra/CMS Status/USCMS-11 May2002 12000 Data and Control Links 120 Off-detector Trig/DAQ Boards 17 ECAL Planning Goal: Apr 07 - ECAL complete and commissioned Advance the detailed test (also system test) of 1st SM to mid-2003 (final analog electronics + emulated FPGA digital part) EB electronics mounted in 2004/2005 – calibrate at least 9 SMs in 2004 EE and SE mounted in 2005/2006, calibrate 1 Dee in 2006 Electronics Schedule M. Della Negra/CMS Status/USCMS-11 May2002 18 Evolution of CMS Data Acquisition New modular design of Event Builder - Break into a number of functionally identical, parallel, smaller DAQ systems A 64x64 system is feasible today Submit DAQ TDR end-02 M. Della Negra/CMS Status/USCMS-11 May2002 19 High Level Trigger Lvl-1 trigger in construction phase now HLT running in processor farm – immense amount of data generated – exercising remote sites Detailed analysis leads to < 400> ms/event (on a “PIII @ 700 MHz box”) Maximum flexibility: full event data available; using offline software (very important to understand HLT performance) In terms of “2007” CPU units, this is 3*1.5 years away. CPU needs should be within reach A 50kHz system at startup will need ~ 2500 CPU’s N(CPU) = (0.4 sec x 50000 sec-1)/(2*2*2)= 20000/8 = 2500 CPU time/evt L1-rate Moore’s law At (staged) startup: 50kHz @ Lvl-1 and 80Hz to storage Discovery physics “safe”. SM physics: ~ resource-driven High luminosity: in DAQ TDR at end-2002 M. Della Negra/CMS Status/USCMS-11 May2002 20 Construction: Commitment Profile Apr 02 RRB By end of 2002 ~70% of the available funds will have been committed. 62.7 MCHF of additional funds need to be committed soon in order to have a complete initial low luminosity detector in 2007. M. Della Negra/CMS Status/USCMS-11 May2002 21 ~20 MCHF Staging/Savings ? After RRB13 the Director of Research requested CMS to prepare plans for the case where 20 MCHF of the shortfall is not covered (with respect to the RRB13 shortfall of 67.9 MCHF) BUT with the hope of getting it later. Staging/Saving already applied for 1st Physics Run HCAL: ME1/1a: ME4/1: Reduce no. of longitudinal samplings Reduce no. of electronics channels re-stage electronics 2.0 MCHF 1.5 MCHF 1.5 MCHF Additional Staging Considered for 1st Physics Run TRIDAS: Start with 50% of DAQ Capacity Infrastructure: SCX Cooling and Ventilation Plant Use 400Hz, 400V system Decision in June 2002. TOTAL Staging/Savings M. Della Negra/CMS Status/USCMS-11 May2002 ~8.5 MCHF 8.0 MCHF 0.5 MCHF Additional Saving Under Technical Evaluation LV Supplies: ~5 MCHF ~5 MCHF 5.0 MCHF ~ 18.5 MCHF 22 Additional Collaborators Serbia Corner Pieces Magnet Milan, INFN Naples, INFN ECAL RPCs Brazil YE4+ farm Ireland ECAL electr.?, farm Mexico NZ Silicon Tracker farm+Pixels Thailand US-NP (HI) ME electronics boards TriDAS, farm approved in Mar CMS Week 400 kCHF protocol agreement approved in Mar CMS Week approved in Mar CMS Week YE4 funded (500 kCHF), application in 2002 Visited CERN 18-19 Feb Expect application in mid-02 Expect application soon Applic. received, Pres. in June Visit at CERN S. Thompson in progress Successful workshop in MIT 8.02 Proposal submitted to DoE March 15 0.9 MCHF already in Financial Plan. M. Della Negra/CMS Status/USCMS-11 May2002 23 High Luminosity Upgrades 10. Items (upgrades) for high luminosity ~ 19 MCHF 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 ME4/2 mechanics and electronics ME4/1 electronics ME4/1 assembly in PNPI Restore ME1/1a electronics Neutron Shielding (extra) 3rd Forward Pixel Layer 5th endcap RPC layer Extra Installation Costs 9.2 1.5 0.5 1.5 1.0 ~2.5 ~2.0 ~1.0 The decision to build many of these items will only be taken after inspection of the first physics data. This upgrade cost comes on top of the 62.7 MCHF shortfall. A plan for the funding of the upgrade will have to be worked out in due time. Basic ingredients are new collaborators or upgrade plans by funding agencies willing to upgrade items in which they have been working on. M. Della Negra/CMS Status/USCMS-11 May2002 24 April RRB (RRB14) Outcome M&O MoU accepted, proceed with signatures M&O cat A 2002 Budget accepted (1 MCHF with sharing according to nb of PhDs). No request for in kind contributions in 2002. M&O Cat B: Must work out a way to share costs (by Oct RRB) C&I costs accepted (positive report by scrutiny group). C&I profile peaks in 2003. Cash flow? 50% of C&I is manpower. CMS Financial Plan well received. Expect ~ 54 MCHF additional funds for a shortfall of 62.7 MCHF. Next step - Reach an agreement with Agencies by end June 02 on likely availability of funds (firm, less firm promisies), amounts and time profiles. Then prepare Financial Plan for Oct RRB (also discuss during LHCC CMS CR in Oct02) M. Della Negra/CMS Status/USCMS-11 May2002 25 Expectations for additional funding at RRB14 Guideline Austria Belgium Brazil Bulgaria CERN China Croatia Cyprus Estonia Finland France CEA France IN2P3 Germany Greece Hungary 600. 870. 500. 106. 13500. 700. 49. 106. 16. 870. 1000. 4000. 2703. 880. 58. M. Della Negra/CMS Status/USCMS-11 May2002 Expect 600. 300. 500. 13500. 700. 49. 870. 660. 2000. 2703. Guideline Expect India Iran Italy Korea Pakistan Poland Portugal RDMS Serbia Spain Switzerland Taipei Turkey UK USA 774. 500. 12900. 458. 428. 528. 352. 2250. 400. 1350. 300. 500. 12900 req. 410. 58. 1530. 15000. 1530. 12800. TOTAL 62896. 54264. 352. 2250. 400. 1350. 26 V33 Draft Schedule: Extended Surface Phase Additional costs part of C & I Objectives: channel test of HV/LV burn-in of electronics flushing gas readout test of 10% of subdet (MB,ME, RB etc) vertical slice tests with test-beam DAQ & prototype final DAQ M. Della Negra/CMS Status/USCMS-11 May2002 27 v33 Draft Schedule A new planning v33 is in preparation for the next LHCC comprehensive review. Objective: Complete CMS (except pixels and ME4) for 1 April 2007 • UX and US area ready (+12 months shift, now firm date) • Install floor plates and shielding in UX area • Magnet test on surface (+9 months shift) • Start lowering CMS • ECAL Barrel (EB) ready for installation (+ 4 months) • Start EB installation + cabling (3 months float) •Tracker ready for installation • Start Tracker installation + cabling (3 months float) • EE+ (ECAL endcap positive z-side) calibration in SPS beam • Start EE+ installation • Start EE- installation • CMS closed ready M. Della Negra/CMS Status/USCMS-11 May2002 Jul 04. Nov 04- Apr 05 Jan 05- Apr 05 May 05 Jul 05 Nov 05 Oct 05 Feb 06 Apr 06- Sep 06 Nov 06 Jan 07 Apr 07 28 Conclusion Magnet: Yoke finished. Conductor and winding well advanced. 1st coil delivered end 02 with 6 months delay. Not critical: HCAL, Endcap Muons : construction on schedule and well advanced. Problems are being encountered but are also being overcome. To watch Production rate of DTs and RPCs – need to watch production rate Start of mass assembly of Si modules (Q4 2002) ECAL: Redesign of electronics chain. Very tight schedule. Draft v33 CMS Schedule Magnet test on surface Jan 05- Apr 05. Start lowering detector in May 05. CMS closed ready for 1’st beam 1st April 07. CMS construction is proceeding at speed. A low luminosity detector can be ready for physics in 2007. The low luminosity detector is the complete CMS detector, except the 4th forward muon station (ME4) and the 3rd forward pixel layer. M. Della Negra/CMS Status/USCMS-11 May2002 29