General Substitute Services

Introduction to
Substitute Services System
Presentation Unit:Conscription
Agency Ministry of the Interior
Types of Military Service
Periods of Military Service
General substitute services
Research and Development Substitute
Information and contact window
Types of Military Service
 Services of Ranking Officer -Standing Ranking Officer Service、Reserved
Ranking Officer Service.
 Non Commissioned Officer-Standing Non Commissioned Officer Service、 Reserved
Non Commissioned Officer Service.
 Enlisted Soldier Service -Standing Soldier Service 、 Voluntary Soldier Service
(Physical Status for Rregular Serviceman )
Replacement Service( Physical Status for Rregular
Serviceman due to family & Representative team of
national sports )
 General Substitute Services - Physical Status of Substitute Services Draftees
Draftee-to-be who applies to taking substitute service due to a family factor
Draftee-to-be who applies to taking substitute service due to a religious factor
Physical Status for Rregular Serviceman -to-be who applies to taking substitute
service due to a special skill
 R&D substitute service - Physical Status for Rregular Serviceman & Physical Status of
Substitute Services draftee-to-be with a Master’s degree or
Periods of Military Service
 Enlisted Soldier Service : Standing Soldier Service (one year and two months),
Replacement Service (12days)
 General Substitute Services
 Apply to take substitute service
for Physical Status of Substitute Services Draftees( one year and two months )
 Apply to take substitute service
for a Family Factor (one year and two months for both Physical Status of Regular or Substitute
Services Draftees )
 Apply to take substitute service
for a Religious Factor (one year and four months for Physical Status of Regular Service, one
year and two months for Physical Status of Substitute Services Draftees )
 Physical Status of Regular Services draftee-to-be who applies to taking substitute service due to
a special skill (one year and four months )
R&D substitute service:Service Period is longer than Regular Service by obligatory draft
(within 3 years). Mapping between regular service period and R&D substitute service period:
Regular service period
R&D substitute service period
one year and two months
three year and three months
one year
three years
General substitute services
 General Substitute services is open to returning
overseas Chinese who have not served regular service
 Summaries of 2005~2007 returning overseas Chinese
draftees applying to take General Substitute services
 General Substitute service types
 Recruitment and General Substitute services training
 Selection and assignment for General Substitute
services types
General Substitute services is open to returning overseas
Chinese who have not served regular service
 Since 2005, we have accepted student who study abroad
and still yet returned to serve compulsory military with a
conversion to General Substitute services, to promote a
national English language learning environment. and to
accelerate internationalization. Mainly we hope to achieve
the following goals:
 Help the government to promote a national English
language learning environment with their language
abilities and support English teaching jobs in
elementary schools.
 Promote the global competitiveness and citizens
foreign language abilities.
 Provide multi-channels to solve the compulsory military
issues for returning overseas draftees.
Summaries of 2005~2007 returning overseas Chinese
draftees applying to take General Substitute services 1/2
 In 2005, 2006 and 2007 we created quotas for draftees with
foreign diploma to apply for taking General substitute services
due to a special skill . And we promoted and declared this via
Bureau of Consular Affairs, ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic
of China (Taiwan), The Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission
(OCAC) , Overseas Office Republic Of China, and local Chinese
newspaper and magazines in foreign countries; our compile
statistics show that there were 370, 359, and 363 completed
registration of enlistment in 2005, 2006, and 2007 respectively.
Among them, there were 314, 322 and 318 sent their application
material to Conscription Agency within the time limit specified by
the Ministry of the Interior. After review, they were all accepted,
and is now in the procedure of drafting and draw to determine
their qualification for substitute service and enroll schedule.
Summaries of 2005~2007 returning overseas Chinese
draftees applying to take General substitute service 2/2
 Out of the spirits of our service to overseas students and
naturalized aliens, with no partiality of military
conscription , Conscription Agency , Ministry of The
Interior will continue to process the application from
overseas draftees to take substitute services through special
skills (It will be bulletined each year on March 1, and we
will start accepting application from the first working day
in April for 10 consecutive working days) to attract more
returning overseas to serve this country.
General substitute service types
 Police services
 Fire fighting services
 Social services
 Environmental protection services
 Medication services
 Educational services
 Agricultural Substitute Services
 Other service types appointed by
Executive Yuan
Recruitment and General substitute services
 General substitute service training can be categorized as Foundation
Military Training and Specialized Training, the former is taken charge by
Ministry of Interior to hold a Foundation Military Training in the training
center of Cheng Kung Mountain for 4 weeks, and these programs include:
adjusted educational program(orientation, interpersonal skill with the
opposite sex, the way of life), professional program(introduction of
Regulations for Substitute Services Draftees in Training and Duty Services,
Psychological Counseling and Law and order education), general
program(guard duty , deportment training), urgent first-aid program,
Sports and Fitness program and Chinese Manipulation & Qi Gong
Therapy. The latter will be taken over by each User Organization upon
completion of Foundation Military Training in accordance with the
specialties and skills required by each duty service to design a 2~ 12 weeks
training course.
Selection and assignment for general
substitute service types
 To make sure that each enlisted man taking General
Substitute services must be assigned to a post which best
suits his talents and specialties, a selection shall be held
during each Stage for all enlisted men while staying in
their basic military training centers in an open, fair and
impartial manner according to their specialty and
educational background before their military service. It is
hoped that their willingness, abilities, academic histories,
and specialties, as well as the demands of relevant
requisition agencies shall all be satisfied.
R&D Substitute Services
History and Background
Overview of Conscription
System Planning
Operation Procedure of
Application and screening
Important things for interview
History and Background
 To accommodate the national comprehensive economic
development policy, make efficient use of R&D resources
of male draftees, and to promote industrial R&D strength
and competitiveness , pursuant to the military reform of
Executive Yuan: to operate in coordination with
conscription system adjustment, we enact and implement
R&D substitute service system.
 We drafted “Amendment of Enforcement Statute for
Substitute Services “ and endowed the bylaws for
implementing R&D substitute service. R&D substitute
services system will be implemented from 2008.
Overview of Conscription System Planning -1/7
 Implementation range and Target draftees of recruitment
 Implementation range
The types of institution and company that may apply for R&D
service quotas are as follows: government agencies, research
institutes, universities and colleges, research foundations and
private-sector companies engaged in R&D activity whose
operations have been confirmed as either conforming to the needs
of the government's technology policy or industrial policy, or
falling within the scope of the one of the key manpower cultivation
areas designated by the government.
 Target draftees of recruitment
The males in the conscription age for the Substitute Services
with domestic diploma or Ministry of Education qualified Foreign
diploma of MS degree or higher, who is obligated to complete his
military service not limited to reservist officer ( junior officer )
qualification, and their educations are not limited to natural
science, engineering , medical or agricultural degrees.
Overview of Conscription System Planning -2/7
 male draftees ID
R&D substitute services male draftees hold Identification
Certificate of Substitute Services Draftees during their
service period starting on the enrollment and being
assigned to relevant requisition agencies on-duty
(Conscription Law, Act 25: non-active service ID) and
should be governed by relevant bylaws and Enforcement
Regulations for Call-to-Service after Completion of
Substitute Services by Draftees
Overview of Conscription System Planning -3/7
Service Period and Stages
Remark on
Service Period
Time period for taking Foundation
Military Training and Specialized
Training (4 weeks)。
Stage II
After completing the Foundation
Military Training and Specialized
Training, starting on assignment to
relevant requisition agencies to end
of service for the full Service Period.
The next day from end of service for the
full Service Period to the end of designated
Service Period
Stage III
Bulletin regarding Service Period
of R&D substitute services
Same as Service Period of Regular
Service by obligatory draft
Stage I
Overview of Conscription System Planning -4/7
Rights and Interests of Military Personnel
Stage I: R&D service personnel will be paid at the same
rate as a Private (Second Class); this amount (~NT
5,890 )is the same rate of pay received by individuals
performing other types of substitue services. The money
will be paid out of a fund established for the purpose by
the Ministry of the Interior.
Stage II:The pay to male citizens for Substitute Services
shall be equivalent to those for NCO, soldiers in the
compulsory conscription. (NT 10,660 and 15,570 for NCO
and soldiers respectively). Plus NT 3,600 for meal and
sub-meal allowances NT 3,000 for accommodation and
NT 1,260 for transportation. The money will be paid out of
a fund established for the purpose by the Ministry of the
Interior. (~NT 18,520 for M.S., and ~NT 23,430 for Ph.D.)
During this period, the
Enforcement Statute
for Substitute Services
will apply.
During this period,
except where
stipulated otherwise,
the provisions of the
Enforcement Statute
for Substitute Services
will apply.
Overview of Conscription System Planning-5/7
Rights and Interests of Military Personnel
Stage III:the relationship between the individual and
the institution or company is that of employer and
employee. Matters relating to working conditions and
benefits (such as salary, pension contributions etc.) and
insurance will be handled in accordance with the
provisions of the Labor Standards Law, Labor Pension
Statute and Labor Insurance Statute. During this period,
all expenses relating to the employment of the individual
will be borne by the institution or company concerned.
Will be handled in
accordance with the
provisions of the Labor
Standards Law
This service period will
be calculated as years
of service at the
institution or company
Overview of Conscription System Planning -6/7
 Service Period Deduction for Substitute Services
During his service, if a R&D substitute service male
draftee fails to serve the full obligated service period ,
and converts to general substitute services categories,
only his service duration (number of days) fulfilled in
the first stage of basic military training can be fully
deducted, all other service duration fulfilled will be
divided by 4 for service duration deduction. However,
if the service period at relevant requisition agencies is
less than one year, the service duration can not be
Overview of Conscription System Planning -7/7
 Regulations for Exit of Draftees (go abroad , training or
field practice )
 R&D substitute services male draftee in service must not enter
into the Mainland China area, unless the draftee has applied for
the exit on the ground of investigate, visit, view and emulate,
meeting , exhibition, collecting materials, academic exchange, and
other special reasons as assigned or recommended by relevant
requisition agencies.
 R&D substitute services male draftee in service is entitled to take
foreign studies, training or field practice as assigned or
recommended by relevant requisition agencies; those who are
sent for foreign studies, training or field practice should file
application for exit pursuant to Regulations for Exit of Draftees.
During the study and training, the total number of days of exit
should not exceed ½ of the total obligated Service Period.
Operation Procedure of Application and Screening-1/2
 From March 1 to March 17 in 2008 , for those who qualified
applying through special skill should visit R&D substitute
services information management system(http:// advance, login and enter personal
information as well as enter a chosen servicing category and
serving institute; upon completion of the online application,
print out and sign the original copy of application form with
watermark , bring all required documents and certificates,
mail it to ”Ministry of Interior R&D substitute services
program office” before deadline; your filing date is the same as
shown on postmark.
※ required documents and certificates :Proof of highest degree
( Diploma )or a copy of proof of studying(Student ID);
must be notarized by overseas office ROC , and enclose a copy
in printed Chinese.
Operation Procedure of Application and Screening-2/2
Interview and screening
 Male draftees who receive interview notice can proceed
interview with relevant requisition agencies , and login
the Information and eService Web Site before the
announced deadline, opt and submit one preferred
relevant requisition agency; the submitted data can not
be changed.
 Relevant requisition agencies login the Information and
eService Web Site check and select the male draftees
they wish to hire and prepare a list of these male
draftees submit to Conscription Agency ,Ministry of
The Interior for their approval.
Important things for interview -1/2
Screening restriction
A R&D substitute services male draftee who is a
relative within Degree 3 by blood or by marriage
with executive members, board members, president,
or equivalent management members at the relevant
requisition agencies and people in power of the
screening must not select the relevant requisition
agencies; the above also apply to the draftee who
was/is an executive member, board member, president,
or participative shareholder at the relevant requisition
agencies anytime in the last three years.
Important things for interview -2/2
Preparing for the interview
Male draftees applying for R&D substitute service should
have his mind set the same as he would prepare for his
professional career and have thorough understanding and
obtain relevant information including: Salary, Rights and
Interests of Military Personnel , refer to “ Process Inquiry
for relevant requisition agencies “ posted on Information
and eService Web Site (such as, job type, professional
specialty, benefit, working environment and location,
Enforcement Regulations for Call-to-Service after
Completion of Substitute Services by Draftees and Service
Agreement), use the information for your interview and
selection of relevant requisition agencies .
Contact Windows
general substitute services:(049)232005462
R&D substitute services:(049)232005425-428
R&D substitute services information management
system: (02) 87321357
general substitute
R&D substitute
Web Site
Conscription Agency, Ministry of The Interior:
R&D substitute service information management
system :
 Ever since the implement of substitute service system in 2000, the results
has been concrete; among these cases, applications for regular substitute
service due to family factor can solve the service and family care issues
for male draftees; applications for regular substitute service due to
religious reason can promote human rights of male draftees and improve
national image; those who qualified applying through special skill for
substitute service can enhance effectiveness of government service. Also,
alternative service for individuals who have returned from studying
overseas can solve their conscription service issues upon retuning home.
R&D substitute service will be implemented from 2008. It not only resolves
industrial human resource problem but also provide an alternative service
channel for returning overseas students to achieve the equality and
justifiability of the system, make efficient use of R&D resources of male
draftees to accommodate the national comprehensive economic development
Thank you