Chapter 3 Despair Inc. POLYMERIZATION KINETICS REVIEW Characterization of polymers: Length and time scales are important [Reproduced from G. M. Kavanagh and S. B. Ross-Murphy, “Rheological characterisation of polymer gels”, Prog. Polym. Sci. 23, 533 (1998).] Polymer solubility • In solvent, other polymer(s) or plasticizer • Non-Newtonian properties: Viscosity, rheology • Need to understand the configuration, conformation, and dynamics of macromolecules – Statistical mechanics • Series of mathematical models • Tied to experiment (viscosity, light scattering) Thermodynamics of Mixing: (Free energy) DG = DH -TDS For solution DG < 0 -TDS Entropy > 0, so –TDS < 0 DH can be negative or positive Polymers are more sensitive to DH Spinoidal decomposition of a solution into two phases • Quenching (rapid cooling) of solution • Polymer rich & polymer poor phases Careful removal of polymer poor phase “microporous” Foams. Any solution process is governed by the free energy relationship DG = DH-TDS DG<0 polymer dissolves spontaneously DS>0 arising from increased conformational mobility of the polymer chain For a binary system, D mix DE1 DE 2 Vmix [( ) ( ) ] 1 2 V1 V2 1 2 DHmix: heat of mixing M .W . ( ) V1,V2: molar volumes d 1, 2: volume fractions DE1,DE2 : energies of vaporization DE1/V1, DE2/V2: cohesive energy densities 1 2 2 Enthalpy of Mixing DHmix can be a positive or negative quantity – If A-A and B-B interactions are stronger than A-B interactions, then DHmix > 0 (unmixed state is lower in energy) – If A-B interactions are stronger than pure component interactions, then DHmix < 0 (solution state is lower in energy) • An ideal solution is defined as one in which the interactions between all components are equivalent. As a result, DHmix = HAB - (wAHA + wBHB) = 0 for an ideal mixture • In general, most polymer-solvent interactions produce DHmix > 0, the exceptional cases being those in which significant hydrogen bonding between components is possible. – Predicting solubility in polymer systems often amounts to considering the magnitude of DHmix > 0. – If the enthalpy of mixing is greater than TDSmix, then we know that the lower Gibbs energy condition is the unmixed state. DE1 2 1 ( ) V1 1 DE 2 2 2 ( ) V2 1 1, 2: solubility parameters DHmix = Vmix(1-2)212 ∴ (1-2) 0; DHmix small if (1-2) = 0 DHmix = 0 then, DG = -TDS DG < 0 Under this condition, solubility is governed solely by entropy effects i.e., For an ideal solvent s p Cohesive energy density (DE/V; 2) ● energy needed to remove a molecule from its nearest neighbors. ● analogous to heat of vaporization per volume for a volatile compound. For 1 (solvent) calculated directly from the latent heat of vaporization (DHvap) DH vap RT 2 DE 2 1 ( ) ( ) V V 1 1 For 2 (polymer) estimated from group molar attraction constants G (due to their negligible vapor pressure) G ● Consider intermolecular forces between molecular groups ● Derived from low M.W. compounds ● by Small heat of vaporization ● by Hoy vapor pressure measurements Table 2.1. Representative group molar attraction constantsa G[(cal/cm3)1/2mol-1] Group Small Hoy 214 147.3 CH2 133 131.5 CH 28 85.99 -93 32.03 126.5 CH3 C CH2 CH 190 19 C6H5 (phenyl) 735 CH CO2 117.1 (aromatic) C O (ketone) (ester) 84.51 275 262.7 310 326.6 a Values taken from Refs. 5 and 6. Which set one uses is normally determined by the method used for determining 1 for the solvent. G d G V M (V: molar volume, d: density, M: MW of repeat unit) CH 2 CH Small’s system C6H5 Hoy’s system 1.05(133 28 735) 9.0 104 1.05[131.5 85.99 6(117.1)] 9.3 104 For taking into account the strong intermolecular dipolar forces, solubility parameters d (dispersion forces) p (dipole-dipole attraction) H (hydrogen bonding) Hydrodynamic volume polymer size in solution ●Interaction between solvent and polymer molecules ●Chain branching ●Conformational effects (arising from the polarity and steric bulkiness of the substituent groups) Restricted rotation caused by resonance O C NH O C NH DHmix and the Solubility Parameter • The most popular predictor of polymer solubility is the solubility parameter, i. Originally developed to guide solvent selection in the paint and coatings industry, it is widely used in spite of its limitations. • For regular solutions in which intermolecular attractions are minimal, DHmix can be estimated through: DH1,2 DU1,2 1 2 (1 2 )2 cal / cm3 • where DU1,2 = internal energy change of mixing per unit volume, • i = volume fraction of component i in the proposed mixture, • i = solubility parameter of component i: (cal/cm3)1/2 • Note that this formula always predicts DHmix > 0, which holds only for regular solutions. Determining the Solubility Parameter The conditions of greatest polymer solubility exist when the solubility parameters of polymer and solvent match. If the polymer is crosslinked, it cannot dissolve but only swell as solvent penetrates the material. The solubility parameter of a polymer is therefore determined by exposing it to different solvents, and observing the at which swelling is maximized. Solubility (Hildebrant) Parameters of Select Materials Material Acetone Benzene Tetrahydrofuran Carbon tetrachloride n-Decane Dibutyl amine Mineral spirits Methanol Toluene Water Xylene 3 1/2 (cal/cm ) 9.9 9.2 9.5 8.6 6.6 8.1 6.9 14.5 8.9 23.4 8.8 Material Poly(butadiene) Poly(ethylene) Poly(methylmethacrylate) Poly(tetrafluoroethylene) Poly(isobutylene) Poly(styrene) Cellulose triacetate Nylon 6,6 Poly(vinyl chloride) Poly(acrylonitrile) If D < 1, polymer will dissolve 3 1/2 (cal/cm ) 8.4 7.9 9.45 6.2 7.85 9.10 13.6 13.6 10.5 12.4 Solubility Parameters of Select Materials Partial Miscibility of Polymers in Solvents •Idealized representation of three generalized possibilities for the dependence of the Gibbs free energy of mixing, DGm, of a binary mixture on composition (volume fraction of polymer, 2) at constant P and T. •I. Total immiscibility; •II. Partial miscibility; •III. Total miscibility. •Curve II represents the intermediate case of partial miscibility whereby the mixture will separate into two phases whose compositions () are marked by the volumefraction coordinates, 2A and 2B, corresponding to points of common tangent to the free-energy curve. Factors Influencing Polymer-Solvent Miscibility Based on the Flory-Huggins treatment of polymer solubility, we can explain the influence of the following variables on miscibility: 1. Temperature: The sign of DGmix is determined by the FloryHuggins interaction parameter, c. As temperature rises, c decreases thereby improving solubility. Upper solution critical temperature (UCST) behaviour is explained by Flory-Huggins theory, but LCST is not. 2. Molecular Weight: Increasing molecular weight reduces the configurational entropy of mixing, thereby reducing solubility. 3. Crystallinity: A semi-crystalline polymer has a more positive DHmix = HAB - xAHA - xBHB due to the heat of fusion that is lost upon mixing. Theta Temperature Partial Miscibility of Polymers in Solvents • Phase diagrams for the polystyrene-acetone system showing both UCSTs and LCSTs. • Molecular weights of the polystyrene fractions are indicated. Polymer-Solvent Miscibility Phase diagrams for four samples of polystyrene mixed with cyclohexane plotted against the volume fraction of polystyrene. The molecular weight of each fraction is given. The dashed lines show the predictions of the Flory-Huggins theory for two of the fractions. 2 Practical Use of Polymer TDs Fractionation 1 phase clear solution • • • • • • Consider solution in poor solvent of two polymers, p1 and p2. Flory-Huggins tells us that if p2 has higher molecular weight it should precipitate more readily than p1 add non-solvent until solution becomes turbid heat, cool slowly and separate precipitate finite drop in temperature always renders finite range of molecular weight insoluble some p2 will also remain soluble! 1 1 2c N 1 T 2 phase cloudy p1 p2 2 volume fraction polymer Fractionation of Polymers using Precipitation Industrial Relevance of Polymer Solubility Polymer Diblock copolymers Solvent Motor Oil Effect Colloidal suspensions dissolve at high T, raising viscosity Application Multiviscosity motor oil (10W40) Poly(ethylene oxide) Water Reduces turbulent flow Heat exchange systems, lowers pumping costs Polyurethanes, cellulose esters Esters, alcohols, Solvent vehicle various evaporates, leaving film for glues Varnishes, shellac and adhesives Poly(vinyl chloride) Dibutyl phthalate Plasticizes polymer Lower polymer Tg, making ТvinylУ Polystyrene Poly(phenylene oxide) Mutual solution, toughens polystyrene Impact resistant objects, appliances Polystyrene Triglyceride oils Phase separates upon oil polymerization Oil-based paints, tough, hard coatings Polymer Solubility • When two hydrocarbons such as dodecane and 2,4,6,8,10pentamethyldodecane are combined, we (not surprisingly) generate a homogeneous solution: • It is therefore interesting that polymeric analogues of these compounds, poly(ethylene) and poly(propylene) do not mix, but when combined produce a dispersion of one material in the other. n n Polymer solutions: Definitions • Configuration: arrangement of atoms through bonds – Inter-change requires bond breaking and making (>200 kJ/mol) – Different compositions of polymers – Different isomers or stereochemistries • Conformation: within the constraints of a configuration, the possible arrangement(s) of atoms in space – Interchange requires bond rotations, but no bonds are broken or made (can have non-bonding , ie. hydrogen bonding) What are the dimensions of a polymer? • In a solution, in the solid state, in its melt, in vacuum? Polyethylene coil Fully stretched Polyethylene Factors Affecting Macromolecule Dimensions Polymer Conformations Flexible coil Rigid rod And everything in between How to describe conformations with models: The freely jointed chain • Simplest measure of a chain is the length along the backbone – For n monomers each of length l, the contour length is nl l 1 2 3 . .. n First, Most Primative Model: Freely Jointed Chain Any bond angles & orientations are possible A useful measure of the size of macromolecules: end-to-end distance r • For an isolated polymer in a solvent the end-toend distance will change continuously due to molecular motion – But many conformation give rise to the same value of r, and some values of r are more likely than others e.g., • Only one conformation with r = nl - a fully extended chain • Many conformation have r = 0, (cyclic polymers) – Define the root mean square end-to-end distance – Permits statistical treatments r2 1 2 But we still don’t know the shape; need something more Free rotation model: Infinite number of conformations Random Walk Model for linear polymers Example of a “low resolution” polymer coil RW. Contour length = lct, unit vectors to describe the length = e(l), a = vectors that connect the junction points on the chain, r = end-to-end distance of the chain A freely jointed chain in 2D from a random walk of 50 steps. # of steps based on number atoms in chain Complications: excluded volume & steric limitations What does this all mean?? An ideal polymer chain with 106 repeat units (not unusual), each unit about 6Å will have: • a rms end-to-end distance R of 600 nm • a contour length of 600 μm A better measure of Polymer dimensions: Radius of Gyration of a Polymer Coil The radius of gyration Rg is defined as the RMS distance of the collection of atoms from their common centre of gravity. R For a solid sphere of radius R; 2 Rg R 0.632R 5 For a polymer coil with rms end-to-end distance R ; Rg 1 2 Rg R 6 1/ 2 a 1/ 2 N 6 Can be related directly to statistical distributions from polymer characterizations Restrict the bond angles to what we see in the polymer: Valence Angle Model Valence angle model • Simplest modification to the freely jointed chain model – – – • Introduce bond angle restrictions Allow free rotation about bonds Neglecting steric effects (for now) If all bond angles are equal to q, r 2 fa nl 2 (1 - cosq ) (1 cosq ) indicates that the result is for the valence angle model • E.g. for polyethylene q = 109.5° and cos q ~ -1/3, hence, r 2 fa 2nl 2 Finite Number of Conformations due to torsional & steric interactions: Restricted Rotation Angle The energy barrier between gauche and trans is about 2.5 kJ/mol RT~8.31*300 J/mol~2.5 kJ/mol Equivalent Freely Jointed Chain Model C∞ C∞ is a function of the stiffness of the chain. Higher is stiffer Steric parameter and the characteristic ratio • In general r 2 0 s 2 nl 2 (1 - cosq ) (1 cosq ) – where s is the steric parameter, which is usually determined for each polymer experimentally – A measure of the stiffness of a chain is given by the characteristic ratio C r 2 0 / nl 2 – C typically ranges from 5 - 12 Polymer Conformations Flexible coil <r2>1/2 ~ N1/2 Rigid rod <r2>1/2 ~ N The shape of the polymers can therefore only be usefully described statistically. Calculate size of macromolecules! Excluded volume • Freely jointed chain, valence angle and rotational isomeric states models all ignore – long range intramolecular interactions (e.g. ionic polymers) – polymer-solvent interactions • Such interactions will affect – Define where r2 ar a r2 r 2 r2 0 is the expansion parameter Space filling? The random walk and the steric limitations makes the polymer coils in a polymer melt or in a polymer glass “expanded”. However, the overlap between molecules ensure space filling Expansion Factors: Measure of solvent -Polymer Interactions 2 r : mean-square average distance between chain ends for a linear polymer s : square average radius of gyration about the center of gravity for a branched polymer 2 Better solvent stronger interaction between solvent and polymer larger hydrodynamic volume 2 r ro a 2 2 2 s so a 2 2 r0, s0: unperturbed dimension (i.e. the size of the macromolecule exclusive of solvent effects) a : an expansion factor 2 2 r 6s (for a linear polymer) a 2 1 2 2 1 2 (r ) (ro ) greater a better solvent a = 1 ideal statistical coil Solubility vary with temperature in a given solvent a is temperature dependent Theta (θ) temperature (Flory temperature) ● For a given polymer in a given solvent, the lowest temperature at which a = 1 ● q state / q solvent Polymer in a q state • having a minimal solvation effect • on the brink of becoming insoluble • further diminution of solvation effect polymer precipitation The expansion parameter ar Solvent Effects on the Macromolecules • ar depends on balance between i) polymer-solvent and ii) polymer-polymer interactions – If polymer-polymer are more favourable than polymer-solvent • ar < 1 • Chains contract • Solvent is poor – If polymer-polymer are less favourable than polymer-solvent • ar > 1 • Chains expand • Solvent is good – If these interactions are equivalent, we have theta condition • ar = 1 • Same as in amorphous melt The theta temperature • For most polymer solutions ar depends on temperature, and increases with increasing temperature • At temperatures above some theta temperature, the solvent is good, whereas below the solvent is poor, i.e., T>q ar > 1 T=q ar = 1 T<q ar < 1 Often polymers will precipitate out of solution, rather than contracting What determines whether or not a polymer is soluble? Solubility of Polymers Encyclopedia of Polymer Science, Vol 15, pg 401 says it best... A polymer is often soluble in a low molecular weight liquid if: •the two components are similar chemically or are so constituted that specific attractive interactions such as hydrogen bonding take place between them; •the molecular weight of the polymer is low; •the bulk polymer is not crystalline; •the temperature is elevated (except in systems with LCST). The method of solubility parameters can be useful for identifying potential solvents for a polymer. Some polymers that are not soluble in pure liquids can be dissolved in a multicomponent solvent mixture. Binary polymer-polymer mixtures are usually immiscible except when they possess a complementary dissimilarity that leads to negative heats of mixing. Another way of looking at Solubility: Thermodynamics of Mixing mA moles material A mB moles material B DGmix < 0 A-B solution + DGmix > 0 DGmix (Joules/gram) is defined by: DGmix = DHmix -T DSmix immiscible blend where DHmix = HAB - (xAHA + xBHB) DSmix = SAB - (xASA + xBSB) and xA, xB are the mole fractions of each material. Polymer-solvent: volume fraction of polymers Thermodynamics of Mixing: Small Molecules Ethanol(1) / n-heptane(2) at 50ºC Ethanol(1) / chloroform(2) at 50ºC Ethanol(1) / water(2) at 50ºC Solvent-Solvent Solutions vs Polymer-Solvent Solutions Solvents can easily replace one another. Polymers are thousands of solvent sized monomers connected together. Monomers can not be placed randomly! • Entropy of mixing is generally positive • Enthalpy is also often positive: smaller the better Ideal = 0 Flory-Huggins Theory • • Flory-Huggins theory, originally derived for small molecule systems, was expanded to model polymer systems by assuming the polymer consisted of a series of connected segments, each of which occupied one lattice site. Assuming segments are randomly distributed and that all lattice sites are occupied, the free energy of mixing per mole of lattice sites is DGmix=RT[(A/NA)lnA+(B/NB)lnB+cFHAB] i is the volume fraction of polymer i Ni is the number of segments in polymer i cHF is the Flory-Huggins interaction parameter (3) Gibbs Energy of Mixing: Flory-Huggins Theory Combining expressions for the enthalpy and entropy of mixing generates the free energy of mixing: DG mix DH mix T DSmix RT c2 n1 x1 RT (n1 ln 1 n2 ln 2 ) RT (n1 ln 1 n2 ln 2 c2 n1 x1 ) The two contributions to the Gibbs energy are configurational entropy as well as an interaction entropy and enthalpy (characterized by c ; “chi” pronounced “Kigh”). Note that for complete miscibility over all concentrations, c for the solute-solvent pair at the T of interest must be less than 0.5. • If c > 0.5, then DGmix > 0 and phase separation occurs • If c < 0.5, then DGmix < 0 over the whole composition range. • The temperature at which c = 0.5 is the theta temperature. For a mixture of polymer and solvent or two polymers Mixing is always entropically good. Gibbs Energy of Mixing: Flory-Huggins Theory Combining expressions for the enthalpy and entropy of mixing generates the free energy of mixing: DG mix DH mix T DSmix RT c2 n1 x1 RT (n1 ln 1 n2 ln 2 ) RT (n1 ln 1 n2 ln 2 c2 n1 x1 ) The two contributions to the Gibbs energy are configurational entropy as well as an interaction entropy and enthalpy (characterized by c ; “chi” pronounced “Kigh”). Note that for complete miscibility over all concentrations, c for the solute-solvent pair at the T of interest must be less than 0.5. • If c > 0.5, then DGmix > 0 and phase separation occurs • If c < 0.5, then DGmix < 0 over the whole composition range. • The temperature at which c = 0.5 is the theta temperature. Case 2: Exothermic mixing (negative H) c < 0.5 (2EAB < EAA + EBB) No Phase separation: Completely Miscible Case 3: Endothermic mixing (positive H) c > 0.5 (2EAB > EAA + EBB) Partial Miscibility: two phases of mixed compositions Start with homogeneous mixture composition c at free energy of F. Splits into two phases. Blends are not easy to make: • Blends are not easy to discover-often copolymers are needed to make blend with another homopolymer • Phase separation gets out of hand in immiscible systems without compatibilizers. • Some blends must be made with solvent. Polymer Mixture Immiscible Some miscible blends Polymer blend poly(ethylene terephthalate) with poly(butylene terephthalate) Some miscible blends PMMA & poly(vinylidene fluoride) Some miscible blends Mini Cooper / Cooper S, radiator grille & PETE with Immiscible Blends Immiscible Blends 1:2 (PTV:PCBM) 1:3 (PTV:PCBM) 1:4 (PTV:PCBM) 1:6 (PTV:PCBM) 1:10 (PTV:PCBM) C12H25 S n 1. Linear polymer: copolymers Morphology of diblock Copolymers: Random: AABABBAAABABABB Alternating: ABABABABABABABA Block: AAAAAAAABBBBBBB PMMA-PS-PB ternary blend Dilute Solution Viscosity • The “strength” of a solvent for a given polymer not only effects solubility, but the conformation of chains in solution. – A polymer dissolved in a “poor” solvent tends to aggregate while a “good” solvent interacts with the polymer chain to create an expanded conformation. – Increasing temperature has a similar effect to solvent strength. • • • The viscosity of a polymer solution is therefore dependent on solvent strength. • • • • Consider Einstein’s equation: hhs(1+2.5) where h is the viscosity hs is the solvent viscosity and is the volume fraction of dispersed spheres. Molecular Weight and Polymer Solutions Number Average and Weight Average Molecular Weight Mn number average molecular weight Mw weight average molecular weight Determine M. W. of small molecules Mass spectrometry Cryoscopy (freezing-point depression) Ebulliometry (boiling-point elevation) Titration Determine M. W. of polymers Osmometry Mn Light scattering Mw Ultracentrifugation Mw End-group analysis Mn Measurement of Number Average Molecular Weight End-group analysis Titration polyester (-COOH, -OH), polyamide (-C(O)NH-), polyurethanes( isocyanate), epoxy polymer (epoxide), acetyl-terminated polyamide (acetyl) Elemental analysis Radioactive labeling UV / NMR / (IR) Upper limit M. W. 50,000 (due to the low concentraction of end groups) preferred range: 5,000-10,000 Not applicable to branched polymers Analysis is meaningful only when the mechanisms of initiation and termination are well understood Membrane Osmometry ● based on colligative properties ● most useful method for Mn (range: 50,000 to 2,000,000) ● major error source arising from the loss of low MW species ● obtained Mn values are generally higher than other colligative measurement method Static equilibrium method measure the hydrostatic head (Dh) after equilibrium Dynamic equilibrium method measure the counter pressure needed to maintain equal liquid levels h Osmotic pressure () related to M n by the van’t Hoff equation extrapolated to zero concentration (C; g/L) to obtain the intercept RT PV nRT ( ) C 0 A2 C W C Mn V t RT Mn V RT Wt M n 1 RT C Mn C RT Mn RT C Mn RT C A2C 2 A3C 3 ... Mn A2 = v2V-1(0.5 – c) RT ( ) C 0 A2C C Mn Cryoscopy and Ebulliometry Thermodynamic relationships DT f C RT 2 A2C C 0 DH f M n RT 2 DTb A2 C C C 0 DH v M n for freezing-point depression for boiling-point elevation T: DHf : DHv: A2 : : freezing point or boiling point (solvent) latent heat of fusion (per gram) latent heat of vaporization (per gram) second virial coefficient solvent density • Limited by the sensitivity of measuring DTf, DTb • As MW higher; DTf, DTb smaller • Upper limit - Mn = 40,000 • Preferred - Mn < 20,000 Vapor Pressure Osmometry ● For Mn < 25,000 ● No membrane needed • Thermodynamic principle similar to membrane osmometry Measurement method → Add a drop of solvent and solution, on a pair of matched themistors, in an insulated chamber saturated with solvent vapor then, → Condensation heats the solution thermistor (until the vapor pressure of the solution equal to that of the pure solvent) Temperature change is measured (by resistance change of the thermistor) and related to solution molality RT 2 m DT 100 : heat of vaporization per gram (solvent) m : molarity Wt / M n n m= = g g Mass Spectrometry MALDI-MS (MALDI-TOF) MALDI-MS (matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry) (TOF - time-of-flight) ● Imbeds polymer in a matrix of low MW organic compound ● Irradiates the matrix with UV laser ● Matrix transfer the absorbed energy to polymer and vaporize the polymer ● Integrated peak areas the number of ions ● Mn, Mw can be calculated Soft ionization method field desorption (FD-MS) laser desorption (LD-MS) electrospray ionization (ESI-MS) Refractive Index Measurement Most suitable for low MW polymers n 1 Mn Measurement of Weight Average Molecular Weight (Mw) Light Scattering • Most widely used method for measuring absolute Light loses energy by absorption, conversion to heat, and scattering • Light scattering is caused by inhomogeneous distribution of molecules due to the irregular change in density and refractive index (because of the fluctuation in composition) • Scattering intensity depends on concentration, size and polarizability of the molecules • Refractive index also depends on concentration and amplitude of vibration LS adds optical effects Size q = 0 in phase Is maximum 2 q > 0 out of phase, Is goes down Is 1 q R 3 2 g I e-l I0 Scattering causes turbidity () Kc M w = Rq I0: intensity of incident light I : intensity of scattered light l : length of sample solution : turbidity ciMi i KciMi Kc c W i /V M i ciMi Kc Kc ci W i /V W i M i Kc Kc M w W i 32 3 n 0 2 (dn /dc) 2 K 3 4 N 0 n0 : solvent refractive index : wavelength of light N0: Avogadro’s number n: refractive index of solution dn/dc (specific refractive increment) • is a constant for a given polymer, solvent, and temperature • measured from the slope of n vs. c Debye equation Kc 1 2A2c Rq Mw (A2: the second virial coefficient) As molecular size approaches the wavelength of the light • Interference between scattered light coming from different parts occurs • Correction is needed Turbidity ( or DRq) associated with large particles • measured at different concentrations (c) and angles (q) Kc 1 2A2c DRq M w P(q ) P(q): Particle scattering factor P(q) is a function of q; depending on the shape of molecule in solution For a monodisperse of randomly coiling polymers P(q ) ( 2 v )[ e (1 v)] 2 v v (16 )( 2 s 2 2 q ) sin ( ) 2 s 2 s 2: mean-square radius of gyration of the molecue s: the wavelength in solution s n Zimm Plot Kc Plot vs. Rq [sin2(q/2)+kc] k is an arbitrary constant Extrapolated to both zero concentration and zero angle intercept = 1 Mw Kc Rq (P(q) = 1 at c = 0 and q = 0) Light scattering photometer • Suitable range of Mw: 10,000-10,000,000 • Dust-free solution is required • Light source Old: high-pressure Hg lamps plus filter New: laser 60 0,64 50 Rg = 0,0074.(Mw) Linear PS Rg (nm) 40 poly(macromonomer) Linear PS 30 20 0,54 Rg=0,0126.(Mw) 10 2 R = 0,99 0 0 200000 400000 600000 Mw ddl (g/mol) 800000 1000000 1200000 Ultracentrifugation • Most expensive • Extensively used with proteins • Determining M z • Sedimentation rate is proportional to molecular mass • Distributed according to size along the perpendicular direction • Concentration gradients within the polymer solution are observed by refractive index measurements and interferometry Viscometry • Simplest and most widely used • Not an absolute number • Can be calibrated with the absolute MW (by light scattering) of fractionated polymer samples • Typical conditions: 0.5 g/100 mL; 30.0±0.01℃ Viscometers: (a) Ubbelohde (b) Cannon-Fenske Ubbelohde type • more convenient • not necessary to have exact volumes of solution • additional solvent can be added (for dilution) • dust particles can greatly alter the flow time (via the capillary tube) Viscosity h t h0 t0 h rel Relative viscosity (viscosity ratio), hrel ● ratio of solution viscosity to solvent viscosity ● viscosity units (poises) or flow times cancel out (→ dimensionless) Specific viscosity (hsp) h h0 t t 0 h rel 1 ● fractional increase in viscosity h sp h t0 0 ● dimensionless Inherent viscosity (hinh; dL/g) ● determined only by a single solution at a specific concentration ● an approximate indication of MW hinh ln h rel C h sp Intrinsic viscosity ([h]; dL/g) [h ] hinh C 0 ● most useful C C 0 ● eliminating the concentration effect ● by dividing hsp with C and then extrapolating to zero C a Table 2.2. Dilute Solution Viscosity Designations Common Name Relative viscosity Specific viscosity Reduced viscosity Inherent viscosity Intrinsic viscosity a IUPAC Name Viscosity ratio - Viscosity number h rel h sp Limiting viscosity number h0 t0 h0 t t0 t0 h sp C hrel 1 hrel 1 C hinh h sp [h ] C t h h0 hred Logarithmic viscosity number h ln hrel C (hinh )C 0 C 0 Concentrations (most commonly expressed in grams per 100 mL of solvent) of about 0.5 g/dL M v viscosity average molecular weight 1 a [h ] K M v (Mark-Houwink-Sakurada) M N i M i v N M i i log[ h ] log K a log M a Mw (or log M n ) measure a and K • in general, M n < M < M (closer to M w ) v w • plot log [h] vs log • better results are obtained if the MW of fractionated samples are used (here, M n M M w ) v ● typically, a 0.5-0.8, K 10-3-0.5 ● for randomly coiled polymer in a q solvent N M a = 0.5; M v i N M i i 1.5 i 1 0.5 N M 1.5 2 i i N i M i • for a rodlike extended chain polymer a = 1.0; < Mw N i M i 2 Mw M v N M i i 1 a In polymers a values have solvent dependence [η] = KMa Linear polymers: a = 0.5-1.0 Rigid rod: a = 1.0-2.0 Branched polymers: a = 0.21-0.28 Rigid spherical particles: a = 0 Complication in applying Mark-Houwink-Sakurada relationship • chain branching • broad MWD sample • solvation of polymer • backbone sequences (alternating or block) • chain entanglement (when MW is extremely large) Viscosity measurements based on mechanical shearing • for concentrated polymer solutions or undiluted polymer system • more applicable to the flow properties of polymers Dynamic Viscosity Informally: resistance to flow Formally: Ratio of Shearing stress (F/A) to the velocity gradient (dvx/dz) Force: Pa = N m-2 = kg m s-2 Force/Area = Pa m-1 = kg m-1 s-2 Viscosity = Pa s = kg m s-1 Other units (Poise = dyne s cm-2) 1 Pa s = 10 Poise 1 centipoise = 1 millipascal second (mPa s) EXAMPLES • Water 1 mPa s • Honey 10,000 mPa s • Peanut Butter 200,000 mPa s Kinematic viscosity is the dynamic viscosity divided by the density (typical units cm2/s, Stokes, St). Flow Regimes of Typical Polymer Processing s Sedimentation Extrusion Chewing 10 3 Pipe flow Injection molding Spraying Rolling High-speed coating 10 10 1 Lubrication 10 3 105 103 101 101 103 105 (s-1 ) 10 7 Typical viscosity curve of a polyproprene (PP), melt flow rate (230 C/2.16 Kg) of 8 g/10 min at 230 C with indication of the shear rate regions of different conversion techniques. [Reproduced from M. Gahleitner, “Melt rheology of polyolefins”, Prog. Polym. Sci. 26, 895 (2001).]