PREPARE BUSINESS DOCUMENTS D1.HGE.CL7.09 D1.HGA.CL6.06 D2.TGA.CL6.09 Slide 1 Prepare business documents This Unit comprises four Elements: 1. Determine document requirements 2. Conduct research 3. Prepare document 4. Follow up document Slide 2 Assessment Assessment for this unit may include: Oral questions Written questions Work projects Workplace observation of practical skills Practical exercises Formal report from employer/supervisor Slide 3 Element 1 – Determine document requirements Performance Criteria for this Element are: Define clearly the requirements for documents including purpose, audience, format, style, content and scope in consultation with relevant others Obtain specialist assistance, where appropriate, within budget parameters Slide 4 Define clearly the requirements for documents When preparing documents there may be a need to: Compose/write them totally Produce what other have written Work with others to create a document Use initiative Work collaboratively Slide 5 Define clearly the requirements for documents Business documents which may need to be prepared can include: Reports Newsletters Submissions (Continued) Slide 6 Define clearly the requirements for documents Proposals Project reviews Web pages (Continued) Slide 7 Define clearly the requirements for documents Client data bases Tenders and RFT documentation Complex letters (as opposed to ‘standard form’ letters) (Continued) Slide 8 Define clearly the requirements for documents Memoranda (memos) Agendas Minutes (Continued) Slide 9 Define clearly the requirements for documents Project briefs Facsimiles (‘faxes’) Business and operational plans Slide 10 Define clearly the requirements for documents ‘The audience’ will affect the way the document is prepared/written – audiences may include: Customers, guests, clients Staff Suppliers Media Government bodies Businesses Slide 11 Define clearly the requirements for documents ‘Format’ may refer to: Form of the document: • Hard copy • Soft copy (electronic form) Structure/style of the document Slide 12 Define clearly the requirements for documents Structure/style is usually: Determined by the template used Dictated by person who writes the document Related to purpose, audience and standard organisational practice Governed by the ‘Style Guide’ for the business Slide 13 Define clearly the requirements for documents Style Guides can address: Layout – for various uses/documents Font style and font size – for use in different documents and at various locations throughout the document Slide 14 Define clearly the requirements for documents ‘Style’ of the document may be: Formal Informal Dictated by the Style Guide Slide 15 Define clearly the requirements for documents ‘Content’ of the document: Refers to what is contained within the document Is a general description of the document Will vary between documents even when general description is same or similar Slide 16 Define clearly the requirements for documents Requirements of documents may be clarified with: Manager, supervisor or business owner Legal advisers and Administration Originator of document Colleagues Customers Intended users Always look at previous workplace examples before preparing your first documents. Slide 17 Obtain specialist assistance Specialist assistance may be obtained from: Copy writers and journalists Researchers Designers Professionals Colleagues Officers and officials Slide 18 Obtain specialist assistance Copywriters and journalists may be able to: Advise on wording, phrasing and terminology Advise on content Edit material Identify openings for publication/distribution Slide 19 Obtain specialist assistance Researchers may be able to: Check and verify data Provide new information Analyse and evaluate data Conduct new research Slide 20 Obtain specialist assistance Designers can provide services relating to: Graphic design Instructional design Page/document layout Logos Campaigns Slide 21 Obtain specialist assistance Professionals – who can include: Solicitors Accountants Slide 22 Obtain specialist assistance Other workers – with specialist knowledge such as: Supervisors and managers Health and safety representatives Trainers and assessors Slide 23 Obtain specialist assistance Advice/assistance from external sources may need to be paid for: There are always limits on how much can be spent Limits may apply: • On a job-by-job basis • As a % of sales generated • For the department/venue for a given period Slide 24 Obtain specialist assistance It is important to: Stay within budget/limits Clarify what is and is not provided for Obtain quotations Compare quotations/options (Continued) Slide 25 Obtain specialist assistance Use preferred providers/suppliers Obtain receipts for money spent Get approval for over-spending Be prepared to request additional funds if the money allocated appears insufficient Slide 26 Summary – Element 1 When determining document requirements: Realise the documents may need to be composed/developed as part of the preparation process Understand document preparation means producing what someone else has written/composed Identify the range of documents required by the business, learn what they are used for, investigate their content and research their layout, style, form and structure (Continued) Slide 27 Summary – Element 1 Identify workplace templates used as the basis for standard organisational documents Read a range of documents which have already been written/prepared to get a feel for what is required Identify the audience for any document to be written/prepared (Continued) Slide 28 Summary – Element 1 Follow any workplace Style Guides which may exist Change style and level of formality to suit the intended audience Involve others as/if required in the development of documentation Stay within any imposed budget parameters if involving input from outside professionals Slide 29 Element 2 – Conduct research Performance Criteria for this Element are: Conduct research according to the requirements of the document, using informal and formal data collection methods as appropriate Analyse and assess data for relevance prior to incorporation into document, identifying key issues Slide 30 Conduct research Research may be needed to: Ensure documents are prepared effectively Assemble required material Acquire current information/data Obtain supporting material Make sure information is honest and accurate Verify response meets identified need/s Demonstrate professionalism Slide 31 Conduct research Research may be: Formal Informal Slide 32 Conduct research In relation to research for business documents: Much of the research done/needed is ‘informal’ Not every document requires formal research Short timelines often mean formal research cannot be undertaken It is important to use initiative and common sense ‘Required information’ is often the only focus for research Slide 33 Conduct research Research methods may include: Conducting interviews Using focus groups Attending conferences/seminars Undertaking library research (Continued) Slide 34 Conduct research Researching government publications Doing internet research Reading relevant hard copy materials Applying surveys and questionnaires Doing internal research Slide 35 Conduct research Keys to effective research: Use a range of sources Obtain ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ data Conduct desktop to determine secondary information available Identify ‘primary research data’ needed on basis of secondary information available (Continued) Slide 36 Conduct research Strive for objective evidence Check sources to ensure validity and currency Quote reference sources Look inside and outside the business Consider paying professional researchers Slide 37 Analyse and assess data Analysis and assessment of data may involve: Checking data Testing data Evaluating information Summarising facts and figures Synthesising data Totalling and manipulating figures and statistics Drawing conclusions Slide 38 Analyse and assess data For material (facts and statistics) to be relevant for use in a business document it must be: Accurate Current Verifiable Comprehensive Slide 39 Analyse and assess data After data has been assessed/analysed there is a need to ensure: Understanding of what the organisation wants to achieve by preparing this document Understanding of what recipient/end user wants All indicators of relevance have been addressed (Continued) Slide 40 Analyse and assess data Key points are highlighted Meaning is clear to reader/recipient Quality and quantity of information provided is appropriate to document and user Decisions/recommendations within the document are supported by proof Slide 41 Summary – Element 2 When conducting research: Be prepared to undertake formal research on topics as required Support formal research with informal research as necessary Consider the use of interviews and focus groups (Continued) Slide 42 Summary – Element 2 Conduct market research as/of required Capture qualitative and quantitative data as part of the research process Do desktop research to capture secondary data (Continued) Slide 43 Summary – Element 2 Identify need for primary data/research Realise many/most business documents to be prepared do not require formal research to any great degree, if at all Use of common sense and initiative are keys in preparing business documentation (Continued) Slide 44 Summary – Element 2 Analyse and assess data to be included in documentation Make sure information used in documents is accurate, current, verifiable and comprehensive Identify key issues to be addressed in all documents which have to be prepared Slide 45 Element 3 – Prepare document Performance Criteria for this Element are: Write the document, using a suitable format, structure and style in accordance with requirements Select and use appropriate technology and software for the requirements Use a range of written presentation and graphic techniques to enhance the impact and effectiveness of the information presented Use language and style appropriate to the document and intended audience, ensuring clarity of information and ease of reading (Continued) Slide 46 Element 3 – Prepare document Make recommendations for action where appropriate Review and check document presentation prior to finalisation to ensure it is accurate, free from spelling and typing errors, and meets all requirements Adjust where necessary, and seek advice or comment from relevant others, where appropriate Publish the document in a format and style appropriate for the intended audience and purpose, and according to enterprise guidelines Slide 47 Write the document Need to clarify final requirements in relation to (for example): Page set up – with reference to: • Justification/text alignment • Margins Fonts – type face and size (Continued) Slide 48 Write the document Paragraph format/s Headers and footers Paper size/s and orientation/s (Continued) Slide 49 Write the document Need to use company colour scheme/s Need to maintain consistent ‘company image’: Restrictions imposed on content by requirements of different documents (Continued) Slide 50 Write the document Copyright (©) limitations Need to apply internal file naming system/protocols Need to produce documents by the time required Name/s of those to ask for assistance Slide 51 Write the document ‘Traditional’ letter contents: The letterhead Reference number – for internal use Date Inside address – company address Attention line – name of person letter is for (Continued) Slide 52 Write the document Greeting/salutation Subject line – what the letter is about Main body – or the ‘content’ of the letter Closure Signature (Continued) Slide 53 Write the document Typed name of the person signing Indication of ‘Enclosures’ if applicable – ‘Enc cheque’ Copies – ‘CC James Chan’ Slide 54 Write the document Points to note when writing letters: Be brief but not rude Be polite Write from a personal point of view Write positively (Continued) Slide 55 Write the document Write logically and sequentially Use active tense Ensure gender neutral language/terms Slide 56 Write the document There may be a requirements to write: Letters to persuade Letters to develop an argument Letters to inform Slide 57 Write the document Preparing routine letters – 3 steps: Opening paragraph = refer to previous correspondence/communication Middle paragraph = provide information Ending paragraph = include a ‘goodwill’ close Slide 58 Write the document Preparing ‘good news’ and ‘neutral’ letters – 3 steps: Opening paragraph = write the good news Middle paragraph = provide relevant detail Ending paragraph = repeat the good news Slide 59 Write the document Four types of good news/neutral letters: An inquiry – asking others to share information and ideas A request – seeking specific action An acknowledgement – acknowledging requests, confirming orders, thanking readers A Letter of Introduction – aiming to maintain contact, create goodwill and the opportunity for future sales or business Slide 60 Write the document Strategies for writing Inquiry letters: Identify inquiry in Subject Line Open with the inquiry and a short background Indicate need for receiver to respond Close courteously Slide 61 Write the document Strategies for writing Request letters: Identify request in Subject Line If Subject Line is omitted identify request and reason in opening paragraph Ask for specific response Close courteously Slide 62 Write the document Strategies for writing Letters of Acknowledgement: Start with the acknowledgement Say ‘Yes’ clearly when relevant Supply necessary details/information Close courteously Slide 63 Write the document Strategies for writing Letters of Introduction: Use Subject Line to catch interest Open with reason for the introduction Use details/information in middle paragraphs to create desire to read further Close by saying what business can do for the reader and what the reader should do in response Slide 64 Write the document Contents of a ‘Short Report’: Introduction Main body Conclusions Recommendations Slide 65 Write the document Contents of a ‘Long Report’: Title TOC Introduction Executive Summary Main body Conclusions Recommendations Bibliography/references Slide 66 Write the document ‘Submissions’ – 3 critical elements: Define the problem Define current position Seek authorisation to fix the problem Slide 67 Write the document Contents of a ‘Submission’: Title page Introduction Main body Conclusion Recommendation Space for signatures/approvals Slide 68 Write the document Contents of a ‘Proposal’: Cover page Executive Summary Description of project management Qualifications of people/experience of the organisation Budget Proposed schedule Terms and Conditions Summary Attachments and Appendices Slide 69 Write the document Contents of a ‘Tender’ (where there is no RFT): Statement of purpose Ability to meet objectives Budget Funding and payment Timeframes Slide 70 Select and use appropriate technology and software It is a general requirement all those preparing business documents: Must be computer literate Must be able to use the system in operation at their workplace Are able to use PCs and laptops Have appropriate levels of clearance/security to access necessary files Slide 71 Select and use appropriate technology and software Five basic software packages exist: Word processing Spreadsheets Databases Email Integrated Slide 72 Select and use appropriate technology and software Modem: Connects computer to the internet: • Modulates and demodulates the signal Installed when the system is installed Problems may require: • Turning it on and off • Contacting IT department or ISP Slide 73 Select and use appropriate technology and software Scanners: Allow material to be scanned into a computer May be ‘stand alone’ or ‘integrated’ Allow hard copy originals to be saved in electronic form Save time Slide 74 Select and use appropriate technology and software Facsimile machines: Known as ‘fax’ machines Used to send (and receive) some documents May operate on a dedicated telephone line and stay ‘on’ at all times Need to be checked regularly to see if a fax has been received Slide 75 Select and use appropriate technology and software Photocopying machines: Known as ‘photocopiers’ Require paper and toner Can copy single or double-sided May be able to collate and staple documents May be able to enlarge or reduce size of item Often capable of using different paper sizes Slide 76 Select and use appropriate technology and software Binding equipment: Used to bind documents for more formal/enhanced presentation Often used for reports and submissions Often used in conjunction with a laminating machine Slide 77 Select and use appropriate technology and software Printers: Used to print computer generated documents Require paper and toner Some printers also functions as a scanner, photocopier and fax machine Slide 78 Select and use appropriate technology and software Audio-transcription machine: Allows managers to dictate letters for others to type out • ‘Dictaphone’ Features foot operation and a headset Software is available to convert sound to print Slide 79 Select and use appropriate technology and software Adding a signature to emails in Microsoft Outlook: Many business use this facility to add a professional image to their emails and help recipients know who sent the email to them The signature may be specific to an individual employee or generic from the organisation Slide 80 Use a range of written and graphic presentation techniques Written presentation techniques include: Variety of font styles and sizes Headings General page layout Basic text options Dot points and numbering options Slide 81 Use a range of written and graphic presentation techniques Reasons to use graphic techniques: Add interest and variety Make a point Allow statistics to be better/easier understood Demonstrate a point Illustrate an item, product, service or facility Slide 82 Use a range of written and graphic presentation techniques Graphic presentation techniques include: Photographs Drawings and diagrams Maps Illustrations Cartoons Graphs, charts and tables Slide 83 Use language and style appropriate to the document It is vital to understand: There is strong need to understand who the audience is before business documents (especially letters, tenders and submissions) are written Many documents need to be ‘tailor-made’ on an individual basis Templates will dictate what is to be written when producing documents which are standard and prepared on a regular basis Slide 84 Use language and style appropriate to the document In relation to audiences it is important to: Clearly identify the organisation the document is being written for Write/speak at the level of the person who is expected to read the document Use a relevant level of formality Avoid industry/venue jargon where person cannot be expected to know what they mean (Continued) Slide 85 Use language and style appropriate to the document Avoid long and complicated words – keep it simple Factor in what they already know Address what they want/need to know Respect them Slide 86 Use language and style appropriate to the document General thoughts/guidelines when writing: Sentences should be about 15 words Paragraphs should be about 7 lines long Beware of using conjunctions (and, so, but, or, yet) – one thought per sentence Slide 87 Make recommendations for action where appropriate Possible need to make recommendations/suggestions for change can occur: When client has required/demanded a certain type/style of response to their query, RFT or request for quotation there is a need to: • Follow these requirements exactly rather than reply in the standard way • Avoid using a standard template for the response • Supplement documentation with some other form of action/contact (Continued) Slide 88 Make recommendations for action where appropriate Where there is an OBVIOUS error in the document: • All mistakes MUST BE FIXED If the draft is overly complicated – it must be simplified and made more attractive/easy to read (Continued) Slide 89 Make recommendations for action where appropriate Where the document looks overly complicated and lacks appeal: • Add white space • Add graphics or photographs • Separate contents • Convert text-based data to charts, graphs or tables (Continued) Slide 90 Make recommendations for action where appropriate Where the intended option for actually using a document seems to be an ineffective/not the best option – may mean a need to: • Use email instead of a paper-based memo? • Producing a promotional brochure rather than a sales letter? • Using a web page instead of normal mail? • Using social media? • Preparing original document instead of using a template? • Updating layout/terminology? (Continued) Slide 91 Make recommendations for action where appropriate When feedback has been received from those who read the documents saying there need to be a change so they can use/read them better When there has been a re-branding/brand change within the organisation: • Get rid of ‘old’ stationery • Develop new Style Guide • Change colours, logos, letterheads and similar as required (Continued) Slide 92 Make recommendations for action where appropriate When unacceptable language has been used – for example, if there is: • Inappropriate gender-specific terminology • Racism • Ageist references • Local terms/colloquialisms likely not to be understood by others • Local currency references where the audience will be overseas readers Slide 93 Review and check documentation prior to finalisation In relation to documentation produced and distributed by businesses: People (to an extent) judge the business by their documents ‘Good’ documents elicit a positive response so it is important all documents are ‘right’ and reflect well on the organisation Keys are to ensure correct grammar, spelling, punctuation and other aspects of all documents before they are released Slide 94 Review and check documentation prior to finalisation Proof read everything before releasing it – principles of proof reading relate to: Actually reading the document Using spellcheck facility on computer Using grammar check facility on computer Checking page breaks Checking both hard and soft copies Slide 95 Review and check documentation prior to finalisation ‘The rule of the 7Cs’ – all work should be: Clear Concise Complete Correct Courteous Clean Checked Slide 96 Review and check documentation prior to finalisation Key proof reading necessities: Check the finished article/product Check sequencing Check layout Check attachments Check mailing details Check spelling and grammar Maintain confidentiality Slide 97 Review and check documentation prior to finalisation Presentation of documents may feature/use: Table of Contents Divider sheets (Continued) Slide 98 Review and check documentation prior to finalisation Notation – which may use either: • Footnotes • End notes (Continued) Slide 99 Review and check documentation prior to finalisation Appendix (‘appendices’) at the end of the document Other ‘literary conventions’ – such as: • Name of writer • Date/s and time • Recommendations • Glossary • List of acronyms (Continued) Slide 100 Review and check documentation prior to finalisation Use of enterprise stationery – with reference to: • Letterheads • Followers • Company envelopes • ‘With Compliments’ cards • Prescribed paper (type, colour, weight) • Logos (Continued) Slide 101 Review and check documentation prior to finalisation Types of bindings – options include: • Ring binders; binding machine; staples; clips Covers and coversheets: • Plastic or paper/card • Coloured or plain • Tabbed – by number or words/description (Continued) Slide 102 Review and check documentation prior to finalisation Paper size: • Range is from 4A0 to A10 – common size is A4 Paper type – may require use of: • Recycled paper • Bond paper • Textured paper • Embossed paper • Coated paper (Continued) Slide 103 Review and check documentation prior to finalisation Paper weight: • Measured by weight per square meter – known as ‘gsm’ • 70 – 100 gsm is common weight for normal office stationery Pagination: • Refers to location of page breaks and where paragraphs sand ‘sections’ (of content) start in the document or the page (Continued) Slide 104 Review and check documentation prior to finalisation Logos: • Sign/symbol (graphic) which represents the company • May also include a few words Copyright information: • Some documents will require © to be added Slide 105 Adjust where necessary and seek advice/comment from relevant others Reasons for adjustments can include: Errors on the document Omissions which are identified Poor or incorrect writing/language Need for improvement to the layout Management directives for change Need to accommodate ‘last minute’ changes Slide 106 Adjust where necessary and seek advice/comment from relevant others In this context ‘relevant others’ may be: Supervisors and managers Co-workers and colleagues Customers and clients External organisations Slide 107 Adjust where necessary and seek advice/comment from relevant others Checking documents must address: Verifying ‘content’ and ‘form’ Revising where there are identified: • Inaccuracies and/or misleading or incomplete information • Needs from the writer to do so • Matters have changed since the draft was prepared Slide 108 Adjust where necessary and seek advice/comment from relevant others ‘Editing’ (checking to make sure everything is OK) includes: Checking/verifying all information is complete and accurate Checking/verifying style and layout is correct Checking/verifying spelling Checking/verifying sentence construction Checking/verifying paragraphs Checking/verifying there are no ambiguous statements Slide 109 Publish the document Publishing means/refers to: Printing the documents Sending/distributing them electronically Slide 110 Publish the document Activities in publishing: User requirements are known/understood Using ‘Print Review’ facility Loading required paper into printer Printing a hard copy draft (and adjusting if needed) Producing required final numbers Slide 111 Publish the document Determining printing format (single or double-sided) Using designated printer Sending final version to external printer Collating papers Adding attachments (Continued) Slide 112 Publish the document Binding Mailing Distributing internally Recording distribution Filing Slide 113 Publish the document Points to note when preparing documents for signatures and posting: Those who wrote the original will usually sign the final copy/version Where management has to sign/give approval an envelope should be provided A copy should be supplied Slide 114 Publish the document Attaching enclosures: Type ‘Encl’ at bottom left-hand side of letter Use envelope large enough to accommodate enclosures Use ‘With Compliments’ slip where appropriate Seek approval/input from others to ensure all is correct/as required Slide 115 Summary – Element 3 When preparing documents: Use a suitable format when writing Apply appropriate structure and style Select technology suitable for the tasks to be done (Continued) Slide 116 Summary – Element 3 Include a range of different written and graphic techniques to enhance presentation Strive to produce a document which optimises impact and effect Abide by organisational Style Guide requirements (Continued) Slide 117 Summary – Element 3 Aim for ease or reading and clarity of end document Target the language and style used to the individual document Make recommendations for action where these are required to benefit the final product (Continued) Slide 118 Summary – Element 3 Check spelling, grammar and punctuation of all items Proof read all documents Check the 7Cs (Continued) Slide 119 Summary – Element 3 Review and revise all documents before distributing or releasing them as needed Be ready to accommodate ‘last minute’ changes Obtain necessary authorisations and/or signatures as necessary Publish documents as required according to purpose and intended audience Slide 120 Element 4 – Follow up document Performance Criteria for this Element are: Present and circulate documents for comment as appropriate Respond to any feedback and comments received, and adjust document where required Submit document to relevant persons as appropriate Maintain and file copies of all documents within a secure and ordered system, according to enterprise practices Slide 121 Present and circulate documents for comment as appropriate Standard practice: Provide copy in ‘final form’ Include all attachments Attach an envelope Include writer’s name Slide 122 Present and circulate documents for comment as appropriate In relation to ‘recipients’, circulation of documents may be required: ‘Generally’ – free and open to everyone ‘As indicated’ – only to nominated persons or organisations as shown for the document In accordance with the Distribution List for the particular document Slide 123 Present and circulate documents for comment as appropriate Physical distribution: Electronic – email or fax Postal system Courier Pigeon holes and/or memo envelopes Slide 124 Present and circulate documents for comment as appropriate Need to adjust documents will usually be identified: In person by person showing what is required Via telephone call indicating requirements Electronically Slide 125 Present and circulate documents for comment as appropriate Changes may need to made because: Document has not met need Circumstances have changed Recipient has changed their mind about what they want An error/omission has been identified Original document has given rise to the need for more/other information to be provided Slide 126 Present and circulate documents for comment as appropriate When making changes important considerations are: Get a full understanding of the required changes Be prepared to contact person requiring the changes Be willing to seek advice/get help from others Apply the same protocols to revisions as were applied to original production Keep a copy/record of everything Slide 127 Submit document to relevant persons as appropriate Revised copy may need to be sent to: Client/customer End-user Public Person who requested the document Anyone CC’d into the document Everyone on the Distribution List Slide 128 Submit document to relevant persons as appropriate Important to observe/implement the following: Meet required timelines/deadlines Check/verify submission/re-submission requirements Follow to standard/required forwarding protocols Update file names/version control protocols File and record amended documents Follow-up/check to see if more/other is required Slide 129 Maintain and file copies of all documents Reasons to file documents: For future reference To help with production of similar documents in the future For legal/compliance purposes Slide 130 Maintain and file copies of all documents Many organisations use a reference and index system to help track and facilitate location of files and documents. This approach can be used where the business elects to: Store only hard copy files Store only electronic documents/files Store both hard and soft copies of documents Slide 131 Maintain and file copies of all documents Reference and index system: May involve an index file in alphabetical order May use a variety of sections and sub-sections to suit individual organisational requirements May be as simple as using an exercise book to write down where documents are physically and/or electronically stored or located Slide 132 Maintain and file copies of all documents When using a filing cabinet: Be careful Follow internal protocols as they apply Make sure items are put in the correct location (file, drawer, folder, book, binder) Ensure all required items are filed Keep (staple, clip) all related items together Use a Register to identify who takes/uses files Slide 133 Maintain and file copies of all documents Files may be classified/differentiated by: Colour Alphabetical order Numeric order Date order Physical location/department Subject/topic Slide 134 Maintain and file copies of all documents Security of documents is important to: Protect confidentiality Provide back-up in case of loss Provide hard copy evidence if it is needed for proof/reference Slide 135 Maintain and file copies of all documents Many businesses back-up computer files ‘off the premises’. Standard office computer security requirements include: Locking computers when not in use Using password protection Positioning screens so others cannot read them (Continued) Slide 136 Maintain and file copies of all documents Closing screen in presence of unauthorised people No sharing of passwords Regular changing of passwords Restricting access to rooms where computers are situated Running anti-virus and protection software Slide 137 Maintain and file copies of all documents There can periodically be a need to: Cull inactive files Archive files which have been culled Slide 138 Summary – Element 4 When following up document: Present documents according to requirements Distribute documents to those authorised to receive them Be prepared to revise the document (Continued) Slide 139 Summary – Element 4 Clarify revisions required Determine deadlines for alterations/adjustments Ask others for their input and assistance if required (Continued) Slide 140 Summary – Element 4 Record changes made Name files according to internal protocols Maintain version control (Continued) Slide 141 Summary – Element 4 File all documentation Ensure files and records are secured Slide 142