Business English Helping your students interact effectively in the corporate world! A workshop by José Roberto A. Igreja Business English Helping your students interact effectively in the corporate world! Business English Helping your students interact effectively in the corporate world! • The world keeps changing … • Things are always evolving … • Keeping up to date is a must … • We need to move on with the times … Business English Helping your students interact effectively in the corporate world! Business English Helping your students interact effectively in the corporate world! Syllabus: summary of main topics (as of a course of study); a plan showing the subjects to be studied in a particular course. Business English Helping your students interact effectively in the corporate world! The syllabus - some considerations ... Business English: What is it really made up of? > About 70% of the so-called “Business English” is actually plain English (crucial vocabulary for everyday communication + structures) Business English: What makes a good syllabus? Brainstorming …departments of a company • • • • • • • • Communication in the corporate world! Human Resources Manufacturing Advertising & Publicity Marketing & Sales Finance & Accounting Import & Export IT: Information Technology Communication in the corporate world! Communication in the business world! Business English: What makes a good syllabus? Human Resources - Vocabulary & Expressions Résumé / Hire / Fire / Workload / Maternity leave / Peers / Expertise / Position / Shift / Turnover / Day off / Retire / etc… 1. Some of the ……………….. of this job include a company car and a cell phone. perks / (fringe) benefits Perk = Perquisite: privilege or profit beyond regular pay 2. Our sales department is ……………….. . We need to hire two experienced salesmen soon. short-staffed 3. The ………… we interviewed this morning seems to have the skills required by the position. applicant 4. This position requires someone with a proactive ……………… . profile 5. Does your company have any ……………. at the moment? (positions available) openings Business English Helping your students interact effectively in the corporate world! Time for another popular business quote ... Business English: What makes a good syllabus? Manufacturing - Vocabulary & Expressions Raw material / Warehouse / Tailor-made / Spare part / Stockroom / Forklift / Shift / etc… 1. The recent ………………….. in production has been caused by a lack of spare parts. (a specific problem in part of a process that causes delays to the whole process) = bottleneck 2. That new plant will provide many new jobs as soon as it’s ……………………... (actively working) = up and running 3. You can get ………… from operating a machine too long. RSI RSI = Repetitive Strain Injury (Brazil: LER: Lesão por Esforços Repetitivos) 4. “We´re an ecofriendly company. All our …………………. is biodegradable.”, said Tony. (the boxes, bottles, plastic, etc. used for wrapping products so that they can be sold) = packaging Business English: What makes a good syllabus? Manufacturing - Vocabulary & Expressions • • • • • Idle time Breakdowns Storage capacity Warehouse Procedures Business English: What makes a good syllabus? Advertising & Publicity - Vocabulary & Expressions Advertising campaign / Advertising budget / Billboard / Ad / Flier / Target audience / etc… 1. They have a two-minute ……………… on a local TV show. (a short section between radio or tv programs used for advertising) = spot 2. “Our commercial will be broadcast during ………………….,” explained Carol to a colleague. (the hours when television audiences are largest) = prime time Business English Helping your students interact effectively in the corporate world! “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.” Abraham Lincoln 16th president of US (1809 - 1865) I - Business vocabulary & expressions 1. What´s your company´s ____________________? core business 2. The ____________ of the two companies would create the biggest advertising agency in the country. merger 3. Ralph is highly respected by his ____________. peers 4. “I need to call some new ________________ today.”, said Neil to a coworker. prospects 5. We´ll have to work overtime to _____________________ . meet the deadline 6. Many people were invited for the _________________ of the new store. grand opening 7. All the managers agree that the Green Tree Hotel is an ideal _____________ for the conference. venue I - Business vocabulary & expressions Venue: place where a public event or meeting happens 8. Roger´s ____________ in advertising would be perfect for our department. expertise 9. You can check out their website for a list of __________________ events. upcoming 10. “So, tell me about the _________________ of the conference.”, Brian asked a coworker. highlights Business vocabulary & expressions Keynote speech = main speech at an event Hotshot = someone who is very good or successful at something Silicon Valley = a region in California popular for its concentration of high-tech industries Business vocabulary & expressions - Silicon Valley Southern part of the San Francisco Bay area in Northern California Thousands of high technology companies are headquartered in Silicon Valley: • Apple • Facebook • Google • HP • Sun Microsystems • Yahoo! • Youtube (acquired by Google) II - Business Idioms 1. Special knowledge associated with a profession > TRICKS OF THE TRADE Ex. Max is an experienced professional. He knows all the tricks of the trade. II - Business Idioms 2. Too much paperwork that slows down business > RED TAPE Ex. There is always a lot of red tape to take care of before releasing your goods from the port. 3. Earn a lot of money in a short time > MAKE A KILLING Ex. They made a killing selling those gadgets. 4. Have no profit or loss > BREAK EVEN Ex. It takes most new companies at least a few months to just break even. 5. The end result > BOTTOM LINE Ex. I wouldn´t worry so much about that report if I were you. All they care about is the bottom line. Business collocations Money - What words/expressions collocate with “money”? • • • • • • • • • • Earn money Make money Spend money Save money Lose money Lend money Borrow money Owe money Easy money Hard-earned money Business collocations Money doesn´t grow on trees Time is money! Money makes the world go round Business English Helping your students interact effectively in the corporate world! In God we trust ... All others pay cash! Business collocations Deal - What words/expressions collocate with “deal”? • • • • • • • • • • Make a deal Close a deal Clinch a deal A good deal No big deal! Package deal Big deal! Real deal What´s the deal? Deal the cards Business English Helping your students interact effectively in the corporate world! Time for another popular business quote ... Tour of the book: Fale tudo em inglês nos negócios! José Roberto A. Igreja Disal Editora 2011 Summary I. BUSINESS DIALOGUES AND KEY PHRASES 1. Companies and businesses; The work environment 2. Communication in the business world 3. Human Resources & Legal Matters 4. Manufacturing 5. Advertising & Publicity 6. Marketing & Sales 7. Finance & Accounting 8. Import & Export 9. IT: Information Technology 10. Business as usual! II. BUSINESS IDIOMS III. ACRONYMS, SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATONS IV. BUSINESS GLOSSARY: PORTUGUESE-ENGLISH/ENGLISH-PORTUGUESE V. POPULAR BUSINESS QUOTES GUIDE VI. ACTIVE BUSINESS VOCABULARY GUIDE VII. CD GUIDE: TRACK AND PAGE Tour of the book Tour of the book Tour of the book Tour of the book Tour of the book Capable of being decomposed; not harmful to the environment = biodegradable General direction in which something tends to move = trend Not expensive = affordable Someone who is not easily pleased = picky Tour of the book: Business dialogues Tour of the book: Business dialogues Tour of the book: Business dialogues What´s the business idiom? Talk about work or business during free time TALK SHOP “Ok guys, I’ll have lunch with you today, but please let’s not talk shop,” said Clint to his coworkers. Running late; after the time that was planned BEHIND SCHEDULE “We may need to work overtime. We’re behind schedule,” said Derek to a coworker. A rough estimate or figure A BALLPARK FIGURE “Can you give me a ballpark figure on how much you plan to spend?”, Harry asked Bill. What´s the business idiom? Reduce suddenly, said of prices, profits, etc. TAKE A NOSEDIVE Business English: Acronyms, symbols and abbreviations YUPPIE = Young Urban Professional RSVP = Répondez S`il Vous Plait = please reply Business English: Acronyms, symbols and abbreviations SWOT (Swot Analysis) R&D = Research & Development Business English: Acronyms, symbols and abbreviations World Wide Web ... What a Wonderful World Business English: Acronyms, symbols and abbreviations IV - Business Acronyms - What do these acronyms stand for? 1. FAQ 2. NYSE 3. FYI Business English: Acronyms, symbols and abbreviations 4. GDP = Gross Domestic Product (Brazil: PIB = Produto Interno Bruto) 5. ROI = Return On Investment 6. NGO (Brazil: ONG = Organização Não Governamental) Business English: Acronyms, symbols and abbreviations Curiosity Laser = Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation Business glossary Inadimplência Default: act of failing to meet a financial obligation ex. He failed to make payments on time and is now in default. ex. If you default on your payments, the bank will be forced to repossess your car. 24/7 twenty-four seven A: … and what do you do for a living? B: I’m a freelance architect. I have a home office. A: That’s nice! I bet you have a lot of free time. B: Well, actually it’s the other way around. It’s pretty much like a 24/7 job. Business glossary Paraíso fiscal Tax haven: a country where taxes are low or nonexistent ex. Switzerland, Jersey, Bahamas and Cayman Islands are some of the most popular tax havens. To commute: travel from one’s home to one’s workplace and vice-versa ex. Tom usually commutes by subway. commute: the trip to and from work every day ex. My morning commute takes about 30 minutes. Tour of the book Popular Business Quotes Tour of the book Popular Business Quotes Business English Helping your students interact effectively in the corporate world!