MODULE : EU – FACTS , NUMBERS , ECONOMY AND TRADING In this module we offer a brief presentation of the following issues : • EUROPEAN ECONOMY AND CURRENCY • EU – FACTS AND NUMBERS • EU’s CONFIGURATION I. EUROPEAN ECONOMY AND CURRENCY 1. The concept of Economic Integration • Problems , ideas and concepts that can be found in this division : • The concept of integration. • The forms of economic integration • The necessity of economic integration 2 . One Market • Problems , ideas and concepts that can be found in this division : • The concept of having only one market • The benefits of having only one market 3. One Currency : Euro • Problems , ideas and concepts that can be found in this division : • Brief history of the EU’s currency integration • Euro – the only currency in Europe • Advantages and disadvantages of having only one currency 4. EU ‘s Budget • Problems , ideas and concepts that can be found in this division : • Steps of the budget process • Community’s budget incomes • Community’s budget expenses • EU’s population occupies 3rd place in the world after China and India , having 493 million people ; • Germany is the country with the largest population ; • Malta has the lowest number of people ; • EU’s population represents 7% from the world’s population ; • Expectancy rates are dropping in the European countries ; • France and Ireland have the highest fertility rates ; • Czech Republic , Latvia , Poland and Slovak Republic have the lowest rates of fertility ; • EU has 27 nations as members that lie on an area larger than 4million km2; • The country with the largest area is France ; • The country with the smallest area is Malta. 2 . Life Style Quality 1. Area and Population II. EU – FACTS AND NUMBERS • Data concerning EU’s citizens financial situation : • Over the past 10 years the living standards in the EU nations increased ; in order to grasp an image of those living standards , one can divide the final internal income to the number of population. • In 2005 , EU occupied the 3rd place in the world regarding the final internal income , after USA and Japan ; • Luxembourg , registred the highest final internal income ; • Bulgaria registred the lowest final internal income ; • Improving living standards in poorer countries of EU can be done through structural funds.Over 35% from the EU’s budget is destined to develop these countries economy. • Data concerning EU’s citizens medical situation : • The main death causing affections among EU citizens are : heart conditions and cancer ; • These affections are more often found in men rather than women ; • According to a survey from 2004 , citizens of Finland , Holland and Lithuania are the most active people regarding working out while Portuguese , Romanians and Maltese occupy the last places . 3. Education and Research • EU aims to become the most dynamic economy based on knowledge this is why it invests a lot of money in research , education and formation. • EU emphasizes the concept “Studying through all life”. The number of adult people participating at formation courses increased. • According to a survey in 2003 , Denmark offers education the highest percentage from the internal income , being followed by Sweden and Ciprus . The last place is occupied by Romania. • According to research from 2004 , 55% from the young people who graduated high level education in EU are women , erasing this way the former generation disproportion • Men from EU prefer to study subjetcs like science , computers and engineering. • Women from EU prefer to study arts , languages and law • A higher number of factories and home users connect to internet ; according to a 2006 survey over 90% factories and 49% home users from EU have access to internet. • From this point of view there are great diffrences among EU countries ,EU wants to reduce this disproportion so that more EU citizens will be able to use technology and have access to internet. • Judging by a 2006 survey regarding the percentage of home users who have access to internet , on the first positions we find Holland , Denmark and Sweden while the last positions are ocuppied by Romania and Bulgaria. • EU invests a lot of money in research which represents the key of the economical growth , wishing to equal USA and Japan .In 2004 , EU nations reserved 1,92% from the internal income to research while USA reserved 2,59% and Japan 3.15%. • In 2005 Sweden and Finland reserved more money to research than Japan.Romania has the last position 5.Economic Activity 4. EU Citizens and Their Work • EU is interested in increasing the number of active people who work and have a job ; • According to a survey in 2004 , more than two thirds of the working places in EU were registred in offering services. In agriculture the percentage was 5% and in the industry field 27,9%. • Therefore the number of people working in the services field is increasing while in the agriculture field is going down , industry field stays the same. • In 2006 , 64,3% of the people able to work had a job.The highest percentage was found in Denmark and the lowest was in Poland ; • Another important goal of EU is reducing the rates of unemployment.In 2006 the lowest rate of unemployment was registred in Denmark , and the highest in Poland • Generally speaking in all EU countries women earn less than men.EU wishes to reduce this diffrence. • The number of men working is higher than that of women working. • One of the main goals of EU is economic progress • The internal final income is increasing , in 2005 EU occupied the first position in what concerns the internal final income • In all EU countries , over 60% from the internal final income comes from the services field ( banks , tourism , transport , insurance).The industry field and agriculture are in regress in what concerns economic importance. • One of the most important accomplishments of EU is the economic market , it erased economic barriers , it encouraged competence , a better quality of products and lower prices for products and services. • EU is the main exporter world wide and second biggest importer. • The most important marketing partner of EU is USA , followed by China. • EU is the most important marketing partner for the countries that are in process of development , these countries benefit of tax free exports or a discount.This way EU tries to help these countries economy. • EU is the main aid provider for development , world wide. 6.Transport , Energy and Environment • One of the main priorities of EU is long lasting development • Three thirds of the merchandise transport is done on the road. • More than three thirds of the people traveling do it on the road • Railways and sailing , so important in the past for transporting merchandise, are used nowadays only for a small part of the transports • EU countries depend on imports for more than half of the consumed energy (52% in 2005).It depends on each country : Ciprus , Luxembourg and Malta totally depend on imports while Denmark exports energy , Poland and UK depend very little on imports. • It is expected that the energy imports will increase • EU provides 50% from the consumed gas from three main sources : Russia , Norway and Algeria • Therefore EU is concerned with developing alternative resources of energy and fighting against global warming caused by burning gas and oils. • EU set as a goal for 2010 to produce 21% electricity with the help of alternative sources. • On the grounds of the International Protocol from Kyoto , EU-15 must reduce till 2008 – 2012 the greenhouse gas emissions with 8% (compared to year 1990).In order to obtain this EU 15 countries agreed with dividing tasks , less developed countries can still increase their emissions while the other countries must reduce it. III. EU’s CONFIGURATION This chapter contains the presentation of EU nations AREA: 547 030 km2 POPULATION: 60 180 529 INHABITANTS POSITION: WEST OF EUROPE BORDERS: BELGIUM, LUXEMBOURG, GERMANY, SWITZERLAND, ITALY, MONACO, SPAIN, ANDORRA, MEDITERRANEAN SEA CAPITAL:PARIS FORM OF STATE: PRESIDENTIAL REPUBLIC OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: FRENCH CURRENCY: EURO NATIONAL DAY: 14TH OF JULY FONDATOR MEMBER BEST KNOWN FOR : ARCH OF TRIUMPH LOUVRE MUSEUM EIFFEL TOWER NOTRE DAME CATHEDRAL VERSAILLES PALACE DISNEYLAND MONT BLANC, HIGHEST MOUNTAIN PEAK OF EUROPE (4807) LUXURY PRODUCTS: PARFUMES, COSMETICS CHEESE WINES LOIRE VALLEY PERSONALITIES: HONORE DE BALZAC, MOLIERE, VICTOR HUGO, JULES VERNE AREA: 357 021 KM2 POPULAŢION: 82 398 326 INHABITANTS POSITION: CENTER OF EUROPE BORDERS: NORTH SEA, BALTIC SEA, POLAND, CEZCH, AUSTRIA, SWITZERLAND, FRANCE, LUXEMBOURG, BELGIUM, HOLLAND, DENMARK CAPITAL: BERLIN FORM OF STATE: PARLIAMENT OF REPUBLIC OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: GERMAN CURRENCY: EURO NATIONAL DAY: 3RD OF OCTOBER BEST KNOWN FOR: CASTLES THE WALL OF BERLIN BRANDENBURG GATE – BERLIN’S SYMBOL CAR BRANDS GRIMM BROTHERS STORIES PERSONALITIES: JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH, LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN, JOHANN WOLFGANG GOETHE, THOMAS MANN AREA: 301 230 KM2 POPULAŢION: 10 665 989 INHABITANTS POSITION: SOUTH OF EUROPE CAPITAL: ROMA FORM OF STATE: PARLIAMENT OF REPUBLIC OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: ITALIAN CURRENCY: EURO NATIONAL DAY: 2ND OF JUNE FONDATOR MEMBER BEST KNOWN FOR: VENICE SAINT PETER CHURCH PIZZA AND SPAGHETTI PERSONALITIES: LEONARDO DA VINCI, MICHELANGELO, CRISTOFOR COLUMB, LUCIANO PAVAROTI AREA: 41 526 KM2 POPULAŢION: 16 150 511 INHABITANTS POSITION: WEST OF EUROPE BORDERS: GERMANY, BELGIUM, NORTH SEA CAPITAL: AMSTERDAM, HAGA FORM OF STATE: CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: DUTCH CURRENCY: EURO NATIONAL DAY: 30TH OF APRIL FONDATOR MEMBER BEST KNOWN FOR: TULIPS MOULIN EOLIEN PERSONALITIES: VINCENT VAN GOGH, MATA HARI AREA: 30 510 KM2 POPULAŢION: 10 289 088 INHABITANTS POSITION: WEST OF EUROPE BORDERS: HOLLAND, GERMANY, FRANCE, NORTH SEA CAPITAL: BRUXELLES FORM OF STATE: CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: NEERLANDES, FRENCH, GERMAN CURRENCY: EURO NATIONAL DAY: 21ST OF JULY FONDATOR MEMBER BEST KNOWN FOR: MINI-EUROPE PARK DIAMONDS MUSEUM ANVERS IS THE CITY OF DIAMONDS – HERE ONE CAN BUY THE MOST BEAUTIFUL DIAMONDS ATOMS MUSEUM FROM BRUXELLES PERSONALITIES: GERARDUS MERCATOR AREA: 2 586 KM2 POPULAŢION: 454 157 INHABITANTS POSITION: WEST OF EUROPE BORDERS: BELGIUM, GERMANY, FRANCE CAPITAL: LUXEMBOURG FORM OF STATE: CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: FRENCH, GERMAN, LUXEMBOURGISH CURRENCY: EURO NATIONAL DAY: 23RD OF JUNE FONDATOR MEMBER BEST KNOWN FOR: NOTRE DAME CATHEDRAL PERSONALITIES: ROBERT SCHUMAN AREA: 244 820 KM2 POPULAŢION: 60 094 648 INHABITANTS POSITION: WEST OF ATLANTIC BORDERS: THE ATLANTIC, NORTH SEA, SLEEVE SEA, IRELAND SEA, IRELAND CAPITAL: LONDON FORM OF STATE: CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: ENGLISH CURRENCY: POUNDS STERLING NATIONAL DAY: 2ND SATURDAY FROM JUNE (QUEEN’S DAY) FONDATOR MEMBER SINCE 1973 BEST KNOWN FOR: THE MONSTER FROM LOCH NESS BUCKINGHAM PALACE LONDON TOWER PERSONALITIES: WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, LADY DIANA AREA: 70 280 KM2 POPULAŢION: 3 924 140 INHABITANTS POSITION: ÎN EXTREMITATEA VESTICĂ A EUROPEI BORDERS: GREAT BRITAIN(NORTH IRELAND), THE ATLANTIC CAPITAL: DUBLIN FORM OF STATE : REPUBLICĂ PARLAMENTARĂ OFICIAL LANGUAGE : ENGLISH , IRISH CURRENCY: EURO NATIONAL DAY: 17TH OF MARCH (SAINT PATRICK’S DAY) MEMBER SINCE 1973 BEST KNOWN FOR: LEGENDS WITH ELVES SAINT PATRICK, IRELANDS PROTECTOR PERSONALITIES: JAMES JOICE AREA: 43 094 KM2 POPULAŢION: 10 249 216 INHABITANTS POSITION: NORTH WEST OF EUROPE BORDERS: GERMANY, NORTH SEA, BALTIC SEA CAPITAL: COPENHAGUE FORM OF STATE: CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: DANISH CURRENCY: DANISH CORONA NATIONAL DAY: 5TH OF JUNE ( CONSTITUTIONS DAY) MEMBER SINCE 1973 BEST KNOWN FOR: KROUNBOURG CASTLE TRIVOLI AMUSAMENT PARK PERSONALITIES: HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN AREA: 131 940 KM2 POPULAŢION: 10 665 989 INHABITANTS POSITION: SOUTH OF EUROPE, IN THE BALKANS CAPITAL: ATHENE FORM OF STATE: PARLIEMENT REPUBLIC OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: GREEK CURRENCY: EURO NATIONAL DAY: 25TH OF MARCH (INDEPENDENCE DAY – 1821) MEMBER SINCE 1981 BEST KNOWN FOR: OLYMPIC GAMES THE TEMPLES OF ACROPOLE (PARTHENONUL) OLYMPUS LEGENDS, ATHOS MOUNTAIN PESONALITIES: SOCRATE, PLATON, ARISTOTEL, PITAGORA, AUCLID, HOMER AREA: 504 782 KM2 POPULAŢION: 40 217 413 INHABITANTS POSITION: SOUTH WEST OF EUROPE BORDERS: FRANCE, ANDORRA, MEDITERRANIAN SEA, GIBRALTAR, MAROCCO, PORTUGAL, THE ATLANTIC CAPITAL: MADRID FORM OF STATE: CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: SPANISH CURRENCY: EURO NATIONAL DAY: 12TH OF OCTOMBRIE (HISPANICS DAY) MEMBER SINCE 1986 BEST KNOWN FOR: TAURUS CORRIDOS FLAMNECO DANCE EL ESCORIAL – A PALACE FROM MADRID THE RESORT PALMA DE MALLORCA PERSONALITIES: CERVATES, TIZIAN, VELASQUEZ, GOYA, PABLO, PICASSO, JULIO IGLESIAS AREA: 92 391 KM2 POPULAŢION: 10 102 022 INHABITANTS POSITION: SOUTH WEST OF EUROPE BORDERS: SPAIN, THE ATLANTIC CAPITAL: LISABON FORM OF STATE: PARLIAMENT REPUBLIC OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: PORTUGUESE CURRENCY: EURO NATIONAL DAY: 10 IUNIE (MARKS THE DEATH OF THE NATIONAL POET LUIS DE CAMOES) MEMBER SINCE 1986 BEST KNOWN FOR: PORTO WINE BELEM TOWER PERSONALITIES: ALMADA NEGREIROS (PAINTER), LUIS DE CAMOES AREA: 337 030 KM2 POPULAŢION: 5 190 785 INHABITANTS POSITION: THE NORTH OF EUROPE BORDERS: NORWAY, RUSSIA, BALTIC SEA, SWEDEN CAPITAL: HELSINKI FORM OF STATE: PARLIAMENT REPUBLIC OFFICIAL LANGUAGES: FINNISH, SWEDISH CURRENCY: EURO NATIONAL DAY: 6TH OF DECEMBER MEMBER SINCE 1995 BEST KNOWN FOR: SANTA CLAUS – RAVANIEMI CITY IT HAS MORE THAN 1000 LAKES KORKEASAARI ZOO PERSONALITIES: JOHAN LUDVIG RUNEBERG (POET) AREA: 83 858 KM2 POPULAŢION: 8 188 207 INHABITANTS POSITION: CENTRAL EUROPE BORDERS: GERMANY, CZECH, SLOVAKIA, HUNGARY, SLOVENIA, ITALY, SWITZERLAND, LIECHTENSTEIN CAPITAL: VIENA FORM OF STATE: FEDERAL PARLIAMENT REPUBLIC OFFICIAL LANGUAGES: GERMAN CURRENCY: EURO NATIONAL DAY: 26TH OF OCTOBER MEMBER SINCE 1995 BEST KNOWN FOR: SKI SLOPES FROM ALPS MUSIC AND WINTER SPORTS CHOCOLATE SCHONBRUN PALACE PERSONALITIES: WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART AREA: 449 964 KM2 POPULAŢION: 8 878 085 INHABITANTS POSITION: NORTH OF EUROPE BORDERS: NORWAY, FINLAND, BALTIC SEA CAPITAL: STOCKHOLM FORM OF STATE: CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: SWEDISH CURRENCY: SWEDISH CORRONA NATIONAL DAY: 6TH OF JULY (INAUGURATION OF WASA-1523 DINASTY) MEMBER SINCE 1995 BEST KNOWN FOR: SWEDISH BITTER PERSONALITIES: ALFRED NOBEL, GRETA GARBO AREA: 78 866 KM2 POPULAŢION: 10 249 216 INHABITANTS POSITION: CENTRAL EUROPE BORDERS: GERMANY, POLAND, SLOVAKIA, AUSTRIA CAPITAL: PRAGUE STATE FORM: PARLIAMENT REPUBLIC OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: CZECH CURRENCY: CZECH CORRONA NATIONAL DAY: 28TH OF OCTOBER (INDEPENDENCE DAY SINCE 1918) MEMBER SINCE 2004 BEST KNOWN FOR: UNESCO BIOSPHERIC RESERVATION UNIVERSITY CAROL FROM PRAGUE HRAD CASTLE FROM PRAGUE PERSONALITIES: MARTINA NABRATILOVA (TENNIS PLAYER) AREA: 9 250 KM2 POPULATION: 771 657 INHABITANTS POSITION: OMONIM ISLAND FROM THE EAST OF MEDITERRANIAN SEA BORDERS: MEDITERRANIAN SEA (CLOSEST STATE TO TURKEY – 65 KM DISTANCE) CAPITAL: NICOSIA STATE FORM: PRESIDENTIAL REPUBLIC OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: GREEK, TURKISH CURRENCY: EURO NATIONAL DAY: 1ST OF OCTOBER MEMBER SINCE 2004 BEST KNOWN FOR: ASINOU CHURCH WINE FESTIVAL PERSONALITIES: ANNA VISSI (SINGER) AREA: 45 226 KM2 POPULAŢION: 1 408 556 INHABITANTS POSITION: CENTRAL NORTH PART OF EUROPE BORDERS: LETON, RUSSIA, BALTIC SEA CAPITAL: TALLINN STATE FORM: PARLIAMENT REUBLIC OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: ESTONIAN CURRENCY: ESTONIAN CORRONA NATIONAL DAY: 24 TH OF FEBRUARY (INDEPENDENCE DAY SINCE 1918) MEMBER SINCE 2004 BEST KNOWN FOR: LAHEMAA NATIONAL PARK SONG FESTIVAL PERSONALITIES: ADAMSON ERIC (PAINTER) AREA: 64 589 KM2 POPULATION: 2 348 784 INHABITANTS POSITION: CENTRAL NORTH PART OF EUROPE BORDERS: ESTONIA, RUSSIA, BELARUS, LITHUANIA, BALTIC SEA STATE FORM: PARLIAMENT REPUBLIC CAPITAL ; RIGA OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: LETON CURRENCY:LITAS NATIONAL DAY: 18TH OF NOVEMBER (INDEPENDENCE DAY SINCE 1918) MEMBER SINCE 2004 BEST KNOWN FOR: PERSONALITIES: KARLIS BAUMANIS (COMPOSER) AREA: 65 200 KM2 POPULAŢION: 3 592 561 INHABITANTS POSITION: CENTRAL EAST EUROPE BORDERS: LETON, BELARUS, POLAND, RUSSIA CAPITAL: VILNIUS STATE FORM: PARLIAMENT REPUBLIC OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: LITHUANIAN CURRENCY:LITAS NATIONAL DAY: 16TH OF FEBRUARY MEMBER SINCE 2004 BEST KNOWN FOR: THE OLD HISTORY BUILDING FROM VILNIUS UNIVERSITY OF VILNIUS PERSONALITIES: STOROSTA (WRITER) KM2 AREA: 316 POPULAŢION: 400 420 INHABITANTS POSITION: SOUTH OF EUROPE, MEDITERRANIAN SEA CAPITAL: VALLETTA STATE FORM: PARLIAMENT REPUBLIC OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: FRENH, GERMAN CURRENCY: EURO NATIONAL DAY: 21ST OF SEPTEMBER (INDEPENDENCE DAY SINCE 1964) MEMBER SINCE 2004 BEST KNOWN FOR: BEAUTIFUL LANDSCAPES , ISLANDS PERSONALITIES: ESPRIT BARTHET ( PAINTER) AREA: 312 685 KM2 POPULAŢION: 38 662 660 INHABITANTS POSITION: NORTH OF CENTRAL EUROPE BORDERS: RUSSIA, LITHUANIA, BELARUS, SLOVAKIA, CZECH, GERMANY, BALTIC SEA CAPITAL: VARSOVIA STATE FORM: PARLIAMENT REPUBLIC OFFICIAL LANGUAGES: POLISH CURRENCY: ZLOT NATIONAL DAY: 3RD OF MAY (CONSTITUTION DAY -1971) MEMBER SINCE 2004 BEST KNOWN FOR: TATRA NATIONAL PARK PERSONALITIES: POPE JOHN PAUL THE 2ND AREA: 48 845 KM2 POPULAŢION: 5 430 033 INHABITANTS POSITION: CENTRAL EUROPE BORDERS: POLAND, HUNGARY, AUSTRIA, CZECH CAPITAL: BRATISLAVA STATE FORM: PARLIAMENT REPUBLIC OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: SLOVAK CURRENCY: EURO NATIONAL DAY: 1ST OF JANUARY MEMBER SINCE 2004 BEST KNOWN FOR: TATRA MOUNTAINS – HIGHEST MOUNTAINS FROM THE CARPATHIANS CAVES WATERFALLS PERSONALITIES: LUCIA POPP AREA: 20 253 KM2 POPULAŢION: 1 935 677 INHABITANTS POSITION: SOUTH OF EUROPE (BALKANS) BORDERS: ITALY, AUSTRIA, HUNGARY, CROATIA, ADRIATIC SEA CAPITAL: LJUBLJANA FORM OF STATE: PARLIEMENT REPUBLIC OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: SLOVENIAN CURRENCY: EURO NATIONAL DAY: 25TH OF JUNE, INDEPENDENCE DAY MEMBER SINCE 2004 BEST KNOWN FOR: LAKES AND CAVES WINTER SPORTS PERSONALITIES: ANJA RUPEL ( JURNALIST) AREA:: 93 030 KM2 POPULAŢION: 10 045 407 INHABITANTS POSITION: CENTER EUROPE BORDERS: ROMANIA, SERBIA, CROATIA, SLOVENIA, AUSTRIA, SLOVAKIA, HUNGARY CAPITAL: BUDAPEST FORM OF STATE: PARLIAMENT REPUBLIC OFFICIAL LANGUAGE : HUNGARIAN CURRENCY: FORINT NATIONAL DAY: 15 TH OF MARCH MEMBER SINCE 2004 BEST KNOWN FOR: BALATON LAKE HORTOBAGY NATURAL PARK CEARDAŞUL ( DANCER ) PERSONALITIES: MONICA SELES ( TENNIS PLAYER) AREA: 110 910 KM2 POPULAŢION: 7 537 929 INHABITANTS POSITION: SOUTH EAST OF EUROPE, IN THE BALKANS CAPITAL: SOFIA BORDERS: ROMANIA, BLACK SEA, TURKEY, GREECE, MACEDONIA, SERBIA ŞI MONTENEGRO OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: BULGARIAN FORM OF STATE: PARLIAMENT REPUBLIC CURRENCY: LEVA NATIONAL DAY: 3RD OF MARCH MEMBER SINCE 2007 BEST KNOWN FOR: MOSCHEE CHURCHES GOLDEN SANDS ROSE OIL PERSONALITIES: HRISTO BOTEV AREA: 237 500 KM2 POPULATION: 22 271 839 INHABITANTS POSITION: SOUTH – EAST OF CENTER EUROPE BORDERS: UCRAINE, REPUBLIC MOLDOVIA, BLACK SEA, BULGARIA, SERBIA, HUNGARY CAPITAL: BUCHAREST OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: ROMANIAN FORM OF STATE: PARLIAMENT REPUBLIC CURRENCY: LEUL NATIONAL DAY: 1ST OF DECEMBER MEMBER SINCE 2007 BEST KNOWN FOR: THE DANUBE DELTA MUDDY VOLCANOES THERMAL WATERS PERSONALITIES: BRÂNCUŞI, ENESCU, EMINESCU, AUREL VLAICU, MIHAI VITEAZU, STEPHAN THE GREAT, NADIA COMĂNECI, GHEORGHE HAGI, ION ŢIRIAC