
Process Optimization
Tier I: Mathematical Methods of
Section 2:
Linear Programming
Linear Programming (LP)
• Linear programming (linear optimization) is
the area of optimization problems with
linear objective functions and constraints
subject to:
f(x) = 6x1 + 5x2 + 2x3 + 7x4
2x1 + 8x3 + x4 ≥ 20
x1 – 5x2 – 2x3 + 3x4 = -5
Linear Programming con’t
• None of the variables are multiplied by
another variable, raised to a power, or
used in a nonlinear function
• Because the objective function and
constraints are linear, they are convex.
Thus, if an optimal solution to an LP
problem is found, it is the global optimum
LP Standard Form
• LP Standard form:
minimize: f = cx
subject to: Ax = b
xi ≥ 0; i = 1, …, n
where c is called the cost vector (1 by n), x is the
vector of variables (n by 1), A is the
coefficient matrix (m by n), and b is a m by 1
vector of given constants.
Standard Form Basics
• For a maximization problem, we can
transform using:
max(f(x))  min(-f(x))
• For inequality constraints, use “slack”
2x1 + 3x2 ≤ 5  2x1 + 3x2 + s1 = 5
where s1 ≥ 0
Using Slack Variables
When we transform the equation
2x1 + 3x2 ≤ 5 to 2x1 + 3x2 + s1 = 5
If the left-hand side (LHS) (2x1 + 3x2) is less
than the right-hand side (RHS) (5), then s1
will take a positive value to make the
equality true. The nearer the value of the
LHS is to the RHS, the smaller the value
of s1 is. If the LHS is equal to the RHS,
s1 = 0. s1 cannot be negative because the
LHS cannot be greater than the RHS.
Standard Form Example
Write in Standard Form:
maximize: f = x1 + x2
subject to: 2x1 + 3x2 ≤ 6
x1 + 7x2 ≥ 4
x1 + x2 = 3
x1 ≥ 0, x2 ≥ 0
Define slack variables x3 ≥ 0 & x4 ≥ 0
Example Problem Rewritten
The problem now can be written:
minimize: g = –x1 – x2
subject to: 2x1 + 3x2 + x3
x1 + 7x2
– x4 = 4
x1 + x2
x1 ≥ 0, x2 ≥ 0, x3 ≥ 0, x4 ≥ 0
2 3 1 0 
A  1 7 0  1
1 1 0 0 
6 
b  4
c  1 1 0 0
Linear Algebra Review
• The next few slides review several
concepts from linear algebra that are the
basis of the methods used to solve linear
optimization problems
Vectors & Linear
• Vectors
– A k-vector is a row or column array of k
numbers. It has a dimension of k.
• Linear Independence (LI)
– A collection of vectors a1, a2, …, ak, each of
dimension n, is called linearly independent if
the equation
  ja j  0
j 1
means that
j  0
for j=1, 2, …, k
Linear Independence con’t
• In other words, a set of vectors is linearly
independent if one vector cannot be
written as a combination of any of the
other vectors.
• The maximum number of LI vectors in a ndimensional space is n.
Linear Independence con’t
For example, in a 2-dimension space:
 4
The vectors x1   
5 
& x2   
 25
are not
linearly independent because x2 = 5x1.
0 
x1   
 2
& x 2    are LI because there is
no constant you can multiply one by to get the
Spanning Sets
• A set of vectors a1, a2, …, ak in a ndimensional space is said to span the
space if any other vector in the space can
be written as a linear combination of the
• In other words, for any vector b, there
must exist scalars 1, 2, …, k such that
b    ja j
j 1
A set of vectors is said to be a basis for a
n-dimensional space if:
1. The vectors span the space
2. If any of the vectors are removed, the set
will no longer span the space
A basis of a n-dimensional space must
have exactly n vectors
There may be many different bases for a
given space
Bases con’t
• An example of a basis is the coordinate
axis of a graph. For a 2-D graph, you
cannot remove one of the axes and still
form any line with just the remaining axis.
• Or, you cannot have three axes in a 2-D
plot because you can always represent the
third using the other two.
Systems of Equations
• Linear Algebra can be used to solve a
system of equations
2x1 + 4x2 = 8 & 3x1 – 2x2 = 11
This can be written as an augmented matrix:
2 4 8 
[ A, b]  
3  2 11
Systems of Equations con’t
• Row operations may be performed on the
matrix without changing the result
• Valid row operations include the following:
– Multiplying a row by a constant
– Interchanging two rows
– Adding one row to another
Solving SOE’s
• In the previous example, we want to
change the A matrix to be upper triangular
2 4 8  multiply top
3  2 11 row by ½
add -3 times the
top row to the
bottom row
1 2 4 
3  2 11
1 2 4 
0  8  1
Solving SOE’s con’t
multiply bottom
 row by -1/8
1 2
0  8  1
1 2 4 
0 1 1 
8 
1x1  2 x2  4
0 x1  1x2  18
• From the upper triangular augmented
matrix, we can easily see that x2 = 1/8 and
use this to get x1
x1 = 4 – 2 . 1/8 = 15/4
Matrix Inversion
• The inverse of a matrix can be found by
using row operations  2 1 1
A   1 2 1
 1
 1 2
Form the augmented matrix (A, I)  2
1 1 0 0
  1 2 1 0 1 0
 1  1 2 0 0 1
Transform to (I, A-1)
using row operations
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
Optimization Equations
• We have seen that the constraints can be
written in the form Ax  b .
• We should have more variables than
equations so that we have some degrees
of freedom to optimize.
– If the number of equations are more than or
equal to the number of variables, the values
of the variables are already specified.
General Solution to SOE’s
• Given a system of equations in the form
Ax  b
– Assume m (number of equations) < n (number
of variables)  underspecified system
• We can split the system into (n-m)
independent variables and (m) dependent
variables. The values of the dependent
variables will depend on the values we
choose for the independent variables.
General Solution con’t
• We call the dependent variables the basic
variables because their A-matrix
coefficients will form a basis. The
independent variables will be called the
nonbasic variables.
• By changing the variables in the basis, we
can change bases. It will be shown that
this allows examining different possible
optimum points.
General Solution con’t
Separate the A matrix in the following way:
a1 x1  ...  a m xm  ...  a n xn  b
 xi 
i 1
 xj  b
j  m 1
General Solution con’t
Define matrices B & N as the following:
B  a1 a 2 ... a m
N  a m1 a m 2 ... a n
where B is a m by m matrix, N is a m by (nm) matrix, & aj is the jth column of the A
• B is called the “basic matrix” and N is
called the “nonbasic matrix”
General Solution con’t
• The B matrix contains the columns of the
A-matrix that correspond to the x-variables
that are in the basis. Order must be
– So, if x4 is the second variable of the basis, a4
must be the second column of the B-matrix
• The N matrix is just the columns of the Amatrix that are left over.
General Solution con’t
Similarly, define
x B  [ x1
... xm ]
x N  [ xm1 xm2 ... xn ]
We will see later how to determine which
variables to put into the basis. This is an
important step to examine all possible
optimal solutions.
General Solution con’t
Now, we have
Bx B  NxN  b
Multiply both sides by B-1:
x B  B 1Nx N  B 1b
So, x  (x B x N )  (B 1b  B 1Nx N
xN )
Basic Solution
• We can choose any values for (n-m)
variables (the ones in xN) and then solve
for the remaining m variables in xB
• If we choose xN = 0, then x B  B b
This is called a “basic solution” to the
Basic Solution: x  (x B
x N )  (B 1b 0)
Basic Feasible Solutions
Now we have a solution to Ax = b. But that
was just one of two sets of constraints for
the optimization problem. The other was:
xi ≥ 0, i = 1, …, n (non-negativity)
• A basic feasible solution (BFS) is a basic
solution where every x is non-negative
A BFS satisfies all of the constraints of the
optimization problem
Extreme Points
• A point is called an extreme point (EP) if it
cannot be represented as a strict
(0 <  < 1) convex combination of two other
feasible points.
• Remember: a convex combination of two
points is a line between them.
• So, an EP cannot be on a line of two other
feasible points.
Extreme Points (Graphical)
• Given a feasible region, an extreme point
cannot lie on a line between two other
feasible points (it must be on a corner)
Not Extreme
Extreme Point
• In a n-dimensional space, an extreme
point is located at the intersection of n
Optimum & Extreme Points
Starting Point
• We have a maximization problem, so we
want to go as far in the direction of the c
(objective function) vector as we can
• Can we determine anything about the
location of the optimum point?
Optimum & Extreme Points
• If we start on a line, we can move along
that line in the direction of the objective
function until we get to a corner
• In fact, for any c vector, the optimum point
will always be on a corner
Basic Feasible Solutions
• In a n-dimensional space, a BFS is formed
by the intersection of n equations.
• In 2-D:
Basic Feasible
Constraint 1
Constraint 2
• But, we just saw that an extreme point is
also a corner point. So, a BFS corresponds to
an EP.
Tying it Together
• We just saw that a basic feasible solution
corresponds to an extreme point.
• This is very important because for LP
problems, the optimum point is always at
an extreme point.
• Thus, if we can solve for all of the BFS’s
(EP’s), we can compare them to find the
Unfortunately, this takes too much time.
Simplex Method Introduction
• The simplex method is the most common
method for solving LP problems.
• It works by finding a BFS; determining
whether it is optimal; and if it isn’t, it moves
to a “better” BFS until the optimal is
• This way, we don’t have to calculate every
Simplex Method Algebra
Recall: x B  B Nx N  B b
 x B   B 1a j x j B 1b
Sum over all nonbasic variables
Objective Function:
f  cx  c B x B  c N x N
x B  B 1b   B 1a j x j
into above equation:
f  c B (B 1b   B 1a j x j )   c j x j
Simplex Method Algebra
Multiply through and collect xj terms:
f  c B B 1b   (c j  c B B 1a j ) x j
 f  c B B 1b   (c j  z j ) x j
where z j  c B B1a j
Simplex Method Equations
So, minimize
f  c B B 1b   (c j  z j ) x j
Subject to:
x B   B 1a j x j B 1b
If (cj – zj) ≥ 0 for all j  N, then the current
BFS is optimal for a minimization problem.
Because, if it were < 0 for some j, that
nonbasic variable, xj, could enter the basis
and reduce the objective function.
Entering Variables
• A nonbasic variable may enter the basis
and replace one of the basic variables
• Since xN = 0, and we have non-negativity
constraints, the entering variable must
increase in value.
• The entering variable’s value will increase,
reducing the objective function, until a
constraint is reached.
Entering Variable Equation
• The equation to determine which variable
T 1 j
enters is: j BB a  c j  z j . Calculate for all
nonbasic indices j
• For a minimization problem, choose the
index j for which cj - zj is the most negative
– If cj - zj ≥ 0 for all j, the solution is optimal
• For a maximization problem, choose the
index j for which cj - zj is the most positive
– If cj - zj ≤ 0 for all j, the solution is optimal
Leaving Variables
• As the value of the entering variable
increases, the value of at least one basic
variable will usually decrease
– If not, the problem is called “unbounded” and
the value of the minimum objective function is
• The variable whose value reaches zero
first will be the variable that leaves the
Entering & Leaving Variables
• Example: x1 is entering the basis
while x2, x3 & x4 are the current basic
As soon as x2 reaches zero, we must stop because
of the non-negativity constraints. But, now x2 =
0, so it is a nonbasic variable and
x1 > 0, so it is a basic variable. So, x2 leaves the
basis & x1 enters the basis.
Leaving Variable Equation
• Let j be the index of the variable that is
entering the basis and i* be the index of
the variable that is leaving the basis
( B b) i
1 j
i  argmin  1 j ( B a )i  0
 ( B a )i
Meaning, for every index i that is in
b) i
1 j
and has (B a )i  0, calculate 1 j . The
(B a ) i
index of the value that is the minimum is
the index of the leaving variable.
Leaving Variable Equation
The previous expression is obtained from
the equation:
xB  B b  B a x j  0
which applies when a constraint is reached
The Example Revisited
• x2, x3, & x4 start out at (B b)i ; (i=2, 3, 4) and have
slopes of (–B aj)i ; (i=2, 3, 4) where j=1 because
1 is the index of the entering variable (x1)
• Thus, the distance we can go before a basic
-1 1
(B b )
variable reaches zero is
(B a ) for B a > 0.
But, if (B a1)i < 0 (like x3), it won’t ever reach
1 1
The Example Revisited
• We can also see how if none of the
variables decreased, we could keep
increasing x1 and improving the objective
function without ever reaching a constraint
–This gives an unbounded solution
Example Problem
Minimize f = -x1 – x2
Subject to:
x 1 + x2 ≤ 5
2x1 – x2 ≤ 4
; x1, x2 ≥ 0
Given: The starting basis is x1, x2, & x3.
Insert slack variables x3, x4, & x5.
Minimize f = -x1 – x2
Subject to:
x 1 + x2 + x 3
2x1 – x2
+ x4 = 4
x5 = 3
x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 ≥ 0
 1 1 1 0 0
A   2 1 0 1 0 
1 0 0 0 1
 
b   4
 3
 
c   1  1 0 0 0
1st Iteration:
B  a1 a 2
1 1 1
a   2 1 0 
 1 0 0
1  5   3 
0 0
   
x B  B b   0  1 2  4    2 
 1 1  3  3   0 
   
1 
1 1 1
0 0
B   2 1 0   0 1 2 
1 0 0
 1 1  3
 3
 
f  c B x B   1  1 0 2   5
 0
 
Now, check optimality
1  0 
0 0
 
1 4
x4: c4  c B B a  0   1  1 0 0  1 2  1   0  1  1
 1 1  3  0 
 
1  0 
0 0
 
1 5
x5: c5  c B B a  0   1  1 0 0  1 2  0   0  (3)  3
 1 1  3  1 
 
So, x4 enters the basis since its optimality
indicator is < 0.
 3
 
( B b)   2 
 
 ( B b)1  3 ( B b) 2  2
& ( B b) 3  0
1  0   0 
0 0
   
1 j
1 4
j  4  B a  B a   0  1 2  1     1
 1 1  3  0   1 
   
( B b)1  3
1 4
( B b) 2  2
( B b) 3  0
( B 1a 4 ) 3  1
1 4
( B a )1  0 ( B a ) 2  1
b) i
1 j
i  argmin  1 j ( B a )i  0  argmin N / A N / A 0  3
So, x3 is the leaving variable
 1 1 0
B   2 1 1 
 1 0 0
a4 has been
substituted for
0 0
 0 0 1  5   3 
   
x B  B b   1 0  1  4    2 
 1 1  3  3   0 
   
1 
B   1 0 1
 1 1  3
 3
 
f  c B x B   1  1 0 2   5
 0
 
Optimality Indicators:
 0 0 1  1 
 
1 3
x3: c3  c B B a  0   1  1 0 1 0  1  0   0  (1)  1  0
 1 1  3  0 
 
 0 0 1  0 
 
1 5
x5: c5  c B B a  0   1  1 0 1 0  1  0   0  0  0  0
 1 1  3  1 
 
Example Solution
All of the optimality indicators are ≥ 0, so this
is the optimal solution.
f *  5
 x1   3 
   
x B   x2    2 
 x  0
 4  
 x3   0 
x      
 x5   0 
Simplex Algorithm Steps
1. With the chosen basis, get B and solve
xB = B-1b and f = cBxB.
2. Calculate cj – zj for all nonbasic variables,
– For a min. problem, if all cj – zj’s are ≥ 0, the
current solution is optimal. If not, choose
the index with the most negative cj – zj.
– For a max. problem, if all cj – zj’s are ≤ 0, the
current solution is optimal. If not, choose
the index with the most positive cj – zj.
Simplex Algorithm Steps
 ( B 1b)i
1 j
i  argmin  1 j ( B a )i  0
 ( B a )i
3. Using the equation
choose the leaving variable.
-1 j
– If all (B a )i’s are ≤ 0, then the solution is
4. Let xj enter the basis and xi* leave the
basis. Obtain the new B matrix and start
again with step 1.
Choosing A Starting Basis
In the example, we were given a starting
basis. How to come up with one on our
Case #1: max (or min) problem with
1. Ax ≤ b (all ≤ inequalities) and
2. all entries of the b vector ≥ 0.
Insert slack variables into constraint
equations and use the resulting identity
matrix as the starting basis
Choosing A Starting Basis
Let s = vector of slack variables
The problem will become
max 
 f  cx  0s
 min 
Subject to Ax  Is  b
x  0, s  0
0 ... 0 0
1 ... 0 0
0 ... 1 0
0 ... 0 1
Where I = The Identity Matrix  
Choosing A Starting Basis
Choose the slack variables to be the starting
The starting basis matrix (B) is the
coefficients of the slack variables. This
happens to be the identity matrix.
We can see that the starting basis is feasible
(xB ≥ 0):
x B  B b  I b  Ib  b  0
Example Problem #2
Minimize -x1 – 3x2
Subject to
2x1 + 3x2 ≤ 6
-x1 + x2 ≤ 1
x 1, x 2 ≥ 0
Insert slack variables:
2x1 + 3x2 + x3 = 6 Matrix
-x1 + x2 + x4 = 1
x1, x2, x3, x4 ≥ 0
 2 3 1 0
6 
b 
1 
c  1  3 0 0
Example #2
Use the slacks as the starting basis:
B a
1 0
a 
1 0 6 6
xB  B b  
 
0 1 1 1
1 0
1 0
B 
6 
f  c B x B  0 0   0
Example #2
Optimality Indicators:
1 0  2 
 1  0  1
j=1: c1  z1  c1  cB B a  1  0 0
0 1  1
1 1
1 0 3
 3  0  3
j=2: c2  z2  c2  cB B a  3  0 0
0 1 1
1 2
c2 - z2 is the most negative, so x2 enters the
Example #2
( B b)   
 ( B b) 3  6
& ( B 1b) 4  1
x2 is entering the basis
1 0 3 3
j 2B a B a  
 
0 1 1 1
1 2
Example #2
( B 1b) 3  6
( B 1 a 2 ) 3  3
( B 1b) 4  1
1 2
(B a )4  1
1 j
i  argmin  1 j ( B a )i  0  argmin 6
So, x4 is the leaving variable.
1  argmin 2 1  4
Example #2
2nd Iteration:
x2 replaced x4
B a
1 3
a 
1  3 6 3
xB  B b  
 
0 1  1 1
1 3
1  3
B 
f  c B x B  0  3   3
Example #2
Optimality Indicators:
1  3  2 
 1  3  4
j=1: c1  z1  c1  cB B a  1  0  3
0 1   1
1 1
1  3 0
j=4: c4  z4  c4  cB B a  0  0  3
 0  (3)  3
0 1  1
1 4
So, x1 enters the basis
Example #2
Leaving Variable:
( B b)   
 ( B 1b) 3  3 & ( B 1b) 2  1
1  3  2   5 
j 1 B a  
 
0 1   1  1
b) i
1 j
i  argmin  1 j ( B a )i  0  argmin 3
 ( B a )i
N/ A 3
So, x3 leaves the basis and x1 replaces it.
Example #2
3rd Iteration:
B a
 2 3
a 
 2 3
0.2  0.6
B 
 1 1
0.2 0.4 
0.2  0.6 6 0.6
xB  B b  
 
0.2 0.4  1 1.6 
f  c B x B   1  3   5.4
1.6 
Example #2
Optimality Indicators:
0.2  0.6 1
c3  z3  c3  cB B a  0   1  3
 0  (0.8)  0.8
0.2 0.4  0
0.2  0.6 0
c4  z4  c4  cB B a  0   1  3
 0  (0.6)  0.6
0.2 0.4  1
1 3
1 4
Both cj-zj’s are ≥ 0, so the current solution is
x*  0.6 1.6 0 0
f *  5.4
Example #2
This graph shows the path taken.
The dashed lines are perpendicular to the
cost vector, c.
 0 .6 
1.6 
 
0 
1 
 
Increasing c
0 
0 
 
Example #2
• Since we were minimizing, we went in the
opposite direction as the cost vector
 0 .6 
1.6 
 
0 
1 
 
Increasing c
0 
0 
 
More on Starting Bases
Case #2: max (or min) problem with:
1. Ax ≥ b (at least some ≥ constraints) &
2. All entries of the b vector ≥ 0
Add slacks to make the problem become
Ax – Is = b
x, s ≥ 0.
We cannot do the same trick as before
because now we would have a negative
identity matrix as our B matrix.
Case #2 con’t
• 2-Phase Method:
Introduce “artificial variables” (y) where
needed to get an identity matrix. If all
constraints were ≥, the problem will
Ax – Is + Iy = b
x, s, y ≥ 0
Artificial Variables
• Artificial variables are not real variables.
• We use them only to get a starting basis,
so we must get rid of them.
• To get rid of them, we solve an extra
optimization problem before we start
solving the regular problem.
2-Phase Method
Phase 1:
Solve the following LP starting with B = I and
xB = y = b:
Minimize y
Subject to: Ax – Is + Iy = b
x, s, y ≥ 0
If y  0 at the optimum, stop – the problem is
infeasible. If y = 0, then use the current
basis and continue on to phase 2.
2-Phase Method con’t
Phase 2:
Using the objective function from the original
problem, change the c vector and continue
solving using the current basis.
Minimize (or Maximize) cx
Subject to:
Ax – Is = b x, s ≥ 0
Artificial vs. Slack Variables
• Slack variables are real variables that may
be positive in an optimum solution,
meaning that their constraint is a strict
(< or >) inequality at the optimum.
• Artificial variables are not real variables.
They are only inserted to give us a starting
basis to begin the simplex method. They
must become zero to have a feasible
solution to the original problem.
Artificial Variable Example 1
• Consider the constraints:
x1 + 2x2 ≥ 4
-3x1 + 4x2 ≥ 5
2x1 + x2 ≤ 6
x1, x2 ≥ 0
• Introduce slack variables:
x1 + 2x2 – x3
-3x1 + 4x2
– x4
2x1 + x2
+ x5 = 6
AV Example 1
We can see that we cannot get an identity
matrix in the coefficients and positive
numbers on the right-hand side. We need
to add artificial variables:
x1 + 2x2 – x3
+ y1
-3x1 + 4x2
– x4
+ y2 = 5
2x1 + x2
+ x5
AV Example 1
Now we have an identity matrix, made up of
the coefficient columns of y1, y2, & x5.
We would solve the problem with the
objective of minimizing y1 + y2 to get rid of
the artificial variables, then use whatever
basis we had and continue solving, using
the original objective function.
Artificial Variable Example 2
• Consider the constraints:
x1 + 2x2 – 5x3 ≥ -4
3x1 – x2 + 3x3 ≤ 2
-x1 + x2 + x3 = -1
x1, x2, x3 ≥ 0
• Introduce slack variables:
x1 + 2x2 – 5x3 – x4
= -4
3x1 – x2 + 3x3
+ x5 = 2
-x1 + x2 + x3
= -1
AV Example 2
We don’t have to add an artificial variable to
the 1st constraint if we multiply by -1.
When we multiply the last constraint by -1
and add an artificial variable, we have:
-x1 – 2x2 + 5x3 + x4
3x1 – x2 + 3x3
+ x5
x1 – x2 – x 3
+ y1 = 1
x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, y1 ≥ 0
Constraint Manipulation
So, after adding slacks, we must make the
right-hand side numbers positive. Then
we add artificial variables if we need to.
Artificial Variable Example 3
• Consider the problem:
Maximize -x1 + 8x2
Subject to:
x1 + x2 ≥ 1
-x1 + 6x2 ≤ 3
x2 ≤ 2
x1, x2 ≥ 0
AV Example 3
Insert slacks:
x1 + x2 – x3
-x1 + 6x2 + x4
+ x5 = 2
So, we need an artificial variable in the 1st
AV Example 3
Insert artificial variable:
x 1 + x2 – x 3
+ y1 = 1
-x1 + 6x2
+ x4
+ x5
AV Example 3
So, Phase 1 is:
Minimize y1
Subject to: x1 + x2 – x3
+ y1 = 1
-x1 + 6x2 + x4
+ x5
Our starting basis is: y1, x4, & x5.
AV Example 3
1 
 3
c  0 0 0 0 0 1
 
1 0 0
1 0 0
1 0 0
B  a 6 a 4 a5  0 1 0 & B 1  0 1 0  0 1 0
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
1 0 0 1 1
x B  B 1b  0 1 0 3  3
0 0 1 2 2
f  c B x B  1 0 03  1
AV Example 3
Optimality Indicators:
1 0 0  1 
j=1: c1  z1  c1  cB B 1a1  0  1 0 00 1 0  1  0  1  1
0 0 1  0 
1 0 0 1
j=2: c2  z2  c2  cB B 1a 2  0  1 0 00 1 0 6  0  1  1
 
0 0 1 1
1 0 0  1
0 1 0  0   0  1  1
1 3
j=3: 3 3 3 B
 
0 0 1  0 
AV Example 3
It’s a tie between x1 & x2 – pick x1 to enter
the basis
1  (B 1b)  1
(B b ) 4  3
(B b )   3
& (B 1b) 5  2
x1 is entering the basis
1 0 0  1   1 
1 j
1 1
j  1  B a  B a  0 1 0  1   1
0 0 1  0   0 
AV Example 3
( B b) 6  1
( B 1a 2 ) 6  1
( B b) 5  2
( B b) 4  3
1 2
( B a ) 4  1
( B 1 a 2 ) 5  0
1 j
i  argmin  1 j ( B a )i  0  argmin  N / A N / A  6
 ( B a )i
So, x1 replaces y1 in the basis
AV Example 3
B  a1 a 4
 1 0 0
a5   1 1 0
 0 0 1
1 0 0 1 1
x B  B 1b  1 1 0 3  4
0 0 1 2 2
 1 0 0
1 0 0
B 1   1 1 0  1 1 0
 0 0 1
0 0 1
1 
f  c B x B  0 0 04  0
AV Example 3
Optimality Indicators:
1 0 0 1
1 1 0 6  0  0  0
1 2
j=2: 2 2 2 B
 
0 0 1 1
1 0 0  1
1 1 0  0   0  0  0
1 3
j=3: 3 3 3 B
 
0 0 1  0 
1 0 0  1 
j=6: c1  z1  c1  cB B 1a1  0  0 0 01 1 0  1  0  0  0
0 0 1  0 
AV Example 3
All of the optimality indicators are ≥ 0, so this
is an optimum solution.
So, we keep this basis and change the
objective function to the original one:
Maximize –x1 + 8x2
Our basis is still x1, x4, & x5.
AV Example 3
Back to original problem:
c  1 8 0 0 0
1 0 0
B 1  1 1 0
0 0 1
The basis remains
the same
x B  B 1b  4
1 
f  c B x B   1 0 04  1
AV Example 3
Optimality Indicators:
1 0 0 1
j=2: c2  z2  c2  cB B 1a 2  8   1 0 01 1 0 6  8  1  7
0 0 1 1
1 0 0  1
j=3: c3  z3  c3  cB B 1a 3  0   1 0 01 1 0  0   0  1  1
0 0 1  0 
Since we are maximizing now, we want the
most positive. So, x2 enters the basis.
AV Example 3
1 
(B 1b)  4
(B b) 4  4
b) 5  2
x2 is entering the basis
1 0 0 1 1
1 j
1 2
j  2  B a  B a  1 1 0 6  7
0 0 1 1 1
AV Example 3
( B b) 5  1
1 2
( B a )1  1
( B b) 5  2
1 2
( B 1a 2 ) 5  1
( B b) 4  4
(B a )4  7
b) i
1 j
i  argmin  1 j ( B a )i  0  argmin
 ( B a )i
1 4
1 7
So x4 leaves the basis
AV Example 3
B  a1 a 2
 1 1 0
a5   1 6 0
 0 1 1
 0.856  0.143 0
B 1   0.143
0.143 0
 0.143  0.143 1
 0.856  0.143 0 1 0.429
x B  B 1b   0.143
0.143 0 3   0.571
 0.143  0.143 1 2 1.429 
f  c B x B   1 8 0 0.571  4.143
1.429 
AV Example 3
Optimality Indicators:
 0.857  0.143 0  1
c3  z3  c3  cB B 1a 3  0   1 0 0 0.143
0.143 0  0   0.857
 0.143  0.143 1  0 
 0.857  0.143 0 0
c4  z4  c4  cB B 1a 4  0   1 0 0 0.143
0.143 0 1  0  0  0
 0.143  0.143 1 0
Artificial Variable Example 3
All of the optimality indicators are ≤ 0, so this
is the optimum solution:
 0.571
x  0 
 0 
1.429 
f *  4.143
KKT Conditions
• The Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT)
Conditions can be used to see optimality
• We will use them more in nonlinear
programming later, but we can use a
simplified version here
KKT Conditions for LP
• Change the constraints so that they are all
≥ constraints.
• The optimum point is the point where the
gradient of the objective function lies
within the cone formed by the vectors
normal to the intersecting constraints.
KKT Conditions
• Reminder:
– The gradient () of a function f with n
variables is calculated:
 f
f 
f   ,
, ...
xn 
 x1 x2
f  3( x1 ) 2  5 x2 x3
f  6 x1 , 5x3 , 5x2 
KKT Constraints Example
• Example: In the example problem #2, we
had the problem:
Minimize f = -x1 – 3x2
Subject to:
2x1 + 3x2 ≤ 6
-x1 + x2 ≤ 1
x1, x2 ≥ 0
The gradient of the cost function, -x1 – 3x2 is:
f  c  1,  3
KKT Example
Previously, we saw that this problem looks
Constraint 2
(3/5, 8/5)
(0, 1)
(0, 0)
Constraint 1
(3, 0)
KKT Example
Change to constraints to all ≥:
-2x1 – 3x2 ≥ -1
x1 – x2 ≥ -1
≥ 0
x2 ≥ 0
KKT Example
The gradients of the four constraints
(counting the non-negativity constraints),
g1, …, g4 are:
g1   2,  3
g3  1, 0
g2  1, 1
g4  0, 1
KKT Example
The graph of the problem with the normals of
the constraints becomes:
Constraint 2
(0, 1)
(3/5, 8/5)
The gradient corresponding to each
constraint (gi) is perpendicular to
the constraint i.
Constraint 1
(3, 0)
(0, 0)
KKT Example
c = (-1, -3) looks like this:
So, whichever cone this vector fits into
corresponds to the optimal extreme point.
KKT Example
It Fits!
(3/5, 8/5)
(0, 1)
(3, 0)
(0, 0)
Doesn’t Fit
Doesn’t Fit
KKT Example
• So, we get the same optimal point as
when we used the simplex method
• This can also be done for problems with
three variables in a 3-D space
• With four or more variables, visualization
is not possible and it is necessary to use
the mathematical definition
Mathematical Definition of
KKT Conditions for LP
Given a LP minimization problem:
Modify the constraints so that we have:
gi (x)  0, i  1m
Where gi(x) is the linear constraint equation i.
The bi that was on the right side of the inequality
sign is moved to the left side and included in gi.
Mathematical Definition of
KKT Conditions for LP
If there exists a solution for x* & the i’s for
the conditions below, then x* is the global
f  c  1  g1 (x )    m  g m (x )
Equation 1
i  g i (x* )  0, i  1m
Equation 2
g i (x )  0,
i  1m
Equation 3
i  0,
i  1m
Equation 4
Explanation of Equation 1
• Equation 1 mathematically states that the
objective function vector must lie inside
the cone formed by the vectors normal to
the active constraints at the optimal point
Explanation of Equation 2
• Equation 2 forces i to be zero for all of
the inactive constraints – called the
“complementary slackness” condition
– If the constraint is active, gi(x*) = 0, so i may
be positive and gi will be part of the cone in
Equation 1.
– If the constraint is inactive, gi(x*)  0, so i
must be zero. gi will not be included in the
cone in Equation 1 because it will be
multiplied by zero.
Explanation of Equations 3
• Equation 3 ensures that x* is feasible
• Equation 4 ensures that the direction of
the cone is correct.
– If the i’s were negative, the cone would be in
the opposite direction. So, this equation
prevents that from happening.
KKT Conditions Summary
• The KKT Conditions are not very useful in
solving for optimal points, but they can be
used to check for optimality and they help
us visualize optimality
• We will use them frequently when we deal
with nonlinear optimization problems in the
next section
Automated LP Solvers
• There are many software programs
available that will solve LP problems
• Microsoft Excel is one program that solves
LP problems
– To see the default Excel examples for
optimization problems, search for and open
the file “solvsamp.xls” (it should be included in
a standard installation of Microsoft Office)
Excel LP Example #1
Let’s solve the first example problem in this
chapter with Excel
The problem was:
Minimize f = -x1 – x2
Subject to:
x 1 + x2 ≤ 5
2x1 – x2 ≤ 4
; x1, x2 ≥ 0
Excel LP Example #1
Here is the Excel spreadsheet with the
necessary data:
Objective Function:
Constraint 1:
Constraint 2:
Constraint 3:
In the spreadsheet, A2 is the cell reference for x1
& B2 is the reference for x2
Excel LP Example #1
Objective Function:
Constraint 1:
Constraint 2:
Constraint 3:
You can see that under the “value” heading
for the constraints & objective function, we
simply use the given functions to calculate
the value of the function
Excel LP Example #1
Objective Function:
Constraint 1:
Constraint 2:
Constraint 3:
On the right side of the constraints, in the
“limit” column, we write the value of the “bi”
for that constraint
Obviously, the objective function doesn’t
have a limit
Excel LP Example #1
So, the spreadsheet looks like this:
Excel LP Example #1
• Now, we need to use the Excel solver
• Look under the Tools menu for “solver”
– If it is not there, go to “Add-Ins” under Tools
and select the Solver Add-In
Excel LP Example #1
The Solver toolbox should look something
like this:
Excel LP Example #1
• This is a minimization problem, so select
“Min” and set the target cell as the
objective function value
• The variables are x1 & x2, so in the “By
Changing Cells” box, select A2 & B2
Excel LP Example #1
• Now add the constraints:
– For the “Cell Reference,” use the value of the
constraint function and for the “Constraint,”
use the number in the Limit column
– The constraints are all ≤, so make sure that
“<=“ is showing between the Cell Reference
and Constraint boxes
Excel LP Example #1
• Now, the Solver window should look like
Excel LP Example #1
• Finally, click the Options button
• All of the variables are specified as being
positive, so check the “Assume NonNegative” box
Excel LP Example #1
• Since this is an LP problem, check the
“Assume Linear Model” box
• Finally, the default tolerance of 5% is
usually much too large. Unless the
problem is very difficult, a tolerance of 1%
or even 0.1% is usually fine
Excel LP Example #1
• Click “Solve” and the Solver Results box
should appear
• Under “Reports,” select the Answer Report
and click OK
• A new worksheet that contains the Answer
Report is added to the file
Excel LP Example #1
• The spreadsheet with the optimum values
should look like this:
Excel LP Example #1
• The values for x1 & x2 are the same as
when we solved the problem using the
simplex method
• Also, if you look under the Answer Report,
you can see that all of the slack variables
are equal to zero, which is also what we
obtained with the simplex method
Excel Example #2
Let’s solve one more LP problem with Excel:
Maximize 5x1 – 2x2 + x3
Subject to:
2x1 + 4x2 + x3 ≤ 6
2x1 + x2 + 3x3 ≥ 2
x1, x2 ≥ 0
x3 unrestricted in sign
Excel Example #2
Entering the equations into the spreadsheet
should give:
Objective Function:
Constraint 1:
Constraint 2:
Excel Example #2
Unlike last time, all the variables are not
specified as being positive, so we cannot
use the “Assume Non-negative” option for
all of the variables.
So we have to manually specify x1 & x2 to be
non-negative by adding two more
Excel Example #2
Now, the formulas in the spreadsheet should
look like this:
Objective Function:
Constraint 1:
Constraint 2:
Constraint 3:
Constraint 4:
Excel Example #2
Now, open the solver toolbox and specify:
• The Target Cell,
• The range of variable cells,
• Maximization problem
• The constraints
– The first is ≤ and the rest are ≥ constraints.
Excel Example #2
Click the Options button and check the
“Assume Linear Model” box.
Remember, since x3 is unrestricted in sign,
do not check the “Assume Non-negative”
You can reduce the tolerance if you would
Excel Example #2
The Solver window should look like this:
Excel Example #2
After solving, the spreadsheet should look
like this:
Excel Example #2
• Notice that because x3 was unrestricted in
sign, it was able to have a negative value
and this improved the solution
• To see how much of a difference this
made in the solution, re-solve the problem
with the “Assume Non-negative” option
Solving LP Problems With Excel
• From these examples, you can see that
Excel can be an efficient tool to use for
solving LP optimization problems
• The method for solving the problems that
was outlined here is obviously just one
way and the user should feel free to
experiment to find their own style
• Linear Programming and Network Flows;
Bazaraa, Mokhtar; John Jarvis; & Hanif
• Optimization of Chemical Processes 2nd
Ed.; Edgar, Thomas; David Himmelblau; &
Leon Lasdon.
• Pollution Prevention Through Process
Integration; El-Halwagi, Mahmoud