Sustainability Faculty Symposium

March 27, 2012
History of Sustainability at UAlbany
 Launched in 2006, Task Force created
 Office of Environmental Sustainability and Energy
Management created in 2008
Focused on furthering efforts of task force, mainly on
Creating a social network throughout campus
Expanding into community outreach
Assessing curriculum and research efforts
Beginning academic initiatives
 Received several grants: hybrid buses, solar panels,
geothermal in new dorm, energy efficiency, GPS on
 Conducted research study on transportation demand
management (grant funded)
 Received awards
 Stakeholder’s Inc, Building Sustainable Communities
 DEC Environmental Excellence Award
 Inclusion on Princeton Review’s Guide to Green Schools
Past progress on academic
 Annual forum
 Created a course database
 Created list serv on academic endeavors (THINKGREEN)
 Institutional member of AASHE,
 Founding member of the Environmental Consortium of
Hudson Valley Colleges and Universities,
 FYE courses
 Established LLC on Environmental Sustainability
 Multi-disciplinary working group/SUNY 2020 initiative
Freshman Year Experience (FYE)
 Five freshman year experience (one credit) courses with
a sustainability theme were offered last fall
 Gary Kleppel – The Sustainable Food System
 Mary Ellen Mallia – Choices for a Healthy Planet
 Bob Keesee – Globalization and the Environment
 David Lewis – The Three E’s of Sustainable Development
 Irina Holden – Science Literacy through Sustainability
LLC (Living Learning Community)
 World of Environmental Sustainability
 Focus on Sustainable Food Production
 Located in Tuscarora Hall on Indian Quad
 Lead Faculty – Gary Kleppel
 Supporting Faculty – John Delano, Vince Idone and Rocky
 Students take classes together
 Weekly lunches
 GA assigned to hall to coordinate activities
 Students have pushed forward the local food agenda, pushed
for labeling in the dining hall and are working on a
composting pilot project
Future Steps
 Future direction of sustainability
 UAlbany: Campus sustainability assessment (STARS, an
AASHE program) and planning
 SUNY wide: Creation of Director of Sustainability
position at SUNY central, sustainability council forming
 NYS: Working group on Sustainability in Higher
 SUNY Sustainability initiative
 Seminar series
It’s about more than changing
your light bulbs
 Activism
 Local food
 Energy
 Recycling
 Academics
 Environmental/Economic and Social Frameworks
 Sustainability problems are complex and non-linear
 Sustainable solutions are multidisciplinary and often
require understanding human behavior
SUNY Sustainability Initiative
 Curriculum
 Goal: Every student becomes literate in sustainability
We already have 400 undergrad and 500 grad courses with sustain content
We need to organize and focus that curricular capacity and make it available to all
of our students
 Goal: Interested students can gain more than basic literacy
Interdisciplinary minor in sustainability
 Research
 Goal: Develop recognized excellence in GIS
Bolster and grow GIS infrastructure and expertise
 Goal: Create a research agenda focused on sustainability
Address complex systems problems
Focus on alternative and sustainable solutions to intellectual problems
 Goal: Become recognized as a center of sustainability research
Seminar Series – the Sustainability Roundtable (starts March 30th)
International Conference
 Service/Outreach
 Goal: Transfer research products to the public and private sectors
Underway through programs at Rockefeller College and elsewhere on campus
Some Resources
 Barth, M. J. Godemann, M. Riekman and U. Stoltenberg. 2007. Developing key
competencies for sustainable development in higher education. International Journal
of Sustainable Development in Higher Education 8:416-430.
 Brundiers, K., A. Wiek and C.L. Redman. 2010. Real-world learning opportunities in
sustainability: From classroom to the real world. International Journal of
Sustainability in Higher Education 11: 308-324.
 Clark, W.C. and N.M. Dickson. 2003. Sustainability science: The emerging research
program. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100:8059-8061.
 Cortese, A.D. 2003. The critical role of higher education in creating a sustainable
future. Planning for Higher Education 31:15-22.
 Hirsch, H.G., D. Bradley, C. Pohl, S. Rist and U. Wiessmann. 2006. Implications of
transdisciplinarity for sustainability research. Ecological Economics 60:119-128
 Kates R.W. and 22 others. 2001. Sustainability science. Science 292:641-642.
Getting involved
 Join THINKGREEN list serv
 If interested in LLC or FYE, contact Linda K
 If interested in the SUNY sustainability initiative,
contact Gary
 Keep track of sustainability programming at website
(, Facebook (UAlbany Green
Scene), read sustainability bulletin and attend events!
 Become knowledgeable about resources from AASHE
( and the Consortium
Questions for you:
 How would you like to be involved?
 What do we currently do that needs improvement?
 What are we not doing?
 Reminder: speaker tonight Richard Heinberg 7 pm Page Hall
Questions for us?
 Office of Environmental
 Contact info:
 Dr. Mary Ellen Mallia,
Dr. Gary Kleppel
Dr. Linda Krzykowski
University Hall 212
Facebook: Ualbany Green
Twitter: UAGreenScene