United States History Dual-Credit

United States History Dual-Credit
HIST 1301 – Fall 2013
Leslye McGrath
281.245.3000 ext 4239
Course Description: US History A/History 1301 is a general survey of United States history
emphasizing the political, social and cultural evolution of the country until the turn of the 20th
Century. Topics will include the peopling of North America, America’s European legacy,
exploration and discovery, colonization, revolution, independence, ideology, westward
expansion, slavery, Civil War, Reconstruction, the Gilded Age and the Progressive Era.
Student Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to
a survey knowledge of United States history from the peopling of North America
through the period of Reconstruction;
an understanding and appreciation of how this formative period helped to shape
today’s United States of America;
an ability to organize the information presented in this course into topical and
chronological sequences;
awareness of the nature and scope of historical literature dealing with this period;
basic analytical skills by writing college-level reports, papers and essays.
Required Text and Materials: The textbook is available for purchase in the ACC bookstore. For
information on the textbook and other course materials, including details about how you can
order your book online and have it delivered to you, visit the ACC College Store's Web page.
James L. Roark et al. Understanding The American Promise, Combined (Reprint),
(ISBN 978-1-4576-0846-9) Copyright 2011, Published by St Martins, Paperback
Cheating/Plagiarism: Zero tolerance – if you cheat or plagiarize, you will earn an “F” for the
course and will be referred to your high school AP and the ACC Associate Dean of Student
Student Evaluation:
There will be 5-6 exams given throughout the semester, consisting of multiple-choice,
identification and short essay questions. Material will come from the lectures, the
assigned readings from the textbook (Roark) and other assigned readings. Students
will only have the time allotted for class to complete the exam.
The Final Exam will be a cumulative multiple-choice exam.
There will be between 5-8 quizzes based exclusively on the textbook readings.
There will be 6-8 required summaries/responses from assigned readings. The first will
be completed and turned in during class; the remaining will be submitted via email
(further explanation of this will be given on prior to the first assignment).
Class participation will be comprised of class discussions and minor assignments.
TAKS Requirements
All Dual Credit students will take the AHS US History Benchmark tests in preparation for the Exit Level
STAAR test in April. Our timeline will not coincide, so you will be given supplemental independent study
materials. Additional tutoring will also be available in the spring prior to the test.
Dual Credit syllabus
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Grading Breakdown:
Reading summaries
Class participation
Grade Scale (ACC)
A = 90 -100%
B = 80 - 89%
C = 70 – 79%
D = 60 – 69%
F = 59% and below
Grade Scale (AHS)
A = 90 – 100%
B = 80 – 89%
C = 75 – 79%
D = 70 – 74%
F = 69% and below
Calendar - dates are subject to change, with advance notification given in class
Unit One
Paleo-Indian Civilization to Colonial Era
Roark Chapters 1 & 2
Roark Chapter 3
Roark Chapter 4
Roark Chapter 5
Unit Two
Seven Years War to Independence
Roark Chapter 6
Roark Chapter 7
Unit Three
Independence to Early 19th Century
Roark Chapters 8 & 9
Roark Chapter 10
Roark Chapter 11
EXAM Three
Unit Four
Antebellum America
Roark Chapter 12
Roark Chapter 13
Roark Chapter 14
Unit Five
Civil War and Reconstruction
Roark Chapter 15
Roark Chapter 16
Roark Chapter 17
Unit Six
Gilded Age, Industrialism and the Progressives
Roark Chapter 18
Roark Chapter 19
Review and Final Exam
Aug. 31, 2013
Sept. 5
Sept. 9
Sept. 12
Sept. 13
Sept. 19
Sept. 26
Sept. 30
Oct. 4
Oct. 7
Oct. 11
Oct. 16
Oct. 18
Oct. 22
Oct. 25
Oct. 29
Oct. 31
Nov. 5
Nov. 12
Nov. 15
Nov. 20
Dec. 4
Dec. 13
Dec. 16-20
Students will be responsible for any material missed due to absences. Make-up quizzes and
exams must be completed with 5 class days of the scheduled date. Online summary
deadlines apply regardless of attendance in class that day. Extreme circumstances should
be discussed with the instructor.
ACC Withdrawl Deadline
The withdrawal date for the Fall 2013 semester is November 15th, please refer to AHS/ACC
Counselor, Ms. Henry, for details regarding this procedure. It is recommended that the
student talk to the instructor before withdrawing. Current information can be found online
in the Withdrawal section of ACC Schedule. Students who file withdrawal requests by the
published deadline will receive a grade of W.
Dual Credit syllabus
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