NSW INDEPENDENT TRIAL EXAMS – 2011 BUSINESS STUDIES TRIAL HSC EXAMINATION MARKING GUIDELINES Section I 1 2 3 D B C 4 C 5 C 6 D 7 A 8 B 9 D 10 B 11 A 12 C 13 C 14 A 15 B 16 B 17 D 18 D Section I Question 21(a) Criteria/Suggested answer Students identify ONE marketing strategy. This may include: o Increase market share o Expand into new geographic markets o Expand the product range Question 21(b) Criteria/Suggested answer Students describe TWO promotional strategies the business can use to market the new products. These may include: o Personal selling o Advertising o Below-the-line promotions o Public relations Students describe ONE promotional strategy OR they identify/outline TWO strategies Students identify/outline ONE promotional strategy which could be used Question 22(a) Criteria/Suggested answer Students define industrial conflict, i.e. the situation where disputes and disagreements arise between employees and employers over matters related to the working conditions Question 22(b) Criteria/Suggested answer Students identify ONE cause of industrial conflict. This may include: o For higher wages o Hours of work o Work entitlements o Leave o Managerial policy o Physical working conditions o Trade union issues 19 A 20 B Marks 1 Marks 3–4 2 1 Marks 1 Marks 1 NSW Independent Trial Exams 2011 – Business Studies Trial HSC Examination: Marking Criteria - Page 1 Question 22(c) Criteria/Suggested answer Students discuss ONE overt and ONE covert type of industrial action employees may engage in Overt may include: Covert may include: o Strikes o Absenteeism o Pickets o Sabotage o Work bans o Employee turnover o Work to rule Students discuss EITHER ONE overt or ONE covert type of industrial action OR they identify ONE of EACH with no discussion Students identify either a covert OR overt action employees may take Question 23(a) Criteria/Suggested answer Students identify ONE reason why an Australian manufacturer may relocate their production plant overseas. This may include: o Regulatory differences o Tax minimisation o Acquire resources o Have access to technology o Minimise competitive risk Question 23(b) Criteria/Suggested answer Students outline how TWO stakeholders that may be affected by the decision to relocate overseas. Answers can include: o Employees – losing their job o Government – loss of revenue from taxation o Suppliers – loss of a client Students outline ONE stakeholder that may be affected by the decision to relocate overseas Question 23(c) Criteria/Suggested answer Students analyse ONE operations strategy AND ONE employment relations strategy that can be used when managing a global business Operations strategy can include: o Sourcing (vertical integration, make or buy) o Global web (components produced in different countries) Employment relations strategy may include: o Organisational structure o Shortage of skilled labour – training and educating employees o Labour law variations o Minimum standards of labour o Ethnocentric/polycentric/geocentric staffing system Students describe ONE operations strategy AND ONE employment relations strategy that can be used when managing a global business OR they analyse ONE of these strategies and outline the other Students outline ONE – TWO strategies Marks 3–4 2 1 Marks 1 Marks 2 1 Marks 5–6 3–4 1–2 NSW Independent Trial Exams 2011 – Business Studies Trial HSC Examination: Marking Criteria - Page 2 Question 24(a) Criteria/Suggested answer Students distinguish between the leadership style advocated by the classical-scientific theorists and that of the behavioural theorist’s employers Classical – scientific theorists adopts an autocratic leadership style whereas the behavioural theorists adopt a democrative/participative leadership style Students outlines both strategies in a basic sense, or give a very good description, but fails to distinguish between them. Question 24(b) Criteria/Suggested answer Student’s distinguish between interpersonal and informational managerial roles AND provide ONE example of each Interpersonal role refers to the relationship between people. It is based on effective communication, conflict resolution and teamwork. Examples include: o Figurehead role o Leader o Liaison Informational role involves receiving, collating and analysing information and giving this information to appropriate people. Examples include: o Monitoring information o Disseminator of information o Spokesperson Students correctly define ONE role AND provide an example OR they distinguish between the two roles but provide no examples Defines ONE of the roles Question 24(c) Criteria/Suggested answer Students explain TWO internal influences that may result in change within a business. These influences may include: o Effects of accelerating technology, including e-commerce o New systems and procedures o New business cultures Students explain ONE internal influence OR they identify TWO influences Marks 2 1 Marks 3–4 2 1 Marks 3–4 1–2 NSW Independent Trial Exams 2011 – Business Studies Trial HSC Examination: Marking Criteria - Page 3 Question 25(a) Criteria/Suggested answer Students calculate debt to equity ratio for Stationary Supplies. Total debt/total equity = 1.64:1 Question 25(b) Criteria/Suggested answer Students comment on the change in working capital between 2009 and 2010 2009: CA/CL = 18500/8000 = 2.3:1 2010: CA/CL = 27000/8000 = 3.3:1 This working capital ratio has increased. They are able to meet their short term obligations when they fall due, however; the companies’ ratio has increased, meaning it could be investing too heavily in short term assets Correctly calculates working capital for 2009 OR 2010 but does not comment on the change Question 25(c) Criteria/Suggested answer Students calculate and comment on the efficiency of Stationary Supplies between 2009 and 2010 2009: sales/accounts receivable = 78000/12000 = 6.5. 365/6.5 = 56 days 2010: sales/accounts receivable = 93000/10000 = 9.3 365/9.3 = 39 days. In 2009, debtors were not paying their account on time, taking up to 56 days, however, in 2010, accounts receivable was being paid within the businesses trade credit policy, which is 40 days. This has resulted in improving the efficiency ratio Students correctly calculate the efficiency ratio for BOTH 2009 and 2010 OR they calculate ONE year correctly and comment on it Students correctly calculate the efficiency ratio for 2009 OR 2010 Question 25(d) Criteria/Suggested answer Students recommend TWO strategies management can use to improve its working capital. They need to justify the strategies recommended. This could include: o Leasing o Factoring o Sale and lease back Students only recommend ONE strategy OR they identify TWO but do not justify reasons Students identify only ONE strategy Marks 1 Marks 2 1 Marks 3 2 1 Marks 3–4 2 1 NSW Independent Trial Exams 2011 – Business Studies Trial HSC Examination: Marking Criteria - Page 4 Section III Question 26 Criteria Marks 17–20 Presents a sustained, logical and well-structured answer and clearly communicates in the form of a business report, with relevant business terminology and concepts Provides a detailed description of an alternative management theory Accurately recommends TWO cash flow management strategies to reduce accounts payable and accounts receivable Provides a thorough evaluation of TWO strategies which could be used to improve employment relations 13–16 Presents a well-organised business report and uses appropriate business terminology and concepts Provides an accurate description of an alternative management theory Recommends TWO cash flow management strategies to reduce accounts payable and accounts receivable Provides a detailed evaluation of TWO strategies which could be used to improve employment relations 9–12 Includes features of a business report and uses some terminology and concepts Provides a description of an alternative management theory Describes TWO cash flow strategies that could be used to reduce accounts payable and accounts receivable Discusses TWO strategies which could be used to improve employment relations 5–8 Includes some features of a business report and uses basic terminology Provides a basic outline of an alternative management theory Limited discussion of cash flow strategies that could be used to reduce accounts payable and accounts receivable 1–4 Provides an outline of an alternative management theory Identifies/outlines a cash flow statement that could be used Uses basic terminology Answers may include a discussion of the following: Students describe an alternative management theory. This can be behavioural or contingency. Behavioural: o Management is leading, motivating, communicating o Flat organisational structure, teams o Participative/democratic leadership style Systems/contingency – adapting management and organisational approaches to circumstances Students need to recommend TWO cash flow management strategies. These may include: Cash flow statements – need to use cash flow statements for effective financial planning. It provides the link between revenue statement and the balance sheet Management strategies which can be used to improve cash flow – distribution of payments throughout the month, year or other financial period to avoid shortfalls of cash Cash flow projection may be used to identify periods of shortfalls and surpluses assisting in cash flow management Chasing up accounts and offering discounts for early payments Reduce the accounts receivable by factoring accounts that are well overdue Use a bank overdraft to reduce the accounts payable Evaluates TWO strategies which could be used to improve employment relations: Rewards – financial, non-financial Training and development – induction Flexible working conditions – family-friendly programs NSW Independent Trial Exams 2011 – Business Studies Trial HSC Examination: Marking Criteria - Page 5 Section IV Question 27 Criteria Marks 17–20 Presents a sustained, logical and well-structured response that demonstrates a detailed description of the social/cultural influences on global business Thorough analysis of the product and pricing strategies a global business may use in its standardised marketing plan Adds a degree of depth, understanding and reflection in relation to the above strategies Comprehensively utilises case study material to address all aspects of the question Presents a logical and well-structured business response and clearly communicates response, using appropriate business terminology and concepts Presents a sustained, structured response that demonstrates an understanding of the 13–16 social/cultural influences on global business Provides an analysis of the product and pricing strategies a global business may use in its standardised marketing plan Makes reference to relevant case study/studies Presents a well-organised answer and uses appropriate business terminology and concepts Presents a descriptive, structured response, demonstrating some understanding of the 9–12 social/cultural influences on global business Sketches in general terms some product and pricing strategies which may be used in marketing plan May make some reference to relevant case study/studies Presents an organised answer and communicates using business terminology and concepts Demonstrates limited understanding of the social/cultural influences on global business 5–8 Identifies some pricing AND/OR product strategies May make limited reference to case study/studies Communicates using limited business terminology and concepts Makes reference to a social AND/OR cultural influence on a global business 1–4 May refer to a marketing strategy Uses basic or limited business terminology Answers may include a discussion of the following: “In a global marketplace a business needs to predict and manage the impact of a vast array of factors in its operations.” Defines global business and makes a statement that a global business needs to predict and manage the cultural/social influences. Students need to describe how the social and cultural influences will impact on a business by looking at: Languages Tastes Religion Varying business practices and ethics Students then analyse the product and pricing strategies a global business may implement in its marketing plan. Product strategies: Positioning – refers to the image that a product has in the mind of the customer compared to alternative products Global branding – the use of names, terms or symbols that customers may use to identify the products Packaging – used to enhance identification and differentiation of the product Pricing strategies: Cost, market and competition-based Pricing strategies/tactics – skimming, penetration, loss leaders, price points Price and quality interaction NSW Independent Trial Exams 2011 – Business Studies Trial HSC Examination: Marking Criteria - Page 6 Question 28 Criteria Marks 17–20 Presents a sustained, logical and well-structured response that demonstrates a detailed description on the elements of a marketing plan Thorough analysis of the marketing strategies management may implement on a global scale Adds a degree of depth, understanding and reflection to the marketing strategies Comprehensively utilises case study material to address all aspects of the question Presents a logical and well-structured business response and clearly communicates response using appropriate business terminology and concepts 13–16 Presents a sustained, structured response that demonstrates an understanding of the elements of a marketing plan Detailed analysis of some of the marketing strategies management may implement on a global scale Makes reference to relevant case study/studies Presents a well-organised answer and uses appropriate business terminology and concepts 9–12 Presents a descriptive, structured response demonstrating some understanding of the elements of a marketing plan Provides some discussion of marketing strategies management use on a global scale May make some reference to relevant case study/studies Presents an organised answer and communicates using business terminology and concepts 5–8 Recognises and names some of the elements of a marketing plan Sketches in general terms some marketing strategies which may be used on a global scale May make limited reference to case study/studies Communicates using some business terminology 1–4 Makes a general statement about the marketing plan May make some reference to a marketing strategy which may be used by a global business Makes little or no use of a case study Uses basic terminology Answers may include a discussion of the following: Students describe the elements of a marketing plan. Situational analysis including SWOT and product life cycle Establishing market objectives Identifying target market Developing marketing strategies Implementation, monitoring and controlling – developing a financial forecast, comparing actual and planned results and revising the marketing strategy Students then analyse how a business could manage its marketing strategies on a global scale. This includes an analysis of the following: Marketing refers to the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to satisfy customers. On a global scale a business can manage its marketing by: Research of market Global branding Standardisation and differentiation As businesses expand into global markets they must decide whether to rebrand themselves or maintain a common global brand. This decision must be based on research of the attributes of customers and competitors in the new markets. Market research will play an important role when the business expands into a new market to help gather information that will allow managers to implement their marketing plan on a global scale. A business must also decide whether to standardise their product across a range of global markets or differentiate themselves in each new market. This choice will largely depend on cultural and competitive differences across markets. NSW Independent Trial Exams 2011 – Business Studies Trial HSC Examination: Marking Criteria - Page 7 NSW INDEPENDENT TRIAL EXAMS – 2011 BUSINESS STUDIES TRIAL HSC MAPPING GRID Qu Mark Content 1 2 1 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 1 14 15 1 1 16 17 18 19 20 21(a) 21(b) 22(a) 22(b) 23(a) 23(b) 23(c) 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 4 1 2 6 24(a) 24(b) 24(c) 25(a) 25(b) 25(c) 25(d) 2 4 4 1 2 3 4 26 20 27 20 Marketing – elements of a marketing plan Financial planning and management – using financial information Financial planning and management – ethical and legal practices Business management and change – management theories Global business – political influence on business. Financial Planning and management – ratios Global business – drivers of globalisation Employment relations – effective employment relations Marketing – strategies Marketing – ethical and legal aspects Global business – managing global business Employment relations – effective employment relations (rewards) Business management and change – understanding business organisations with reference to management theories Business management and change – nature of change Financial planning and management – use of financial information Global business – specific influences on global business Employment relations – industrial conflict Employment relations – industrial conflict Global business – managing global business Employment relations – perspectives of conflict Marketing – objectives Marketing – strategies Employment relations – definition Employment relations – industrial conflict Employment relations – industrial conflict Global business – global business strategy Management and change – nature of management Global business – managing global business (employment relations/operations ) Business management and change – theories of management Business management and change – management roles Business management and change – managing change Financial planning and management- debt to equity Financial planning and management – working capital Financial planning and management – efficiency ratio Financial planning and management – effective financial planning: management strategies Financial planning and management – effective financial planning: management strategies Financial management and planning role of financial planning; Global business: managing global business (financial) 28 20 Financial management and planning management of funds; Global business: management responsibility in a global environment Syllabus Outcomes H2.1 H5.1 Performance Bands 2-3 2-3 H4.1 H3.1 H2.1 H5.4 H2.1 H2.1 H2.1 H5.1 H2.2 H2.1 3-4 2-4 3-4 4-5 2-4 3-5 4-5 4-5 4-6 2-4 H3.1 4-5 H5.1 H5.1, H5.4 4-6 4-6 H2.2 H2.1, H3.2 H3.2 H5.1 H2.1 H1.2 H2.1, H 5.3 H2.1 H2.1 H2.1, H5.3 H2.2 H3.3 H2.1, 2.2, 5.3 4-6 3-4 4-6 4-6 4-5 2-3 4-6 2-3 3-4 4-6 2-3 3-4 4-6 H3.1 H2.1 H2.1, H3.2, H5.3 H5.4 H5.1, H5.4 H5.1, H5.4 H4.2, H5.1, H5.4 2-3 3-6 3-6 2-4 3-5 3-5 3-6 H2.1, H3.2, H4.2, H5.1, H5.3 H2.1, H2.2, H3.2, H3.3, H4.2, H5.1, H5.2, H5.3 H2.1, H2.2, H3.2, H3.3, H4.1, H4.2, H5.1, H5.2, H5.3 2-6 NSW Independent Trial Exams 2011 – Business Studies Trial HSC Examination: Marking Criteria - Page 8 2-6 2-6