IPv4 / IPv6 Update


ARIN IPv4/IPv6 Report

Richard Jimmerson

Available IPv4 /8s from IANA*


* as of 8 May 2010


IPv4 Depletion is Imminent

• RIRs have drawn eight /8s from the IANA in

2010 through 8 May – same as all of 2009

• There are 18 /8s remaining at the IANA as of 8 May 2010

• IANA IPv4 free pool depletion COULD happen as soon as December 2010

• Remember the Global Policy for final five /8s

IPv6 Status

• Registration traffic continues to increase

• Community continues to update IPv6 policies at ARIN

• Community/User attitude shifting toward

IPv6 acceptance

• Media interest in IPv4 depletion and IPv6 adoption rapidly increasing

IPv6 Allocations/Assignments by ARIN Over Time

Board directs increased outreach

IPv6 Allocations/Assignments by ARIN Over Time (trend-line) exponential trend-line

ARIN IPv6 Registrations

ARIN IPv6 Policies

• Internet Service Providers

– ISPs are issued /32s

– streamlined policy provides easy access

• End User Organizations

– End users are issued /48s

– Policy mirrors IPv4

• Community often submits new IPv6 policy proposals http://www.arin.net/policy/

ARIN Outreach

Why We Do Outreach

• Initiate communications with varied stakeholders beyond traditional ARIN community

• Raise awareness of ARIN and our key messages

• Provide education


• ARIN and the RIRs

• Internet governance participation

• IPv4 depletion and IPv6 adoption

• Other targeted messages as needed

– Legacy Registration Services Agreement

– 4-byte AS Numbers


• Providers

– ISPs

– Content providers

– Application service providers

• Equipment and software vendors

• Enterprise companies

• Governments and NGOs

• Media / Press / Social Media


• Presentations

• Exhibits (direct and reverse)

• Media interviews

• Advertisements

• Event attendance and participation

– Microphone time

– Hallway outreach


• Fact and information sheets (and CDs)

• Multimedia pieces

• Giveaways (pens, stickers, etc.)

• Slide decks

• Comic books

• More…

Exhibit and Speaking Events

Recent Events

• Consumer Electronics Show

• IT Roadmaps

• CompTEL

• CTIA Wireless


• VoiceCon

• WIMAX Global Forum

• Super Computing

• Interop

• Cable Show

Upcoming Events

• ISOC Chapter Events

• CTU ICT Road Show

• International Telecoms


• E3 Gaming Expo

• InfoComm

• HostingCon



ARIN Letter to CEOs

• Announcement sent to ~15,000 orgs*

– IPv4 address space will be depleted within the next few years

– Organizations should begin planning on the transition to IPv6

– Beginning 18 May 2009, all applications for IPv4 address space must include an attestation of accuracy from an officer of the organization

• Email sent to ~25,000 registered POCs with IPv4 address space


Sample Media Coverage

Update to US FAR

In December, 2009, final rule E9-28931 was issued amending the Federal

Acquisition Regulation to require all

U.S. Government agencies effective

July, 2010, to acquire only IPv6 compliant products.

Increased Industry


• Collaboration happening across industry segments

– ISPs

– Content providers

– Application service providers

• Increased level of open communication about deployment

IPv6 for content/hosting providers

• Full description of IPv6 policies

• IPv6 adoption case studies

– Hurricane Electric

– Carpathia Hosting

– ARIN systems engineering

• Full slide and video archive of session: https://www.arin.net/participate/meetings/reports/


ARIN Resource Links

• TeamARIN Microsite http://TeamARIN.net

– Event Calendar

– Education

– Blogs

– Spread the word

• Public use slide deck

• Materials support request

• ARIN IPv6 wiki http://getipv6.info

ARIN Goes Social

• Facebook – www.facebook.com/TeamARI


• Twitter – www.twitter.com/TeamARIN

• YouTube – www.youtube.com/TeamARIN

Thank You
