Time and Payroll - Department of Management Services

Time and Payroll
HR Conference 2005
Upcoming People First enhancements
Time Entry Process – Current Process
Military Employees – Process to ensure accurate pay
Correlation of Timesheets to HR Fields
Leave Balance Adjustments
Flexible Work Schedule
OT Election
FLSA Special Compensation
Gross Pay History (Pre-Tax)
Recurring and One-Time Deduction Screens
Supplemental Pay, One-Time Regular Payroll Pay and
Awards screens
CJIP Payroll
“New” Stop/Cancel Payment Functionality
Prelim Payroll Input Files
Payroll Deadlines
People First – Time and Payroll
Upcoming Enhancements
Implementation of Timesheet Template
Implementation of Flex Schedule for Monthly
IUPA Changes
Special Holiday Rules – Use Sick Leave and/or Admin.
Leave, while accruing Special Compensation.
Increase FLSA cap to 100 hours
Implementation of FLSA View within the
Approval Process – Managers/Approvers will
see employees detail by Pay Period for Excluded
employees and by FLSA period for included
employees, instead of by work week.
Implementation of Leave Balance Overview
Upcoming People First
Enhancements Concluded
Reconfiguration of Overtime Rate of Pay to
include On-Call, CJIP, Firefighters Incentive Pay,
Implementation of Firefighters Incentive Pay
within People First.
Allow timesheets of one managers employees to
be approved by a manager higher in the chain of
the command, by directly accessing the
employee whose timesheet needs to be
Implementation of a separate hours type for
State Holidays (hours type 1005).
Allow Personal Holiday to be used in part, but
still result in entire holiday being used.
Time Entry Process – Importance of
Timely Completion of Timesheets
Leave without pay (LWOP) only impacts
the employees pay if either:
The employee is placed in a LWOP status
(processed through a PAR), or
The employees timesheet is submitted and
approved with the LWOP hours prior to the
Payroll Processing (7:00 PM EST the night
before the payroll processes at BOSP).
To help ensure accurate employee
balances, leave used by the employee
must be submitted and approved to be
deducted from the employees respective
leave balances.
Time Entry Process –
Employee Responsibility
Enter and submit time on a timely
Manager/Timekeeper Responsibility
Ensure employees time is submitted
and approved on a timely basis
Time Entry Process – General Steps for
Entering Time in People First
To enter time in People First (Employee):
Login to People First
Select the Hyper Link for Time and Payroll
Select Attendance and Leave within the Time and
Payroll home page.
Select “Employee Time Entry” from the Time and
Payroll drop down selection box and select “Go.”
Once within the Time Entry screen, select the
appropriate week in the Employee Time Entry –
Overview section.
Once the correct week is selected, click the “Edit”
Once in edit mode, select the appropriate “Charge
Object/Project” (if applicable) and the appropriate
“Hours Type”.
Enter time in quarter hour increments on the
appropriate days worked/leave taken and select save.
Time Entry Process – Use of
Multiple Lines
To add multiple “Charge
Object/Projects” or “Hours Type” add
the first record and then select save.
 Once the first entry is saved, click on
“Edit”. A new blank line will be
presented where you can add and save
the next entries for this week.
 Repeat this process until all “Charge
Object/Projects”, “Hours Type” and
“Hours” are added for the week.
Time Entry Process – Entry of
Call Back Hours
Call Back Hours (Hours Type 1004)
should be entered on the day the
employee is called back to work.
Entry should be the actual hours worked
by the employee.
If actual hours worked are less than 2
hours, system will automatically generate
the additional payment to the employee
to ensure the employee receives the
guaranteed 2 hours of call back pay.
Time Entry Process – Disaster
Disaster Pay (Regular Comp Payable – Hours
Type 1016 and SES Extraordinary Pay – Hours
Type 1017)
Hours Type 1016 (Regular Comp Payable) and 1017
(SES Extraordinary Pay) should not be entered on the
employees timesheet until he/she has exceeded
contract hours for his/her submission period.
Edits do NOT currently exist in People First to ensure this
occurs. As a result, agencies should audit these
payments for accuracy prior to approving.
Once submitted and approved, all hours under hours
type 1016 and 1017 are sent to an HR Approval Screen
(Extra Pay Approvals) where an agency HR
representative must approve the proposed payment
prior to these payments being issued to the employee.
Time Entry Process – Basic
Within the Time Entry Process the following
basic edits are in place to help ensure accuracy
of time entered:
24 Hour Rule – Ensures that employee does not enter
more than 24 hours worked and/or leave in one
calendar day.
Daily Leave Used – Ensures that employee does not
enter more than scheduled hours when using leave on
a given day.
Sufficient Leave Balance – Ensures that employee has
sufficient balance in the leave type being used for the
Time Worked on Day Off – Provides warning message to
employee when entering time on a non-scheduled work
Leave Entry on Day Off – Prevents employee from
submitting leave used on a scheduled day off.
Time Entry Process –
Submission of Time
Included employees
40 hour included employees submit
time weekly
 160 hour included employees submit
time based on their 160 hour FLSA
Excluded employees submit their
time based on the pay period
(biweekly or monthly)
Time Entry Process –
Submission Edits
Within the Time Entry Submission
process, the following edits are in place
to help ensure accuracy of time
Leave Use Edit – Ensures that employee does
not submit timesheet with leave used, when
he has “made-up” some or all of the leave
hours entered.
Contract Hours Edit – Ensures that employee
has accounted for all hours in his/her
submission period (see previous slide for
submission periods).
Military Employees – Eligibility
for Continued Pay from the State
Employees on Military Leave are eligible for the
following payments:
Continued pay for 30 calendar days from date of order.
If the employees military rate of pay is less than his/her
state rate of pay, the employee is entitled to a military
pay supplement from the state, for the difference.
All employees on military leave are entitled to pay for
state holidays.
Employees receiving a military pay supplement are
entitled to payment for the greater of the military
supplement and the holiday amount for the period, but
are not entitled to payment of both.
Employees on Military Leave may use
intermittent leave to cover cost of continued
Military Employees – Process
for Pay while on Military Leave
Perform PARs to place employee on military
To ensure payment for first 30 days, select action type
LOA With Pay, reason code Active Military (reason
code 69).
After the first 30 days, when completing the PAR, if the
employee is eligible for a military supplement payment,
select Action Type LOA Without Pay, Reason Code of
Military Leave with Pay Supplement (reason code 82).
If not eligible for supplement, select Action Type LOA
Without Pay, Reason Code Military Leave without Pay
Supplement (reason code 83).
Timesheets should be used for intermittent leave being
paid to the employees. The timesheet should be
entered and approved before the payroll deadline for
the regular payroll.
Correlation of Time Entry to
Organization Management Screens
The only field within the Organizational
Management Screens that directly drives Time
for employees is the FLSA Work Period
(contained with the Additional Attributes
It is primarily used for included positions to determine
their FLSA period for Overtime and/or FLSA Accrual. It
also drives the time period for the employees
timesheet submission.
The only selections that are currently VALID are:
40 Hour – Friday through Thursday – Weekly Timesheet
1st Cycle 28 Day – 28 Day Timesheet Submission
2nd Cycle 28 Day – 28 Day Timesheet Submission
3rd Cycle 28 Day – 28 Day Timesheet Submission
4th Cycle 28 Day – 28 Day Timesheet Submission
5th Cycle 28 Day – 28 Day Timesheet Submission
Leave Balance Adjustments
Primary Use
Credit transferring employees with their
corresponding leave balance upon hire at
your agency.
This is required when:
Employee Transfers from a different Pay Cycle
(Monthly to Biweekly or Biweekly to Monthly)
Employee Transfers in from a non People First
Payroll entity, which your agency accepts leave from
This is not required when an employee transfers
from a one agency to another and both are on the
same Pay Cycle (Monthly to Monthly or Biweekly to
Adjust employees Leave Balance for any
other reason.
Flexible Work Schedule
The Flexible Work Schedule is used to allow
employees to set their schedule, which is
subsequently used for payroll submission, in the
People First System to match their work
Who Must Complete a Flexible Work Schedule:
All employees who vary from the standard 8-hour per
day, Friday, Monday – Thursday, schedule.
Part-Time Employees.
Who Can Currently Use the Flexible Work
ONLY Biweekly Employees should be using the
Flexible Work Schedule at the current time.
Flexible Work Schedule
Future Enhancements to the Flexible
Work Schedule Process
Correct Calculation issues for Monthly
employees to allow these employees to
fully use this module and to submit
their time in accord with their
 Allow 28 day employees to submit a
flexible work schedule in accord with
their FLSA Period.
Overtime Election
The Overtime Election is used by included employees,
within participating agencies, to select whether they want
to accrue FLSA Compensation for hours worked in excess
of their FLSA period, or be Paid Overtime for these excess
hours worked.
How Does the People First System determine Accrual vs.
Payment of Overtime when the election is made in the
middle of an FLSA period?
The system uses the employees status at the time he/she
exceeds FLSA period hours. If an employee has exceeded
FLSA hours while in a pay status, he/she will be paid for
these hours in accord with the agencies payroll schedule. If
the employee then subsequently changes his/her status to
accrue during the same period and subsequently works
additional hours, these additional hours will be accrued as
FLSA Special Compensation.
FLSA Special
FLSA Special Compensation is accumulated overtime, accrued
at time and half for employees in an accrue status (see previous
Employees are capped at 80 hours during the FLSA accrual
period. Hours over the 80 hours are paid as overtime.
Agencies should pay their employees FLSA balance twice a year
in accord with their approved plan (most pay in January for the
accrual period of July 1 – December 31st and in July for the
accrual period of January 1 – June 30th, however, some agencies
have different accrual and payment periods)
When initiating payment agencies should be careful to ensure
that the employees receiving the payout do not enter FLSA
Leave on their timesheets, which subsequently impact the
amount of FLSA payout the employee is to receive. The
adjustment for the FLSA payout should be processed as soon as
possible to keep the employees from being able to use the leave
that is being paid out. Timing is critical to ensure negative leave
balances are not created.
Gross Pay History Screen
The Gross Pay History Screen is a
snapshot of the payments sent from
People First to the Bureau of State
Payrolls for processing.
This screen can only be accessed for one
employee at a time, NOT for the entire
agency at once.
This is a snapshot of payroll input, NOT
payroll output. This may vary from what
is on the payroll output if the payments
are dropped during processing at the
Bureau of State Payrolls.
Recurring and One-Time
The Recurring Deductions screen is used for miscellaneous deductions
that are to occur for more than one pay period. Typical examples are
United Way deductions, Bank/Credit Union Deductions, Parking
Deductions, etc.
The One-Time Deductions screen is used for miscellaneous deductions
that are to occur on only one payroll. For example, typically code 0200
(Salary Refund) would be entered on this screen.
To stop a recurring deduction, access the recurring deductions screen,
select the deduction to be stopped, and click the “edit” button. Once in
edit mode, for the end date, select the pay period the deduction is to be
stopped in. The pay period selected will be the last pay period the
deduction is taken for the employee.
To stop a one-time deduction, access the one-time deduction screen
prior to the payroll running, select the miscellaneous deduction to be
stopped, and click the delete button. You will then be warned that you
are about to delete the deduction and asked if you want to proceed. To
complete the deletion, select yes.
To change a current recurring deduction, access the recurring deduction
screen, select “New” and add the deduction as desired. Be sure to
select the correct Pay Period for both effective date and end date and
save the record. Once this new record is saved, the system will
automatically end date the previous deduction record for the period prior
to the effective date of the new record.
Supplemental Payroll Screen
This screen is available for agencies to make additional
payments to employees on the supplemental payroll.
This screen is available within the Management – My Direct
Reports tab, Time and Payroll dropdown list for HR
Professionals to use.
To make a payment through this screen, simply access the
screen for the desired employee and follow these steps:
 Select “new”
 Select the wage type by clicking the dropdown list for the
“Type” field.
 Select the Supplemental Payroll processing date by clicking
on the dropdown list for the “Date” field.
 Enter the applicable “Amount” and hours (“Number/Unit”
fields) when appropriate. Hours are not valid for all payment
types (for example, hours are not valid for bonus payments).
 Click on “save”
Payments entered in this screen will be sent to BOSP for
processing on the Supplemental Payroll selected.
Payments entered in this screen will generate a Direct Deposit
transaction if the employee has a Direct Deposit authorization on
file with the Department of Financial Services.
One-Time Regular Payroll
This screen is available for agencies to make additional
payments to employees on the regular payroll run.
This screen is available within the Management – My Direct
Reports tab, Time and Payroll dropdown list for HR
Professionals to use.
To make a payment through this screen, simply access the
screen for the desired employee and follow these steps:
 Select “new”
 Select the wage type by clicking the dropdown list for the
“Type” field.
 Select the pay period date the payment is to be processed by
clicking on the dropdown list for the “Date” field.
 Enter the applicable “Amount” and hours (“Number/Unit”
fields) when appropriate. Hours are not valid for all payment
types (for example, hours are not valid for bonus payments).
 Click on “save”
Payments entered in this screen will be sent to BOSP for
processing on the Regular Payroll selected.
Payments entered in this screen will generate a Direct Deposit
transaction if the employee has a Direct Deposit authorization on
file with the Department of Financial Services.
Award Payments Screen
This screen is available for agencies to make authorized
award/bonus payments to employees on the awards payroll run.
This screen is available within the Management – My Direct
Reports tab, Time and Payroll dropdown list for HR
Professionals to use.
To make a payment through this screen, simply access the
screen for the desired employee and follow these steps:
Select “new”
Select the wage type by clicking the dropdown list for the “Wage
Type” field.
Select the Awards Payroll processing date by clicking on the
dropdown list for the “Payment Date” field.
Enter the applicable “Amount” for the payment.
Click on “save”
Payments entered in this screen will be sent to BOSP for
processing on the Awards Payroll selected.
Payments entered in this screen will generate a manual warrant
(pay check).
CJIP Payroll
The CJIP payroll is tentatively scheduled to be released in
People First in February 2006, for the CJIP period of January 1 –
31, 2006.
Agency Benefits once the CJIP payroll is implemented within the
People First system:
The CJIP payroll will be integrated, reducing agency input when
employees change positions, class codes, retirement codes, etc.
The CJIP payroll will be integrated with the employees timesheet.
The timesheet, in conjunction with the employees schedule will be
used to calculate days worked vs. days available.
Terminations CJIP change orders are generated by People First.
System will prorate the employees CJIP pay when the employee is
on Workers Compensation.
When an employee changes positions within the same agency, from
one CJIP eligible position to another CJIP eligible position, People
First generates the Class/Position certification (BOSP Form DBF-BPCJIP) for the employee.
For full retro CJIP payments (Employee has never received a CJIP
payment from your agency), the agency only needs to enter one CJIP
record (agency enters the first month as the effective date) and the
system will create the additional change orders for the agency.
CJIP Payroll Concluded
Important Notes:
Positions should be marked CJIP eligible before
moving the employee to the position.
If an employee is moved to a position that is NOT
marked as CJIP eligible, a termination CJIP change
order will be created.
Position reclassifications which reclassify the position
to a non-eligible CJIP position, should not be retro
dated to a time when a CJIP eligible participant
occupied the position.
If the CJIP indicator is removed from a position, while
the position is held by an employee receiving CJIP pay,
a termination CJIP change order will be created.
Partial retro payments should be processed through
the On-Demand Payroll System. ONLY full retro’s can
be processed in People First.
Stop/Cancel Payment
This functionality provides the agencies HR professionals
an opportunity to stop erroneous payments prior to the
payments being sent to BOSP for final processing.
The “Stop/Cancel Payment” functionality is listed under
the Time and Payroll tab for HR professionals.
This functionality is available for payrolls processed on or
after December 11, 2005.
This functionality is based on the processing of the prelim
payroll input file (see following slides for additional
information on the prelim payroll input file) and only
contains payments that were present in People First at the
time the prelim file was processed.
To stop a payment, an HR professional for the agency
simply selects the employee in the Management – My
Direct Reports tab, then selects “Stop/Cancel Payment”
from the Time and Payroll drop down list. Once in the
screen, select the payment to be stopped, select “edit”
and then change the status of the payment from “To be
paid” to “Stopped”.
Stop/Cancel Payment
Functionality Concluded
If accessing the screen prior to the Prelim being processed or
subsequent to the final file being processed, no current records
will be available for stopping.
Once the final payroll file for the current payroll is processed,
payments that were not stopped will be removed from the
“Stop/Cancel Payment” screen. A history record will be
maintained for all payments that were cancelled within this
This functionality should only be used when an erroneous
payment is being created that can’t be timely corrected by the
agency prior to the payroll processing through the appropriate
Payments cancelled using this functionality are completely
stopped for that payroll run. For example, if an agency stops a
regular salary payment for an employee, then processes a PAR
to change the employees salary for the same period, no
payments will be processed as the agency selected to stop the
payment, even though the agency changed the employees pay
after entering the stop.
Prelim Payroll Input Files
The Prelim Payroll Input file is generally processed as
Biweekly Payroll: Processed Thursday night, when final file
is due to BOSP on Monday morning.
Monthly Payroll: Processed two business nights before the
final file is due to BOSP. For example, if the file is due to
BOSP on Thursday morning, the prelim file is processed on
Tuesday night.
Supplemental payroll: Processed two nights (generally
Sunday night) before the final file is due to BOSP.
Prelim files are not processed for the Awards payroll or the
CJIP payroll.
Prelim data is available the morning after the file is
processed (see the next slide for information on how to
access the prelim data).
During periods with one or more holidays, the prelim file may
be processed on a different schedule. When this occurs a
communication is sent out from the DMS People First office
advising the agencies of the non-typical processing.
Prelim Payroll Input Files
The prelim data is available through two mechanisms:
 The data is available in the data warehouse in the following table: “F01 Wage Reg
Prelim Active”. This data can be extracted like any other table in the warehouse.
 The data is available in the front-end of People First through the “Reports” functionality
within the Management Home Page tab. This report is ONLY available in Adobe. To run
the report:
 Click on “Reports” within the Management Home Page tab.
 Select “File 1 Payment History” from the Time & Payroll Reports dropdown list and
click “go”.
 Within the next screen, enter the “Personnel Numbers” range to be pulled (if pulling
all, enter 00000001 in the first box and 00999999 in the second box).
 Enter the “FLAIR Org. Code” range to be pulled (if pulling all, enter the first two
bytes of your agencies Org. Code then, zero fill the rest of the org. code within the
first box. In the second box, enter the first two bytes of your agency and then nine
fill the rest of the org. code. For example, 81000000000 and 81999999999 would be
entered for test agency.)
 Enter the “Run Date”. In the first box enter the day the prelim was scheduled to
process. In the second box enter the day after the prelim was scheduled to
 In the “Test/Prelim.” fields enter an “X” in the first field and leave the second field
 Click “Save”
 This will take you to the report page, simply click on the link for the report to open.
 For larger agencies (more than 2,000 employees), the front-end report should be ran by
smaller, more manageable FLAIR Org. Code ranges. If the entire agency is selected, the
report will time out.
Payroll Deadlines
For data processed through the front-end
of People First, the agencies have until
7:00 PM EST the night before the file is
due to BOSP to complete the transaction.
For example, for timesheets, this means
timesheet must be approved by 7:00 PM EST
the night before to be considered for the
Further example, for PARs, this means the
PAR must be created, acted upon and
completed by 7:00 PM EST the night before to
be considered for the payroll run.