Conventional Roof Framing Class Exercise 2 - 180 Residential Studies Certificate IV 2182D Using the Floor Plan & Details provided complete the Preliminary Calculations so that the most economical Size, Span and Spacing Of the Ceiling and Roof members can be achieved. 21.910 0.270 2.730 3.305 0.100 1.690 1.430 0.100 0.950 3.610 0.530 0.950 2.330 0.470 2.770 1.5500.1200.350 1.800 W13 D15 W12 D6 W11 W10 0.470 0.100 0.270 3.300 Bath W1 W2 W3 1.190 0.8500.830 0.970 0.100 1.070 0.970 4.580 0.100 0.100 1.000 Kitchen 1.930 0.100 0.750 2.540 W6 W4 1.790 3.770 D3 Bed 1 E.S. 1.310 W7 0.970 1.190 0.970 1.810 0.470 0.100 2.110 0.100 0.100 0.100 1.400 0.600 3.350 4.250 0.250 22.910 Floor Plan Class Exercise 2 Floor Plan John Bridges August 2004 Note: Hyspan LVL Strutting Beams to Dining / Lounge & Bedroom 1 as shown 4.210 0.250 3.940 D1 W.C. 2.620 D2 Entry D7 L'dry 1.680 D5 3.440 D9 4.110 W8 Hall 0.250 D12 D11 2.770 D4 D8 0.990 D13 Lounge 2.450 0.100 0.100 0.900 2.000 Dining D10 Garage Direction of Ceiling Joists Family 1.900 0.100 1.690 0.100 Bed 2 Bed3 D14 2.450 1.650 1.800 W9 Workshop 0.250 0.600 0.270 1.690 0.250 W14 0.100 4.100 2.000 0.250 0.270 7.610 8.150 0.950 2.530 0.250 7.660 3.770 .600 0.995 2.930 0.500 0.100 0.100 0.100 1.000 Preliminary Calculations Common Rafter True Length of Common Rafter Pitch 180 Half Span = 8.150 – 0.300 2 = 3.925m Rise = Tan 180 x 3.925 = 1.275m Rise 1.275 TLCR = 4.127 180 Half Span 3.925 TLCR = 3.925 Cos 180 = 4.127m Calculate Common Rafter Span & RLW of Underpurlin RLW = 4.127 2 = 2.064m Span of Rafter = 2.064m Say 2.100m RLW of Underpurlin = 2.064m Say 2.100m Calculate Eaves Overhang – Eaves RLW TL O/Hang = 0.600 + 0.150 COS 180 = 0.788m RLW Eaves = 0.788m 0.150 0.600 Calculate Fan Strut Lengths & Distance X. Strut = ? 2.064 Strut = Tan180 x 2.064 = 0.671 Strut 0.671 Dist. X = 1.862 run of rafter = 3.925 100mm width Distance X = Run of rafter divided by 2 less 100mm plate width: 3.925/2 = 1.962 – 100 = 1862 Calculate Fan Strut Length 0.671 0.671 Fan Strut = 0.6712 + 0.6712 = 0.949m or 0.671 0.949 = 0.671 cos 450 = 0.949m Half Spread Fan Strut = 0.671m Fan Strut Length = 0.949m 0.949 Summary: Rafter Span = 2.064 Say 2.100 RLW Underpurlin = 2.064 Say 2.100 Overhang eaves = 0.788 Purlin horizontal Set Out, “Distance X” = 1.862 Half Spread Fan Strut = .671 Full spread Fan Strut = 1.342 Fan Strut Length = 0.949 Using the information from the Preliminary Calculations & The Job Specification Fill in the Project job sheets to arrive at final design requirements. General Information from Project Details Member Rule/Table Size Comments Timber Species Seasoned S/Wood Timber Grade MGP 15 Supp. No. 6 – N3 Roof Mass 60Kg/m2 Type/Construct. Conventional Floor to Ceiling height Eaves Width 2.700 0.600 Fill in comments column with information from project specification Using A.S. 1684.2 (2006) – Section 7 Roof Framing 1. Obtain information for Ceiling Joists to complete job sheet. Member Ceiling Joists Rule/Table Size R 7.2.4 T 21 90 x 35 @ R 7.3.6 600mmc/c Comments Single Span 2.400 Continuous Span (over more than 1 span) 2.800 1. Page 81 – rule 7.2.4 ceiling joists (building practice) 2. Page 98 – rule 7.3.6 ceiling joists (member sizes) 3. Determine Span Table of supplements (supp. 6, N3, s/softwood, MGP 15) 4. Find allowable spans for 90 x 35 MGP15 ceiling joists from table 21 supp. 6 2. Obtain information for Hanging Beams Member Rule/Table Size Room Hanging Beams R Comments Span CLW 7.2.5 / 90 x 45 Bedroom 1 120 x 45 Bedroom 2 120 x 35 Bedroom 3 90 x 45 Bath / WC 90 x 35 Laundry 140 x 45 Kitchen 2 / 170 x 35 Family 170 x 35 Dining 170 x 35 Lounge 140 x 45 Garage W/shop 2 T 23 R 7.3.7 2.475 2.930 2.730 2.540 1.720 2.050 2.050 1.225 1.680 1.725 3.770 3.770 1.720 2.055 3.830 2.055 3.830 2.055 3.300 2.775 N/A 1. Page 82 – rule 7.2.5 Hanging Beams (building practice) 2. 3. Page 99 – rule 7.3.7 Hanging Beams Determine Span Table of supplements (member sizes) (supp. 6, N3, s/softwood, MGP 15) 4. Determine Hanging Beams to rooms from table 23 supp. 6, MGP15 3. Obtain information for Rafters Member Common Rafter Rule/Table R 7.2.11 T 29 R 7.3.13 Size 120 x 35 Comments Rafter Spacing 0.600 Span 2.100 Eaves O/Hang 0.788 Underpurlin is mid-span of Rafter Fill in comments column with information from project specification & Prelim. Calcs. 1. Page 86 – rule 7.2.11 Rafters (building practice) 2. Page 105 – rule 7.3.13 Rafters (member sizes) 3. Determine Span Table of supplements 4. Determine Rafter Size from table 29 supp. 6, MGP15, N3 (Check - single or continuous span - roof mass – span – O/hang) (supp. 6, N3, s/softwood, MGP 15) 4. Obtain information for Collar Ties Member Collar Ties Rule/Table R 7.2.16 & 7.3.17 Size 70 x 35 or Comments Length 3.805 T 7.6 (page 110) Check section 7 (Roof Framing) for information – rules & tables for Collar Ties Note: Find rules relating to Collar Ties. Page 90 Rule 7.2.16 & Page 109, Rule 7.3.17 – Other members or Components, states that Table 7.6 give details for miscellaneous roof framing members not given in span tables of the supplements. Page 110, Table 7.6 – Collar Ties gives required Information Refer to floor plan to calculate length of collar tie: 7.610 / 2 = 3.805 From Table 7.6 – Ties to 4200mm long for F8/MGP12 or higher stress grade – 70 x 35 5. Obtain information for Ridge board Member Ridge Rule/Table R 7.2.12 Size Comments Not Strutted T 7.6 (page 110) Check section 7 (Roof Framing) for information – rules & tables for Ridge boards Note: Find rules relating to Ridge boards Page 86, Rule 7.2.12 – The size of Ridge boards shall be determined from Table 7.6 Table 7.6 Ridge boards – Refers to Unstrutted ridges in coupled roofs has having a depth not less than length of Rafter Plumb-Cut x 19mm thick Refer Table 7.6 (AS 1684.2) page 110, Ridge depth = rafter plumb cut x 19mm thick. Therefore use 140 x 19 MGP 15 S/wood. 0.126 Ridge Rafter 120 x 35 MGP 15 Seasoned Softwood Length of Plumb Cut Length of Plumb cut = Rafter Depth Cos. Roof Pitch 0.120 = 0.120 Cos. 180 = 0.126 5. Obtain information for Ridge board Member Ridge Rule/Table R Size 7.2.12 Comments Not Strutted 140 x 19 T 7.6 (page 110) Check section 7 (Roof Framing) for information – rules & tables for Ridge boards Note: Find rules relating to Ridge boards Page 86, Rule 7.2.12 – The size of Ridge boards shall be determined from Table 7.6 Table 7.6 Ridge boards – Refers to Unstrutted ridges in coupled roofs has having a depth not less than length of Rafter Plumb-Cut x 19mm thick Calculate Rafter Plumb-Cut Length - 0.120 = 0.126 cos 180 (Therefore 140 x 19 Ridge) 6. Obtain information for Hip Rafter (Hip) Member Hip Rafter Rule/Table R R T Size Comments 7. Obtain information for Under purlins Member Underpurlin Rule/Table R 7.2.10 R 7.3.12 Size Comments 140 x 70 Span Direct from Span Tables of Supplements. Max. Span Interpolated = 3.633m T 28 Check section 7 (Roof Framing) for information – rules & tables for Underpurlins Note: Find rules relating to Underpurlins Page 84, Rule 7.2.10 – Underpurlins Page 104, Rule 7.3.12 - Size of Underpurlins Span Table 28 of Supplements Refer Table 28 – Continuous Span - for allowable span to Underpurlin (Rafter spacing = 0.600, RLW = 2100 & Roof Mass = 60Kg/m2) Interpolate allowable Max. Span for Underpurlin size 140 x 70 from Table 28 8. Obtain information for Struts (Roof Strutting) Member Struts Rule/Table Size R 7.2.15 90 x 45 R T 7.6 Comments Straight Strut Length = 0.671m Fan Strut Length 0.949m or = 70 x 70 Check section 7 (Roof Framing) for information – rules & tables for Struts Note: Find rules relating to Struts Page 87, Rule 7.2.15 – Roof Strutting & Page 90, Rule Fan Struts. Page 109, Rule 7.3.17 - The size of Miscellaneous roof members shall be determined from Table 7.6 From Prelim. Calcs. Fill in lengths for straight & fan struts. Using Table 7.6 Determine section size of Struts – (Tile Roof) 9. Obtain information for Strutting Beams Member Rule/Table Strutting Beams •Use: Hyspan LVL •Supporting roof & Ceiling Loads. Size Comments Location Span Lounge/Dining Bedroom 1 • Use Hyspan LVL Span Tables for Residential Building • Calculate spans for strutting beams from floor plan Spacing 21.910 0.270 2.730 3.305 0.100 1.690 1.430 0.100 0.950 3.610 0.530 0.950 2.330 0.470 2.770 1.5500.1200.350 1.800 W13 D15 W12 D6 W11 W10 0.470 0.100 0.270 3.300 Bath W1 W2 W3 1.190 0.8500.830 0.970 0.100 1.070 0.970 4.580 0.100 0.100 1.000 Kitchen 1.930 0.100 0.750 2.540 W6 W4 1.790 3.770 D3 Bed 1 E.S. 1.310 W7 0.970 1.190 0.970 1.810 0.470 0.100 2.110 0.100 0.100 0.100 1.400 0.600 3.350 4.250 0.250 22.910 Beam to Lounge / Dining, Span = 4.110 Floor Plan John Bridges August 2004 Beam to Bedroom 1, Span = 3.440 4.210 0.250 3.940 D1 W.C. 2.620 D2 Entry D7 L'dry 1.680 D5 3.440 D9 4.110 W8 Hall 0.250 D12 D11 2.770 D4 D8 0.990 D13 Lounge 2.450 0.100 0.100 0.900 2.000 Dining D10 Garage Direction of Ceiling Joists Family 1.900 0.100 1.690 0.100 Bed 2 Bed3 D14 2.450 1.650 1.800 W9 Workshop 0.250 0.600 0.270 1.690 0.250 W14 0.100 4.100 2.000 0.250 0.270 7.610 8.150 0.950 2.530 0.250 7.660 3.770 .600 0.995 2.930 0.500 0.100 0.100 0.100 1.000 8. Obtain information for Strutting Beams Member Rule/Table Strutting Beams •Use: Hyspan LVL Size •Supporting roof & Ceiling Loads. Comments Location Span Spacing Lounge/Dining 4.110 Centre Bedroom 1 3.440 Centre • Use Hyspan LVL Span Tables for Residential Building • Calculate spans for strutting beams from floor plan • Fill in span information • Spacing is centre of rooms • Determine table number from Hyspan LVL tables to select beam section sizes Use table 18 for Beam To Lounge/Dining Span = 4.110 & Beam to Bedroom 1 Span = 3.440 Supporting Underpurlins & Hanging Beams Go to Table 18 for member size RLW = 2.475 B1 = 3.830 L/D TILE ROOF AND CEILING Maximum Span (M) Lounge/ Dining Beam Span = 4.110 Lounge/ Dining Beam = 300x75 Bedroom 1 Beam Span = 3.440 Bedroom 1 Beam = 2/200 x 45 8. Obtain information for Strutting Beams Member Rule/Table Strutting Beams •Use: Hyspan LVL •Supporting roof & Ceiling Loads. Size Comments Location Spacing 300 x 75 T 18 Span 4.110 Lounge/Dining Centre 3.440 Centre 2/ 200 x 45 Bedroom1 • Use Hyspan LVL Span Tables for Residential Building • Calculate spans for strutting beams from floor plan • Fill in span information • Spacing is centre of rooms • Determine table numbers from Hyspan LVL tables to select beam section sizes • Fill in Data for Lounge/Dining Beam • Fill in Data for Bedroom 1 Beam Part A can now be completed. On the plan supplied clearly mark all Hanging Beams, Underpurlins and any Strutting Beams & / or Special Strutting Beams supporting Roof and Ceiling loads. 21.910 0.270 2.730 3.305 1.690 0.950 1.690 1.430 0.100 3.610 0.530 0.950 2.330 0.470 2.770 1.5500.1200.350 1.800 W13 D15 W12 D6 W11 W10 0.470 0.100 0.270 3.300 D7 D1 L'dry W.C. Bath W1 W2 W3 2.620 4.580 0.100 0.100 1.000 W6 W4 1.790 1.930 0.100 0.750 2.540 3.770 D3 Bed 1 E.S. Kitchen 1.190 0.8500.830 0.970 0.100 1.070 0.970 1.680 D2 Entry 1.310 W7 0.970 1.190 0.970 1.810 0.470 0.100 2.110 0.100 0.100 0.100 1.400 0.600 4.210 0.250 3.350 4.250 0.250 22.910 Single struts Strutting Beams Fan struts Hanging Beams Floor Plan John Bridges Under Purlins August 2004 3.940 D5 3.440 D9 4.110 W8 Hall 0.250 D12 D11 2.770 D4 D8 0.990 D13 Lounge 2.450 0.100 0.100 0.900 2.000 Dining D10 Garage Direction of Ceiling Joists Family 1.900 0.100 1.690 0.100 Bed 2 Bed3 D14 2.450 1.650 1.800 W9 Workshop 0.250 0.600 0.250 W14 0.100 4.100 2.000 0.250 0.270 7.610 0.270 8.150 0.950 2.530 0.250 7.660 3.770 0.100 .600 0.995 2.930 0.500 0.100 0.100 0.100 1.000 Class Exercise 2 – Now Complete