Telework!Va Metro Richmond Market Viability Study Prepared By Southeastern Institute of Research Spring 2004 1 Southeastern Institute of Research • The Telework!Va is a transportation demand management (TDM) program offered by the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) to encourage businesses to offer teleworking programs. • First launched in Northern Virginia, Telework!Va offers participating businesses up to $35,000 in incentives to start or expand a formal telework program - $3,500 per employee. Incentives are limited to reimbursement of home computer work station lease costs, consultant/technical assistance expenses, and training for teleworkers and supervisors. • Applicants must demonstrate their willingness to start a long-term program, invest in the staff resources required to sustain a program and commit to an implementation schedule with appropriate milestones of two (2) years or less. • Telework!Va initial pilot program in Northern Virginia was successful. Telework!Va will now be rolled out in the Hampton Roads and Richmond markets. • More information on Telework!Va can be found at 2 Southeastern Institute of Research Study Background & Methodology 3 Southeastern Institute of Research Background & Methodology • A quantitative online research study among corporate decision makers of large and small businesses in the Richmond area – Sample supplied by the Greater Richmond Chamber of Commerce • Interviewing conducted April 22 – May 11, 2004 • This report based on 299 completed interviews • Maximum statistical error (at 95% confidence level) is +/- 5.7% 4 Southeastern Institute of Research Study Objectives • The overall objective of this research study is to assess the viability of launching Telework!Va in the Metro Richmond market. • Specific research goals include: – Quantify the potential demand for Telework!Va – Identify the ideal corporate prospects for Telework!Va – Provide input into the ideal packaging and bundling of the existing Telework!Va services – Identify the most meaningful selling messages and communication channels for program roll-out 5 Southeastern Institute of Research Profile of Richmond Employers Included In This study 60% C-Class Respondents • Professions: – Professional Services: 25% – Sales/Customer Service: 15% – Finance/Investment: 11% – Manufacturing/Distribution: 10% – Marketing/Advertising: 8% – Phone/Communications: 2% – Government: 2% – Engineering/Architecture: 2% – Other: 24% • Job Titles: – – – – – – President/CEO: 45% General Manager: 12% HR Director: 4% Chairman: 2% CFO: - 1% Other: 35% • Average Number of Employees: – 250 Employees • Gender: – Male: 68% – Female: 32% • Average Age: – 49 Years of Age 6 Southeastern Institute of Research Employers’ Perspective on Air Quality & Traffic Congestion 7 Southeastern Institute of Research 92% Of Richmond Employers Rate The Area’s Quality Of Life Favorably 40% rate it “Excellent” 0% 20% Excellent 40% 60% Good Fair 80% 100% Poor Q 1: Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in the Metro Richmond area? 8 Southeastern Institute of Research Many Employers Believe Richmond Area Has An Air Quality And Traffic Congestion Problem 44% say air quality problem and 55% say traffic problem Air Quality Traffic Congestion Don't Know 1% Don't Know 26% Yes 44% Yes 55% No 44% No 30% Q 2/3: Do you believe an air quality/a traffic congestion problem exists in Metro Richmond? 9 Southeastern Institute of Research Over a Third Feel Employee Productivity Is Affected By Traffic Congestion Affect of Transportation/Daily Commute Issues On Employees None 9% High 6% High 12% Medium 37% Low 42% Affect of Traffic Congestion on Employee Productivity None 18% Low 46% Q 5: How would you describe the affect transportation/daily commute issues have on your employees? Q 6: How would you describe the affect traffic congestion has on your employees’ productivity? 10 Medium 30% Southeastern Institute of Research The Larger The Company, The More Likely They Are To Feel The Affects Of Transportation/Daily Commute Issues On Their Employees While Company Size Has No Bearing On Views Of Employee Productivity Chart reflects responses of ‘high’ and ‘medium’ only 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Affect of Transportation/Daily Commute Issues On Employees < 20 Employees 20 - 99 Employees Affect of Traffic Congestion On Employee Productivity 100 - 499 Employees 500 + Employees Q 5: How would you describe the affect transportation/daily commute issues have on your employees? Q 6: How would you describe the affect traffic congestion has on your employees’ productivity? 11 Southeastern Institute of Research The Older The Manager, The Greater Sensitivity He/She Has To The Affects Of Traffic Issues On Employees Chart reflects responses of ‘high’ and ‘medium’ only 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Affect of Transportation/Daily Commute Issues On Employees 44 or Younger Affect of Traffic Congestion On Employee Productivity 45 - 54 55 or Older Q 5: How would you describe the affect transportation/daily commute issues have on your employees? Q 6: How would you describe the affect traffic congestion has on your employees’ productivity? 12 Southeastern Institute of Research Most Employers Feel A Responsibility To Help Resolve Area Congestion/Air Quality Problems Employer Responsibility In Solving Area Congestion/Air Quality Problems None 3% High 14% Two-thirds (68%) say high & medium Low 29% Medium 54% Q 4: How much responsibility do you believe an employer has in helping to solve congestion and air quality problems in the area? 13 Southeastern Institute of Research Larger Companies Feel More Of A Responsibility In Resolving Area Congestion & Air Quality Problems Chart reflects responses of ‘high’ and ‘medium’ only 100% 80% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Responsibility To Help Resolve Area Congestion & Air Quality Problems < 20 Employees 20 - 99 Employees 100 - 499 Employees Q 4: How much responsibility do you believe an employer has in helping to solve congestion and air quality problems in the area? 14 500 + Employees Southeastern Institute of Research Yet, Few Employers (10%) Currently Offer Their Employees Work Commute Assistance No, But Used To 2% Don't Know 2% Yes 10% No, Never Have 86% Q. 7: Does your company currently offer any type of assistance, other than free parking, that help employees with their work commute? 15 Southeastern Institute of Research Key Finding # 1: Many area employers believe Metro Richmond has congestion/air quality problems and believe these issues affect their workforce. Over half feel some responsibility in addressing these issues. Yet, few offer employees work commute assistance programs. Strategic Implication: Position work commute assistance programs and Telework!Va as easy and sensible ways employers can act on their sense of responsibility and, in doing so, directly benefit themselves. 16 Southeastern Institute of Research Work Commute Assistance Programs 17 Southeastern Institute of Research Of The Small Minority That Offer Programs, Flex Time And Telecommuting Are The Most Popular Work Commute Assistance Programs* Among only those (12% of total) who currently or used to offer employee work commute assistance* Alternative Work Schedules/Flex Time Telecommuting Transit Fares Subsidies Carpool/Vanpool Assistance Other Responses 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Q 8/8a: What type of programs does/did your company offer to employees to assist with their work commute? * Data represents only 33 respondents or 12% of the total sample – small base for analysis 18 Southeastern Institute of Research Many Find Their Commute Assistance Programs Effective For Recruiting, Retention, And Productivity* Easier To Recruit Quality Employees Improved Employee Retention Increased Employee Productivity 0% Very Effective Not Effective At All 20% 40% Somewhat Effective Don't Know 60% 80% 100% Not Very Effective Q 9: How would you rate the overall effectiveness of your employee commute assistance programs in terms of the following business concerns? 19 * Data represents only 33 respondents or 12% of the total sample – small base for analysis Southeastern Institute of Research Key Finding # 2: Commute programs, among those that do offer them, have a positive reputation. The majority of current employers who offer these programs feel they are effective for recruitment, retention, and enhanced employee productivity. Strategic Implication: Link work commute programs /Telework!Va directly to employer benefits 20 Southeastern Institute of Research Existing Telecommute Programs 21 Southeastern Institute of Research Both Formal And Informal Telecommute Programs Are Offered To Richmond Area Employees* Among only those who currently or used to offer employee work commute assistance* Informal 47% Formal 53% Q 11: What type of telecommuting program does/did your company currently have or previously had? * Data represents only 15 respondents or 5% of the total sample – small base for analysis 22 Southeastern Institute of Research Employers Who Offer Telecommuting To Their Employees Report An Average 25% Of Their Workforce Currently Telecommutes* Definition: Employees working at home or telecommute center, during some or all of their regular working hours at least 8 days a month * Employers who offer an informal program report an average 36% of their workforce telecommutes. Employers who offer a formal program report an average 16% of their workforce telecommutes. However, due to small sample size, no statistically significant difference can be concluded from these findings. 23 Southeastern Institute of Research Office Space Savings And Employee Retention Lead the Way As Perceived Benefits Of Telecommuting Programs More so than recruitment and productivity Reduces Employees' Commuting Costs Reduces Office Space Employee Retention Promotes Employee Morale Retention Reduces Absenteeism Attracting Better Employees Productivity Increased Productivity Other Recruitment Don't Know 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Q 15: What do you see as the major benefits of a telecommuting program? 24 Southeastern Institute of Research Companies That Currently Offer Work Commute Assistance Programs Have Even A Greater Appreciation Of The Benefits Of Telecommuting Reduces Employees' Commuting Costs Reduces Office Space Employee Retention Promotes Employee Morale Reduces Absenteeism Attracting Better Employees Increased Productivity Other Don't Know 0% 20% Does Not Offer Work Commute Assistance 40% 60% 80% 100% Currently Offers Work Commute Assistance Q 15: What do you see as the major benefits of a telecommuting program? 25 Southeastern Institute of Research Key Finding # 3: Telecommuting programs work! Employees participate and employers see direct benefits in space reduction, retention, and increased productivity. Strategic Implication Bring specific telecommuting benefits - space reduction, retention, and increased productivity - to life in the Telework!Va marketing program. Establish and package initial success stories. 26 Southeastern Institute of Research Barriers To Telecommuting Programs 27 Southeastern Institute of Research While There Are Many Reasons Companies Hesitate To Offer Telecommuting Programs, The Biggest Concern Centers Around Managing/Performing Work Cannot affect Work Doesn't Allow For Telecommuting Productivity Concerns Does the work get done? Supervision Concerns Unsure of Cost/Benefit To Co. No Employee Interest Concerns About Legal/Risk Mgmt. Issues Soft Have Never Considered It Don't Know Enough About It Not Willing To Invest In Technology Used To, But Felt It Didn't Work Other Don't Know 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Q 14: Why do you not currently offer a telecommute program to your employees? 28 Southeastern Institute of Research Many Of These Reasons Are “Concerns” Based On Perceptions. They Are Not Issues Based On Facts Or Experience. Example: Employee Interest… 29 Southeastern Institute of Research Employers Feel That Only A Third Of Their Employees Are Interested In A Telecommute Program…but… Many Are Uncertain Of Their Employees’ Interest In Telecommuting Employees 0% Very Interested Not At All Interested 20% 40% 60% Somewhat Interested Don't Know 80% 100% Not Very Interested Q 17/18/19: What are your employees’ current attitude about telecommute programs? 30 Southeastern Institute of Research From A 2001 Resident Study, We Know That 60% Of Richmond Area Employees Are Interested In Telecommuting (At Least On An Occasional Basis*) Telecommuting On A Regular Basis Telecommuting On An Occasional Basis Don't Know 4% Don't Know 5% Yes 48% No 37% Yes 59% No 47% Q. If your company allowed it, would you be interested in working from a location other than your central workplace on a regular/occasional basis? * Source: SIR Research/FH 2001 Telework Study 31 Southeastern Institute of Research Key Finding # 4: There are many different barriers to employer-acceptance of telecommuting programs. Managing/producing work are the biggest perceived roadblocks. This and other reasons, however, may be based on misperceptions, not actual experience. Strategic Implication Address concerns head on with facts and unassailable evidence. Special attention should be accorded employee supervision/productivity and appreciation of cost-benefit (ROI) of a telecommute program. 32 Southeastern Institute of Research Interest In, And Support For, The Telework!Va Program 33 Southeastern Institute of Research In the questionnaire, respondents were presented with a comprehensive description of the Telework!Va Program that will be launched in Metro Richmond. Based on this… 34 Southeastern Institute of Research 37% Are Interested In The Telework!Va Program 0% 20% Very Interested Not At All Interested 40% 60% Somewhat Interested Don't Know 80% 100% Not Very Interested Q 21: Now that you have an understanding of the program and its accountability requirements, how interested would you be in participating in this Telework!Va Program if it were available to you today? 35 Southeastern Institute of Research Financial and Professional Services Are Most Likely To Be Interested In Telework!Va Finance/Investment Professional Services Mfg/Distribution Sales/Customer Service Other 0% Very Interested Not At All Interested 20% 40% Somewhat Interested Don't Know 60% 80% 100% Not Very Interested Q 21: Now that you have an understanding of the program and its accountability requirements, how interested would you be in participating in this Telework!Va Program if it were available to you today? 36 Southeastern Institute of Research While 37% Expressed An Interest In The Program, A More Realistic Long-term Market Potential Is 12% Applying A Discount Model To Level of Interests Suggests That The Potential Market For The Telework!Va Program in Richmond Could Be As High As 12% Demand Discount Model A more realistic potential for market demand can be obtained by applying a standard demand forecasting discount model where market potential equals 50% of those who say they are “Very interested” plus 25% of those who say “somewhat interested” in the product concept. 12% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Q 21: Now that you have an understanding of the program and its accountability requirements, how interested would you be in participating in this Telework!Va Program if it were available to you today? 37 Southeastern Institute of Research Two Out Of Five Executives Feel The Telework!Va Incentive Program Would Motivate Their Company To Look Into A Telecommute Program 0% 20% Very Likely Not At All Likely 40% 60% Somewhat Likely Don't Know 80% 100% Not Very Likely Q 32/33: How likely would this program be to motivate your company to expand/begin to look into a telecommute program? 38 Southeastern Institute of Research 29%* Of Senior Management Executives Said They Would Personally Support Telework!Va Don't Know 38% Yes 29% * Note: Management in this study skews to the highest c-class level. No 33% Q 30: If Telework!Va came to your attention, would you personally work to see that it was considered for implementation in your company? 39 Southeastern Institute of Research Small and Big Business Senior Management Would Support Telework!Va Implementation In Their Company Less Than 100 Employees 100 + Employees 0% Yes 20% 40% 60% No 80% 100% Don't Know Q 30: If Telework!Va came to your attention, would you personally work to see that it was considered for implementation in your company? 40 Southeastern Institute of Research There Is No One Reason That Others Are Not Interested In Telework!Va Open End Reponses • We have other priorities • The nature of our work would be better suited for 5 days per month per employee • The way we currently operate would have to change and this change will be a big cost and not so sure how effective • Don’t want the government messing with our business unless absolutely necessary • Do not sense that transportation is a big issue for our employees • Hassle outweighs the benefit • Senior management is not a proponent of telecommuting and the benefits offered by this program would not affect their attitude 41 Southeastern Institute of Research When Asked For Suggestions For Improvement, Three Out Of Five Say “Nothing In Particular” Nothing In Particular Allow Smaller Co. To Qualify Need More Information N/A To Business Type Case Studies Other Responses 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Q 29: Are there any changes or improvements that you would like to suggest to make Telework!Va more appealing to you or your company? 42 Southeastern Institute of Research Key Finding #5: Over a third (37%) of companies are interested in Telework!Va. And 40% of senior management* feel the Telework!Va. program would motivate them (their company) to consider telecommuting, and one-third of the executives would personally support this cause! Strategic Implication: Launch Telework!Va in Richmond. Leverage high-level personal interest in the program among c-class executives. *Management in this study skews to the highest c-class level. 43 Southeastern Institute of Research Telework!Va Program Accountability Requirements 44 Southeastern Institute of Research A Majority Find All Telework!Va Program Accountability Requirements Reasonable Annual Employee Surveys Quarterly Reimbursement Telework 8 Days A Month Quarterly Reporting Contract Period Size of Businesses 0% Very Reasonable Not At All Reasonable 20% 40% Somewhat Reasonable Don't Know 60% 80% 100% Not Very Reasonable Q 20: How reasonable would you say are the accountability requirements necessary for program participation? 45 Southeastern Institute of Research Many Uninterested In Telework!Va May Not Know Enough About Telecommuting Programs To Know If the Requirements Are Reasonable No Interest in Telework!Va Interested In Telework!Va Annual Employee Surveys Annual Employee Surveys Quarterly Reimbursement Quarterly Reimbursement Telework 8 Days A Month Telework 8 Days A Month Quarterly Reporting Quarterly Reporting Contract Period Contract Period Size of Businesses Size of Businesses 0% Very Reasonable Not At All Reasonable 20% 40% Somewhat Reasonable Don't Know 60% Note the “Don’t Knows” 80% 100% Not Very Reasonable 0% Very Reasonable Not At All Reasonable 20% 40% Somewhat Reasonable Don't Know 60% 80% 100% Not Very Reasonable Q 20: How reasonable would you say are the accountability requirements necessary for program participation? 46 Southeastern Institute of Research Key Finding # 6: Most executives find Telework!Va program accountability requirements reasonable. Those not interested, may not know enough about these kinds of commute assistance programs to rate the related requirements of Telework!Va. Strategic Implication: The basic Telework!Va Program, as currently structured with its current accountability requirements, can work! 47 Southeastern Institute of Research Importance Of Telework!Va’s Financial & Program Assistance Incentives 48 Southeastern Institute of Research Telework!Va’s Financial Incentive Is Most Important In Garnering Business Interest On a scale of 1 – 5, where ‘1’ is “Most Appealing” and ‘5’ is “Least Appealing” • Incentive Level – Up To 10 Employees or $35K 1.7 average • Program Development Assistance 2.9 average • Equipment Lease 3.3 average • Online Training/Educational Assistance 3.4 average • IT/MIS Technical Assistance 3.5 average Q 23: Looking at specific aspects of the program, which are most important to you in your interest in the Telework!Va program? 49 Southeastern Institute of Research In Fact, Half Think A Financial Incentive Is Absolutely Necessary Don't Know 20% Yes 53% No 27% Q 24: Do you think a financial incentive is absolutely necessary to motivate companies to seriously consider implementing a telework program? 50 Southeastern Institute of Research Even Those Uninterested In The Program Feel A Financial Incentive Is Necessary Interested In Telework!Va No Interest in Telework!Va Don't Know 24% Don't Know 11% Yes 46% No 25% Yes 64% No 30% Q 24: Do you think a financial incentive is absolutely necessary to motivate companies to seriously consider implementing a telework program? 51 Southeastern Institute of Research Younger Respondents Find Financial Incentives Absolutely Necessary 44 or Younger 45 - 54 55 + 0% 20% Yes 40% 60% No 80% 100% Don't Know Q 24: Do you think a financial incentive is absolutely necessary to motivate companies to seriously consider implementing a telework program? 52 Southeastern Institute of Research Over Half Feel $35K Is Sufficient To Motivate Companies To Adopt A Telecommute Program Don't Know 39% Yes 54% No 7% Q 26: Do you think $3,500 per employee (up to $35,000) is sufficient financial incentive to motivate companies to adopt a telecommute program? 53 Southeastern Institute of Research Development Assistance Is Also Appreciated Almost A Third Look For All Types Of Assistance To Ensure A Successful Program Implementation IT Consultant HR Policy Consultant Resource Center w/Live Assistance Online Telework Assistance 0% Absolutely Necessary Not At All Necessary 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Nice To Have/Not Necessary Don't Know Q 28: Understanding the need for assistance in setting up a telework program, please rate your company’s need for the following types of telework assistance to ensure a successful program implementation. 54 Southeastern Institute of Research Key Finding #7: “Show me the money” - it’s first and foremost about capturing the incentive money. However, program development training is also important. Strategic Implication The lead message in promoting Telework!Va should center around “the availability of financial incentives.” Include secondary program development/assistance benefits as added value. 55 Southeastern Institute of Research Ideal Target Employer Prospect For Telework!Va 56 Southeastern Institute of Research The Ideal Prospect CEOs/presidents…In both big and small companies…Who are more likely to be aware of Metro Richmond’s air and traffic congestion issues…Who believe these issues affect their employees…Who feel they have a responsibility to do something about it…And, have already started to offer some form of commuter assistance program. 57 Southeastern Institute of Research The CEO or President is the Primary Decision Maker For Telecommuting Program Approval CEO/President HR GM CFO IT Manager Other 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Q 35: Who would be the principle person(s) to decide to go forward with a telecommute program? 58 Southeastern Institute of Research Both Small and Big Business Management Support Telework!Va Implementation In Their Company Less Than 100 Employees 100 + Employees 0% Yes 20% 40% 60% No 80% 100% Don't Know Q 30: If Telework!Va came to your attention, would you personally work to see that it was considered for implementation in your company? 59 Southeastern Institute of Research Those Interested In Telework!Va Program Are More Likely To Be Aware Of The Area’s Air Quality & Traffic Congestion Problems Traffic Congestion Air Quality 0% 20% 40% No Interest In Telework!Va 60% 80% 100% Interested In Telework!Va Q 2/3: Do you believe an air quality/a traffic congestion problem exists in Metro Richmond? 60 Southeastern Institute of Research Employers Interested in Telework!Va Realize The Affect Of Traffic Issues On Their Employees Chart reflects responses of ‘high’ and ‘medium’ only Affect of Transportation/Daily Commute Issues on Employees Affect of Traffic Congestion on Employee Productivity 0% 20% No Interest In Telework!Va 40% 60% 80% 100% Interested In Telework!Va Q 5: How would you describe the affect transportation/daily commute issues have on your employees? Q 6: How would you describe the affect traffic congestion has on your employees’ productivity? 61 Southeastern Institute of Research Four Out Of Five Interested In Telework!Va Feel A Responsibility To Help Solve Area Congestion & Air Quality Issues Chart reflects responses of ‘high’ and ‘medium’ only Responsibility To Help Resolve Area Congestion & Air Quality Problems 0% 20% 40% Not Interested In Telework!Va 60% 80% 100% Interested in Telework!Va Q 4: How much responsibility do you believe an employer has in helping to solve congestion and air quality problems in the area? 62 Southeastern Institute of Research Employers Currently Offering Assistance To Employees Are More Interested In Telework!Va Currently Offers Work Commute Assistance Does Not Offer Work Commute Assistance 0% Very Interested Not At All Interested 20% 40% Somewhat Interested Don't Know 60% 80% 100% Not Very Interested Q 21: Now that you have an understanding of the program and its accountability requirements, how interested would you be in participating in this Telework!Va Program if it were available to you today? 63 Southeastern Institute of Research And Telework!Va’s Ideal Prospects Have A More Acute Understanding of Telecommuting Benefits Reduces Employees' Commuting Costs Reduces Office Space Employee Retention Promotes Employee Morale Reduces Absenteeism Attracting Better Employees Increased Productivity Other Don't Know 0% 20% No Interest In Telework!Va 40% 60% 80% 100% Interested In Telework!Va Q 15: What do you see as the major benefits of a telecommuting program? 64 Southeastern Institute of Research Key Finding # 8: The ideal prospects for the Telework!Va Program are CEOs/Presidents of both small and big companies who see the issues related to air quality and traffic congestions and who have experience in work commute assistance programs. Strategic Implication: Focus initial outreach efforts on the CEOs/Presidents of companies with existing commute programs and on companies already signed up for Ridefinders’ Ozone Action Days. 65 Southeastern Institute of Research Best Marketing Channels To Promote Telework!Va 66 Southeastern Institute of Research Direct Mail And Personal Selling Are The Best Ways To Advance Telework!Va Some Other Means Advertise to 9% Employees 5% B to B Advertising 5% Mail 44% Business Association Meeting 12% Personal Visit 25% Q 36: What is the best way to reach these people about this program? 67 Southeastern Institute of Research Key Finding #9: Top management prefers learning about Telework!Va through a direct appeal as opposed to an advertising campaign. Strategic Implication Focus Telework!Va outreach on high-level personal visits and follow-up letters to senior management. 68 Southeastern Institute of Research Recap: Key Strategic Implications 69 1. Launch Telework!Va in Richmond. Leverage high-level personal interest of c-class executives in the program. 2. Do not amend the basic Telework!Va Program Incentive Package– it can work as it is currently designed, even with its accountability requirements. 3. Position Telework!Va as an easy and sensible way employers can act on their sense of responsibility and directly benefit themselves. 4. Link Telework!Va directly to work commute programs and employer benefits. 5. Promote Telework!Va’s financial incentives as the lead program feature. Include secondary program development/ assistance benefits as added value. Southeastern Institute of Research Recap: Key Strategic Implications 70 6. Address concerns head on with facts and unassailable evidence. Special attention should be accorded employee supervision/productivity issues and the appreciation of costbenefit ROI of the telecommute program. 7. Focus initial outreach efforts on the CEO/President of companies who currently offer work commuter assistance programs and companies that have already signed up for Ridefinders’ Ozone Action Days. 8. Focus Telework!Va outreach on high-level personal visits and follow-up letters to senior management. 9. Crawl, walk, run…establish success with several high profile Metro Richmond area companies before launching an aggressive program roll-out. Southeastern Institute of Research Thank You 71 Southeastern Institute of Research