Sally Goddard Blythe Peter Blythe PhD Psychologist MSc. Psychologist Theoretical Basis, Screening and Assessment of Primitive Reflexes A Two Day Course for Optometrists and Clinicians Winter 2013 The Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology 1, Stanley Street, Chester United Kingdom CH1 2LU Tel/Fax 0044 (0) 1244 311414; Program Programme Overview Overview This course has been specifically designed as an introductory course for clinicians and practitioners of behavioural optometry and vision therapy to the role of primitive and postural reactions in supporting neuro-motor skills and visual functioning. The course comprises one theoretical and one partly theoretical and practical day: As a starting point we will examine 11 primitive reflexes, their functions in normal development and the potential effects if the primitive reflexes remain active beyond the first 6 months of life. Then we will move on to examine 4 postural reactions, their functions and effects if they do not develop fully. Participants will receive instruction and hands on experience in testing 4 primitive reflexes, which if retained, have consistently been shown to play a part in oculo-motor dysfunction, visual-perceptual difficulties and educational underachievement. Instruction will also be provided in the administration and interpretation of two tests for soft signs of neurological dysfunction. The tests used are based on medical tests for the assessment of primitive reflexes and soft signs of neurological dysfunction. This course does not include training in remedial intervention using The INPP Method, but it does provide the option of entry to the INPP training course for practitioners starting at the second part of Module 1 of the INPP course for practitioners. Details of this longer course may be found at: or by contacting mail@ and requesting a syllabus. Our People People Our Dr Peter Blythe INPP (Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology) was set up in 1975 by PhD Psychologist Peter Blythe. In his early career Peter worked with adults manifesting all the symptoms of neuroses, and also with children who underachieve educationally. He was a senior lecturer in psychology at the College of Education (Lancs). In addition to having published and presented many papers, the highly popular Stress Disease: The Growing Plague, and the original book which documented the discovery of the links between abnormal reflexes, educational under-achievement and emotional problems, An Organic Basis for Neuroses and Educational Difficulties. He and Sally Goddard cooperated in the video Learning Problems and Neuro- developmental Delay which has been widely distributed internationally. Peter (now retired) still takes an active interest in INPP. Sally Goddard Blythe MSc. (Psych) Sally is the Director of INPP international. She is the author of seven books on child development (see publications section). She has also authored a number of papers published in peer reviewed journals based on The INPP Method and numerous articles for professional and popular journals and national newspapers. Sally is responsible for overseeing the provision of training in the INPP method to professionals from all over the world and provides much of the training. She is still involved in clinical practice. Other Staff in the UK Other practitioners working at INPP include: • Stephanie Perring BSc. (formerly a speech and language therapist) • Monika Bugalska MSc. (Psych) About INPP INPP is a private self-funding organisation founded in 1975 to research the effects of immaturity in the functioning of the central nervous system on educational performance and emotion. INPP has been at the forefront of research and clinical practice into the effects of abnormal primitive and postural reflexes on learning and emotional functioning and was the first to “map” the relationship between individual reflex abnormalities and specific educational and behavioural outcomes. INPP has pioneered the development of assessment protocols and intervention programmes to identify and provide effective remediation for aberrant primitive reflexes and postural reactions. INPP offers two levels of intervention: 1. Clinical programme which involves detailed individual assessment of neuro-motor skills by a qualified INPP practitioner followed by implementation and supervision of an individual remedial program and regular follow-up visits over a 12 month period. 2. INPP programme for schoolsi. Developed by Sally Goddard Blythe, this programme, specifically designed to be used in schools as a class based activity, has been in use since 1996. It has been the subject of a number of published research studies and is now used in more than 12 countries worldwide. INPP trainers are all qualified practitioners of The INPP Method who have been licensed by INPP to provide training in specific courses. Course Content Course Content Day 1 Theory Definition of primitive reflexes, postural reactions and neuro-motor immaturity. Functions of primitive reflexes in normal development and effects of aberrant reflexes on functioning. Primitive reflexes: • Moro reflex • Plantar reflex • Palmar reflex • Tonic Labyrinthine reflex • Rooting and Suck reflexes • Spinal Galant reflex • Asymmetrical Tonic Neck reflex • Landau reflex • Symmetrical Tonic Neck reflex • Day 2. Postural reactions: • Oculo Head Righting reflex • Labyrinthine Head Righting reflex • Amphibian reflex • Segmental Rolling reflex Instruction and practice in assessing and interpreting observations from use of tests: 1. The Tandem Walk 2. The Fog Walk 3. The Moro reflex (standard test) 4. The Tonic Labyrinthine reflex (erect test) 5. The Asymmetrical Tonic Neck reflex (Ayres 1 and Hoff-Schilder tests) 6. The Symmetrical Tonic Neck reflex The recently published “Screening Test for Physicians” will be used as the course manual, providing instruction in the administration and interpretation of tests. Recommended Reading Recommended Reading Goddard Blythe SA, Reflexes learning and behaviour. Fern Ridge Press. Eugene. OR. Goddard Blythe SA, Attention, balance and coordination. The A,B,C of learning success. Wiley-Blackwell. Chichester. Blythe P, McGlown D, An organic basis for educational difficulties and secondary neuroses. Insight Publications. Chester. Goddard Blythe SA, What babies and children really need. Hawthorn Press. Stroud. Goddard Blythe SA, Screening test for physicians. Signs of neuromotor immaturity in children and adults. INPP Chester. (Under review for future publication by Wiley- Blackwell) i Assessing neuromotor readiness for learning. The INPP developmental screening test and school intervention programme. Goddard Blythe SA. Wiley-Blackwell. 2012