13| 14 Technical Paper Series ARNDP – Volume II ECOLOGICAL PROFILE MS. SYLVIA G. De GUZMAN Planning Officer III Provincial Planning and Development Office 1|Ecological Profile Contents 1. Location, Land Area and ..................................................................................................... 1 Political Subdivisions .................................................................................................................. 1 2. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.1. Location ....................................................................................................................... 1 1.2. Land Area..................................................................................................................... 3 1.3. Climate and Rainfall .................................................................................................... 4 1.4. Political Subdivision ..................................................................................................... 5 Land Classification .............................................................................................................. 5 2.1. Alienable and Disposable Land ................................................................................... 6 2.2. Timberland .................................................................................................................. 6 2.3. Slopes .......................................................................................................................... 9 Land and Water Resources ............................................................................................... 12 2.1. Elevation .................................................................................................................... 12 2.2. Water Resources ....................................................................................................... 12 2.3. Geologic Features ...................................................................................................... 15 Population......................................................................................................................... 17 4.1. Size, Distribution and Density ................................................................................... 17 4.2. Family Income ........................................................................................................... 21 4.3. Poverty Incidence ...................................................................................................... 22 Economy ........................................................................................................................... 23 5.1. Agriculture ................................................................................................................. 23 5.2. Livestock and Poultry ................................................................................................ 24 5.3. Fishery ....................................................................................................................... 25 5.4. Forest Products ......................................................................................................... 26 5.5. Mining and Quarrying ............................................................................................... 27 Land Use, Development Trend and Physical Framework ................................................. 29 6.1. Existing Land Use ....................................................................................................... 29 6.2. Development Trends ................................................................................................. 32 6.3. Physical Framework .................................................................................................. 33 i|Ecological Profile List of Tables Table 1: Total Land Area by Municipality ................................................................................. 3 Table 2: Production Land ........................................................................................................... 6 Table 3: Protection Land ........................................................................................................... 7 Table 4: Slope within A&D by Municipality, in hectares ........................................................... 9 Table 5: Slope within Production Land by Municipality, in hectares ...................................... 10 Table 6: Elevation 1,000 meters above sea level and above ................................................... 12 Table 7: Major River Tributaries of Agusan River ................................................................... 13 Table 8: Urban – Rural Growth Rate by Municipality (2007) .................................................. 17 Table 9: Population, Annual Growth Rate, Density ad Area by Municipality , 2000 and 2007 .................................................................................................................................................. 18 Table 10: Total Household and Average Income by Municipality .......................................... 21 Table 11: Number of Households with Income Below Poverty Threshold ............................. 22 Table 12: Commodity by Area Planted (as of 2007), in hectares ........................................... 23 Table 13: Livestock and Poultry Inventory, Agusan del Sur, 2003-2007 ................................ 24 Table 14: Volume of Meat Production, Agusan del Sur, 2005-2007 ...................................... 25 Table 15: Fishery Area (in hectares) and Production (in tons) ............................................... 25 Table 16: Forest Products Transported Out of the Province, Agusan del Sur, 2005-2007..... 26 Table 17: Existing and Proposed Land Uses ............................................................................ 30 Table 18: Bayugan as Growth Center (Major Trading, Commercial and Services Center; Corn Processing Center; and Banana and Vegetable Producer) ...................................................... 34 Table 19: CDA 1: Sibagat as Abaca and Coconut Production and Processing Center ............ 36 Table 20: CDA 1: Esperanza as Tilapia Production and Processing Center, Rice and Corn Producer ................................................................................................................................... 37 Table 21: San Franscico as Growth Center of CDA 2 (Primary Commercial and Tourism Service Center and Gold Buying Station) ................................................................................. 38 Table 22: CDA 2: Prosperidad as Government Center and Rice Producer ............................. 40 Table 23: CDA 2: Bunawan as Gateway to Agusan Marsh and Mudfish Processing Center .. 42 Table 24: CDA2: Rosario as Oil Production and Processing and Gold Mining Industry Capital .................................................................................................................................................. 44 Table 25: CDA 3: Trento as Growth Center and Rice, Duck, Organic Rice, Corn and Coconut Producer ................................................................................................................................... 45 Table 26: CDA 3: Sta. Josefa as Organic Rice and Corn Production and Processing Center and Fruit Basket .............................................................................................................................. 47 Table 27: CDA 3: Veruela as Rice, Banana, Coconut and Rubber Producer ........................... 48 Table 28: CDA 3: Loreto as Expansion Areas for Rice, Corn, Coconut and Rubber Production .................................................................................................................................................. 49 Table 29: CDA 4: Talacogon as Growth Center and Wood Processing Zone .......................... 50 Table 30: CDA 4: La Paz as Tree Plantation and Expansion Areas for Rubber Production .... 51 Table 31: CDA 4: San Luis as Tree Plantation and Corn and Livestock Producer ................... 52 ii | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e List of Figures Figure 1: Regional Location Map .............................................................................................. 2 Figure 2: Average Rainfall Pattern (CY 1998-2007) .................................................................. 4 Figure 3: Land Classification ...................................................................................................... 5 Figure 4: A & D Land Sub-Classification .................................................................................... 6 Figure 5: Land Classification Map ............................................................................................. 8 Figure 6: Slope Map ................................................................................................................ 11 Figure 7: Drainage Map ........................................................................................................... 14 Figure 8: Geologic Map .......................................................................................................... 16 Figure 9: Population Density Map ........................................................................................... 20 Figure 10: Small-scale Mining Production in MT, Agusan del Sur, 2003-2007 ....................... 27 Figure 11: Minerals Tenement Map ....................................................................................... 28 Figure 12: Existing and Proposed Land Uses in hectares, 2003, 2007 and 2017, ................... 30 Figure 13: Existing Land Use Map ........................................................................................... 31 Figure 14: 2017 Development Framework (Growth Diamond Strategy – Functional Roles by Convergence Development Areas and Municipalities ) .......................................................... 53 Figure 15: Agusan del Sur 2017 Land Use Map ...................................................................... 54 iii | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e 1.Location, Land Area and Political Subdivisions 1.1. A Location gusan del Sur is located in Northeastern Mindanao, bounded on the North by Agusan del Norte, on the south by Compostela Valley, on the west by Misamis Oriental and Bukidnon, and on the East by Surigao del Sur. The province is landlocked and can be reached only by land transportation through the Davao - Butuan National Highway. Three minor roads also provide access for travelers coming from Tandag, Lianga, Barobo, and Bislig City in Surigao del Sur and another road connects the southwestern part of the province with Asuncion, Compostela Valley (ComVal) Province. All four roads, however, intersect the National Highway at different points. Although Agusan River is a potential route towards the province, no existing ferry facilities ply to and from Butuan City or ComVal Province. 1|Ecological Profile Figure 1: Regional Location Map MAP O F T H E P H ILIP PIN ES N LU Z ON VI SA YA S DINAGAT ISLAND MAP OF CARAGA Region 13 MIN D A NA O LO C A T I O N M A P SURIGAO DEL NORTE AGUSAN DEL NORTE SURIGAO DEL SUR AGUSAN DEL SUR N 10 0 SO URCE : 10 20 K ilo m et er s REGIONAL LOCATION MAP Caraga Region Xll l S CA L E 1 : 1 ,3 0 0 ,0 00 2|Ecological Profile NOT E : Prov incial Planning & Dev elopment Office This map is sub ject to v alidat ion, us er s n otin g er ror s or ommi ss ion ar e urged t o inf or m the Prov incial Plan ning a nd D ev elop men t Of f ice - GIS Section . The PPD O is not res pons ible f or an y er ror s or lia bilit ies t hat may ar is e fr om us ing t his map. La yo ut b y: Pr ov incia l P lan nin g & Dev elo pm en t O ffice GIS S e ctio n 1.2. Land Area The province’s approximate area is 896,550 hectares or 8,965.50 sq km, ranking as the fourth largest in the country and the largest in Caraga region. Table 1 shows the province’s land area and the percentage share of its 14 municipalities: Table 1: Total Land Area by Municipality Municipality Land Area (in hectares) % Share (%) Sibagat 50,136 5.59 Bayugan 53,939 6.02 Prosperidad 56,133 6.26 San Francisco 35,591 3.97 Rosario 29,601 3.30 Bunawan 43,309 4.83 Trento 75,070 8.37 Sta. Josefa 18,801 2.10 Veruela 33,208 3.70 Loreto 138,940 15.50 La Paz 109,978 12.27 33,084 3.69 San Luis 118,642 13.23 Esperanza 100,118 11.17 TOTAL 896,550 100.00 Talacogon 3|Ecological Profile 1.3. Climate and Rainfall The province is geographically situated below the typhoon belt but it is usually affected by depressions forming in the typhoon regions of Visayas and Surigao del Norte. The climate map of the Philippines, based on modified Coronas classification, shows that portion of the province falls under type II, and portion on the western side of Misamis Oriental and Bukidnon falls under type IV (rainfall is more or less evenly distributed throughout the year). Type II climate has no dry season with a pronounced maximum rain period. The province experiences maximum rainfall from December to January and has no single dry month. Areas characterized by this climate are generally along or near the eastern coast; thus are open to the northeast monsoon. Figure 1 shows that heavy rainfall starts in either December or January and slowly abates approaching February or March. Figure 2: Average Rainfall Pattern (CY 1998-2007) Source: Provincial Agriculture Office 4|Ecological Profile 1.4. Political Subdivision The seat of the provincial government is at the Government Center located in Barangay Patin-ay, Prosperidad. The Center also hosts the offices of national government agencies. There are 13 municipalities and one city in the province. Seven are located along the Philippine-Japan Friendship Highway or Agusan-Davao National Highway and are called as “highway towns and city.” These are Sibagat, Bayugan City, Prosperidad, San Francisco, Rosario, Bunawan, and Trento. The municipalities of Sta. Josefa, Veruela, Talacogon, San Luis and Esperanza are positioned near the Agusan River. Along the Umayam and Adgawan Rivers, tributaries to the Agusan River, are the municipalities of Loreto and La Paz, respectively. Towns found along these rivers are called “river towns.” Agusan del Sur has 318 barangays. Each barangay is headed by an elected Barangay Chairperson. 2.Land Classification The province is classified into Alienable and Disposable Land (A&D) and Timberland. The A&D is further classified into four: Settlement, Agricultural, Protected and Undeveloped, covering a combined land area of 216,043 hectares or 24% of the province’s land area. On the other hand, Timberland covers 680,507 hectares (76% of the province) and further divided into Production Land (243,888 hectares) and Protection Land (436, 619 hectares). Figure 3: Land Classification A&D 216043 19.4% Timberland 896550 80.6% 5|Ecological Profile 2.1. Alienable and Disposable Land The subdivision of A D land shows that agricultural land composes more than half (54.9%) of the area, with a total of 118,686 hectares. Figure 4: A & D Land Sub-Classification Undeveloped Area 67933.82 31.4% Agricultural Land 118686 54.9% Settlements 898.47 0.4% Protected Area 28524.21 13.2% 2.2. Timberland The land areas considered as Timberland are further classified into production and protection land. The tables below show the share of these land sub-classifications. Table 2: Production Land Land Uses Forest Plantation Area (hectares) 178,172.00 IFMA CBFMA SIFMA FLMA Residual Forest Cultivated and occupied Brush land/open land Total 92,100.00 81,012.00 1,000.00 4,060.00 123,590.00 57,689.00 76,168.00 436,619.00 6|Ecological Profile Table 3: Protection Land Land Uses NIPAS Category Area (Has) Location Proclaimed watersheds San Francisco, Bayugan & 16,855.00 Bunawan Agusan marsh San Francisco, Rosario, Bunawan, Talacogon, 40,954.00 LaPaz & Loreto Non-NIPAS Category Slope 50% and above and elevation of 1,000masl Civil and military reservation Total 162,094.16 13 municipalities except Prosperidad 24,126.00 Esperanza & Prosperidad Loreto & Trento 244,029.16 7|Ecological Profile Figure 5: Land Classification Map 125°20' 125°30' 125°40' 125°50' 126°00' 126 126°10' 126°20' 9°20' 9°20' LEGEN D : LUZ ON Provincial/ Municipa l B oun dary 9°10' # Y 9°10' VI SAYAS Municipa l P oints Alien able & Dispo sab le Land MIN DANAO Timb erlan d LO CA TIO N MA P 9°00' 9 9°00' 9 # Y E NO RT Bay u gan # Y Pro s per ida d Es pe ran z a # Y AO R IG SU # Y San Lui s San Fr an ci s c o # Y 8°20' # Y EO VI NC PRO La P az # aw an Y Bun # Y 8°10' 8°10' ON KI DN F BU R os ar io 8°20' SUR DEL # Y Ta lac o go n 8°30' OF 8°30' # Y CE IN OV PR MIS. OR. # Y 8°40' 8°40' AN GUS PROV INCE O F A L DE 8°50' 8°50' Sib aga t # Y # Y Ver uel a Tr en to 8°00' 8 8°00' 8 Lor eto Sta J os e fa # Y P RO VI NC E O F C OM P O ST E L A VA L LE Y 7°50' 7°50' 125°20' 125°30' 125°40' 125°50' 126 126°00' N 10 5 0 Kilom eters SCALE 126°10' SOURCE : 10 LAND CLASSIFICATION MAP Prov inc ial De ve lo pm en t & P hy s ic a l Fra me work P lan NOTE : This map is subject t o validation, users not ing errors or ommi ssi on are urged t o inform the P rovi ncial Pl anning & Developm ent Offi ce - GIS Section. The P PDO is not responsi ble for any errors or liabilities that may arise from using the map. LAYOUT BY : 1 : 750 ,0 00 8|Ecological Profile 126°20' DENR - Caraga Provincial P lanning and Developm ent Off ice Provincial P lanning & Development Off ice GI S S ection 2.3. Slopes Areas suitable for agricultural crops and settlement are land within slopes of 0 o to 18o. Tables below shows slopes within A & D and Timberland and distribution of land resources by slope category for further policy recommendations. Slopes 0 – 3 are prime agricultural land, which needs to be protected under National Protected Area for Agricultural Development (NAPAAD). Slopes 3 - 8 are suitable for cultivated crops such as corn, vegetables, rootcrops, spices, and other cash crops; and slopes 8 – 18 for plantation crops and vines. Table 4: Slope within A&D by Municipality, in hectares MUNICIPALITY LAND AREA (Ha) Slope Range A&D Area (0-3%) (3-8%) (8(18- (30- Total 18%) 30%) 50%) 1009 2204 0 0 3,715 Sibagat 50,136 3,715 502 Bayugan 53,939 17,085 8148 7666 1271 0 0 17,085 Prosperidad 56,133 24,342 9165 9627 5492 58 0 24,342 San Francisco 35,591 19,818 13639 4078 1804 199 98 19,818 Rosario 29,601 12,171 5692 6229 250 0 0 12,171 Bunawan 43,309 13,256 18072 144 0 37 3 13,256 Trento 75,070 16,954 8332 6564 1992 20 46 16,954 Sta. Josefa 18,801 7,758 6543 1215 0 0 0 7,758 Veruela 33,208 14,774 10756 1239 2779 0 0 14,774 Loreto 138,940 24,330 10154 12903 1273 0 0 24,330 La Paz 109,978 14,305 10835 3139 331 0 0 14,305 33,084 12,287 7564 872 3837 14 0 12,287 San Luis 118,642 10,030 2106 1907 6017 0 0 10,030 Esperanza 100,118 25,218 11674 4356 9122 66 0 25,218 896,550 216,043 118,182 60,948 36,372 394 147 216,043 Talacogon Total 9|Ecological Profile Table 5: Slope within Production Land by Municipality, in hectares MUNICIPALITY LAND AREA (Ha) Slope Range Production Land Sibagat 50,136 27,672 0 0 541 (1830%) 20,019 Bayugan 53,939 11,967 245 1,901 1,025 3,814 4,982 Prosperidad 56,133 29,500 175 10,050 3,517 8,122 7,636 San Francisco 35,591 3,393 0 1,244 541 1,385 223 Rosario 29,601 11,118 517 617 1,151 7,800 1,033 Bunawan 43,309 22,299 2,731 2,511 5,249 7,471 4,337 Trento 75,070 56,602 76 10,223 14,153 23,466 8,684 Sta. Josefa 18,801 10,376 4,227 3,220 1,689 275 965 Veruela 33,208 7,685 1,071 1,577 2,385 1,275 1,377 Loreto 138,940 70,705 634 3,046 11,739 17,771 37,515 La Paz 109,978 48,567 2,374 3,933 10,605 21,866 9,789 33,084 9,750 77 1,335 2,385 5,953 0 San Luis 118,642 65,228 1,661 6,817 12,481 31,519 12,750 Esperanza 100,118 61,757 2,742 8,977 14,513 24,363 11,162 896,550 436,619.0 16,530 55,451 81,974 175,099 107,565.0 Talacogon Total (0-3%) (3-8%) (8-18%) 10 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e (30-50%) 7,112 Figure 6: Slope Map 125°15' 125°30' 125°45' 126°00' 126 126°15' 9°15' 9°15' N LUZ ON LEGEN D : VI SA YA S Provincial/M unicipal Boundary Municipal Points Y # 9°00' 9 LOC ATION MAP 9°00' 9 0 - 3% 3 - 8% 8 - 18 % MINDA NA O R TE 18 - 3 0% 30 - 5 0% N O 8°45' L # Y AG DE 8°45' F P R O VI N C E O AN US 50% an d ab ove S IB A G A T B A Y UG A N # Y MIS. OR. # Y E S P E R A NZ A P RO S P E RID A D # Y OF S A N L U IS Y# S A N F R A NC IS C O R SU # Y O IGA TA L A C O G O N # Y N ID NO # Y BUK E OF VI NC O R P LA P A Z B UN A W A N # Y # Y LO RE T O # Y # Y TR E NT O 8°00' 8 8°00' 8 V E RU E L A S TA . J O S E FA # Y P RO VIN C E O F C O M P O ST E L A V AL L E Y 125°15' 125°30' S CA LE 1 : 750 ,00 0 10 5 0 8°15' SUR DEL RO S A RIO 8°15' 8°30' CE V IN O PR 8°30' # Y 125°45' SLOPE MAP 10 AGUSAN DEL SUR 126 126°00' 126°15' SOUR CE : DEN R R eg io na l Office Butu an C ity PRE PAR ED BY : PPD O - GIS Se ctio n Kilo me ters 11 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e 2.Land and Water Resources The province of Agusan del Sur has a total Land area of 896,550 hectares in an elongated basin formation with Mt. Diwata range on the east and a valley, which occupies the central longitudinal section of the land on the west. 2.1. Elevation Eight of the 14 municipalities of the province are located at an elevation of 1,000.0 meters above sea level (asl) and above. Table 6: Elevation 1,000 meters above sea level and above Municipalities Area ( Ha) Bayugan 610.16 Esperanza 103.75 La Paz 8,321.90 Loreto 629.08 Prosperidad 17.58 San Luis 2,244.98 Sibagat 3,823.54 Talacogon 1,389.66 Total 17,140.67 Note: Computed based on Contour Map 2.2. Water Resources The Forest Land Use Plan of Agusan del Sur has identified 12 major rivers tributaries that drain to the Marsh and Agusan River, the biggest river in the province flowing from Compostela Valley to Butuan Bay. Table 7 shows the major rivers tributaries with each corresponding area. 12 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e Table 7: Major River Tributaries of Agusan River Name Area in hectares 1. Gibong River 384.20 2. Simulao River 488.64 3. Logum 52.74 4. Baobo 39.77 5. Ihaoan 162.87 6. Umayam 431.83 7. Adgaoan 567.63 8. Kasilayan 97.93 9. Wawa 301.57 10. Ojot 188.22 11. Pusilao 265.55 12. Kawayan 182.96 Total 3,163.934 Source: Forrest Land Use Plan (FLUP) Seven of these major river tributaries (Gibong, Simulao, Ihaoan, Umayam, Adgaoan, Ojot, Pusilao and Kawayan) are used as means of transportation. On the other hand, the Gibong, Simulao, Lugom, Baobo and Kasilayan are also tapped as River Irrigation Systems (RIS). Most of these rivers are already shallow due to heavy siltation caused by severe riverbank erosion, deforestation and other human activities. Many of these bodies of water have been inventoried with the lakes covering a total area of 1,963.89 hectares; rivers and creeks covering 3,163.93; and inland waters (i.e. streams) covering 11,581.164 hectares. These water resources are shown in the Drainage Map of the province. 13 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e Figure 7: Drainage Map 125 °20 ' 125 °30 ' 125 °40 ' 125 °50 ' 126 °00 ' 126 °10 ' 126 °20 ' 9°20' 9°2 0' 126 LEGEN D : LUZ ON Prov incial/ Municipa l B oun dary VI SAYAS Municipa l P oints 9°10' 9 °1 0' # Y Prim ary Nat'l. Rd. Sec ondary Nat'l. Rd. MIN DANAO Provinc ial R d. Rivers & C reeks E 9 8 °5 0' N SA Siba gat 8°50' A GU P ROV INCE OF L DE RT NO 9 Lake 9°00' 9 °00' LO CA TIO N MA P # Y Ba yu gan MIS. OR. 8°40' 8 °4 0' # Y # Y # Y Es pe ranz a # Y # Y Sa n L uis OF Sa n Fran c is c o # Y La P a z # Y # Bu Ynawa n # Y 8°10' NON UKID F B CE O IN V PRO Ros ario UR L S DE 8 °2 0' # Y 8°20' AO RI G SU T ala c ogo n 8 °1 0' 8°30' CE IN OV PR 8 °3 0' Pros p eridad # Y # Y Ve ru ela Tre nto 8 8 Sta J os ef a 8°00' 8 °0 0' Lore to # Y 7°50' 7 °5 0' P RO V INC E O F C O M P O S TE L A VAL LE Y 126 125 °20 ' 125 °30 ' 125 °40 ' 125 °50 ' 126 °00 ' N 126 °10 ' 126 °20 ' SOURCE : DENR - Caraga Provincial P lanning and Developm ent Off ice DRAINAGE MAP 10 5 0 10 Kilom eters SCALE Prov inc ial De ve lo pm en t & P hy s ic a l Fra me work P lan NOTE : This map is s ubject t o validation, us ers not ing errors or ommi ssi on are urged t o inform the P rovi ncial Pl anning & Developm ent Offi ce - GIS Section. The P PDO is not responsi ble for any errors or liabilities that may arise from using the map. LAYOUT BY : Prov incial P lanning & Development Off ice 1 : 750 ,0 00 GI S S ection 14 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e 2.3. Geologic Features Agusan del Sur is endowed with rich and fertile soil. Because of its soil fertility, varied crops could be grown. Based on the Land Resources Evaluation Project conducted by the Bureau of Soils in 1983, the province’s soil types are characterized from deep to very deep, moderately deep to shallow, and shallow to slightly acidic, strongly acidic, moderately acidic, neutral high fertility and low fertility. It also has varied colors: dark-brown, brown, dark yellowish brown, very dark grayish brown and reddish brown. The soil types include clay, clayey, loam, loamy, silty loam, sandy, clay loam, coarse loamy and clayey loamy. The clayey and loamy types are richer in nutrients than sandy soils. The soil’s texture affects plant growth and agricultural management. 15 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e Figure 8: Geologic Map 125°15' 125°30' 125°45' 126°00' 126 126°15' N VI SA YA S 9°00' 9 MINDA NA O O RT E LOC ATION MAP L N Siba gat 8°45' DE # Y 8°45' U AG PRO VIN C E OF N SA 9°00' 9 Provincial/ Municipa l B oun dary Municipa l P oints Alluvium Bislig Formation Bislig Limeston e Bislig Vo lcanics Clay a nd Co nglome rat e Corra lline Limeston e Diorite Meta volcanics Qu art enary Vo lcanics San dst one a nd S hale Ta guibo Form ation Ta guibo L im est one Ultrab asics Undifferen tia ted V olca nics Volca nic A gglom era te Form ation Y # 9°15' 9°15' LEGEN D : LUZ ON Ba yu gan # Y Pros p eridad # Y # Y # Y OF Sa n L uis R SU Sa n Fran c is c o # Y O IGA # Y Tala c ogo n 8°30' 8°30' Es pe ranz a CE V IN O PR MIS. OR. # Y La P a z BUK E OF VI NC O R P 8°15' N ID NO # Y # Y # Y Bu nawa n # Y # Y Ve ru ela Tre nto 8°00' 8 8°00' 8 Lore to # Y Sta J os ef a P RO VIN C E O F C O M P O ST E L A V AL L E Y 125°15' 125°30' S CALE : 1 : 750 ,000 10 5 0 8°15' SUR DEL Ros ario 125°45' 126 126°00' GEOLOGIC MAP 10 AGUSAN DEL SUR 126°15' SOUR CE : PPD O - Ag us an d el Sur Ca rag a R ive rs & Cre ek s Map PRE PAR ED BY : PPD O - GIS Se ctio n Kilo me ters 16 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e 3. Population 4.1. Size, Distribution and Density Agusan del Sur has a total population of 609,447 individuals with 68 persons/km2 density as accounted during the 2007 Census on Population and Housing. The province has the highest population in Caraga Region, contributing 26.57% of the total 2.293 million population. The largest municipality in the province is Bayugan with total population of 95,032 or 15.6% population share occupying 455.63 square kilometers, followed by Prosperidad (the province’s capital town), San Francisco, Esperanza, and Trento. The rest of the municipalities contributed 46.31% with Sta. Josefa having the smallest share of the population at 24,972 or 4.10%. Since the province is an agricultural area, families preferred to settle in areas near the farm, hence rural population in accounted to 72.4% of the total population in 2007 while urban population is at 27.6%. Table 8: Urban – Rural Growth Rate by Municipality (2007) Province/ Municipality/ City Bayugan City Urban Pop (2000) Rural Pop (2000) Urban Pop (2007) Rural Pop (2007) 2007 GR Urban Pop (%) 2007 GR Rural Pop (%) 32,300 61,323 34,252 60,780 0.81 -0.12 Sibagat 4,557 24,128 5,580 24,494 2.83 0.21 Esperanza 3,838 40,313 4,129 43,530 1.01 1.06 Prosperidad 17,748 53,067 19,380 56,010 1.22 0.75 San Francisco 25,714 31,254 27,320 35,561 0.84 1.79 4,250 24,425 4,808 26,485 1.72 1.12 Bunawan 10,811 15,893 13,593 22,164 3.21 4.69 Trento 14,910 26,786 17,664 28,583 2.37 0.90 Sta. Josefa 3,901 18,829 4,722 20,250 2.67 1.01 Veruela 4,995 31,227 5,237 31,625 0.65 0.17 Loreto 5,368 25,997 5,912 28,637 1.34 1.34 La Paz 4,590 16,290 5,959 19,255 3.67 2.33 13,833 17,046 14,481 18,612 0.63 1.22 5,049 20,852 5,308 25,116 0.69 2.60 151,864 407,430 168,345 441,102 1.43 1.10 Rosario Talacogon San Luis Total 17 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e Table 9: Population, Annual Growth Rate, Density ad Area by Municipality , 2000 and 2007 Pop 2000 Pop 2007 Bayugan City 93,623 95,032 15.6 Sibagat 28,685 30,074 Esperanza 44,151 Municipality/ City CDA 1 Sub-total Pop 2007 % APGR 20002007 Density 2000 Density 2007 Area (sq km) Area (sq km) % 0.21 205 209 455.63 5.08 4.9 0.65 51 53 567.82 6.3 47,659 7.8 1.06 44 48 1,001.18 11.2 172,765 28.35 204,193 22.78 CDA 2 Prosperidad 70,815 75,390 12.4 0.87 123 131 573.92 6.4 San Francisco 56,968 62,881 10.3 1.37 172 190 330.38 3.7 Rosario 28,675 31,293 5.1 1.21 97 106 296.01 3.3 Bunawan 26,704 35,757 5.9 4.11 62 83 433.09 4.8 205,321 33.69 164,634 18.36 Sub-total CDA 3 Trento 41,696 46,247 7.6 1.44 56 62 750.70 8.4 Sta. Josefa 22,730 24,972 4.1 1.31 119 131 191.26 2.1 Veruela 36,222 36,862 6.0 0.24 109 111 332.56 3.7 Loreto 31,365 34,549 5.7 1.34 23 25 1,389.40 15.5 142,630 23.40 266,019 29.67 Sub-total CDA 4 La Paz 20.880 25,214 4.1 2.63 20 24 1,053.03 11.7 Talacogon 30,879 33,093 5.4 0.96 38 40 819,83 9.1 San Luis 25,901 30,424 5.0 2.24 34 39 770.69 8.6 88,731 14.56 261,704 29.19 609,447 100 8,965.50 100 Sub-total Total 559,294 1.19 18 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e 62 68 Bayugan has the highest urban population followed by San Francisco, Prosperidad and Trento as shown on Table 9 above. It is noted that the three municipalities with high urban population are along the national highway and are considered the growth diamond centers while Prosperidad is the center of provincial government. Talacogon, an interior municipality and is one of the four growth centers, ranked fifth in terms of urban population. 19 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e Figure 9: Population Density Map 125°20' 125°30' 125°40' 125°50' 126°00' 126 126°10' 126°20' 9°20' 9°20' LEGEN D : LUZ ON Provincial/ Municipa l B oun dary 9°10' # Y 9°10' VI SAYAS Municipa l P oints Pop ula tio n Den sity (P erso n/S q.m .) MIN DANAO LO CA TIO N MA P 9°00' 9 9°00' 9 5 - 50 50 - 10 0 100 - 1 50 150 - 2 00 Siba ga t E N L DE Ba yugan # Y MIS. OR. # Y Pros peridad # Y CE IN OV PR # Y AO RI G SU # Y San Luis San Franc is co DEL 8°20' ON IDN BUK OF INCE V O PR Ros ario 8°20' SUR # Y Ta lac ogon 8°30' OF 8°30' Esperanza # Y # Y La P az Bunaw an # Y # Y 8°10' 8°10' 8°40' 8°40' N SA AGU P ROV INCE O F 8°50' 8°50' 200 - 2 50 # Y T OR # Y # Y Veruela Trento 8°00' 8 8°00' 8 Loreto # Y Sta Jose fa P RO VI NC E O F C OM P O ST E L A VA L LE Y 7°50' 7°50' 125°20' 125°30' 125°40' 125°50' 126 126°00' N 10 5 0 Kilom eters SCALE 1 : 750 ,0 00 126°10' 126°20' SOURCE : Provinc ial P lanning and Developm ent Off ice 10 POPULATION DENSITY MAP (CY - 2007) Prov inc ial De ve lo pm en t & P hy s ic a l Fra me work P lan 20 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e NOTE : This map is subject t o validation, users not ing errors or ommi ssi on are urged t o inform the P rovi ncial Pl anning & Developm ent Offi ce - GIS Section. The P PDO is not responsi ble for any errors or liabilities that may arise from using the map. LAYOUT BY : Provincial P lanning & Development Off ice GI S S ection 4.2. Family Income Based on 2005 Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS) data, the average income of 109,123 total households is registered at PhP 67,365.6. As shown on table below, municipalities with highest average income are San Francisco, Prosperidad, Bayugan and Trento with Php 110,321.8, P85,985.9, Php79,079.2 and Php 75,304.6 respectively. Meanwhile the lowest is noted in San Luis (P41,059.9), Loreto (P48,427.9) and Sibagat (P54,022.5). Table 10: Total Household and Average Income by Municipality Municipality Number of Household Sibagat 5,540 Bayugan 18,348 Prosperidad 14,102 San Francisco 11,376 Rosario 5,878 Bunawan 5,533 Trento 8,289 Sta. Josefa 4,178 Veruela 6,455 Loreto 5,836 La Paz 4,128 Talacogon 5,690 San Luis 5,202 Esperanza Agusan del Sur 8,568 109,123 Average Income per Household 2005 (In Pesos) 54,022.50 79,079.20 85,985.90 110,321.80 57,913.60 80,812.80 75,304.60 60,631.80 65,688.30 48,427.90 58,846.10 67,711.00 41,059.90 57,313.30 67,365.62 Source: CBMS 2005, Agusan del Sur 21 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e 4.3. Poverty Incidence CBMS data in 2005 also revealed that there are 54,407 or 49.86% of households with income below the annual food threshold of Php 9,354.00 per capita. These are the number of households that experienced food shortage. Again, the municipalities of San Luis and Loreto ranked high with 72.68% and 70.73% respectively as households with income below the food threshold. In the lower range are San Francisco, Trento and Bayugan with lesser percentage with 29.03%, 43.02% and 44.63% respectively. To generate employment and to increase the family income, ecotourism is promoted in selected priority sites such as lakes in Agusan Marsh, Bahbah Caves, Biga Falls, and Mt Magdiwata for mountain trekking. Table 11: Number of Households with Income Below Poverty Threshold PROVINCE Agusan del Sur # of HHs with income< % of HHs with income poverty threshold < poverty threshold 69,681 63.86 San Luis 4,231 81.33 Loreto 4,657 79.8 La Paz 3,107 75.27 Sibagat 4,082 73.68 Esperanza 6,017 70.23 Sta. Josefa 2,909 69.63 Rosario 4,001 68.07 Veruela 4,272 66.18 Talacogon 3,765 66.17 Prosperidad 8,546 60.6 Bayugan 10,941 59.63 Bunawan 3,283 59.33 Trento 4,879 58.86 San Francisco 4,984 43.81 Source: CBMS 2005, Agusan del Sur 22 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e 4.Economy 5.1. Agriculture The agriculture and forestry sectors dominate the province’s economy. Under the agriculture sector, rice, corn, fruits, root and industrial crops are the major products. A total of 118,686.50 hectares are devoted to cultivated and perennial (see Table 12). Remaining areas with potential for development reached 67,933.82 hectares. Table 12: Commodity by Area Planted (as of 2007), in hectares Commodity Area Planted Rice 29,280.00 Cultivated Crops 29,822150 Area Planted Corn 27,054.00 Vegetables 643.00 Rootcrops 1,856.00 Spices Fruits/perennial crops 268.50 59,585.00 Fruits 2,451.00 Banana 7,524.00 Coffee 294.00 Cacao 172.00 Coconut 26,389.00 Abaca 2,157.00 Rubber 4,485.00 Oil Palm 16,113.00 Total 118,686.50 Source: Provincial Agriculture Office 23 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e 5.2. Livestock and Poultry Livestock and poultry production are another sources of livelihood in the province. Based on CBMS- 2005, there are 50,560 households or 46% engaged in livestock and poultry production. The livestock industry is primarily dominated by swine numbering at 77,948 heads (refer to Table 13). In 2007, swine inventory has decreased by 3.28% from 93,246 heads in 2003 to 77,948 heads in 2007. This was because the province has low production of swine but has high extraction rate considering that the demand of pork is high at 8.01 kg per capita per year. Meanwhile, carabao is the second largest group with 30,461 heads in 2007, registering a slight increase of 3.81%. The third largest group is goat numbering at 26,499, recording a remarkable increase of 8.24%. Cattle have the lowest number with only 5,530 but showing a significant increase of 7.37%. Table 13: Livestock and Poultry Inventory, Agusan del Sur, 2003-2007 Livestock/ Poultry Cattle 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Ave. % Inc/Dec 4,041 4,542 6,180 5,306 5,530 7.37 Carabao 25,588 25,434 23,843 30,031 30,461 3.81 Swine 93,246 72,207 71,574 94,919 77,948 -3.28 Goat 18,768 20,003 19,724 23,223 26,499 8.24 282,038 288,730 334,617 372,666 456,611 12.38 Chicken Generally, the province is deficit in meat production because most of the households only venture into backyard raising rather than in commercial scale. The major reason for this is lack of financial capacity of farmers to engage in commercial production. Specifically, the province is deficit of beef and chicken meat based on the meat production estimates for the three-year period from 2005 to 2007. Table 14 shows that beef production has decreased by 14.42% (30 MT) while chicken meat has decreased by 71.11% (64 MT). On the other hand, the province is in surplus of meat such as carabeef, pork, and chevon (goat’s meat) at excesses of 29.05%, 32.88% and 16.67% respectively. Major factor for the surplus is the imported live animals brought in the province but the specific percentage has not been recorded. Pork has the highest value of production in 2007 at P140.00 per kilo. Overall, meat production should be supported because of the increasing demand. Moreover, programs on livestock and poultry production should be strengthened to produce more meat to meet the province’s demand. It can also increase farmers’ income thus helping reduce poverty. 24 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e Table 14: Volume of Meat Production, Agusan del Sur, 2005-2007 VOLUME OF MEAT PRODUCTION (IN METRIC TON) DIFFERERENCE INDICATORS CY 2005 CY 2006 CY 2007 Volume (MT) %age (Livestock/poultry) Carabao 296 382 382 86 29.05 Cattle 208 178 178 -30 -14.42 Swine 3080 4,093 4,093 1,013 32.88 Goat 72 84 84 12 16.67 Chicken 90 102 26 -64 -71.11 Source: Provincial Veterinary Office, Agusan del Sur 5.3. Fishery Agusan del Sur is a landlocked province, only fresh water fish are available from lakes, rivers, and creeks, which is not enough to supply the need of the province. The Lakes in Agusan Marsh are among the sources of fish such as Tilapia, mudfish, catfish and others. The province established Provincial Fish Hatchery to supply Backyard fishponds, and Fish Cages raisers. Table below shows the fish production from 2003 – 2006. Table 15: Fishery Area (in hectares) and Production (in tons) PARTICULARS Production Backyard Fishpond 2003 1,548 2004 1,048 2005 1,551.6 2006 1,597.20 138 176 127.82 178.88 Municipal Waters Tilapia Area Production 321.4 385.64 Fish Cages Tilapia Area Production 108 110 3.0082 204.6 25 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e 3.9592 221.65 5.4. Forest Products The province is known for its rich natural resources. It has vast forest cover and forestry is one of the economic activities of the people. There are 21,932 households or 20.1% who are engaged in forestry (CBMS 2005). The heavy loads of trucks carrying forest products need to be considered in road planning and design. Table 16: Forest Products Transported Out of the Province, Agusan del Sur, 2005-2007 Species 2005 Logs Planted Acacia Mangium Bagras Durian Logs Falcatta Fruit Trees Gmelina Mahogany Rubber (m3) 2006 Finished Products (bd ft) 222.48 10,628.82 87,523.57 209.28 214,180.97 16,271.00 53.86 8,738.40 203,263.83 3,758.68 32,373.29 186.18 237,978.67 339,431.69 Grown Trees Logs (m3) 2007 Finished Products (bd ft) 5,973.11 24,775.52 3,019.65 22,609.40 197.94 22,592.00 373,057.67 52,978.20 290.27 8,111.24 336,100.27 7,427.60 20,879.72 158.62 398,236.10 479,935.11 Logs (m3) 6,540.33 890.48 57.74 317,131.62 350.4 4,957.30 13,825.49 75.21 343,828.57 Finished Products (bd ft) 16,287.00 6,303.00 17,634.78 3,493.00 43,717.78 Natural Lanipao 283.24 Mixed Dipterocarp 11,793.54 398,348.17 19,383.65 367,297.00 24,399.10 139,557.00 Toog 246.59 156.9 1,165.07 Gubas 25.06 17.52 88.58 Narra 29.88 Antipolo 28.91 Apitong 19.14 Lauaan 34.48 257.21 Sub-total Volume 12,065.19 398,348.17 19,953.72 367,297.00 25,909.96 139,557.00 Rattan (in LNM) 2,107,858.17 1,064,425.00 1,155,400 Veneer 611.88 26,171.10 40,075.66 Sub-total Volume 2,107,858.17 611.88 1,064,425.00 26,171.10 1,155,400.00 40,075.66 26 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e 5.5. Mining and Quarrying The province is also rich in mineral resources that include gold, silver, lead, limestone, molybdenum, zinc and rock aggregates. Only gold is being extracted by small-scale mining companies operating in the province since 1995. Figure 10 shows the production in metric ton of the small-scale mining in the province. It shows the fluctuating trend in the production from 2003-2007, dropping substantially in 2007 but recovering subsequently in 2006. Figure 10: Small-scale Mining Production in MT, Agusan del Sur, 2003-2007 The province has three types of mining and quarrying activities, specifically small-scale gold mining operations, quarrying of sand and gravel, and extraction of lime and guano. For the five-year period (2003-2007), the mining and quarrying sector contributed Php16,162,116.15 to the province’s coffers. 27 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e Figure 11: Minerals Tenement Map 125 °1 5'1 5" 125 °2 0'2 0" 125 °2 5'2 5" 125 °3 0'3 0" 125 °3 5'3 5" 125 °4 0'4 0" 125 °4 5'4 5" 125 °5 0'5 0" 125 °5 5'5 5" 126 °1 '00 " 126 °6 '05 " 126 °1 1'1 0" 126 °1 6'1 5" 126 °2 1'2 0" 126 9°17' 15" 9°17' 15" N W E LEGEND : MAP OF THE PHILIPPINES S 9°12' 10" 9°12' 10" Municipality Barangay Sitio Rivers and Creeks Y # LUZON # S # 9°7'0 5" 9°7'0 5" VISAYAS Mun. Boundary 9°2'0 0" Roads Primary Nat'l. Rd. Secondary Nat'l. Rd. Provincial Rd. Municipal Rd. Barangay Rd. Nia Rd. Private Rd. MINDANAO S Bantolinao 9 Pany as S # KU LAMBUGAN Tabangao S Tidangi S Bay abas S LOCATION MAP PAD IAY # Sta. Ana S 8°56' 55" PER# EZ Hibron S Bagum bay an S Daonon S Hinagdanan NEW T UBIG U N S # 8°56' 55" PINAN DAGATAN # Hampapalay ST A. CR UZ S BAN AGBAN AG # 9 Lakes Malitep S 9°2'0 0" Leogos # S ST A. MARIA # MAGSAYSAY # MAGKALAPE TABO NTABON Gos hen # # S San Roque S Upper Mabini SAN ISID RO S S S # er Mabini Tambis AFLow GA S S # LIBERT AD San Is idro # S # S S S S EL RIO # T E S Kahayagan VILLANGIT S S S MAHAYAHAY # # S DEL R OSAR IO # Maglimatok AN AHAW AN BER SEBA # Bic a Hagonoy an # SIBAGAT Linum baan R Old Sto. N iño S St o. Tom as Dinausan S O # ST O N IÑ O TAGUYANGO # # S # KAU SW AGAN N MT. AR AR AT S # Y Hupas S KIOYA San Is idro # S # SAN VICENT E Sigam ao # Gigam as L S # # MAHAYAG # Sto. Niño WAW A S # E Sta. Teres ita S Banayac on D S MABUHAY TAGUBAY # 8°46' 45" # 8°46' 45" CALAIT AN N # A S U # # CLARO CORT EZ # A New Cebu PINAGALAAN S # CANAYUGAN # # S # GR ACE EST ATE NEW SALEM # NOLI # # VILLA U NDAYON ST A. IR ENE # # SAGM ON E # MAGKIANGKANG BAYUGAN MONT EVEST A # # New Tiniwis an # S MAYGAT ASAN # TAGLATAW AN POBLACION # # # HAMOGAW AY # # # Y CAGBAS ST A. TERESITA # OSM EÑA # BOC AC # SAGU MA # # # CUBO # MAHAGKOT BEN TAHON # SALVACION # S # BAT # OHO N Y BALOBO # BAKINGKIN G # # # # REMEDIOS AGSABU # TAGABASI # # # # CHAR ITO # SAN ISID RO # CROSSING LU NA # ESPERANZA SAN J OSE ST A. IR IN E # S SAN M AR TIN Demar # SALIMBOGAON SAN SALVADOR # # # S MAUG # AZ PETIA # # # SAN T ORIBIO V AW A KAT IPU NAN # LOS ARCOS # I # ST A. FE S LIBERT AD # S # # # LA PERIAN MILAGRO S Bulo # ST A. MARIA # O CATM ON ON NATO MARC ELINA S Kis ay SAN LOREN ZO MABUHAY # # Little Bohol New Davao R S S PAN AYT AY GAM AO DACU TAN PIGLAW IGAN # Ags abo Malinawon # HAW ILIAN 8°41' 40" LA PUR ISIM A # # # KINAM AYBAY # FILI VER DU TAGANAHAO SAN ISID RO LAN GAS NEW GI NGOOG MAASIN Bantayan GET SEMANE Katuogan SAN AGUSTIN F O P R O V I N C E G MT. OLIVE TAGLIBAS SAN J OAQU IN # MAGSAYSAY # # S # N ABAO Maligaya BU NAGUET P PR OV INCE OF MISAMIS ORIEN TAL 8°41' 40" 8°51' 50" MT. C ARMEL S ILIH AN SINAI S Commodity Gold, ect. Nickle, etc. SAN J UAN Kuy awen Hagimitan San Atonio 8°51' 50" SIBULAN # # CONC ORDIA # SALU G TAHINA # # 8°36' 35" AN OLIN GAN DUAN GAN # PROSPERIDAD POBLACION # OD ION G # # S MAPAGA # GU ADALUPE # GU EBUNO N AN ISLAGAN # AU ROR A # Halosan S LA SUERT E # # # 8°36' 35" Om ot # SAN J OSE MAC ARTH UR S # Y E OR OMICA # Pus ilao C # CALABOAN SALVACION WIGUAM # LA UN ION # O # Mahayonyon S LAS NAVAS # # DON PEDRO VALEN TIN A Durian MAHAPAG # S # # LU CEN A # SIGUN DA # SAN TIAGO Hubanganan LU CACS # DAS - AGAN # Batinga CECELIA # TAND ANG SOR A F SINAC UNGAN # SAN PEDR O # S # SAN R OQU E # BITAN -# AGAN PAT IN -AY NAPO # SAN ISID RO # # U SAN VICENT E MALIW ANAG # S # MARITULA # DIM ASALAN G TAGBALILI SAN VICENT E # # # LA CAR IDAD # S SAN R#AFAEL S S RIZ AL ST A. ANA S # ALEGR IA # LAD GADAN # SAN ISIDRO # Taglikid S Buhion S S S S # S Podlos an Villa Herm os a ZAMORA 8°31' 30" Mabuhay KAR AOS Mahawan S S # # O SAN LUIS POLICARPO Baliw ag DEL M ON TE # Mabini CULIRAM # Y # # # BAR ANGAY V # BOR#BON A # San Miguel # BALIT Supon # BAR ANGAY III # Cebuena DOÑA FLAVIA # PO BLACION # G S # Y TAGAPUA # Burgos CULI # # Loc ahon S HUBAN G # Cocton S BAR ANGAY I # I Tuburan DOÑA MAXIM A NUEVO TRABAJ O ST A. #RITA MAHAGSAY PISAAN # Es trella S S SAN FRANCISCO S Moreca Sta. Cruz # R ST A. IN ES 8°31' 30" Upper Baliwag S # BAT UC AN Consuelo D # S NEW VISAYAS # CAUSW AGAN # BAYU GAN II # # # EBR O # L DON ALEJ AND RO TALACOGON 8°26' 25" OR MACA # LABN IG SAN AGUST IN # # # # Y BAYLO # E SAN N IC OLAS SAN ISID RO # SAN PEDR O MATI LAPINIGAN # Alang-Alang # 8°26' 25" S MALIGAYA BU ENA GR ACIA # # BU ENA SU ERT E # Patindog # # PAST A # S Pam intigan Kinam asan S S Kaags aman Kuliba-an S U CAIM PUGANIgnacio New #Ley te S S ZILLOVIA COALIC IO N S S Batas S R MABTAY # MARBO N # LIBUAC # # POBLACION LA FLORA # Cabugan Lat ay CABANTAO S S # # an Y Buhis MAHAYAHAY # # MAHARLIKA # Guban Nyholm S S ROSARIO S TAGBAYAGAN # Kis anga S Manlawigan DESAMPARADOS Tomowahong S S ST A. CR UZ CABAW AN # # ValentinaNOVELE S 8°21' 20" Catigbawan # 8°21' 20" S Palibo Padigus an S S SABAN G GIBON G # Lahi S Kiago WASIAN S Leo # Larona Mong Binitayan S S S SABAN G ADGAW AN Soan S # BINICALAN # Balitoc S LYD IA # As unsion Manguic ao S Libon Katipayan Masabong S S S S COMOTA BAYU GAN III OSM EÑA Ges ok # # Sinog-ang # LA PAZ S S Agpangon S # Y Kagulo-an Magbuy a S 8°16' 15" S Kiandag SAN PATR IC IO S Em elda Village # AN GELES Nanaugan # S 8°16' 15" S Tagapo Curva S S VILLA PAZ # SAGU NTO HALAPITAN # LAN GASIAN # # Cabacungan Puntod COO S S # PAN AGAN GAN # Taytay Masapia S S Panlabuhan BAT AAN S Maitom # Aw ay S S SAN M AR COS Agnaya # Singanan S Motto S S Liboton B U K I D N O N 8°11' 10" S Batohon S Jandayugong Imm aculada S MAGAUDS Tawilon # VIOLANTA S VALEN TIN A # Guitas Valentina WALOE S Bong # ST O. TOMAS # New Visayas # KAT IPU NA # Binahanan S # Y SAN T EOD ORO # Maputi S Iloan S S S Pam anggutan # Y Mantood S BU NAW AN BROOK # S Mambaos S S Malihug Kagay-ao S S Balaan S Mabuhay KASAPA I S # Guitas HUBAN G S Palay gon # S Haon Boboya-on Sim olao S S S S Moh SAN VICE N TE # Luna Pan-ajatan NUEVA ER A # NUEVA GR ACIA # Triumph S Pundas ion S Ac ero Bay og S S S S Minambao Babadan S S # Bagong Silang Balite S S Linatawan Tibanog S Camp 3 S Nueva Era S ST A . T ERESA S New Visayas SAN GABRIEL # S # DON MATEO # JOHN SON Mactan # LIBERT AD S S S S Ramos Village Elm ugtan Liberty Linatawan S IMELD A Camp 8 S Pahion O F 8°11' 10" BUNAWAN S Manawe San Lorenz o Mahayahay Pilang S 8°6'0 5" SAN AN# DRES MAMBALILI S # LORETO S S Kas apa I I 8°6'0 5" Gaw a gawa S # S Logum Sanac oge Sinapawan MANAT Barobo S # S Maica S S S Cabinuangan S Taglubog Kinay ong S S Cabusas S Aurora P R O V I N C E S 8°1'0 0" 8 Pagatpatan S # Sta. Cruz SAN M AR IAN O S # Lapu-Lapu SAN ISID RO # Nativ idad MAGSAYSAY Dungga # Lim basan S SAW AGAN S S KAU SW# AGAN Sta. Teres a S El Mondo S S AN IT# AP Condoyon S Catalan S Naga Mabaha S 8°1'0 0" SAN IGNACIO # S LIMOT # Hinagtungan S SISIM ON # AN GAS # STA. JOSEFA Bac lisi Durian Kiduay S ST A. EMELIA # Maba (Upper) NEW VISAYAS Rajah Kabungsuan PAN GYAN S # Divis oria # S S S Mambuco 8 S # S S Kandingan # AW AO Manipis S Babuyan Guiv ara S S S # Y Onom an S IO POBLACION PAT ROCEN # Tugpan Cabunog S SINOBONG # Nasangaban S Ferdinand # # # S S Maitom PU LANG LU PA # # SAYON DEL M ON TE KAT IPU NAN Mabuhay Andap Bugdangan # CONC EPC ION S Tagbuyawan S Bagong Silang Tambo Low er S S A. CR UZ ST # S # ST A. MARIA # # ST A. ISABEL S Tagbulete S S S S S SAN R OQU E CEBO LIN SALVACION SAN J# OSE Badas S Sto. Niño Yam atic on Alpha Bas e Maymay an S CUEVAS # S # S El Papa # S S Is daon Baubo S Tadasi # S # Tinangas an S SABOD Cab - cab Maguimon TRENTO Calman Bato TAPAZ Kaus wagan S AU ROR A Sua Mandanaw Daga-an S Panghan Boom S Bian S Upper Lucad S S S S S S Mahabu La Tondena # BINU CAYAN Miguel # # Y Leo BINON# GAN # # S S Antonio SAM PAGU IT A S O. ST O.D. NIÑO S San Miguel # Gas a S Luz vim in # S SAN ISID RO S Kaw ayan LA FOR TUN A Bas ag # Magading S La Suerte S S S TUD ELA # San Roque S S S Ilang - Ilang Mampao BASA # PAG - ASA # Y Candavao S S Teon S # S Maasin CAIGAN GAN Mansungad S Guinobatan # Pudlas an KAPAT UNGAN VERUELA MASAYAN S LAN GKILAAN # Mabuhay Ags away S Dao S S Cebole S S Maitom S CAND IIS # Mabuhay Vergara S S 7°55' 55" 7°55' 55" P R O V I N C E O F C O M P O S T E L A V A L L E Y SOURCE : 1. PPDO RoadNetwork Map 6 0 6 iba S ga t ayug B n a rospe P r id ad sp E era nza an S Lu is ala T co go n an S Fran cisco osario R aP L az un B aw an re o L to NOTE : This map is subject to validation users noting errors or ommission are urged to inform the Provincial Planning and Development Office and TWG for Investment Promotion. The PPDO and TWG is not responsible for any errors or liabilities that may arise from using this map. The Municipal boundaries are based on the NAMRIA, However, this will be subject for correction/revision when concerned Municipalities can provide approved technical descriptions from the Authority Agency. AGUSAN DEL SUR 7°50' 50" 3. MGBCaraga Regional Office 2. Caraga Riversand Creeks Map MINERALS TENEMENT MAP 12 K ilo m e te r s SCALE 1 : 150,000 Layout by: Provincial Planning & Development Office & TWG Investment Promotion eru V ela ta.Jo S se fa ren T to 7°50' 50" ARC '09 126 125 °1 5'1 5" 125 °2 0'2 0" 125 °2 5'2 5" 125 °3 0'3 0" 125 °3 5'3 5" 125 °4 0'4 0" 125 °4 5'4 5" 125 °5 0'5 0" 125 °5 5'5 5" 126 °1 '00 " 28 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e 126 °6 '05 " 126 °1 1'1 0" 126 °1 6'1 5" 126 °2 1'2 0" 5.Land Use, Development Physical Framework 6.1. Trend and Existing Land Use Agusan del Sur is an agri-forest based province. Based on 2007 land use survey, the production areas posted the highest share with 555,305 hectares or 61.93% out of the total land area of 896,550 hectares. This was followed by protection areas with a share of 272,553.16 hectares (30.40%) and built-up areas and other areas for infrastructure, tourism and water resources with a share of 68,691.84 hectares (7.67%). The production areas are classified into agricultural land with 118,686 hectares and production forest with 436,619 hectares. In agricultural land, the major crops grown are rice with 59,102 hectares mostly found in Bayugan, Prosperidad, Veruela, Bunawan, San Francisco and Esperanza; corn planted in 27,054 hectares that are mostly located in Bayugan, Esperanza, Prosperidad, Trento and Sta. Josefa; coconut with 26,389 hectares found in Sibagat, Trento and Veruela; oil palm established by Filipinas Palm Oil Incorporated (FPII) and Agusan Palm Oil Incorporated (API) in 16,113 hectares spread across San Francisco, Rosario, Bunawan, Trento and Loreto; banana grown in 5,198 hectares in Bayugan, Sibagat and Veruela; and rubber planted in 4,485 hectares in Esperanza, Bayugan, Prosperidad, and Talacogon. On the other hand, the production forest covers a total of 436,619 hectares of which 235,412 hectares are residual forest; 76,168 hectares are brushland/openland; 66,360 hectares are under tenurial instruments such as Industrial Forest Management Agreement (IFMA), Community Based Forest Management Agreement (CBFMA), and Socialized Integrated Forest Management Agreement, (SIFMA); and 57,689 hectares are cultivated and occupied area. Area open for development are the residual forest and the brushland with a total area of 311,580 hectares. These are areas open for expansion of agricultural and commercial crops. The protection areas include National Integrated Protected Area System (NIPAS) with 40,954 hectares, Non-NIPAS with 16,442 hectares, and protected areas within alienable and disposable land with 28,524 hectares. The built-up areas cover only 898.47 hectares while other areas with 67,793.7 hectares include rivers and lakes, parks and other potential tourist destinations. 29 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e Table 17: Existing and Proposed Land Uses LAND USES AREA % EXISTING AREA % PROPOSED AREA % 2003 2007 Production Areas 675,495.00 75.34 2017 555,305.00 61.93 555,305.00 61.93 Agriculture 111,000.00 118,686.00 (21.4) 134,686.00 24.00 Production Forest 564,495.00 436,619.00 (78.6) 420,619.00 75.00 272,553.16 30.40 30.40 40,954.00 272,553.16 40,954.00 176,442.00 176,442.00 - - 28,524.00 Protection Areas 118,255.00 13.19 NIPAS Non-NIPAS Fault lines, easement Within A&D Built-up/Settlement Other areas 28,524.00 898.47 0.10 898.47 0.10 1,492.56 0.16 101,901.53 11.37 67,793.37 7.57 67,199.28 7.51 896,550.00 100 896,550.00 100% 896,550.00 100% Utility Facilities Infrastructure & tourism TOTAL Figure 12: Existing and Proposed Land Uses in hectares, 2003, 2007 and 2017, 700000 600000 500000 400000 300000 200000 100000 0 2017 (Proposed) 2007 2003 30 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e Figure 13: Existing Land Use Map 125°20' 125°30' 125°40' 125°50' 126°00' 126°10' 126°20' MAP OF TH E PHI LI PPIN ES 9°10' N Le gend: l N or te N Luzo n de Visaya s Bo und ary Roa d Inland wa ter/Fishe ries Rice Bu ilt-up are a Cultiva ted an nu al crops Plan tation fo rest Pe re nn ia l t rees & vine cro ps Clo sed fore st, b road le aved Op en fo re st, b road le aved Ot her la nd, na tural, grassla nd Ot her la nd, na tural, ma rsh la nd Ot her woo ded land , shru bs Ot her woo ded land , wo ode d g rassla nd an Mind an ao us 9°00' of Ag Lo c a tio n Ma p in ce Sibagat Prov ince of Mis . Or. 8°40' ov Prosperidad inc Esperanza f e o Su 8°30' Bayugan Pr 8°40' 8°30' rig San Luis ao San Franscisco ur l S de Talacogon Rosario 8°20' 8°00' 8°20' La Paz Prov ince of Buk idnon 8°10' 9°00' 8°50' Pr ov 8°50' 9°10' Bunawan 8°10' Loreto Trento Veruela 8°00' Sta. Josefa P r o vin c e 125°20' 125°30' 125°40' o f C o m p o st e la 125°50' Va lle y 126°00' 126°10' 126°20' Pr e pa re d by : 0 10 Kilo m ete rs 20 EXISTING LAND USE MAP Provincial Development & Physical Framework Plan Sc ale 1: 750 ,00 0 PR OVINCI AL PL ANN ING & DEVELO PMENT O FF ICE GIS Sr ct io n So u rc e : Lan d use M ap of Agu san de l Su r Car ag a L an d c ove r M a p Not e: Th is m ap is sub ject to va lidat ion , u ser s n otin g err or s o r om mis sion a re urg e to info rm th e Pro vinc ial Pla nn ing & De velo pm en t O ffic e- GIS- Se cti0 n Th e PPDO is no t r esp on sible fo r a ny er ro rs or liab ilitie s th at ma y a ris e fro m usin g this ma p. 08/ 09 31 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e 6.2. Development Trends Based on 2003 to 2007 data, there was no significant increase of the built-up areas in the province with the population growth rate of 1.19% per annum. But based on density, it is projected that by 2017, the built-up/settlements area will have grown by 66% from 898.47 hectares to 1,492.56 hectares. The protection area is increasing from 13.19% in 2003 to 30.40% in 2007. This could be attributed to the improved consciousness and awareness of the people on the significance of balance ecology as an outcome of the implementation of the Provincial Forest Land Use Plan and the adoption of the Provincial Environmental Code and its implementing Rules and Regulations. This was complemented with the inclusion of buffer zone within protected areas and riverbank easements as well as proclamation of watersheds. To address climate change and sustainable development, it is projected that these protected areas will be maintained. On the other hand, the Timberland area was decreasing as some areas had been declared as protected land while others had been considered as open for expansion of agricultural and commercial crops. In agricultural areas, significant increase has been observed for banana (45%), other fruits (33%), and cacao (34%). Tremendous growth of commercial crops in the production areas has been noted with abaca at 800%, oil palm at 101% and rubber at 48%. This could be the result of the One Town, One product (OTOP) strategy of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). Other cultivated crops such as rice, corn, vegetable and root crops have minimal increase in production areas. Based on the trend, the following options may be considered: Resource-based. Focus on production and establishment of processing center of crops dominant in the area based on its suitability and sustainability. Employment/income driven. Prioritize commodities/industries that will generate more employment and will increase income per capita. Market driven. Focus on commodities with high market demand. 32 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e 6.3. Physical Framework The Provincial Development Physical Framework Plan (PDPFP-2008-2017) adopts the Growth Diamond preferred strategy of the Provincial Physical Framework Plan (PPFP -19932002). This strategy embraces the integrated area development approach, where the 14 municipalities of the province are grouped into four clusters, each with designated growth center. It is aligned with the strategic direction of the province as an agro-industrialized and eco-tourism center, promoting investments in the areas of agriculture, forestry and ecotourism. The functional roles of each Convergence Development Area (CDA) are as follows: CDA1 – An Agri-Processing Center (Bayugan, Sibagat and Esperanza) Bayugan serves as the growth center where major trading, commercial and services are located. It is also the processing center for corn and banana as well as supplier of vegetables and cutflowers. Sibagat is the abaca and coconut production and processing center. Esperanza serves as source of fresh and processed tilapia, rice and corn. CDA2- Government Center and Commercial Center (San Francisco, Prosperidad, Rosario and Bunawan) San Francisco serves as the growth center where commercial, banking, communication and tourism services are located. It is also proposed as the gold buying station of the province. Prosperidad, as the provincial capital, serves as the government center to showcase excellence in governance at the same time producer of rice and oil palm and an emerging tourist destination. Rosario is the center of oil palm production and processing as well as the gold mining industry. Bunawan is the gateway to Agusan Marsh and source rice, oil palm, fresh and processed mudfish. CDA 3 – Organic Food and Rubber Production and Processing Center (Trento, Sta. Josefa, Veruela and Loreto) Trento serves as the growth center and the producer of coconut, rice, duck, organic rice, corn, and swine. Sta. Josefa is corn capital of the province but also produces organic rice, fruits and vegetables. Veruela is the producer of rice, banana, coconut, and rubber. Loreto becomes the expansion areas for rice, corn, coconut and rubber. CDA 4 – Wood Processing Center of the province (Talacogon, La Paz and San Luis) Talacogon serves as the growth center, wood processing zone and rice producer. La Paz, on the other hand, is the source of commercial trees and expansion areas for rice, corn, banana, fruits, and rubber. San Luis is the source of commercial trees, rattan processing center and corn and livestock producer. By 2017, under “do nothing” strategy in CDA 1, Bayugan will have still been categorized as medium town and the growth center. Though it has the largest population and considered the most densely populated municipality in the province, it has experienced the slowest 33 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e growth in population from 2000 to 2007. Esperanza, on the other hand, will have grown from a small town to a medium town, requiring more social services and infrastructure support to cope with its growing population. Sibagat will have remained a small town and will have likely depended on Bayugan City for its services due to proximity. Anticipating the impact of current the establishment of forward linkages like corn processing center, wood processing center and banana processing center and all-weather road connecting production areas to other municipalities in the province and municipalities of Surigao del Sur and Agusan del Norte, Bayugan will likely have grown double its population and will have become a large town by 2027. Hence, there is a need to upgrade its medical and educational facilities to the tertiary level. For sustainable agri-industry in CDA 1, more interventions should be provided for watershed management of Wawa and Andanan River. Table 18: Bayugan as Growth Center (Major Trading, Commercial and Services Center; Corn Processing Center; and Banana and Vegetable Producer) Existing (2007) Economic Activities Rice – 5,123 has ( indicative data from land use) Potential Areas for Development Forward Linkage 2017 Supplier of Milled Rice Backward Linkage 2017 Wawa and Andanan Watershed management Expansion Areas Based on Land Suitability and Sustainability Infrastructure Support/Market Support Maygatasan, Marcelina, San isidro, Bucac, Charito, Sta. Irene Repair of irrigation canals, integrated grain processing centr, fmr Expand organic Fertilizer production at pagkain ng Bayan, Mabuhay Noli, Sagmone, Canayugan and Mabuhay Improvement/rehab. of roads towards corn production areas PPHF Organic Fertilizer Corn -2,385 Corn coffee processing in Andanan, Poblacion Corn processing center in Mabuhay Banana- 1,530 has Banana Chip processing in Poblacion Eradication of Bunchy top Banana Plantation Panaytay, Marcelina, Katipunan FMR, networking and linkaging, reliable power supply Rubber- 1,015 Cup lump Rubber bud Hamogaway, FMR 34 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e Existing (2007) Economic Activities Potential Areas for Development Forward Linkage 2017 has producer Backward Linkage 2017 Expansion Areas Based on Land Suitability and Sustainability Infrastructure Support/Market Support nursery Sta. Teresita, Marcelina Commercial Wood trees-1,698 has processing in Andanan , Bayugan Tree plantation Municipal Wide FMR going to production areas Poultry and livestock Establishment of Feed Mill Bayugan, Prosperidad, Esperanza Improvement/rehab. of roads Upscaling of swine and poultry production Production of soybeans, sorghum Meat processing Reliable power supply, Improved communication facilities, Proper drainage and sewerage Vegetables and High valued cutflower vegetable crops like asparagus, broccoli, lettuce and carrots, cauliflower, anthurium, chrysanthemu ms Farming technology, cold storage, cold storage van Sibagat, Esperanza, Prosperidad Concreting of roads to Villa Undayon, New Salem Getsemane, Mt. Carmel, Mt. Ararat, San Juan, Pinagalaan, Villangit, Magsaysay, San Isidro, New Tubigon or installation of cable car Getsemane Falls Mini-hydro and tourism destination Watershed Management Getsemane FMR State College BNCHS Fruit Tree plantation 35 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e Table 19: CDA 1: Sibagat as Abaca and Coconut Production and Processing Center Potential Areas Existing (2007) for Backward Economic Development Linkage 2017 Activities Forward Linkage 2017 Expansion Areas Based on Infrastructure Land Suitability Support/Market and Support Sustainability Coconut – 2,289 hectares Copra production Coconut nursery Anahawan, Ilihan Road going to production areas Falcata-1,187 hectares Lumber Seedling production Production Areas in Villangit, San Isidro, Magsaysay FMR going to production areas excluding the protected area Banana -1,291 hectares Table banana, banana chips Eradication of Bunchy top Ilihan, Sinai, San FMR Vicente Abaca -542 hectares Abaca hemp, bakbak, sinamay handicraft Expansion of Laylay abaca production areas Ilihan, Causwagan, Kolambogan, Peres, Anahawan Managong Falls with 4m Vertical Hydropower Plant 36 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e All weather road going to Sitio CaneteIlihan- Sinai Road. For FS and detailed engineering Table 20: CDA 1: Esperanza as Tilapia Production and Processing Center, Rice and Corn Producer Existing (2007) Economic Activities Rice-4,525 hectares Potential Areas for Development Forward Linkage 2017 Supplier of milled rice Corn – 2,338 hectares Corn processing center in Mabuhay, Bayugan Rubber- 1,522 hectares Cup lump/sheets producer Veneering and Plywood in Dacutan Falcata Backward Linkage 2017 Wawa watershed management, PPHF Organic Fertilizer Organic Fertilizer PPHF Rubber nursery Expansion Areas Based on Land Suitability and Sustainability San Toribio, Catmonon, Sta. Fe, Piglawigan, Dacutan, Bentahon Hawilian, Guadalupe, Nato, Sta Fe, Concordia, Oro and Tandang Sora Nato, Remedios Mc Arthur, Valentina, San Jose, Duangan, Taganahaw, Bentahon, Municipalwide Sustainable Remedios, maintenance Western barangays of Esperanza Sustainable lake Lake Oro & management in other lakes Lake Oro, fish mechanical drier, fish feed production Infrastructure Support/Market Support Repair of irigation canal and other structures, fmr FMR, bridge FMR going to production areas Renew expired sawmill Shennalyn Sustainable Ecozone Tilapia Dried Tilapia/ tourism destination Vegetables in Dacutan Expansion of Cold storage, vegetable transport production area support Consolidated marketing in Dakutan Dacutan, Piglawigan, Poblacion 37 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e Private road Improvement/rehab. of Crossing SopasGuadalupe Road, Esperanza, communication, drainage and sewerage Construction of drip irrigation project Networking and linkaging . In CDA 2, under the “do nothing” scenario, San Francisco and Prosperidad, despite of their fast growth and high density, will remain as medium towns. San Francisco will maintain as the commercial and services center and the growth center of CDA 2. Prosperidad, being the capital of the province, will showcase as the center of excellence in governance. On the other hand, Bunawan, which has experienced the fastest growth among the municipalities in the province, will have grown from a small town to medium town by 2017. Rosario will have remained a small town. It is projected that after 15 years, the population of San Francisco will double and rise as large town. This is anticipated with the implementation of the provincial tourism development master plan, which highlights the nearby town of Bunawan as the southern gateway to Agusan Marsh, features Mt. Magdiwata and falls in San Francisco, and Gibong River and Bahbah Cave in Prosperidad. The rapid growth of municipalities in CDA 2 will eventually make it as a growth corridor expanding to all other clusters in Agusan del Sur, and to the provinces of Surigao del Sur and Compostela Valley. This is expected to happen with the completion of Jumbo bridge connecting the municipalities of Veruela and Loreto to Bunawan. Cluster 2 is not only positioning as government center but also center for eco-tourism, mining and oil palm industries. To cope with the growing demand for social and economic services, support infrastructure like reliable power and communication, adequate potable water supply and transportation network should be in place. Likewise, tourism services and facilities should be established to cater the needs of increasing number of tourists. Table 21: San Franscico as Growth Center of CDA 2 (Primary Commercial and Tourism Service Center and Gold Buying Station) Existing (2007) Economic Activities Potential Areas for Development Forward Linkage 2017 Backward Linkage 2017 Expansion Areas Based on Land Suitability and Sustainability Infrastructure Support/Market Support Oil Palm- 9,217 hectares Crude oil/Refine processing plant Air, water, soil Pollution mitigating measures Lapinigan, Mati, Ebro, New Visayas Private roads Rice-3,600 hectares Supplier of milled rice, Grain Processing in Alegria Mt. Diwata & Gibong watershed management Pasta, Buenasuerte Tagapua, Borbon and Sta. Ana Irrigation facilities, FMR Copra, virgin coco oil , coco coir, Processing Nursery Coconut-654 hectares PPHF, Organic Farming Alegria, Karaus, San Isidro,Bayugan 38 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e Existing (2007) Economic Activities Potential Areas for Development Forward Linkage 2017 Backward Linkage 2017 Center in Hubang Expansion Areas Based on Land Suitability and Sustainability Infrastructure Support/Market Support 2, Hubang Banking services Mall 1 & Mall 2 Public Market Buildings “Greenbelt” of Agusan del Sur Tourism Support Services 2 star Hotel with Wifi Auction Market Barangay 3 Relocation of Wet market , Re-routing of drainage system and construction of sewerage system at San Francisco Commercial Center, Solid waste disposal Access Roads to Mt. Magdiwata Mountain Resort, Caimpugan Peat Swamp, and Anawan Cave in Lucac Transport Services Booking offices Peat Swamp Tourists destination Tourism facilities like Board Walk 39 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e Caimpugan Hanging Bridge, all weatherPasta-Buenasuerte Caimpugan road Table 22: CDA 2: Prosperidad as Government Center and Rice Producer Existing (2007) Economic Activities Rice – 4,912 hectares Corn -2,370 hectares Coconut- 1041 hectares Rubber- 485 hectares Potential Areas for Development Forward Linkage 2017 Backward Linkage 2017 Supplier of milled Gibong Rice watershed management Expansion of PPHF Grain processing Organic Farming Center Supplier of Corn Expansion of processing production Center in areas Mabuhay, PPHF Bayugan Organic Farming Coconut Expansion of processing, oil, production coco net areas, coco seed bank Cup lump, Nursery Rubber Processing Plant Cattle Stockfarm at Taonaga, Magsaysay Cattle/Beef Producer Government Center in Patinay Center of Good Governance Tourists Destination Bega Falls, Gibong River, Bahbah Cave Expansion of pasture area Planting of grasses Animal health Human Resource Development, Increasing Local Revenue, Transparency and accountability Tourism support facilities and activities (Travel Tour Organized & Trained Tourist Guide) Expansion Areas Based on Land Suitability and Sustainability Infrastructure Support/Mark et Support Mapaga, San Pedro, Lucena, La Suerte, Las Navas Rainfed rice in San Vicente, San Roque, Patin-ay La Perian, Aurora, Maug, Los Arcos, Mabuhay, Salimbogaon, Azpitia, Libertad Los Arcos, Prosperidad, San Lorenzo Roads, irrigation facilities, power San Vicente, Salimbogaon St. Irene, San Rafael, Lucac Magsaysay, Los Arcos FMR 40 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e FMR, FMR Well maintained gravel road to Taonaga GIS and tax mapping software and hardware NRJ Prosperidad to Puting Buhangin, Bahbah Existing (2007) Economic Activities Potential Areas for Development Forward Linkage 2017 Backward Linkage 2017 Kaong Processing Upscaling of Expansion of in Sta. Maria Kaong processing kaong production area in Sta Maria & San Salvador Expansion Areas Based on Land Suitability and Sustainability Talacogon 41 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e Infrastructure Support/Mark et Support BFAD accredited processing building Table 23: CDA 2: Bunawan as Gateway to Agusan Marsh and Mudfish Processing Center Existing (2007) Economic Activities Potential Areas for Development /Forward Linkage 2017 Backward Linkages Rice- 3932 hectares Milled Rice Corn- 345 hectares Processed Corn Oil Palm 3,189 hectares Rubber – 250 hectares Coconut107 hectares Gold and Silver Crude oil /refine palm oil Cup lump Nursery, pollution control Rubber nursery Plantation Coco seed bank Haluan Gateway to Agusan Marsh ASSCAT Watershed management, PPHF, Organic farming PPHF Export Quality Designer Jewelries Machine Registration of small miners Upscaling of Sustainable Dried Lake Haluan/Tahay Management Fish Mechanical Drier Fish Feed production Functional American High-End Standard Bunawan restrooms, Wharf display Facilities and center, visitor Hotels lounge, landscaped, car park University Expansion Areas Based on Land Suitability and Sustainability Imelda, Libertad, Hubang, Mambalili Babadan , Libertad, Mambalili Imelda Infrastructure Support/ Marketing Support Irrigation facilities, FMR San Andres FMR FMR FMR PCA Reserve Area Concreting of Road Agusan Marsh Improvement/Reha and lakes bilitation of roads, reliable power supply, communication, drainage and sewerage Loreto and La Paz Dormitories 42 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e Car park, Landscape, floating cottages, other tourism support facilities, boats, skills, training of tour guides, food preparation handicraft Renovation/Improv Existing (2007) Economic Activities Potential Areas for Development /Forward Linkage 2017 Backward Linkages Expansion Areas Based on Land Suitability and Sustainability Upgrading of teachers Upgrading of School Facilities 43 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e Infrastructure Support/ Marketing Support ement of School Facilities Table 24: CDA2: Rosario as Oil Production and Processing and Gold Mining Industry Capital Existing (2007) Potential Areas Backward Expansion Areas Infrastructure Economic for Linkage 2017 Based on Land Support/Mar Activities Development Suitability and ket Support Forward Sustainability Linkage 2017 Rice-1938 hectares Milled rice Oil Palm -2,929 hectares Refine oil processing Coconut-791 hectares Rubber -269 hectares Small and Large scale gold mining in Sta. Cruz and Bayugan 3 Tourism Destination Oil palm fronds walling materials (amakan) Copra Cup lump Goldsmithry, silver, copper, gold buying station Latay Cave, Nyholm Falls Watershed management Organic farming PPHF Plantation Nursery Technology Cabawan, Irrigation Wasian, Bayugan facilities, FMR 3 La Paz, Loreto Access Roads, Reliable power supply Coconut nursery Rubber Nursery Skills training on design, jewelry designer machines/ gadgets, registration of small miners, pollution mitigating measures Tourism facilities Libuak and Poblacion Cabantao FMR San Francisco, Bunawan Link to international market through trade fair and internet FMR Roads and bridges connecting La Paz and Loreto Under CDA 3, Trento, though considered as one of the fast growing towns, will have remained as a medium town and the growth center by 2017. Sta. Josefa with its high population density and high growth rate will have also remained as small town together with Veruela and Loreto. From 2000 to 2007, Veruela showed a slower growth but became densely populated. With this trend, expansion will likely have spread to Loreto with large 44 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e potential areas for agricultural and industrial development like rice and corn processing, rubber processing plant and banana production. The cluster will have also maintained its position as the center of organic farming in the province and in Caraga Region. The completion of the Agusan del Sur circumferential road and east-west lateral road connecting Agusan del Sur to Bislig City and Bukidnon are expected to spur economic development in the cluster. Thus, the need for more upgraded medical and educational services and support infrastructure. Table 25: CDA 3: Trento as Growth Center and Rice, Duck, Organic Rice, Corn and Coconut Producer Existing (2007) Economic Activities Rice -3,572 hectares Potential Areas for Development Forward Linkage 2017 Organic Rice Rice Duck Balut Making Backward Linkage 2017 Watershed management PPHF Organic farming Technology PPHF Organic farming Corn- 1,470 hectares Organic processed corn Coconut- 3,206 hectares Copra Coco seed bank Organic Swine Processed Meat/ Agritourism destination Oil Palm -2,913 hectares Oil Refinery in Manant Feedmill, BFAD accredited, Product development and branding, packaging Pollution Control Tree Plantation- lumber 683has Calamansi Marketing Arm Lying-in Clinic Maternity Expansion Areas Based on Land Suitability and Sustainability Rice -3,572 has in Kapatungan, Pag-asa Irrigation facilities FMR Organic Corn in Basa, Tudela, Cuevas, San Ignacio Pulang lupa, Salvacion, New Visayas, Langkilaan, San isidro Sta. Josefa and Loreto FMR Cebolin, Cuevas, Salvacion and New Visayas FMR Permittee Calamansi production, Packaging Complete Infrastructure Support/ Marketing Support FMR FMR Sta. Josefa 45 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e BFAD accredited Hospital and Existing (2007) Economic Activities Drift Wood Furniture Potential Areas for Development Forward Linkage 2017 Hospital Market Linkage Backward Linkage 2017 Expansion Areas Based on Land Suitability and Sustainability facilities and manpower Product development and craftmanship Sustainable production 46 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e Infrastructure Support/ Marketing Support Capacity Building Rehabilitation of Roads Table 26: CDA 3: Sta. Josefa as Organic Rice and Corn Production and Processing Center and Fruit Basket Existing (2007) Economic Activities Rice- 1,945 hectares Corn -1,066 hectares Fruit trees-543 hectares Organic Swine Vegetables Latundan Sugar Cane Potential Areas for Development Forward Linkage 2017 Milled OrganicMasipag Rice Producer Processed Corn Fresh fruits Processed Meat Backward Linkage 2017 Watershed Management Rice Massive Land Titling,PPHF PPHF seeds Expansion Infrastructure Areas Based on Support/Marketing Land Suitability Support and Sustainability Sayon, Awao, Irrigation facilities, Concepcion FMR Tapaz, Aurora, San Jose Municipal wide Feed Mill Angas, Sayon Angas Mascuvado PPHF 47 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e FMR FMR, Marketing Support Table 27: CDA 3: Veruela as Rice, Banana, Coconut and Rubber Producer Existing (2007) Economic Activities Rice-4,401 hectares Banana -1,062 hectares Potential Areas Backward for Linkage 2017 Development Forward Linkage 2017 Milled Rice Watershed management PPHF Organic farming Banana -1,062 Eradication of has Bunchy top ( Lakatan and Latundan) Cardava Coconut-1,617 hectares Copra Coco Seed Bank Rubber -142 hectares Cup lump Rubber Nursery Commercial Tree- 839 hectares Tourism Destination Lumber Permitee Sisimon Cave Tourism Facilities Expansion Areas Based on Land Suitability and Sustainability Sampaguita, La Fortuna, Magsaysay, San Gabriel, Masayan Don Mateo, Katipunan, Candiis, Sta. Emelia, Sinubong , Binongan Del Monte, Katipunan, Anitap, Limot,Sinubong, Sta. Emilia, Candiis Del Monte, Sawagan, Don Mateo 48 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e Infrastructure Support/Marketing Support Irrigation facilities, FMR Farm-to Market Road towards production areas FMR FMR FMR Table 28: CDA 3: Loreto as Expansion Areas for Rice, Corn, Coconut and Rubber Production Existing (2007) Economic Activities Potential Areas for Development Forward Linkage 2017 Backward Linkage 2017 Expansion Areas Based on Land Suitability and Sustainability Infrastructure Support/Marke ting Support FMR, Irrigation facilities Rice -1,512 hectares Milled rice PPHF, Organic farming Johnson, Sta Teresa, Waloe, San Vicente, Magaud, Poblacion Corn -840 hectares Processed Corn Feed Mill Yellow Corn Plantation Binucayan, San FMR isidro, St. Tomas Coconut-840 hectares Copra Coco Seed Bank St. Nino, Binucayan, San isidro Rubber Production Nursery Oil Palm Oil Palm 1,0018 hectares Processing Nursery Sta. Teresa, San Vicente, and Manawe, Poblacion, Sto. Tomas Banana Plantation Nursery Loreto Processing Plant Sawmill Loreto Co-production agreement and CBFMA FMR 49 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e FMR Under CDA 4, San Luis, La Paz and Talacogon municipalities with increasing growth will have remained small towns with Talacogon as growth center and the provincial industrial center. It will also have maintained its role as the provincial wood processing center with its potential areas for agri-industrial development. Spillover of economic activities in CDA 2 will have most likely be extended to CDA 4. This would be possible if the necessary social services and other support for economic services and infrastructure will be in-placed. Table 29: CDA 4: Talacogon as Growth Center and Wood Processing Zone Existing (2007) Economic Activities Potential Areas for Development Forward Linkage 2017 Backward Linkage 2017 Expansion Areas Infrastructure Based on Land Support/Marketin Suitability and g Support Sustainability Rice- 1,615 hectares Milled Rice Watershed management , PPHF Zillovia, San Nicolas, San isidro, Buena Gracia Corn- 604 hectares Coconut-604 hectares Rubber – 569 hectares Processed Corn PPHF FMR Copras Nursery FMR Cuplump Rubber nursery Wood Processing Plant Establishment of Wood processing Zone ( Veneer, Plywood and Knockdown Furniture) Lake Ginhalinan Tree plantations Gateway to Agusan Marsh Tilapia and Fish cages Haluan Fish Production in Sabang Gibong, Maharlika and La Flora Rural Health Secondary Unit Hospital Irrigation, FMR Culiram, Zamora, Del Monte,Sta. Cruz, Batucan, Labnig, Desamparados IFMA Roads Improved Talacogon Wharf Fish canning and dried fish Road to La Flora Technology transfer, Rehabilitation of dryer La Paz and San Luis 50 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e Table 30: CDA 4: La Paz as Tree Plantation and Expansion Areas for Rubber Production Existing (2007) Potential Areas Backward Economic Activities for Linkage Development 2017 Forward Linkage 2017 Rice-904 hectares Milled Rice Improved Irrigation system Corn-859 hectares Processed Corn PPHF Oil Palm -312 hectares Rubber Tree Plantation IFMA, CBFM kernel Nursery Cuplump Wood Processing Nursery Renew Expired sawmill Expansion Areas Infrastructure Based on Land Support/Marketing Suitability and Support Sustainability Rice in Sabang Adgawan, poblacion Comota, San Patricio, Halapitan and Sagunto La Paz Osmena Solar power Road post harvest facilities Municipal-wide Municipal-wide FMR Road, power and communication 51 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e roads and power Table 31: CDA 4: San Luis as Tree Plantation and Corn and Livestock Producer Existing (2007) Economic Activities Tree Plantation Wood Processing Plant Renew Expired sawmills Coconut- 1,132 hectares Copras Nursery Banana -202 hectares Rattan Banana Plantation Rattan Plantation & processing Nursery Expansion Infrastructure Areas Based on Support/Marketing Land Suitability Support and Sustainability San Pedro, FMR Baylo, Dimasalang, Sta. Ines, and Dona Maxima, Municipalwide FMR IFMA, Comanagement sharing Culi, Don Alejandro, San Pedro FMR Nursery Binicalan Corn -1132 hectares Potential Areas Backward for Linkage 2017 Development Forward Linkage 2017 Processed Corn PPHF 52 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e FMR Figure 14: 2017 Development Framework (Growth Diamond Strategy – Functional Roles by Convergence Development Areas and Municipalities ) 53 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e Figure 15: Agusan del Sur 2017 Land Use Map 125 °1 5'1 5" 125 °2 0'2 0" 125 °2 5'2 5" 125 °3 0'3 0" 125 °3 5'3 5" 125 °4 0'4 0" 125 °4 5'4 5" 125 °5 0'5 0" 125 °5 5'5 5" 126 °1 '00 " 126 °6 '05 " 126 °1 1'1 0" 126 °1 6'1 5" 126 °2 1'2 0" 126 9°17'15" 9°17'15" N W E LEGEND : MAP OF THE PHILIPPINES S 9°12'10" 9°12'10" Municipality Barangay Sitio Rivers and Creeks Y # LUZON # S # 9°7'0 5" 9°7'0 5" VISAYAS Mun. Boundary P 9°2'0 0" Roads Primary Nat'l. Rd. Secondary Nat'l. Rd. Provincial Rd. Municipal Rd. Barangay Rd. Nia Rd. Private Rd. MINDANAO R O V 9 I # KUL AMBUGAN N C LOCATION MAP PADIAY # E 8°56'55" PEREZ # 9 8°56'55" O F Lakes CORN PROCESSING CENTER Mabuhay, Bayugan NEW TUBIGU N # 9°2'0 0" PIN AND#AGATAN STA . C RUZ # S BANAGBAN AG # STA . MAR IA # U MAGSAYSAY # MAGKALAP E # TAB ON#TABON R SAN ISIDR O # SAN JU AN # 8°51'50" CORN COFFEE PROCESSING CENTER Maygatasan, Bayugan BERSE # BA O T E VIL LAN # GIT A EL RIO # ABACA PROCESSING CENTER Sinai, Sibagat MAHAYA # HAYDEL R OSARIO # SIBAGAT R ANAH#AWAN KIOYA # O STO #NIÑ O TAGU#YANGO SAN VICEN TE # KAUSW # AGAN MT. CA # RMEL L L SIN # AI Growth diamond MAHAYA G # PR OV INCE OF MISAMIS ORIEN TAL N A O P R O V I N C E G U S CAL AITAN # MT. OLIVE # CLA RO CORTEZ # R RATTAN PROCESSING CENTER Baylo, San Luis TAGU # BAY TAGL # IB AS A U 8°41'40" CSDC W OOD PROCESSING CENTER Poblacion, Talacogon CDA Boundary Major crops Abaca Banana Coconut Corn Fruit trees Irrig. Rice Rice Oil palm Rubber Commercial trees Tenement Ssmp Mpsa approved mining rights Tenurial Co-production sharing agreement Sifma Cbfm Ifma Land Classification Alien or Disp Production Protection Geohazard Active Fault Flooded Area Soil Erosion S D E WAWA # MABUH # AY 8°46'45" PIN AGALA AN # GETSE # MANE CAN AYUGAN # SAN AGUSTIN # GR ACE ES TATENEW SAL EM # # NOLI # VIL LA U#ND AYON STA . #IREN E SAGMONE # F MAGKIA#NGKAN G BAYUGAN MON TEVESTA # FILI # VERD # U FARM LEVEL GRAINS CENTER Pob., Crossing Talacogon, Prosperidad MAYGATASAN # CAGBAS # SAN ISIDR O # LAN#GA S NEW GINGOOG # CUB # O MAASIN # S # # S POB LAC # ION TAGAN # AHA O TAGL ATAWAN # HAMOGAWAY # STA . TERE # SITA OSM#EÑA BOC # AC SAGUMA # MAHAGKOT # BENTAH # ON SALVAC # ION LA PUR # ISIMA BATOH # ON BALOBO # BAKINGKING # KIN AMAYBA Y # REMED # IOS AGS#ABU TAGAB ASI # HAWIL # IAN PANAYTAY # PIGL AWIGAN # DAC UTAN # GAM # AO SAN #JOSE CHA#R ITO SAN ISIDR O # CROSS IN # G L UN A ESPERANZA STA . MAR IA # SAN MAR # TIN LA PER # IAN AWA # KATIPU # NA N LIBERTAD # SALIMBOGAON # SAN SAL # VADOR CATMONON # NATO # SAN LOR # ENZO MABUH # AY STA . #IRIN E MARC#ELINA MIL AGROS # MAUG # AZP#ETIA LOS ARC # OS SAN TORIBIO # STA#. FE SAN JOAQUIN # ABAO # MAGSAYSAY # SIB ULA # N BUN AGUET # CONC#ORD IA CAL ABOAN # SALU # G 8°36'35" TAH#INA DUA NGAN # OR OMICA # ANOLIN # GA N OD ION # G MAC AR # TH UR AUR#OR A SAN#JOSE LA SUE RTE # WIGU # AM VALEN TIN A # DON PED # RO LA UN # ION GOVERNMENT CENTER Patin-ay, Prosperidad SALVAC # ION LAS NA # VAS MAHAPA # G LUC#EN A SIGU # ND A SANTIAGO # LUC # AC CEC#ELIA TAN DA NG # SORA DAS -#AGAN SAN PED # RO SAN ROQU E # MARITUL A # BITAN#- A GAN PATIN # -AY NAPO # SAN ISIDR O # DIMASAL # ANG TAGBA # LILI # Y MAPAGA # ANISLA # GA N SIN ACU # NGAN PROSPERIDAD POB LAC # ION GU ADA # LUP E #GU EBU NON SAN VICEN TE # 8°51'50" E N D S # MT. AR # ARAT IL IH#AN DRIED TILAPIA PROCESSING CENTER Guadalupe, Esperanza Proposed Settlements S # Small/Medium City Y Medium Town # S Small Town # G LIBERTAD # I CDA-1 AFGA # SAN VICEN TE # MALIWAN # AG LA CAR # IDAD COMMERCIAL CENTER SAN FRANCISCOPoblacion, San Francisco PIS#AAN STA .#INES 8°31'30" HUB#ANG SAN RA # FA EL DOÑA MAX IMA # NUE VO TR # ABAJO STA .#R ITA BALIT # POL ICAR # PO SAN LUIS # Y BARAN # GAY I #BARAN GAY II ALEGR BARAN GAY # IA # IIIBARAN # GAY IV TAGAP # UA CUL # I RIZAL # DOÑA#FLA VIA POB LAC # ION STA .#AN A BARAN # GAY V BOR#BON MAHAGSAY # KARAOS # DEL MON # TE S # LAD GA # DAN CUL#IRAM SAN IS # ID RO ZAM OR A # BATUC # AN SAN PED # RO S # BAYLO # DON AL EJAND RO # NEW VISAYAS # CAU SWAGAN # SAN NIC OLAS #SAN # ISIDR O SAN AGUS TIN # BAYUGAN II # OR MAC # A LABN # IG EBRO # CDA-2 TALACOGON 8°26'25" ZILL#OVIA MATI # LAPINIGAN # MALIGAYA # BUEN A#GR AC IA BUEN A#SUER TE COALIC # ION PASTA # CAIMPU GA N # 8°46'45" 8°41'40" 8°36'35" 8°31'30" 8°26'25" MABTAY # MARBON # LIBUAC # S # ROSARIO TAGBA#YAGAN DESAMP# ARAD OS OIL PALM PROCESSING CENTER Maligaya, Rosario CABAN # TAO POB LAC # ION LA FLORA # MAHAYA # HAY MAHAR # LIKA STA . #C RUZ CABAW # AN 8°21'20" 8°21'20" NOVEL # E CDA-4 SABAN G GIBONG # WASIAN # SABAN G #AD GAWAN BIN ICAL # AN LYDIA # OSM# EÑA COMOTA # BAYUGAN III # LA PAZ PHILSAGA GOLD PROCESSING CENTER Bayugan 3, Rosario S # 8°16'15" 8°16'15" SAN PATR # IC IO ANGEL # ES VIL LA # PAZ SAGUN # TO HAL APITAN # LAN GA # SIA N COO # PANAGAN # GAN BATAAN # I D N O N SAN MAR # COS FARM LEVEL GRAINS CENTER Bunawan Brook, Bunawan SAN AN # DR ES MAMBAL # IL I MAGAUD # VIOL#ANTA LORETO #S WALOE # KATIPU # NA STO. TOMA S # SAN TEODOR O # S # BUN AWAN # BR OOK HUB#ANG KASAPA I # SAN VICE # N TE NUE VA # ERA B NUE VA#GR AC IA ORGANIC FARMING Trento, ADS IMEL DA # O F LIBERTAD # 8°6'0 5" STA . TERESA # CDA-3 SAN GABR IEL # JOH NS ON # N C E 8°6'0 5" DON MATEO # MASAYAN # MANAT # VERUELA BASA # TU DEL # A SAN ISIDR O # MAGSAYSAY # P R O V I 8 KAPATUN GAN # PAG#- ASA S # CAIGANGAN # SAN MAR # IA NO SAN ISIDR O # LA FOR # TUN A 8°1'0 0" 8°11'10" OIL PALM PROCESSING CENTER Manat, Trento BUNAWAN U K 8°11'10" VALEN # TIN A # Y BIN ONGAN # SAMPAGUITA # STO.#NIÑO TRENTO TAP # AZ SAN ROQU E # CUE#VAS SAWAGAN # FARM LEVEL GRAINS CENTER Patrocenio, Sta. Josefa CEBOL # IN STA . #MAR IA BIN UC # AYAN AUR#OR A SALVAC # ION SAN #JOSE PUL ANG # LU PA STA . ISABEL # 8°1'0 0" SAN IGNAC IO # SABOD # 8 CONC EPC # ION KAUSW # AGAN SAYON # DEL MON # TE STA .#C RUZ S # NEW VISAYAS # POB LAC ION # KATIPU # NA N SIN OBONG # ANITAP # LIMOT # AWAO # PANGYAN # PATROCEN IO # ANGAS # STA. JOSEFA LAN GK IL AAN # STA . EMEL IA # CAN # DIIS SIS IMON # 7°55'55" 7°55'55" P R O V I N C E O F C O M P O S T E L A V A L L E Y SOURCE : 1. PPDO RoadNetwork Map 3. DENRCaragaRegional Office iba S ga t 2. CaragaRiversandCreeksMap ayug B n a rospe P r id ad sp E era nza an S Lu is ala T co go n an S Fran cisco osario R aP L az un B aw an 6 0 6 12 SCALE 1 : 150,000 re o L to NOTE : This map is subject to validation users noting errors or ommission are urged to inform the Provincial Planning and Development Office and TWG for Investment Promotion. The PPDO and TWG is not responsible for any errors or liabilities that may arise from using this map. The Municipal boundaries are based on the NAMRIA, However, this will be subject for correction/revision when concerned Municipalities can provide approved technical descriptions from the Authority Agency. AGUSAN DEL SUR 2017 LAND USE MAP K ilo m e te r s 7°50'50" Layout by: Provincial Planning & Development Office & TWG Investment Promotion eru V ela ta.Jo S se fa ren T to 7°50'50" ARC '09 126 125 °1 5'1 5" 125 °2 0'2 0" 125 °2 5'2 5" 125 °3 0'3 0" 125 °3 5'3 5" 125 °4 0'4 0" 125 °4 5'4 5" 125 °5 0'5 0" 125 °5 5'5 5" 54 | E c o l o g i c a l P r o f i l e 126 °1 '00 " 126 °6 '05 " 126 °1 1'1 0" 126 °1 6'1 5" 126 °2 1'2 0"