IT Governance in a Decentralized Organization Charles T. Thompson Chief Information Officer City of Phoenix “Connecting Phoenix to Information” Key Discussion Points • • • • • • • The many definitions of IT Governance… ‘Take Aways’ Why IT Governance at the City of Phoenix? Six Key Assets ITG Model & Decision Rights ‘Take Aways’ – Take Two! Questions?? “Connecting Phoenix to Information” IT Governance (ITGI) • IT Governance: IT governance is the responsibility of the board of directors and executive management. It is an integral part of enterprise governance and consists of the leadership and organizational structures and processes that ensure that the enterprise’s IT sustains and extends the enterprise’s strategies and objectives. “Connecting Phoenix to Information” IT Governance (Ross/Weill) ……is specifying the decision rights and accountability framework to encourage desirable behavior in IT usage. “Connecting Phoenix to Information” IT Governance at the City of Phoenix • IT Governance (ITG) is the structure of relationships and processes which ensure the effective and efficient use of information technology in enabling the City to achieve its goals. “Connecting Phoenix to Information” Take Aways! • IT GOVERNANCE = CORPORATE GOVERNANCE • Your model and framework MUST fit into your CULTURE – there is no single answer • Compliance/Enforcement Mechanisms must have a FINANCIAL component • The model MUST be read from LEFT to RIGHT • The top level of the model, must set the IT PRINCIPLES • IT leadership (CIO) must do the marketing and branding, via facilitation “Connecting Phoenix to Information” Why IT Governance for City of Phoenix? • • • • • Preserving the Public Trust KPMG & City Audit Findings Operations & Maintenance Cost IT Spend – 3%- 10% - (Cost Shift) Standardizing Solutions • P.S. – this does not happen overnight! “Connecting Phoenix to Information” Six Key Assets People Money Property Knowledge Technology Relationships 1 2 Who controls, manages, makes decisions as to how these assets will be acquired and used to attain City goals? What methodical, consistent policies & processes govern how these assets will be acquired, controlled, managed, and applied to attain City goals and objectives? “Connecting Phoenix to Information” ITG Board – “Lines of Business” by Department Public Safety •Police •Fire •Municipal Court Resident Services •Human Services •Neighborhood Services •Housing •Library •Parks & Recreation •Water •Public Works •City Manager Functions (Family Advocacy, etc.) Administrative Financial •ITS •Finance •Personnel •Budget & Research •City Clerk •Finance •Budget & Research •City Attorney •Retirement •Equal Opportunity •Public Information Office •Intergovernmental Programs •City Auditor Executive Representation •Deputy City Manager(s) Infrastructure/Transportation •Aviation •Streets Business Services •Engineering •Development Services •Planning •Phoenix Convention Center •Public Transit •Community & Economic Development •Downtown Development “Connecting Phoenix to Information” Public Representation •Mayor’s Office •Council Staff IT Governance Model “Connecting Phoenix to Information” Five Key “IT” Decisions IT Infrastructure Decisions Business Application Needs Based on IT Governance by Dr. Peter Weill & Jeanne W. Ross “Connecting Phoenix to Information” IT Investment & Prioritization Decisions IT Architecture Decisions IT Principles Decisions ITG Matrix Definitions City Executives • City Executives decide for everyone “Business Monarchy” ITS • ITS decides for everyone “IT Monarchy” Operating Department “Feudal” Multi-Departmental Group • Operating Departments decide for themselves • Multi-Departmental group decides “Federal” ITS with Operating Department “Duopoly” “Anarchy” • ITS works with the Operating Departments to make decisions • No formal decisions - “IT just happens” “Connecting Phoenix to Information” The ITG Matrix IT Principles IT Architecture IT Infrastructure Business Applications IT Monarchy Feudal Federal Duopoly input decision Business Monarchy Anarchy Don’t Know Based on IT Governance by Dr. Peter Weill & Jeanne W. Ross “Connecting Phoenix to Information” IT Investment City of Phoenix - ITG Matrix The ITG Matrix IT Principles IT Architecture Input Input Decide Decide IT Infrastructure Input Decide Business Applications Input X City Executives Decide IT Investment Input X X ITS X X Operating Department Multi-Departmental Group ITS with Operating Department X X X X “Connecting Phoenix to Information” Decide X Take Aways! • IT GOVERNANCE = CORPORATE GOVERNANCE • Your model and framework MUST fit into your CULTURE – there is no single answer • Compliance/Enforcement Mechanisms must have a FINANCIAL component • The model MUST be read from LEFT to RIGHT • The top level of the model, must set the IT PRINCIPLES • IT leadership (CIO) must do the marketing and branding, via facilitation “Connecting Phoenix to Information” Questions?? “Connecting Phoenix to Information”