EEGI Labelling: Project Application Form Form to be filled in by projects applying for EEGI Label and undergo EEGI Labelling process. Completed form should be sent to Gareth Bissell with copy to Carlos Costa Rausa (To:, cc: Name of Project Leading Organization (Name + Country) Project Partners (Name + Country) Contact person (i.e. Project Leader) Contact information of Project Leader (i.e. Email, Telephone) Overall Project Objectives Transmission Network Project Category of Project: Type of project (please select one or more) Total Project Budget Number of demonstration sites (if applicable) Physical Location of the demo sites (if applicable) Number of Transmission Network Operators with significant involvement in project Number of Distribution Network Operators with significant involvement in project EEGI Labelling Application Form – Version 2 Distribution Network Project DSO involved Demonstration project System studies / Simulation tools project Other (please specify) TSO involved . Project Features Questionnaire for EEGI Labelling (in case information already provided in JRC Template, specify “Info provided in JRC Template”) 1. Please indicate clearly and concisely the main innovation provided by the project with respect to existing solutions and ongoing projects on the same topic in Europe? EEGI Labelling Application Form – Version 2 2. Please specify whether the project is willing to contribute to the EEGI Knowledge Sharing Platform (KSP) by sharing knowledge acquired from the project? YES NO The KSP is a tool currently under development by the GRID+ Project in support of the EEGI and aimed at enhancing the knowledge sharing potential by providing members of the wider Smart Grids community with easy access to information coming out of Smart Grid related projects. Furthermore, please indicate the type of innovation and knowledge from the project that the project intends to make available (examples could include: Project results, details of different developed solutions (safeguarding IPR), details of adopted methodologies, main learning points from project, risk management issues and solutions, etc…) EEGI Labelling Application Form – Version 2 3. Please indicate what standards/interoperability issues are intended to be tested by the project and how? If not addressed, why ? If the R&I project is not a direct infrastructure development such as a large scale demonstration project (i.e. the R&I project is system studies related, development of software tools etc.) then evidence should be provided to show that the project would support a pan-European/system wide scope and that the solution can easily be utilised universally by all potential beneficiaries within the European SG community. EEGI Labelling Application Form – Version 2 4. Please indicate, how the project addresses issues related to cyber security and privacy of the tested solutions? If not addressed, why? EEGI Labelling Application Form – Version 2 5. Please indicate what are the environmental impacts and social acceptance issues that are addressed by the project in order to prepare its deployment? If not addressed, why? EEGI Labelling Application Form – Version 2 6. Please describe how the project intends to study the scaling-up potential of the tested solutions in the area where the study was performed. And please specify if there exists a Deployment Plan involving the scaling-up of the project solutions within the above mentioned network. If not addressed, why not? The scalability study should address the extent to which a development tested in the project can be extended to a larger area within the same boundary conditions (same regulatory framework). In the case that scalability studies of the tested solutions in the demonstration project are addressed in another funded project, please specify this project (a typical example is a National demonstration project that has approved funding for further scalability/replicability studies in another financing mechanism – i.e. European Project). If the R&I project is not a direct infrastructure development such as a large scale demonstration project (i.e. the R&I project is system studies related) then evidence should be provided to show that the project would support a pan-European/system wide scope and that the solution can easily be utilised universally by all potential beneficiaries within the European SG arena EEGI Labelling Application Form – Version 2 7. Please describe how the project intends to push for replication of the solutions demonstrated in the Project in other EU27 Member States networks. And please specify if there exists a Deployment Plan to ensure the replication of the project solutions in other EU27 Member States networks? If not addressed, why not? Replicability of solutions is understood as the extension to which an experience is tested/analyzed in a different geographical region-i.e. other EU Member State with different regulatory regime, customer conditions, network topology, etc. In the case that replicability studies of the tested solutions in demonstration project are addressed in another funded project, please specify this project (a typical example is a National demonstration project that has approved funding for further replicability studies in another financing mechanism – i.e. European Project) If the R&I project is not a direct infrastructure development such as a large scale demonstration project (i.e. the R&I project is system studies related) then evidence should be provided to show that the project would support a pan-European/system wide scope and that the solution can easily be utilised universally by all potential beneficiaries within the European SG community. EEGI Labelling Application Form – Version 2 8. Please indicate if the Project has performed a cost / benefit analysis of the deployed project solutions in local networks and/or in other EU27 Member States. If not addressed, why not? EEGI Labelling Application Form – Version 2 STEP 4: EEGI Functionalities Table *To address an EEGI Functional Objective the project must provide some of the functionalities defined by that Functional Objective. The list of functionalities provided here are intended for guidance and are not intended to be a definitive list. Please refer to the EEGI Roadmap 2013-2022 for a more detailed description of the objectives and specific tasks that define the functionalities of each EEGI Functional Objective. Please mark with an ‘X’ the EEGI Functional Objectives that the project relates to and include supporting comments where applicable. TSO Projects EEGI Cluster Cluster Name EEGI Functional Objective Description Functionalities Definition of scenarios for pan-European network expansion To define pan-European network expansion scenarios; identify maximum volume of RES and DER for pan-European network; analyze a combination of electricity and gas. To identify investments required to achieve the 2050 vision with different decarbonisation scenarios of generation mix, storage and demand mix. To develop methods for integrating transmission systems with growing amounts of RES-based generation, considering optimal rates of storage needed at the pan-European level. Functionality Tested / Demonstrated in Project * (mark with X) C1 Grid architecture T1 EEGI Labelling Application Form – Version 2 Comments (optional) To provide offshore grid design: optimization methods for grid capacity, technology and topology taking into account wind power characteristics, i.e., low capacity factor. To investigate state-of-the-art planning software, technology portfolios and different regulatory frameworks. To define input data requirements and data interfaces (to/from cost-benefit simulators, power flow tools etc.). To develop new algorithms and database functions for network simulation; enabling the integration of new emerging technologies such as HVDC, GIL, FACTS and storage. To model embedded HVDC/HVAC grids for planning simulation. T2 EEGI Labelling Application Form – Version 2 Planning methodology for future pan-European transmission system To develop software tools for cost-benefit assessments of expansion options and validating impact on grid planning for coordinated design of architecture, power flow control devices, and other technologies. To provide coordinated grid design involving new network architectures, power flow control devices, storage and other technologies to achieve sustainable and efficient networks. To develop planning software to optimize location, coordination, control and integration of technologies within existing and future system architecture and operation. To develop long-term planning methods to combine electricity market analyses, production capacities (all types including RES) and infrastructure in view of strengthening expected weak points on the grid. Proposal for network investment mechanisms at EU level. T14 C2 Power technologies T3 EEGI Labelling Application Form – Version 2 Towards increasing public acceptance of transmission infrastructure Demonstration of power technology to increase network flexibility and operation means To investigate public perception of the power infrastructure; to improve the relationship between TSOs and the public with valuable feedback and signals in both directions. To contribute to developing and/or updating European guidelines on good practice in transparency and public engagement and permitting process. To produce guidelines for the construction of overhead power lines with reduced visual and environmental impact compared to existing construction guidelines and to ensure these guidelines are applicable across Europe. To analyze new technologies with reduced visibility of conductors, using coatings and nano-technologies. To propose new tower designs for overhead power lines with less visual impact, audible noise and EMF; in some cases also with reduced sag of overhead lines. To develop methodologies and software to evaluate bird collisions, human and animal exposure to EMF, audible noises, etc.; reduction of impact. To providing methods for physical protection of the grid infrastructures against potential dangers: natural catastrophes, terrorism, cyber attacks etc. To demonstrate the degree to which transfer capacity can be increased at the cross-border level and present new operating schemes available through the implementation of different approaches and technologies; to investigate all possible technical solutions within the domain of each application; to perform cost-benefit analyses of different case studies. T4 EEGI Labelling Application Form – Version 2 Demonstration of novel network architectures To demonstrate power flow control devices that offer increased flexibility with respect to energy flow across multiple transmission zones and borders. To demonstrate controllable off- and onshore solutions for vendor-independent, HVDC multiterminal networks used to coordinate power flow, frequency control as well as protection and communications requirements. To investigate the influence of parallel routing of DC and AC lines on the same tower or parallel paths in order to facilitate existing infrastructure paths in an optimal manner. To investigate the influence of parallel routing of DC and AC lines on the same tower or parallel paths in order to facilitate existing infrastructure paths in an optimal manner. To demonstrate on a large-scale new power technologies (incl. new materials) such as HVDC VSC, superconductivity, energy storage, fault current limiters and other promising technologies for joint management of on- and offshore networks. To validate various technology options to increase transmission capacity through selective reinforcement or implementation of an ultra-high voltage transmission system (“Super Grid”) or DC backbone. To propose new schemes to extend synchronous areas in the pan-European grid and connect these with back-to-back HVDC to increase their utilization and reduce the complexity of balancing, planning and operation. To do research on the devices and concepts required to materialize multi-terminal DC grids which are to cope with current system needs and sources such as offshore generation To coordinate offshore networks interconnected with various control areas; methods for coordinating load-frequency control, DC voltage control; other technologies required for DC (VSC) network. To implement HVDC solutions to enhance reliability – bi-polar or mono-polar DC schemes. To determinate standard DC voltage; since VSC technologies eliminate the need for transformers, investment and maintenance costs will be reduced significantly. Weight and space are cost drivers particularly for offshore installations. To validate the contribution of RES to voltage and frequency control, balancing using VPP. T5 Interfaces for large-scale demonstration of renewable integration To monitor and control the network in order to avoid large-scale intra-zone oscillations. To validate integration scenarios where the network becomes more user-friendly and copes with variable generation from RES. To demonstrate with stakeholders various technologies to deploy the energy mix from conventional and renewable resources. EEGI Labelling Application Form – Version 2 To assess and validate the performance of intelligent local sensors and data processing equipment (with sensor manufacturers) against the requirements of state estimation and dynamic simulation. To develop a toolbox to increase awareness of pan-European operation/optimization vs. local and regional approaches. T6 C3 Innovative tools and methods for panEuropean network observability and controllability Network operation To develop local state models with a sufficient level of intelligence at the substation level and to use this valuable information with state estimators and dynamic simulation tools. These models will be aggregated for assessing the observability and controllability at the panEuropean level. To increase observability and improve state estimation accuracy (both steady-state and dynamic) through adequate modelling (including not only modelling protection and system automatic schemes to some extent, but also by merging transmission and distribution models). To exploit the information provided by forecasts of variable generation and flexible demand for observability and controllability purposes. To increase network controllability by proposing methods and tools for optimal and coordinated use of flexible equipment such as FACTS, PSTs and HVDC links, resulting in safe and costeffective system operations (e.g., maximizing the global social welfare). T7 EEGI Labelling Application Form – Version 2 Innovative tools and methods for coordinated operation with stability margin evaluation To assess the effectiveness of control actions that deliver the right level of reliability while facing uncertainties from the large-scale deployment of RES and market integration. To develop approaches for optimal provisioning, dimensioning and sourcing of reserves together with local and/or regional distribution in order to maintain security of supply; to deliver dynamic management of system reserves at regional and pan-European levels. To implement stochastic approaches to critical optimization variables (larger dispersions around the deterministic values obtained from the current steady state simulation tools) in order to cope adequately with uncertainties. To facilitate converging policies for operational planning and to support the harmonization of operating rules across Europe. To propose data exchange procedures for adequate system simulation; to identify critical contingencies and to assess residual risks while taking into account effectiveness and availability of control actions and automatic protection schemes while identifying action paths to be implemented. To enable real-time detection of instabilities and prevent limit transgression in transmission systems; to develop new approaches to coordinate defense and restoration plans. To deliver real-time simulation of the entire interconnected European power system for training purposes. T8 EEGI Labelling Application Form – Version 2 Improved training tools and methods to ensure better coordination at the regional and panEuropean levels To train dispatchers to reproduce and understand large-scale incidents. To provide training, but also certification, to operators on a validated European power system model and improve emergency response procedures. To make the dispatching training simulation facility available to other operators such as power plant operators and distribution network operators; hence to improve the network interfaces between transmission/generation and transmission/distribution. To develop and test common procedures for emergency scenarios. To enable operator training by specifying the training simulator of the future, including the validation of critical algorithms. To enable experimentation on what future training should include and who should be involved in order to learn and test the benefits of coordination mechanisms in stable and critical situations. To establish, validate and deliver default data to fill all the gaps in such a way that simulations are realistic enough for the targeted use. T9 EEGI Labelling Application Form – Version 2 Innovative tools and approaches for panEuropean network reliability assessment To evaluate the current performance of the (N1) criteria security principles and the required level of reliability from the customer’s perspective. To identify the possible options for replacing (or complementing) the current reliability principles using a system approach to be used in different aspects of TSOs business: grid development, markets, reserve planning, etc. To define the additional information to be exchanged and the additional coordination needed to support the deployment and to ensure effective and sufficient security margins during operation and operational planning. To provide an appropriate approach to risk assessment for the evaluated criteria based on probabilistic analyses which takes correlations in the power system . To develop indicators for the evaluated criteria for network operators to help them make decisions for preventive and curative actions. C4 Market designs T10 EEGI Labelling Application Form – Version 2 Advanced pan-European market tools for ancillary services and balancing, including active demand management To model aggregated RES/DER, flexible conventional generation, demand and storage systems to be used for market design, market mechanisms and simulation tools for planning and operation purposes. To design market mechanisms for incentivizing both maximization of the provision of ancillary services (including aggregated RES, cogeneration and high-efficiency production, demand, storage etc.) and the minimization of the use of ancillary services; the aim is to harmonize the requirements of provider licenses with supervision, control and recording of services provided. To develop a new tool for detailed analyses of various balancing market designs to identify best practices and to perform large-scale experiments with metered customers that demonstrate the costs and benefits of demandside management required at the pan-European level. To design and develop mechanisms and platforms for cross-border balancing and power reserve services, moving towards possible future development of regional/pan-regional platforms and even markets based on economic and technical analyses, all the while operating within the required security margins. To develop a set of data exchange templates and ICT infrastructures to enable ancillary and balancing services at the EU level. To investigate interactions between system operations and dynamic capacity and reserve allocation methods at the regional and panEuropean levels to cope with uncertainties from RES, load and system disturbances. To model strategies in view of improved congestion management and to analyze the possibility of more efficient options, if any exist, for the pan-European electricity market. T11 Advanced tools for capacity allocation and congestion management To expand flow-based market coupling in areas with interdependent flows, based on successful experience. To develop an algorithm for computing potential extra capacities in real time or as closely as possible; taking into account security criteria and without the need for counter-trading issues. To perform risk-benefit analyses and develop an interface using the Congestion Management Module (CMM). T12 EEGI Labelling Application Form – Version 2 Tools and market mechanisms for ensuring system adequacy and efficiency in electric systems integrating very large amounts of RES generation To design market mechanisms that allow participation of RES (active and reactive power control), storage devices and conventional generation shift to ensure system adequacy and efficiency. To design investment incentive regimes that promote conventional and RES generation flexibility, new transmission capacity and to foster storage systems. To design grid tariff mechanisms for active demand-side management to correlate the load curve and RES integration. To identify the parameters (climate conditions, operating conditions, potential for hardware and software, among others) that impact the life span of components. To establish evaluation/estimation protocols for component statuses that are comparable across TSOs, with in-depth analysis and shared experiences. To develop a methodology to determine and expand the life span of components including conventional components (conductor, insulator, tower, breaker, etc.) and new components such as power electronic devices and digital devices. To propose dedicated, intelligent monitoring and analysis of results from equipment operation. C5 Asset management T15 EEGI Labelling Application Form – Version 2 Objectives Developing approaches to determine and to maximize the lifetime of critical power components for existing and future networks If necessary, specify new measurement devices and associated ICT system. To assess the environmental impact (noise, leakage, etc.) and safety for workers or nearby inhabitants (especially in case of failure), taking into account aging processes and technical obsolescence. To validate the added value of individual lifetime assessment compared to an average assessment of several similar components based on generic parameters (age of equipment, switching steps, etc.). To assess the benefits of partially renewing small components (joints, etc.) or adding new protective layers (paint coating) to extend life span. A methodology is to be developed that assesses the capability of each component to be partially repaired or where the coating is to be replaced. To develop new ways of detecting component failure based on failure models. T16 Development and validation of tools which optimize asset lifetime at the system level, based on quantitative cost/benefit analysis To define methods and tools to optimize asset management at the system level. The proposed methodology provides an assessment of the costs and benefits of different asset management strategies. The methodology proposes a risk-based approach at the system level, including interactions between equipment, impacts on security and quality of supply and also environmental and safety constraints. The organization of maintenance work, availability of spare parts (supply chain, quantity of spare parts and location) are part of the global optimization challenge. Provide tools for dynamic management of outage planning & maintenance schedules T17 Demonstrations of potential at EU level for new approaches to asset management To utilize embedded ICT to monitor individual assets and to define a method of supervision based on this information at the system level for several TSOs in parallel. To implement robotics for problem detection as well as to intervene in hostile environments and avoid the need for human maintenance. These include UAV to inspect overhead lines and robots that move while “grabbing” the conductors. To implement maintenance activities with the network “on”, especially for DC equipment. EEGI Labelling Application Form – Version 2 To propose scaling-up and replication rules for new asset management approaches at the panEuropean level. TSO/DSO Projects EEGI Cluster Cluster Name EEGI Functional Objective Description Functionalities Functionality Tested / Demonstrated in Project * (mark with X) To improve short-term (15’, 1h, 3h) and longterm (5-day) forecast engines for PV, wind, CHP and loads. To develop new modelling methods and tools for steady-state (static parameters) and dynamic analyses (capacities up to 1 MW). TD Joint TSO/DSO Activities TD1 Increased observability of the distribution system for transmission network management and control To deliver methods and tools for planning new DER connections at the TSO/DSO boundary (response to new connection requirements). To develop new methodologies for data processing at various system levels (DSO, TSO). To design new architecture, control systems and communications (including GIS assistance) that allow multiple new generators to be connected and share information with TSOs. EEGI Labelling Application Form – Version 2 Comments (optional) New integrated functions (scaling-up techniques) and solutions for technical aggregation of DER data acquisition capabilities for improved DER production observability. To define demand requirements and data required by TSOs for the pan-European planning tool. TD2 The integration of demand side management at DSO level into TSO operations To demonstrate active customer involvement with “indirect” feedback (provided postconsumption) and “direct” feedback (real-time) and suitable operations designed to achieve a reduction in peak demand (10–15 %). To model customer/load behaviour and segmentation and quantify the degree of flexibility provided by distribution networks, e.g., through reconfiguration or other methods. Novel ways of providing ancillary services through loads and their impact on transmission networks; the highly variable and unpredictable nature of DER and RES places new constraints on these ancillary services. Simulation environments to demonstrate the viability and options of ancillary services provision by aggregated loads at DSO level. TD3 Ancillary services provided through DSOs Technologies and tools for active and reactive power control of DER, with TSO/DSO coordination to provide extra power flow control, load management and islanding. New actors and market models that enable DER to provide ancillary services. New models that describe products and services to be tested on selected segments of customers and their impact on future ancillary services in the presence of large-scale DER integration. EEGI Labelling Application Form – Version 2 New market models that account for the pricesensitive nature of loads and consequently their increased flexibility. Analysis of legal, contractual and regulatory aspects of ancillary services provided by distributed generation and/or loads, allowing for more aggregated business models. To develop simulation tools and methods that detect weaknesses in the system with respect to reconnecting DER and storage systems. To develop simulation tools and methods of assessing the risk of breakdowns during reconnection. To develop simulation tools for interactive system restoration including advanced forecast tools developed in TD1 for wind, solar PV and other variable RES. TD4 Improved defence and restoration plan To address regulatory and technical challenges that implement restoration plans at the panEuropean level. To investigate the contribution of DER for system restoration and its contribution to immediate power reserves; this is relevant from the TSO perspective (e.g., black start capability and coordination of wind turbine generators). To investigate the impact of micro-grids and islanding capabilities. To train operators about the evolution of national regulatory schemes in order to foster coordination efforts. EEGI Labelling Application Form – Version 2 TD5 EEGI Labelling Application Form – Version 2 Tools for scaling-up and replicating at EU level To investigate the acceptable levels of risk and uncertainty in studies in order to adequately assess the scaling-up and replication potentials of solutions and their requirements. To document the methodology for future project participants so that they can assess the experimental data requirements required to design a smart grid demonstration. To develop information models for the smart grid security, taking into account business interactions and the physical processes of delivering electricity, and also the disruption of business communications, or of the delivery of electricity. To analyze data exchange protocols that reinforce interoperability constraints at the panEuropean level with an adequate level of security. To study appropriate confidentiality constraints in the developed toolbox to ensure appropriate sharing of results while at the same time preserving stakeholder interests. To define open standard data models that ensure interoperability between different data exchange protocols for smart grid applications and to increase competitiveness. DSO Projects EEGI Cluster Cluster Name EEGI Functional Objective Description Functionalities Functionality Tested / Demonstrated in Project * (mark with X) Systems that allow electricity users to visualize and control own power consumption Application of time-of use tariffs. Application of real-time price signals C1 Integration of smart customers D1 Active demand for increased flexibility Provision of Energy Supply (VPP) services by power system participants. Provision of ancillary services in the form of steady state voltage control, tertiary frequency control and active tertiary reserve by power system participants. Provision of balancing services by power system participants. Provision of overload and congestion relief services by power system participants. EEGI Labelling Application Form – Version 2 Comments (optional) Provision of load shaping services (in particular load shaving) by power system participants. Automatic control of indoor appliances to reduce peak demand and overall electricity consumption. D2 Energy Efficiency from integration with Smart Homes Automatic control of indoor systems (heating, cooling) to reduce peak demand and overall electricity consumption Two-way Communication systems between local electricity Distribution Network and “Smart Home”. Voltage control and congestion management in LV network by reactive and active power management of SDER (local, centralized and a combination of both) D3 C2 Integration of DER at low voltage Integration of DER and new users D4 EEGI Labelling Application Form – Version 2 System integration of medium DER Innovative/Enhanced LV network planning and operation strategies aimed at increasing DER hosting capacity LV network operating centres (with similar options as for MV network SCADA systems) that will enable connection of small-scaled distributed generation (i.e. for example through use of data collected by AMR equipment and new equipment on “smart” secondary substation) Active DER Control Functionalities (i.e. voltage control, reactive power management at the local, centralized and combined mode) aimed at increasing MV network hosting capacity. Demand Response by DER connected to MV network (i.e. controllable loads and storage) aimed at increasing MV network hosting capacity. Congestion management, dispatching and balancing of DER at MV level. Innovative/Enhanced MV network planning and operation strategies aimed at increasing DER hosting capacity Storage systems that address issue of variability of power availability associated with unpredictable renewable sources (i.e. wind, solar) Storage systems that maintain power flow through all branches within admissible range fixed by technical standards D5 Integration of storage in network management Storage systems that maintain voltage of all grid points (local, centralized and/ or a combination of both) within admissible range fixed by technical standards Storage systems that address issue of islanding and micro grid operation in order to improve network availability and reliability. Optimal allocation of storage system on grid (i.e. close to generation, close to usage, in-line, at customer premises) D6 EEGI Labelling Application Form – Version 2 Infrastructure to host EV/PHEV Electric Vehicle charging infrastructure (private and public) providing recharging services to electric vehicles. Development of solutions for EVs/PHEV to provide services to network (i.e. voltage and load-frequency control) Central control systems that collect all relevant data (measurements) for use by relevant energy/service supplier, allowing them to provide common services across EU and in particular enabling roaming services. Smart charging solutions through optimized algorithms and interaction between aggregators and system operators (DSO and TSO). Improved planning methodologies for LV networks based on AMM data Use of AMM data for improved quality of supply management (losses, load characteristics and power quality). D7 C3 Monitoring and control of LV network Use of AMM communication channel for load control, allowing better use of existing network, and reducing outages. Use of AMM data for outage and fault management Network Operations Development of remote control systems for LV network monitoring. Systems that are able to implement network monitoring in an efficient and effective way D8 EEGI Labelling Application Form – Version 2 Automation and control of MV network Network remote control and network automation that allow DSOs to ensure better security of supply and optimize workforce management in case of grid failures. New systems for self-healing grid, based on fault detection at an early stage and with automatic fault clearing procedures that include automatic power restoration of healthy grid sections. Advanced systems for fault localization Provides opportunities for local DC networks Develops tools for increasing observability of the DSO network such as real time appraisal status. D9 Network management methodologies for network operation Uses improved forecasting (e.g. PV) or technology innovation (e.g. IT solutions for cost effective and reliable real time simulation tools) to optimise scheduling of renewable and thermal generation in the DSO network. Addresses training for emergency management Develops innovative capacity building methods to enable the mission shift of DSOs D10 Smart metering data utilisation Systems tools for analyzing and processing meter data, to achieve detailed information on LV network performance (e.g. power quality, power outages, losses estimation, load characteristics, etc.) Systems tools for analyzing and processing meter data, to detect electricity thefts and locate meter faults. EEGI Labelling Application Form – Version 2 Systems tools for analyzing and processing meter data, to detect meter tampering. System tools managing meter data, that optimize system and energy management. Develops new tools and methods for network planning to incorporate new system capabilities and needs presented by the deployment of smart grid technologies. D11 New planning approaches for distribution networks Contributes to streamlining the application/acceptance process with local authorities to reduce time to construct new lines. Provides new power technologies streamlining the regulatory procedures. C4 Network Planning and asset management Facilitates maintenance strategies and training requirements following deployment of new technologies. Implements more effective conditional maintenance strategies D12 Asset management Provides analysis and dissemination of results and impact assessment Introduces improvements in predictive maintenance for reduced costs of corrective actions EEGI Labelling Application Form – Version 2 Provides a cost-benefit analysis accounting for new players in energy market and demand response under different market designs C5 Market Design D13 Novel approaches for market design analysis Develops recommendations for innovative market designs allowing an increased flexibility of the network Recommends regulation to enable network operators to implement new technological solutions. EEGI Labelling Application Form – Version 2