College Readiness Syllabus

Memorial High School Early College High School
College Readiness Class
9th Grade Course Syllabus 2014-2015
Teacher: Leonor Mireles
Room: L-203
Conference: 6th Period
Course Overview:
The objective of the course is to help students identify their own interests and recognize the
role of college in career planning by introducing students to career clusters and introducing
emerging technologies. The clusters take the students through engaging activities in which
they experience a career, and end with a record of students’ reflections about the career.
Students will engage in lively, active learning opportunities that teach “learning to learn”
strategies; remember information; organize and take notes; use critical thinking; reading and
problem-solving skills; communicate effectively in written and oral presentations.
Primary Texts: Sure Score Vision Career and College Exploration
Sure Score Study Skills
Class Policies
1. Come to class
2. Keep up with reading assignments.
3. Turn work in on time.
4. Keep a copy of all work handed in.
5. Take an active and civil part in class discussion.
6. Do not plagiarize.
7. If you don't understand something--ASK.
8. Be courteous (no cell, texting, ipod, etc. during class)
Course Objectives:
 Introduce students to a variety of careers for which college is required
 Allow students to explore the 16 Career Clusters that have been endorsed by the National
Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium
 Expose students to information technology careers and higher education in their communities
 Students apply word-processing, spreadsheet, database, presentation management, and
design and publishing technologies
 Help students prepare for the Distinguished or Recommended High School Graduation Plan
 Engage students’ families in planning for high school and higher education
 Use emerging technologies to exchange information; Keep students’ families informed of plans
for high school, college, and careers
 Help students develop specific “learning to learn” strategies; remember information; organize
and take notes; use critical thinking; reading and problem-solving skills; communicate
effectively in written and oral presentations.
@Property of PSJA College Readiness Program
Required Supplies
Students will need the following materials in this course:
1. Black or blue pen
2. 70 page spiral notebook
Class Participation Expectations
The student will:
 Be prepared with correct materials to perform the assigned tasks, every day
 Be courteous when others are speaking
 Turn off and put away electronic devices: cell phones, iPods, MP3s
 Respect other people’s property and ideas
 Be an active participant in class discussion, coursework, and collaborative group work
 Unauthorized Internet surfing and computer games are prohibited
 No printing of assignments from other classes, pictures, or web pages without
Grading Policy
In this course, grading will follow PSJA ISD’s policy. Averages will be determined by the following
Six Weeks Exam………………….....15%Grading:
A = 90–100%
B = 80–89%
C = 79–75%
D = 74–70%
F = 0–69%
Homework will be assigned, collected and graded each week. No late homework will be
accepted! Your written work is expected to be neat, accurate and contain written explanations
using full sentences and standard English. In the event you cannot complete an assignment, it is
your responsibility to get help.
@Property of PSJA College Readiness Program
Attendance Policy
When a student is absent (regardless of age), the parent or guardian must send a note or a doctor's
excuse with the student upon return to school. The note must contain the dates of absence and
reason for absence. The student must obtain an admittance slip from the attendance office to
present to the teacher.
 Students should be in the attendance line early enough to avoid a tardy to their first class. The
attendance office opens at 7:30 a.m.
o Regular school attendance is essential for the student to make the most of his or her
education–to benefit from teacher-led activities, to build each day’s learning on that of
the previous day, and to grow as an individual.
o Absences from class may result in serious disruption of a student’s mastery of the
instructional materials; therefore, the student and parent should make every effort to
avoid unnecessary absences.
Tardy Policy
 1st & 2nd Tardy
 3rd Tardy
 4th Tardy
 5th Tardy and beyond
Teacher warns student
Teacher calls parent, deduction of points of classwork assignments
Conference with Parent and Teacher
Referral to Counselor, further action taken
Tardy/Absence Form, Intervention Form
Student/Parent Information Acknowledgment Form
Make-up/Late Work Policy
Course Outline:
First Six-Weeks
Career & College Exploration
An Introduction to Careers
An Introduction to College Majors
Exploring an Undergraduate Course
Career Cluster: Agriculture, Food, &
Natural Resources
Study Skills
Time Management
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
Taking Notes
Information Technology
Skills for career development
Explore various employment
opportunities in information
technology field
@Property of PSJA College Readiness Program
Second Six-Weeks
Career & College Exploration
Selecting a College or University
Programs of Study
Career Cluster: Marketing, Sales, & Service
Career Cluster: Hospitality & Tourism
Career Cluster: Human Services
Study Skills
The Preview, Read, & Review Method
Taking Multiple-Choice Tests
Information Technology
Use emerging technologies to exchange
Hard ware components & Information
Third Six-Weeks
Career & College Exploration
Financial Aid & Scholarships
Application Essays
Career Cluster: Education & Training
Study Skills
Using Graphic Aids
Organizing Information
Information Technology
Explore various software associated
with information systems
Analyze network systems
Fourth Six-Weeks
Career & College Exploration
Career Cluster: Health Science
Career Cluster: Science, Technology,
Engineering, & Mathematics
Career Cluster: Manufacturing
Career Cluster: Architecture &
Career Cluster: Arts, A/V Technology, &
Career Cluster: Government & Public
Information Technology
Apply word-processing technology
Apply spreadsheet technology
Fifth Six-Weeks
Career & College Exploration
Career Cluster: Law, Public Safety, &
Career Cluster: Business, Management, &
Career Cluster: Finance
Career Cluster: Information Technology
Career Cluster: Transportation,
Distribution, & Logistics
Planning Your Future
Information Technology
Apply database technology
Apply presentation management
Sixth Six-Weeks
Career & College Exploration
Career Paths
Selecting a Major
High School & College Planning
Awards & Achievements
Community & Family Connections
Information Technology
Apply design and web publishing
Demonstrate legal and ethical
procedures applied to the use of
information technology
@Property of PSJA College Readiness Program