Pre-Meitheal Checklist – Confidential Stage 1: Step 1 Please complete the following details: CHILD/YOUNG PERSON Surname: First name: Sex: Date of birth: M Address F D D M M Y Y Number/Street/Townland: Town: County: Tel. No. School/Pre-school CFSN Area Completed by Practitioner only Practitioner and parent Practitioner and child/ young person Practitioner, parent and child/young person This Pre-Meitheal Checklist is based on the 5 national outcomes outlined in the Department of Children and Youth Affairs’ Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures: National Policy Framework for Children and Young People (DCYA, 2014). It has two purposes: (1) to help decide whether a Meitheal is necessary and (2) as a baseline measure to assist with the measurement of progress towards desired outcomes. Progress towards long-term outcomes (tick ‘Numerical rating box’ as appropriate for each outcome): 1 – Little progress – This child or young person is not achieving the detailed aim under the named outcome due to significant challenges (please include details of these challenges in your reason for rating; you may also include identified strengths). 2 – Some progress – This child or young person is partially achieving the detailed aim under the named outcome, but is also experiencing some challenges (please include details of these challenges in your reason for rating; you may also include strengths). 3 – On target – This child or young person is achieving the detailed aims under the named outcome (please include details of strengths in your reason for rating). If as a practitioner you are completing this checklist alone, then you must apply your understanding of child development and assign a rating to the child/young person based on your view of what you would expect of another child of their age. If you are completing it in partnership with a parent or child/young person or both, then you must explain this to them and through discussion arrive at a consensus rating. If a detailed aim does not apply to a child or young person (for example, some will not apply to infants), then simply rate it as 3. 1 OUTCOMES CHECKLIST 1. Active and healthy? Active and healthy, physical and mental well-being Tick numerical rating Aims: Child or young person is or has 1.1 Physically healthy and make positive health choices 1.2 Good mental health 1.3 Positive and respectful approach to relationships and sexual health 1.4 Enjoying play, recreation, sport, arts, culture and nature 1 Little progress 2 Some progress 3 On target Reasons for rating 2. Achieving? Achieving full potential in all areas of learning and development Tick numerical rating Aims: Child or young person is or has 2.1 Learning and developing from birth 2.2 Social and emotional well-being 2.3 Engaged in learning 2.4 Achieving in education 1 Little progress 2 Some progress 3 On target Reasons for rating 3. Safe? Safe and protected from harm Tick numerical rating Aims: Child or young person is or has 3.1 Secure, stable, caring home environment 3.2 Safe from abuse, neglect and exploitation 3.3 Protected from bullying and discrimination 3.4 Safe from crime and anti-social behaviour 1 Little progress 2 Some progress 2 3 On target Reasons for rating 4. Economically secure? Economic security and opportunity Tick numerical rating Aims: Child or young person is or has 4.1 Protected from poverty and social exclusion 4.2 Living in child/youth-friendly sustainable communities 4.3 Opportunities for ongoing education and training 4.4 Pathways to economic participation and independent living 1 Little progress 2 Some progress 3 On target Reasons for rating 5. Connected, respected and contributing? Connected, respected and contributing to their world Tick numerical rating Aims: Child or young person is or has 5.1 Sense of own identity, free from discrimination 5.2 Part of positive networks of friends, family and community 5.3 Civically engaged, socially and environmentally conscious 5.4 Aware of rights, responsible and respectful of the law 1 Little progress 2 Some progress 3 On target Reasons for rating Total score Add each of the ratings to give you an overall score. The minimum score is 20 and the maximum is 60. Is a Meitheal considered necessary? Signed: Yes No Lead Practitioner Date: Parent Date: Parent Date: Child/young person Date: 3