All of Module 3 presentation

Life Science
Module 3: Lesson 1-5
Introduction to Modeling and Ecosystems
Ecosystem Concepts
• What is an Ecosystem?
• Indirect interactions within ecosystems
• Direct interactions between organisms in
• Food chains and food webs
• Energy flows in ecosystems
• Trophic levels
• Biomass in ecosystems
Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS)
Ecosystems as Complex Systems
• Feedback: fish in a pond – negative feedback of
• Sum of the parts is greater than the whole
• Emergent behavior in population patterns
Student Activity #1
 Participatory Simulation of population growth
 Crumple up a piece of scrap paper
 Pick one person to represent the 1st member of
the population
 In one color, mark the table and graph with
generation 0, population 1
 When you hear “next generation!”, the 1st
member throws the paper 2 feet overhead and
tries to catch it
Student Activity #1
If the 1st member catches it, they survive! And
they reproduce by picking an audience
member to be the 2nd member of the
If the 1st member doesn’t catch the paper,
they die! And they sit down.
Repeat for several generations
Student Activity #1
 If the population crashes begin again!
 Sometimes if populations are small, populations
go extinct by chance.
 Once everyone is part of the population, it’s time
to look at the graph and reflect on the pattern!
 What type of pattern do you see?
 What would happen if we could play with an
unlimited number of people?
Student Activity #1
Round 2!
Same as before, but you have to keep your
foot on the piece of newspaper.
What do you think will happen to the pattern
you saw before?
Use a different color marker to record
population sizes and generation numbers.
What happened in Round 2?
Student Activity #1
Round 3!
The newspaper is now a sheet of printer
What do you think will happen?
What do you think the shape of the
population curve will be?
Record with a different color marker.
Student Activity #1
How does this relate to ecosystems?
What could the paper catching represent in a
real ecosystem?
Student Activity #2: Preview the
Rabbits and Grass Model
• Open the Ecosystem Starter model in StarLogo Nova
Model Observation Form
Run the Model and track Outcomes
What would an experiment look like?
What’s missing?
Life Science
Lesson 2: Rabbits and Grass Model
Understanding a computer model of a simple
ecosystem, designing and running experiments.
Student Activity #1
‘Looking under the Hood’ at the code
Use Model Observation Form
Refer to your StarLogo Nova Command Blocks
reference sheets from Module 1
New command blocks
Decode your piece of the code with your
Share out!
Student Activity #1
Looking under the Hood
Trace the Execution of the CodeSetup- follow the commands in the Setup block
What happens 1st and then what comes next?
Forever- look at the procedures
What happens 1st and then what comes next?
Student Activity #2: Experimental
Use the Student Activity Sheet & the
Experimental Design Form
• Challenge 1:
Choose a variable to experiment with, describe
your experiments and record data.
• Challenge 2:
Identify patterns in your collected data and
possible correlations.
Lesson 3: Adding a Predator
Lesson 3: Design & Run Experiments
Now that there is a change in the ecosystem
model (a new predator breed), use the
Experimental Design Form to plan your
Computational Science Cycle
Designing and Developing Your Model
Work with a partner to design changes to the
ecosystem model. Use the Project Design Form.
What would make the computer model more
Ideas to consider:
energy levels, reproduction rates, initial
population sizes, competition, predation,
resources in the ecosystem, number of trophic
levels, types of interactions.
Final Steps- Designing and Running
Identify the variables in your model
(independent & dependent variables)
Use the Experimental Design Form to plan and
describe your experiment that you will run using
your modified ecosystem model.
Questions to consider:
What will be the range of settings for your variable?
How many trials will you run? What data will you
Prepare to share out
Present your project and findings to a larger