LETB Development Stakeholder Event – Report 14th June 2012, Park Plaza Westminster Introduction The event provided an opportunity for stakeholders to hear about developments in the design of Local Education & Training Boards (LETBs) in London. The three London LETBs – South London, North West London and North Central & East – described their emerging operating models, and how these will work together across London. There were opportunities to discuss the emerging designs, and to provide feedback on their strengths and development areas. The overall structure of the day was (see Appendix A for a detailed agenda): 1. Welcome from Professor Mike Spyer 2. Introduction to the Programme: Laurie McMahon 3. The Future Context for Education and Training – Sir Keith Pearson HEE Chair 4. The Vision for London: a. David Fish b. Anne Greenough - South London LETB c. Heather Lawrence - North West London LETB d. Chris Fowler - North Central & East London LETB 5. Open Access session: tables clustered in 3 LETB sectors, using 5 scenarios 6. Exploring the Arrangements: table-top discussions to highlight key issues 7. Close – Anne Rainsberry What follows are the key points from each section of the day. 1. Welcome: Prof. Mike Spyer This is an opportunity for LETBs to work closely with providers and ensure education and training supports the move to integrated care settings. 2. Introduction to the Programme: Laurie McMahon Laurie provided an outline of the agenda, and its purpose, which is to: Give stakeholders an orientation to the emerging design Provide an opportunity to ‘snag’ the design and refine it – which is better to do while designs are evolving, and can be improved 3. The Future Context for Education & Training: Sir Keith Pearson Appointments Sir Keith takes up post 28th June. HEE then goes-live as Special Health Authority, and will eventually become an Arms Length Body in due course 1 Adverts for HEE NEDs are going out this weekend HEE Chief Executive will be appointed by 29 June in time for first HEE Board, followed shortly by HEE top team appointments Sir Keith outlined what success will look like for HEE in the next 12 months: Meaningful Provider engagement A safe transition Empowering LETBs An effective Scheme of Delegation to LETBs to maximise funding at local level Ensuring right LETB Chairs to drive success Getting the authorisation process right to enable LETB ambitions All LETBs will be authorised from April 2013, and this will include intensive support where required, to ensure this is the case. 4. The Vision for London David Fish described the key challenges for the London system being: to make the system better for patients and the next generation of staff; to ensure there is collaborative work between LETBs on a common vision, and overall a relentless focus on delivery. Agreed LETB London Principles Three LETBs for London, led by employers in partnership with key stakeholders o Allocations made from HEE to individual LETBs o Accountable bodies for education, training & workforce planning o Require means to exercise authority invested in them o Employer-led with input from key stakeholders Complete the roll-out of the MDECS process o Fewer direct commissions for individual placements – all medical and dental commissioning through Lead Providers o Lead Providers take up QA responsibilities in relation to individual placements/rotations o Potential development of LP model to i) multi-specialty, ii) integrated primary & secondary care, iii) multi-professional education Setting a direction of travel o Local where possible, centralised where necessary o Move to planning and commissioning education and training on a multiprofessional basis which is across a care pathway and patient focused Focus on efficiency o Establish a shared service working to the LETBs to deliver functions that are most effectively done together across London o Requirement to meet challenging reductions in running costs o Commissioning support from other agencies as well, eg CfWI to provide certain workforce analysis Safe transition o The LETBs are committed to safe transition o The model proposed allows for certain current NHSL/PGD functions to be integrated in a single shared support service 2 o Some functions will transfer to individual LETBs and LPs at the outset, others can follow and those elements that are best delivered once for all three LETBs have a sustainable basis for the future. The accompanying slides provide the detailed vision, governance and priorities for London LETBs as presented at the event by the LETB Design Leads: South London LETB: Prof. Anne Greenough The South London LETB’s Vision is fully inclusive of the healthcare workforce, and will ensure continuity from initial training to CPPD. Its priorities are: the integration of care, moving care closer to home, Long Term Conditions, the potential reduction of docs in training, improving access to psychological care, and outside NHS care. It will aim to reduce attrition, work closely with placement providers, complete the MDECS rollout, and engage primary care. The SLLETB’s Governance & Stakeholders will ensure it has a comprehensive constituency. North West London LETB: Heather Lawrence The central vision of the North West London LETB is to embed innovation. Its priorities are informed by alignment to CCGs. And their emerging priorities: localising care closer to home, centralising specialist services, and integrating primary and secondary care. It will have a small board focused on care pathways, and will work closely with the HIEC/AHSP/N, CLAHRC, and CCGs. North Central East London LETB: Chris Fowler The NCEL Vision is closely aligned to other LETBs. Its priorities are to be expressed via the 5 year plan. It will utilize a partnership model, which will mean the Infrequent need for large-scale procurement exercises. Governance and Stakeholder engagement will be provided by a Council, a small Board, and relationship managers. UCLP and the AHSN for NENC London are the key building blocks, with a focus on better outcomes for people and patients, building on the existing capabilities of NHSL and Deanery. 5. Open Access session: The Open Access session North West London LETB South London LETB S 1 NW 1 NW 2 NW 4 NW 3 NW 5 North Central East London LETB S 2 S 4 LETB Design Team Lead NCE 1 S 3 S 5 NCE 2 NCE 3 NCE 5 NCE 4 3 The three LETBs provided input to 5 tables, each of which explored the following scenarios: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Frail elderly Emergency workload Integrated care Postgraduate medicine Managing performance. 6. Exploring the Arrangements After lunch, table-top discussions were facilitated to capture key issues arising from the emergent LETB operating model designs. The LETBs will use the questions raised to inform the detail of Gateway 2 submission. Each table’s top questions were posed to the Design Leads. These are captured below. Detailed comments from each table were captured on a feedback form. This feedback is provided in highlight below and in detail in Appendix C. Top table: Heather Lawrence, Chris Fowler, David Fish, Miles Scott, Anne Greenough, Technical table: Rob Smith, Julie Screaton, Fiona Moss, Helen Jameson. Plenary discussion questions No. Question 1 How will the split between provision and commissioning, and conflicts of interest be managed? 2 How will 3 LETBs be cheaper than one? 3 What would success look like for LETBs? What are the behaviours that support that? 4 What if things go wrong? 5 How ensure LETBs address patient needs, not professional interests? For trainees, how will they be engaged? 6 How will LETBs work with local authorities and social care? 7 How will LETBs make sure they have right membership of advisory groups 8 How will LETBS engage with primary care? 9 Will each LETB produce a report? 10 How will small specialties be picked up as they are now? Written Feedback 1. Shared working: How do they manage quality given the different/ incongruous structures? 4 How will the 3 LETBs work together and how will they work with LETBs outside of London? How will pan-London Commissioning and London as exporter and small professions work? 2. Governance: How do the LETBs see the relationship between AHSC/Networks and the LETB? How do LETBs intend to manage conflict of interest on their Boards? How do you ensure that individuals represent the views of the whole workforce? 3. Priorities How is it decided how the money is split/prioritised? How will pan- London decisions be made - where decisions made may affect other LETBs? How can the professional balance of power become more equitable? 4. CCG Engagement Role of CCGs - how will they be engaged? How will LETBs influence the CCGs? Important to work closely with CCGs/ LA/H&W Boards/Social Care 5. Commissioning Will LETB be prepared to jointly commission? How will this work? How will the dialogue between commissioners and providers reflect local education needs? How will the LETBs manage the commissioning & operational functions? 6. Quality Data issues - especially around primary care - how do we capture this? Is the quality monitoring process going to be the same across all 3 LETBs or will there be local arrangements? How will Lead providers manage quality without being conflicted? 7. Close: Anne Rainsberry Two key themes: Continuity and Change For the last 4-5 years there has been a shared vision, centered on World Class Healthcare for London, partnered by research, innovation e.g. stroke and care pathways for frail elderly, underpinned by workforce changes. The priority has been the reform of workforce planning and a clear focus on transforming the existing workforce. We spend as little as 10% on our existing workforce – despite fact that in 10 years time 60% of staff will still be working in London. How can this system be developed, and be done differently? HEE will only be as good as the LETBs they support, and to the extent that it really putting employers in driving seat, which LETBs will allow us to do. 5 Some questions remain: How are LETBs actually going to work with the system? How do you ensure the local flavor, at the same time as doing what can best be done once for London? How do you innovate during a period of change? Next Steps: Gateway 2 submission Visit from DH and HEE Commence appointments of staff to LETBs Move to shadow running in October, in parallel with commissioning planning round 6 Appendix A – Detailed Outline of the day Time Topic Presented by 10.00am Welcome Prof Mike Spyer 10.05am Introduction to the Programme Laurie McMahon 10.10am The Future Context for Education and Training Sir Keith Pearson 10.20am 11:00am The LETB Visions for London: • South London LETB • North West London LETB • North Central East London LETB ‘Open Access’ session & coffee Prof David Fish Prof Anne Greenough Heather Lawrence Prof Chris Fowler Laurie McMahon 12.30pm Lunch 1.15pm Exploring the Arrangements – Preparation Laurie McMahon 1.45pm Exploring the Arrangements – The Open Conversation Laurie McMahon 2.45pm Coffee break 3.00pm What we have learned LETB Design Leads 3.15pm Closing words Dr Anne Rainsberry 7 Appendix B – Operating Model provided by LETBs (see attachment) South London LETB 8 North West London LETB 9 North Central East London LETB 10 Appendix C – Detailed feedback from ‘Exploring the arrangements’ Overall 75 questions posed Ranking: Ranking 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Category Shared working Governance Priorities CCG engagement Commissioning Quality Small specialities Future of the Deanery Finance Delivery issues Frequency 11 8 7 6 4 4 3 3 3 3 Percentage 14% 10% 9% 8% 5% 5% 4% 4% 4% 4% Examples of questions in top 6 categories: 1. Shared working: What is the mechanism for LETBs working together? How does London relate to the further differing LETB structures and how do they communicate? How do they manage quality given the different/ incongruous structures? Co-operation between LETBs? How will training/education be delivered if it is cross- LETB boundary? What arrangements will be in place? How will the 3 LETBs work together and how will they work with LETBs outside of London? How will pan-London Commissioning and London as exporter and small professions work? How will we ensure that we don’t duplicate between LETBs ? How will the three LETBs avoid duplicating work? Where LETBs can add value and what do they see as essential to maintain Londonwide? What is the governance structure to ensure that the 3 LETBs work together effectively? 2. Governance: How do the LETBs see the relationship between AHSC/Networks and the LETB? How will their governance model permit transfers of funds to CPPD? How do LETBs intend to manage conflict of interest on their Boards? How will questions/queries from the general workforce get fed through the LETB? How do you ensure that the representative individuals represent the views of the whole workforce? 11 How do you get adequate student representation - is there a different model that could be used to represent this group? Where is the regulation & governance? How are advisory groups to be chosen? 3. Priorities How is it decided how the money is split/prioritised? How are difficult decisions going to be made? How will HEE meet their vision without funding in this area (Band 1-4?) How will pan- London decisions be made - where decisions made may affect other LETBs? Could we use learning from the OLM model to uniform prioritisation for LETBs? Moderating competing demands and allocating scarce resources How can the professional balance of power become more equitable? 4. CCG Engagement How is engagement with service commissioners going to work? Role of CCGs - how will they be engaged? How will LETBs influence the CCGs? Triangulation between service & workforce planning How is it envisaged that CCGs will be engaged? Important to work closely with CCGs/ LA/H&W Boards/Social Care 5. Commissioning Will LETB be prepared to jointly commission? How will this work? What is the difference between the 3 LETBs - needs to have a clear separation of commissioners There needs to be dialogue between commissioners and providers to reflect local education needs How will the LETBs manage the commissioning & operational functions? 6. Quality Data issues - especially around primary care - how do we capture this? Secure Quality assurance - how does the DoE&Q work? Is the quality monitoring process going to be the same across all 3 LETBs or will there be local arrangements? How will Lead providers manage quality without being conflicted? 12 Full List of Questions No. Question 1 How will LETBs ensure that CCGS contracts with NHS Providers require them to deliver high quality placements? 2 How do the LETBs see the relationship between AHSC/Networks and the LETB? 3 How will their governance model permit transfers of funds to CPPD? 4 How do LETBs intend to manage conflict of interest on their Boards? 5 6 How do LETBs ensure their investment planning supports pathways rather than organisational/professional based? What is happening to the Deanery & Deanery functions e.g Commissioning, Provider Support, Provision for Dental/ GP training? 7 What is the mechanism for LETBs working together? 8 How are small specialties going to be catered for, e.g. Occupational Medicine? 9 How do we avoid diluting expertise? 10 When & how will the day-to-day operational detail be added? 11 What will the relationship be between LETBs in and out of London?(30% trained in London go elsewhere) 12 How does London relate to the further differing LETB structures and how do they communicate? 13 How do they manage quality given the different/ incongruous structures? 14 How will LETB generate relationships with private care & GPs? 15 Will LETB be prepared to jointly commission? How will this work? 16 How is it decided how the money is split/prioritised? 17 How do we enable innovation? 18 Co-operation between LETBs? 19 What is the role of HEE over LETBs? 20 What is the difference between the 3 LETBs - needs to have a clear separation of commissioners 21 How is engagement with service commissioners going to work? 22 How are difficult decisions going to be made? 23 Small specialties might be overlooked 24 There needs to be dialogue between commissioners and providers to reflect local education needs 25 Is London going to commission for London only? (we export some specialties) 26 Do we train people outside London? 27 Where do the Deans fit in to the model? 28 Data issues - especially around primary care - how do we capture this? 29 Secure Quality assurance - how does the Dean of Education & Qulaity work? 30 How are HEE going to fund Bands 1-4? 31 How will HEE meet their vision without funding in this area (Band 1-4?) 32 How will questions/queries from the general workforce get fed through the LETB? 33 How do you ensure that the representative individuals represent the views of the whole workforce? 34 How will pan- London decisions be made - where decisions made may affect other LETBs? 35 How will training/education be delivered if it is cross- LETB boundary? What arrangements will be in place? 36 How will 3 LETBs be cheaper than one single organisation without compromising quality? 37 Is the quality monitoring process going to be the same across all 3 LETBs or will there be local arrangements? 38 How do you get adequate student representation - is there a different model that could be used to represent this group? 13 39 Could we use learning from the OLM model to uniform prioritisation for LETBs? 40 How will the 3 LETBs work together and how will they work with LETBs outside of London? 41 How will pan-London Commissioning and London as exporter and small professions work? 42 Moderating competing demands and allocating scarce resources 43 Role of CCGs - how will they be engaged? 44 How will LETBs influence the CCGs? 45 Triangulation between service & workforce planning 46 MPET Review - inequality of funding streams- managing gains & losses within and for London as a whole 47 How can the professional balance of power become more equitable? 48 How are Health & Social care boundaries being managed 49 How will we ensure that we don’t duplicate between LETBs ? 50 How will we work with LETBs outside? 51 How is it envisaged that CCGs will be engaged? 52 How will the three LETBs avoid duplicating work? 53 How will Lead providers manage quality without being conflicted? 54 Where is the regulation & governance? 55 How will we ensure equal access for medical trainees to specialise centres in London e.g. Forensic Medicine? 56 Important to work closely with CCGs/ LA/H&W Boards/Social Care 57 More trainees/students should have been invited to this event 58 59 Concern that patient/trainee/student voice will be lost as agenda will be too dominated by large provider organisations How do we make sure that the approach also covers non-professionally affiliated staff (bands 1-4) and also social services staff, carers & volunteers? 60 How do we ensure that all professions are equally represented? 61 How do we ensure appropriate focus on developing the existing workforce? 62 How are advisory groups to be chosen? 63 How can we use innovative methods to avoid people attending too many meetings? 64 How will LETBs address conflicts of interest & avoid professional bias? 65 How do we plan for the long-term and not just 3-5 years ahead? 66 How do we ensure LETBs address patient needs? 67 What is happening to SIFT funds - will LETBs be responsible for this money? 68 How will LETBs, Deanery, other Education Bodies operate in the Transition period? 69 What will happen to the schools and their functions? 70 Where LETBs can add value and what do they see as essential to maintain London-wide? 71 Should there be 3 LETBs or 1 with 3 sub LETBs? 72 How will the LETBs manage the commissioning & operational functions? 73 How will the effectiveness of the LETBs be affected by having to deal with a large number of organisations? 74 How will the LETBs liaise effectively with Primary Care? 75 What is the governance structure to ensure that the 3 LETBs work together effectively? 14 Appendix D – Delegate list 241 Delegates registered 194 Delegates attended Full Delegate listing (attendees) Name Adedoyin Ogunbiyi Job title Organisation Chelsea & Westminster Hospital Alan Randle Business Analyst Associate Head of School, Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work Alastair Henderson Chief Executive Academy of Medical Royal Colleges Alison Crombie Director of education Barking, Havering & Redbridge University Hospitals Alpesh Patel GP Enfield PCT Amanda Coyle Director of Health and Communities Greater London Authority Andrew Barton Regional Coordinator British Medical Association Andrew Long Head of School of Paediatrics London Deanery Angela Huxham Director of Workforce Development King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Anna Knowles Professional Education Lead Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare Anne Greenough Anne Rainsberry South London LETB Design Lead Director of People and Organisational Development / Regional Director King's Health Partners NHS London / London Region National Commissioning Board Anousha Hari Medical Advisor Kensington & Chelsea PCT Anthea Parry Consultant Stroke Physician The Hillingdon Hospital Anton Obholzer Project Manager North West London LETB Antony Senner LETB Development Support NHS London Aurea Jones North West London LETB Relationship Manager NHS London Axel Heitmueller Director of Strategy Chelsea and Westminster Hospital Barbara Byrne Chief Executive West London Mental Health NHS Trust Beryl De Souza Honorary Clinical Lecturer in Plastic Surgery Imperial College Bill Travers Deputy Head of School of Psychiatry London Deanery Bob Klaber Consultant Paediatrician Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust Camilla Wiley Director of Nursing Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Carl Biddle Area Manager, London & the South East Skills for Care Carol Alexander Head of Acute Therapies Homerton Carol Sacchett Clinical Education Lead University College London Caroline Linden HR Business Partner NHS South East London Carolyn Green Deputy Director of Education & Training South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust Catharine Berwick LETB Operating Model Team PA Consulting Group Catherine Wilkins Deputy Head of Midwifery Chelsea and Westminster Hospital Catriona Chatfield Darzi Fellow London Deanery Chris Donlan Deputy Associate Dean Univeristy College London Chris Drew Project Manager South London LETB Christian Murley Training Manager Royal College of Radiologists Christine Catlin Assistant Director of Education Learning & Development Ealing Hospital NHS Trust Cynthia Conquest Deputy Director of Finance Chelsea and Westminster Hospital David Burbidge Member Tower Hamlets Link David Bushby Resuscitation Service Lead Chelsea and Westminster Hospital University of Hertfordshire 15 UCLPartners / North Central and East London LETB David Fish Managing Director / Chair David Grantham Kingston Hospital David Sines Director of Workforce & OD Pro Vice Chancellor / Executive Dean, Faculty Society & Health David Wherret Workforce Director University College of London Debbie Mellor Diana HamiltonFairley Deputy Director Workforce Education Dean of Secondary Care Specialties and Clinical Lead for Quality Department of Health Diane Morgan Assistant Director of HR, Education and Development St George's Healthcare NHS Trust Dina Dhorajiwala CCG GP Board, Education Lead Haringey (shadow) CCG Druid Fleming Senior Service Manager / Associate Clinical Director Camden and Islington Foundation Trust Fatuma Hassan Regional Coordinator for London Royal College of Surgeons of England Fiona Carragher Lead Scientist Fiona Moss Dean Director NHS London London Commissioner for Medical and Dental Education, London Deanery Gary Waltham Deputy Director of Operations Provider Shared Service Organisation Geoff Speed Head of Learning, Education & Development Great Ormond Street Hospital Geoffrey Berg LETB Embedded Support NHS London George Ikkos Director of Medical Education Barking, Enfield and Haringey Geraint Day Supporting Regional Co-ordinator Royal College of Surgeons of England Gerald Coakley Director of Medical Education South London Healthcare Trust Buckinghamshire New University London Deanery Geraldine Strathdee Assistant Medical Director, Mental Health NHS London Giles Mahoney LETB Operating Model Team PA Consulting Group Gill Heuchan Assistant Director of Professional Education Development London Ambulance Service Gill McCarthy Director of Medical Education Kingston Hospital NHS Trust Gillian Holdsworth Consultant Gillian Hooper Director of Quality and Commissioning Southwark PCT London Commissioner for Medical and Dental Education, London Deanery Harriet Oppenheimer LETB Operating Model Team Heather Lawrence Chief Executive / Design Lead PA Consulting Group Chelsea & Westminster Hospital / North West London LETB Helen Jameson Director of MPET Finance NHS London Iain Beith Head of School of Rehabilitation Sciences Ian Fleming Director of Workforce & Partnerships St Georges University of London South West London and St Georges Mental Health Trust James Cain LETB Development Support NHS London Jan Williams Pro Vice Chancellor and Dean Middlesex University Jane Clegg Director of Nursing, Quality and Assurance Central London Community Healthcare Jessica Yakeley Consultant Psychiatrist and Director of Medical Education, and Associate Medical Director Tavistock & Portman NHS Trust Joan Pitkin Consultant Gynaecologist North West London Hospitals NHS Trust Joanne McConnell People Transition HR Operational Lead NHS London John Carrier Chair of Strategic Advisory Board / Lay Chair London Deanery John Cossar Director of Physiotherapy Brunel University John Firth Consultant Histopathologist Notrth Middlesex Hospital John Harrison Head of Occupational Medicine Specialty School London Deanery John Lowe DPME, Consultant Psychiatrist John Pope Managing Director Central North West London NHS Trust London Commissioner for Medical and Dental Education, London Deanery John Robinson Finance Director Brunel Univeristy John Spicer Head of School of GP London Deanery 16 Julie Screaton Director of Workforce Transformation / South London LETB Relationship Manager NHS London Justin Creigh LETB Programme Director NHS London Karl Carrier LETB Operating Model Team PA Consulting Group Kate Wark Royal College of Anaesthetists Kathryn Mitchell Pro Vice-Chancellor Academic and Student Services University of West London Kathy Tyler Kerrie O’Connor Forth Director England - London and South East Skills for Health LETB Operating Model Team PA Consulting Group Laura Paynter Business Manager British Association of Psychotherapists Laurence Benson Director South West London AHSN Leah Benson Primary Care Strategy Executive Londonwide LMCs Lesley Wilson Lecturer Brunel University Linda Dyson Deputy Director of OD & Workforce West London Mental Health NHS Trust Linda Gnanasekaran Lecturer Brunel University Linda Madeley Deputy Director of Human Resources Ealing Hospital NHS Trust Lisa Cunningham Senior Public Affiars & PR Officer Royal College of Physicians, London Liz Jones Dean of Postgraduate Dentistry London Deanery Lyn Ronnie Head of Neonatal Nursing Chelsea and Westminster Hospital M K Sahi GP Bromley LMC GP Malcolm Plumber Director of Organisational Development London Deanery Mandy Jones Programme Director Physiotherapy Brunel University Marcia Saunders North West London LETB Chair North West London LETB Margaret Murphy Associate Director of Education Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust Marilyn Plant GP Richmond & Twickenham PCT Martin Herd Head of Finance UCLH Martin Munro Executive Director of HR & OD North East London Foundation Trust Martin Steggall Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies City University Martin Watson Specialist Registrar Moorfields Eye Hospital NHSFT Mary Billington Lead Midwife for Education Greenwich University Mary Currie Associate Director : Workforce Planning King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Matthew Walker Head of LETB Office NHS London Maureen Choong Deputy Chief Nurse NHS London Michael Beckett Clinical tutor West Middlesex Hospital Michael Glynn Director North East Thames Foundation School Michal Grenville GP ONEL/LMC Michelle Drage CEO Londonwide LMCs Mike Robinson Director of Public Health, Hounslow London Borough of Hounslow Mike Spyer Chair Miles Scott Chief Executive / Chair NHS London St.George's Healthcare NHS Trust / South London LETB Nav Chana Postgraduate Dean of GP & Community Based Education London Deanery Neville Punchard Dean of School of Health, Sport and Bioscience University of East London Nicholas Bass Director of Medical Education East London NHS Foundation Trust Nicki Latham Director of Operations and Partnerships Health Education Engalnd Nicole Callaghan LETB Programme Manager East of England Shadow LETB Nigel Burgess Workforce and Education Commissioning strategy Manager Guy's and St Thomas' Nigel Standfield Head of School of Surgery London Deanery Orla Lacey Consultant Anaesthetist and Clinical Tutor The Royal Marsden Hospital NHS Trust 17 Patricia Hurton CCG Board Member Hillingdon / GP Hillingdon Hospital Paul Feeney Head of Quality Assurance General Dental Council Paul Taylor LETB Organisational & People Development Lead NHS Midlands and East Paul Tomlinson Director of Resources Londonwide LMCs Peter Emery Professor King's College London Ramesh Bhatt GP LMC GP Rebecca Viney CCG board member / Associate Dean CCG / Deanery Richard Money GP Bexley LMC GP Rita Daly Senior Area Officer, London & the South East Skills for Care Rob Smith Director of System Strategy and Development / North Cental and East London LETB Relationship Manager NHS London Rosalind Murphy Professional Development Manager Whittington Health Sally Quinn Deputy Director of Workforce Development and OD Croydon Health Sally Storey HR Director Moorfields Eye Hospital NHSFT Sarah Hill Head of School of Pathology London Deanery Sarah James Associate Director- Education & Development King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Saroj Patel Director Of Workforce, IM&T and Corporate Affairs Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Sheena Mitchell Consultant Whittington Health Shelley Dolan Chief Nurse The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust Simon Kane LETB Operating Model Team PA Consulting Group Simon Thompson Deputy Director of Workforce Capacity & Funding Department of Health Simon Tinling LETB Operating Model Team PA Consulting Group Sinead Mehigan Head of Department of Initial and Acute Nursing Middlesex University Sir Keith Pearson Chair Health Education Engalnd Stephanie Fade Head of Strategy and Systems Development NHS London Stephen Jackson Project Manager Stuart Adams Consultant Psychiatrist North Central and East London LETB South West London and St Georges Mental Health Trust Sue Lord Head of Department Anglia Ruskin University Susan Heenan Head of London School of Radiology London Deanery Susan Labrooy Medical Director Hillingdon Hospital Susan Sanders Director London Pharmacy Education and Training Teresa McHugh Deputy Director of Nursing Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals NHS Trust Tim Swanwick Tim Yates Dean of Professional Development London Deanery Academic Clinical Fellow in Neurology; BMA JDC Executive member UCLH NHSFT; BMA Tunji Lasoye Director of Medical Education & Assistant Medical Director King's College Hospital London Wendy Gay Joint Director of HR & OD SGUL / St Georges Healthcare Trust Yuri Gupta Fellow School of Radiology Simon Rattenbury Manager for the Department of Microbiology Royal Free Rachel Abraham Associate Director for Education Imperial College NHS Trust Lesley Johnson Judith Ellis SHA Allied Health Professional Lead NHS London Executive Dean for Health and Social Care at London South Bank University London South Bank University Rachel Jarvis Education Academy Administration Manager King's Health Partners Sarah Faulkner Head of Leadership and Regional team Centre for Workforce Intelligence Pepe Shirland Consultant Dental Services Guys and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust Oliver Warren Honorary Clinical Research Fellow Imperial College NHS Trust Angela Farmer Dentist Kings College Hospital 18 Kim Tolley Principal Lecturer , Nursing Assessments & Quality Enhancements Nursing and Midwifery Council Alan Naftalin Director of Medical Education Newham University Hospital Thirza Sawtell Director of Strategic Commissioning NHS North West London Susan Sinclair Deputy Director NHS North West London Mark Cole Head of Learning & Development Wendy Reid Dean of Postgraduate Medicine / Vice President Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust London Deanery / Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Deepti Radish Sanjeev Ahluwalia PD Pathology Lead Deputy GP Director and Deputy Head of the London School of General Practice London School of General Practice Karen Tanner Senior Clinical Lecturer in Social Care Zubaathl Bagra Tavistock & Portman NHS Trust South East London Kerry Johnstone Quality & Commissioning Manager London Deanery Ian Bateman Head of Quality London Deanery Chris Barrett Quality & Commissioning Manager London Deanery Fleur Hansen Head of Project Office North West London LETB Chris Owen Senior Consultant Centre for Workforce Intelligence Debbie Dzikjurasz Associate Director of Nursing Barts Health NHS Trust Helen York Martin O' Rowe Laura Quirke John Callery London wide LMCs, LETB Project Team Director of Information Management London Deanery 19