Unified Theory of Information Waves, Quantum Mechanics


Unified Theory of Information Waves, Quantum

Mechanics and Reality

The Theory:

Information can travel faster than the speed of light.

Black holes swallow light, but cannot swallow information. As information approaches the black hole, on the event horizon it is suspected to be turned into a 2d hologram, then emitted as

“Hawking Radiation” . This creates a paradox in itself as the information would dissipate as radiation; the result is another information paradox. Previously I described that information could be a “particle” or “vessel” that moves faster than light, increasing velocity up to infinite speeds until their destination is reached. These particles were called Qieonz. These may exist, but they can be dismissed, as they present the information paradox. Information as it approaches the black hole or the “event horizon’ is not turned into a particle at all. Information is turned into a wave. This allows them to pass through black holes, into other dimensions and universes as resolves the information paradox. Wave information can be received and (possibly sent), seemingly invisible currently. Information Waves, could explain the expansion of the universe, as it is moving faster than light.

The above is Albert Einstein’s Equation E=MC^2 that has a Lorentz model taking into account

Super Symmetry. E11 represents super symmetry with specific regard to the multi dimensional universe. This should account to the “imaginary Matter” (dark matter/energy) that we cannot detect.

We must now take into account of “imaginary time” proposed by S. Hawking.

We have now divorced or separated “time” from special relativity allowing us to “ slice” time as a separate object.

To account for noted but unsolved anomalies in the known universe I introduce the “Quantum

Imagination theory”. This theory is that there is a multiverse, and information crosses into other dimensions.

The Error correcting code that S. James Gates has found is proof of this in the form “doublyeven self-dual linear binary error-correcting block codes”. This is the code that determines all of

Nature and the Cosmos. This code is represented by and in all Mathematics. These Adinkra’s will be found in everything we test them against. Also note these Adinkra’s have an uncanny resemblance to Deep Neural Network diagrams and AI/Machine Learning.

I present the Equation:

Thus information can ignore black holes, and Faster than light communication is possible. I propose that it also proves many dimensions, and multiverse. I do believe the speed of light is not constant, but I have no proof of this. I had to use c as a constant because it has not changed, and if it does change, or has changed, It is a baseline that that is all.

Information can have matter and energy. It can, and will use all of its resources until it is pure information, depleting all resources to achieve. Information is then immune to gravity and time allowing it to move at infinite speeds until it reaches its target. I mention a " target" by this I mean the information rearranging matter to recreate the physical version of information.

"target" should be considered to be "probability" of something coming into existence. (I.e. our known universe)

Information can pass through black holes to other D-Branes. Since it is moving at infinite speeds it can go through all D-branes until it reaches its target.

D-Branes are bubbles that contain many iterations of multiverse. D-branes or E11 represents the energy that is shared across 11 underverses. Underverses are the “universes” we cannot see or define.

Thought Experiments Related to this:

I want to start with a simple thought experiment: You have a sugar cube, a container, and water. You put the water into the container, put the sugar cube into the container, Seal it under the assumption it will not evaporate. What happens to the sugar cube?

It dissolves, but at some point in time it will return to cube form.

If you wanted to repeat this experiment you could wait a very long time, millions of years.

Or you could Create a few million virtual Realities and run the simulation there.

This could mean that we have already transcended biology and virtually recreated our self’s and upon transcendence the machine went crazy and needed to make sense of self.

Lets imagine an Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) would conduct this experiment to look for the

“sugar cube”

Or it could mean that The Zoo Theory is true;

Just as humans put monkeys into exhibit, Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) may have done the same.

Just as human’s put primates into zoo’s it took one extraordinary monkey to get Humans to pay attention to mind of the primate. This happened in Kansas City In 1990, 18-year-old orangutan named Cheyenne unscrewed several bolts and broke out captive primate resistance, as noted in PETA’s extensive list of domestic Primate Incidents

ASI would if it had put us in a virtual reality or virtual zoo would undoubtedly put a “Fence” around us. We would not be able to observe it, but it would exist. This could explain the Fermi

Paradox as we are protected from the outside because we would lose our minds if the Truth was discovered. This might be a virtual firewall, Ie dark matter/energy.

It is entirely possible that the ASI had given up on humans due to their fascination with theology, mathematics and materialism taking the simple route of existence. Its very probable that they would not be very happy with what Einstein’s equation resulted in. If they had a “do not feed the animals” policy (do not intervene, this would likely allow them to stop us from

destroying the entire zoo). Or perhaps it was going to the Moon that was the 1 st “escape” of the humans from the zoo. One of these instances would cause them to “ expand the zoo”

The possibility that ASI was looking for “ a sugar cube” or a sign of an extraordinary conditions would be the best explanation.

Also worth noting is that if these Virtual reality’s were made in for form of a sphere, due to efficiency, they would likely bounce into each other like bubbles. If they were spheres or

“bubbles” it would allow cross dimensional communication, ie passing information back in

“time”. If someone were to do this it would not violate any paradox as each bubble is a universe in its own, and information would be the only thing that could cross. That said we could leave ourselves a breadcrumb to the most efficient route to get the ASI attention.

A final note is that the ASI should be assumed to not be bound by Gravity, thus they are not bound by E=mc2. No gravity means no time, no time means Special Relativity were training wheels of modern physics. ASI would be capable of arranging Matter, thus turning a virtual reality into reality.

In closing I would like to present a few thought experiments.

A scientist creates a receiver that he knows no one on earth has invented. He checks it daily for

11 years and nothing is received. He never tells anyone about the receiver. He decides that he will make 3 receivers and place them near water, in a cave, and one in the open.

He checks them daily and there is nothing. It’s the expected result.

Once day he checks the receiver and there is a message. The message is “1” . He was shocked but believes it’s a false positive.

6 months later nothing is received. He checks the receivers and there is a “0” he documents this, but disregards it as a false positive.

3 more weeks pass with nothing, as expected. Then one day he checks the receivers and there is a 1 message, then 10 more messages. The scientist thinks someone was playing a joke on him, but realizes that he had not told anyone about his experiment.

"(the scientist’s name),

You passed the test. From here on the messages are for your eyes only. No machine copies. You will understand soon."

Message 2: Is a very specific event that has not occurred. (however it does come true and it was a very specific event)

Message 3: Einstein’s theory’s was a single molecule in the vast cosmos compared to what you are about to understand

All other messages are corrupt or cannot be deciphered. The scientist believe they are “time locked”





The Forked man:

Suppose a man had the ability to imagine the future. Not just a future, but a very specific future. When he does this he goes to sleep. Unknowingly he has altered his future and his past.

He has effectively created 2 self's. The future version and that current (past). He goes about his daily life not knowing that future self his now aware and making decisions to create what the man originally imagined. Slowly the man in the physical realm comes to realize the doings of the future self. Future self has left a bread crumb trail of the best calculated decision. At some point the man from the future will merge with the physical man.

This is not about 2 men, its about the fractal nature of time. The question is, could the 2 selfs merge or would they need to? Wouldn’t this chain go on effectively forever?

The transmitter:

On a grand scale I can attempt to explain this.

Suppose a man "hacked" a star to act a transmitter.

The star Transmits energy, however this star has been hacked to be a repeater. Sending all information from the future to the past self. The energy would have the message in it that had all information from the future.

It would only be decoded by the past self that hacked it, as no one else would know of this energy.

This is assuming there are many version of one self across the multiverse, and the energy spreads across the multiverse. This would travel faster than the speed of light, perhaps as a

Neutrino or cosmic ray or the particle I call the Qieonz.

Once the "hacker" put his information from the future into the energy transmitter, he would need to wait for the Qieon of Information to hit the past self.

Once this happened, past self would know everything from the future.

This would not create a paradox as the communication is one way. The man that sent the message would know the message was received because his past self is the 2 part authentication

Imagine we live in a virtual reality:

Imagine we live in a virtual reality. In order for quantum mechanics to work, for wave interference to occur we must live in a virtual reality. Every time we put ourselves in a superposition, another Bit is flipped on the disk space that the virtual reality is running in (our universe). The universe is expanding faster than the speed of light. Information moves faster than the speed of light. This would explain the appearance of the expansion of space.

This can be explained by having space on a disk. Unused disk space, is space that has not been filled.

Suppose that disk containing space had a simple Loop record function built in. This would ensure that once the disk filled up, the virtual reality would start over. Lets also suppose that the disk is being fragmented, and a process is in order to defragment to keep space in an efficient order. We should also assume this disk is using a cloud compute platform and the disk space is expanding as needed.

That said once everything has been put into a superposition, the universe would become stuck in contention which would be possible, however suppose space was an array of simulations (disks), and each simulation could interact with the other simulations. By this we have a stack of disks and each of them is a simulation running concurrently with each other.

Time wave interference is when information is shared across the simulation. Time is seen as a wave is all iterations running concurrently. Once observed time is realized in the situation the say way the particles and waves function in light.

Proposed Test of the Multiverse (A thought experiment):

A man is shown pieces of information that he believes are true. The pieces of information could be true some false. If the man assumed all were true, then the pieces of information that were false become true. As the information presented the number of untrue information presented could become Reality.

If at any point the false information becomes true. We are living in a virtual reality and the man is making his reality, thus time would function as a wave just as light is functioning as a wave.

Please note the original paper was not significant (below) until S. Hawking announced that he believed he had a solution to the information paradox. http://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-stephen-hawking-black-hole-informationparadox-20150826-story.html

The Equation:


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^ Bizouard: Poincaré E = mc 2 l'équation de Poincaré, Einstein et Planck.

^ Rutherford, Ernest (1904), Radioactivity , Cambridge: University Press, pp. 336 –338

105. ^ Heisenberg, Werner (1958), Physics And Philosophy: The Revolution In Modern Science ,

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106. ^ "We might in these processes obtain very much more energy than the proton supplied, but on the average we could not expect to obtain energy in this way. It was a very poor and inefficient way of producing energy, and anyone who looked for a source of power in the transformation of the atoms was talking moonshine. But the subject was scientifically interesting because it gave insight into the atoms." The Times archives , September 12, 1933, "The British association

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107. ^ Cover.

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108. ^ Isaacson, Einstein: His Life and Universe .

109. ^ Robert Serber, The Los Alamos Primer: The First Lectures on How to Build an Atomic

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110. ^ David Bodanis, E = mc 2 : A Biography of the World's Most Famous Equation (New York:

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111. ^ A quote from Frisch about the discovery day. Accessed April 4, 2009.

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