Commission on Teacher Credentialing Bilingual Coordinators’ Network Meeting September 25, 2008 Ensuring Educator Excellence 1 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Today’s Topics CTEL Programs, Exams, and CLAD Certificates Certificate of Completion of Staff Development (CCSD) Bilingual Programs and Exams EL Authorization 2008 Legislative Report on Assignment Monitoring Resources Ensuring Educator Excellence 2 Commission on Teacher Credentialing CTEL Programs for the CLAD Certificate Fifteen CTEL programs approved Listed on the Approved Program chart on Commission website – Under Specialist Credentials and Certificates: CLAD Application submitted as online recommendation Ensuring Educator Excellence 3 Commission on Teacher Credentialing CLAD Course Work Update Final date a candidate could complete course work under the CLAD Certificate guidelines was 01/31/2008 If not completed, contact an IHE with a new CTEL approved program IHE determines if course work applies toward an approved CTEL program Coded 07-17 Ensuring Educator Excellence 4 Commission on Teacher Credentialing CLAD Course Work Timeline If all appropriate course work is completed but the individual does not apply by 1/31/2008, the course work may still be used for CLAD Certificate Eligibility is based on date course work was completed not application receipt date at Commission Ensuring Educator Excellence 5 Commission on Teacher Credentialing CTEL Exams Examination built on same Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (KSAs) as CTEL Program Standards Offered December and June Ensuring Educator Excellence 6 Commission on Teacher Credentialing CTEL Exam Test 1: Language and Language Development Test 2: Assessment and Instruction Test 3: Culture and Inclusion Ensuring Educator Excellence 7 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Emergency CLAD Teaching Permit Appropriate prerequisite credential Bachelor’s degree Basic Skills Requirement, unless exempt Issued in one year periods Course work or passage of CTEL exams required for renewal Same authorization as CLAD Certificate/ Emphasis and English Learner Authorization Ensuring Educator Excellence 8 Commission on Teacher Credentialing CCSD for Elementary, Secondary and Special Education Credentials 1/1/2008: Final date to complete appropriate staff development 4/1/2008: Collection of evidence for final assessment had to be submitted to an approved CCSD program Ensuring Educator Excellence 9 Commission on Teacher Credentialing CCSD Timelines 12/31/2008: Latest filing or issuance date and applications MUST be RECEIVED at Commission by this date • Ending date individuals may be assigned on the basis of CCSD ‘program enrollment’ • • Coded 07-16 Ensuring Educator Excellence 10 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Otherwise Authorized by Statute to Teach ELs Not available for holders of Designated Subjects and Service Credentials with SCA after 1/1/2008 Period – only available for single and multiple subject, education specialist in transition until 12/31/2008 Transition Ensuring Educator Excellence 11 Commission on Teacher Credentialing CCSD for Designated Subject and Services Credential with Special Class Authorization (SCA) Holders Appropriate prerequisite document Commission-approved CCSD program Authorizes SDAIE only Ensuring Educator Excellence 12 Commission on Teacher Credentialing CCSD Program Guidelines Designated Subjects and Services with SCA Credentials New guidelines adopted by the Commission on 1/31/2008 Submission and Timeline Handbook available All programs need to be approved under the new guidelines by March 1, 2009. Ensuring Educator Excellence 13 Commission on Teacher Credentialing CCSD Option Holders of designated subjects teaching credentials or service credentials with a special class authorization ONLY Complete 3 semester or 4 quarter unit Commission-approved SDAIE course CIA 08-06 Ensuring Educator Excellence 14 Commission on Teacher Credentialing AB 1871 (Coto) Bilingual-Crosscultural Competence Authorize candidates to earn a bilingual authorization by completing an approved program or by a combination of examination and portions of an approved program Ensuring Educator Excellence 15 Commission on Teacher Credentialing BCLAD Program Route Authorization may be earned concurrently with completion of a multiple and single subject credential Program may be written to add BCLAD authorization for those already credentialed (pending approval of AB 1871) Program may include coursework and examination (pending approval of AB 1871) Ensuring Educator Excellence 16 Commission on Teacher Credentialing BCLAD Exam Administration First time—November 2007 Standard score setting in December 2007 Information at Ensuring Educator Excellence 17 Commission on Teacher Credentialing EL Authorization on Documents Multiple and Single Subject – Enrollment in program 7/1/03 – Internship credentials 7/1/03 – Teaching permits (Emergency/Provisional Internship PIP/Short-Term Staff - STSP) 7/1/03 Ensuring Educator Excellence 18 Commission on Teacher Credentialing EL Authorization on Documents Education Specialist – Preliminary credential 7/1/07 – Internship credential 7/1/07 – May be added to preliminary or clear document issued prior to 7/1/07 if IHE verifies completion – Teaching permits (Emergency/PIP/STSP) 7/1/07 Ensuring Educator Excellence 19 Commission on Teacher Credentialing SB 52 Career Technical Education Commission agenda item was presented at the November meeting One of the recommendations references a new CTE/EL standard Ensuring Educator Excellence 20 Commission on Teacher Credentialing SB 52 Recommendation 5. Require training for all CTE teachers in how to teach English learners. Rationale: All teachers of English learner students must have appropriate English learner training (EC 44001, 44253.1, 448300(a)). Teaching English learners was addressed minimally in the current Career Technical Education program standards under the topic of “special populations.” However, this type of teacher preparation should be increased and improved by updating the manner in which it is defined in the program and encouraging programs to integrate it throughout CTE teacher preparation. The revised program standards would address the knowledge and skills a teacher must have to work with English learners. Ensuring Educator Excellence 21 Commission on Teacher Credentialing 2008 Legislative Report on Assignment Monitoring Available on CTC website homepage under “Reports” link Provides statewide data results for the assignment monitoring conducted by County Offices of Education from September 2003 through June 2007 Ensuring Educator Excellence 22 Commission on Teacher Credentialing One-Fourth Assignment Monitoring Summary One-fourth of school districts monitored each year by county Summary of all districts monitored for report cycle 2003-2007 353, 368 certificated staff reviewed 22,352 or 6.3% of monitored staff reported as initially misassigned 12,077 or 54% of misassignments in English Learner assignments (Includes 270 bilingual misassignments) Ensuring Educator Excellence 23 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Online Documents Effective September 1, 2008, the Commission no longer prints, distributes, or mails paper documents – regardless of when the application was received or whether it was a direct or online application Documents are available through an online view and print process approximately 48 hours after the document has been processed Ensuring Educator Excellence 24 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Administrator’s Assignment Manual Updated September 2007 Available on CTC website and Credential Information Guide (CIG) Element within each section for ‘Commonly Asked Topics’ Ensuring Educator Excellence 25 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Questions? Comments? Thanks! Ensuring Educator Excellence 26