Chains Novel Worksheet Bundle

Name _________________________________________________________
Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson
Bundle Includes…
*Activity for Chains and The Declaration of Independence
*Worksheet for Yankee Doodle
*Worksheet for Appendix Guided Notes
*Cause and Effect Worksheet
*Vocabulary Worksheets
*Part I Chains Assessment
*Part II Chains Assessment
*Part I Study guide
* Part II Study Guide
*Characterization Worksheet
*Character Type Worksheet
Name _________________________________________________________
Reading Applications: The Declaration of Independence
Objectives: Students will…
Compare and contrast text features, including format and headers in terms of their structure and
Identify organizational structure and evaluate its effectiveness.
Compare and contrast the treatment, scope and organization of ideas from different sources on the
same topic.
Assess the adequacy and appropriateness of an author’s details.
Identify the author’s purpose and intended audience for the text.
Analyze the author’s argument, perspective or viewpoint and explain the development of key
Recognize how writers cite facts and present opinions in informational text.
Use The Declaration of Independence from your Social Studies book on pages 177-180, to
answer the questions below.
1. List the 4 headings from The Declaration of Independence. Then, state the purpose of each
heading. Do you think this heading is appropriate? Why or why not?
Is heading
Why or why not?
2. Which of the following is the organizational structure of The Declaration of Ind.?
a. chronological order
c. problem-solution
b. cause and effect
d. compare-contrast
Is this structure effective? Why or why not?
Name _________________________________________________________
3. Describe how the patriots and loyalists are portrayed in Chains. Compare that to how they are
each portrayed in The Declaration of Independence. (Think good guys, bad guys)
The Declaration of
4. Who is the intended audience of The Declaration of Independence?
a. the whole world
c. the British
b. Americans
d. the King
5. Identify the purpose of The Declaration of Independence.
6. How do the details within the “List of Grievances” adequately support the resolution posed by
the Patriots?
7. Cite 4 words, phrases, or sentences that show the authors opinions.
Ex. “the merciless, Indian savages” -the author obviously does not think highly of
Native Americans. I can infer this because of the words, “merciless” and “savage.”
Name _________________________________________________________
Yankee Doodle
Written By: Richard Shuckburgh, Copyright: Unknown
Objectives: Students will…
Determine the meanings of unknown words using dictionaries.
Infer the literal and figurative meaning of words and phrases.
Explain how an author’s choice of genre affects the expression of a theme or topic.
Yankee Doodle went to town
A-riding on a pony
Stuck a feather in his cap
And called it macaroni.
Yankee Doodle, keep it up
Yankee Doodle dandy
Mind the music and the step
And with the girls be handy.
Father and I went down to camp
Along with Captain Gooding
And there we saw the men and boys
As thick as hasty pudding.
Yankee Doodle, keep it up
Yankee Doodle dandy
Mind the music and the step
And with the girls be handy
There was Captain Washington
Upon a slapping stallion
A-giving orders to his men
I guess there were a million.
Yankee Doodle, keep it up
Yankee Doodle dandy
Mind the music and the step
And with the girls be handy
Yankee Doodle went to town
A-riding on a pony
Stuck a feather in his cap
And called it macaroni.
Yankee Doodle, keep it up
Name _________________________________________________________
Yankee Doodle dandy
Mind the music and the step
And with the girls be handy
Yankee Doodle, keep it up
Yankee Doodle dandy
Mind the music and the step
And with the girls be handy
Step 1: Circle 2-3 words from the song that you do not already know. Define these words with
a dictionary. Write the definitions next to the stanza.
Step 2: In a well-written and well organized paragraph, explain what you think the song it
talking about. It may be easiest to explain the lyrics, stanza by stanza. Defend your opinion.
Step 3: Describe the mood of the song. What is a possible theme? Infer how the information
would be presented differently if it were a different genre of writing. (newspaper, novel, text
book, ext.) How would the mood be different?
Step 4: Analyze how the song “Yankee Doodle” could be used as a symbol in Chains.
Name _________________________________________________________
Chains Guided Notes over Appendix
Q’s and A’s with Laurie Halse Anderson
Objective: Monitor own comprehension by note-taking.
I. Was Isabel based on a real person? What about the other characters?
A. Chains is a work of _______________________________.
B. Most of the characters are fictional.
C. The three “real” people in the book
II. What about battles? Were they real too?
A. The battles were real.
B. The British army had more than ____________ troops.
C. The Americans had _____________________ troops.
D. _________________________________ was the first major battle of the American
III. ________________________________________________________________
A. The American Revolution was also called, ________________________
B. Two reasons for the War
1. ________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________
C. Historians estimate that _______ percent of colonists were dedicated to breaking
away from Great Britian. ____________ wanted to remain a colony and __________
percent stayed neutral or supported the side that was winning.
D. Equally important to the war was the establishment of __________________.
IV. How many slaves lived in America at the time of the Revolution?
A. On the eve of the Revolution, ______________________________________.
V. Which side did African Americans fight for during the Revolution?
A. ______________________________________________________________.
B. On November 7, 1775, the Earl of Dunmore, declared that _______________
B. While the Patriots talked about freedom, _____________________________.
VI. I’m confused. I thought the British were the bad guys. But if they gave freedom to the
slaves, wouldn’t that make them the good guys? And the Patriot the bad guys?
A. _____________________________________________________________.
B. Most Americans supported the idea of ______________________________.
C. __________________________ and ____________________ freed their slaves in
their wills.
Name _________________________________________________________
D. America had to fight another war, _______________________, before all of our
people were free.
VII. So the Americans were good guys about liberty and bad guys about slavery? Does this
mean that the British were bad guys about liberty and good guys about slavery?
A. The British were not interested in freeing slaves because it was the right thing to do
but because they wanted to use the slaves to _________________________
_________________________________________________________________.B. If a
slave owned by a loyalist escaped to Britian,_______________________.
C. Slavery was completely banned throughout the British Empire in _________.
VIII. How was life different for slaves on big plantations, on small farms, and in cities?
A. On plantations, _________________________________________________.
B. On farms, _____________________________________________________.
C. In cities _______________________________________________________.
IX. What were the differences between servants, indentured servants, and slaves?
A. Servants were usually working-class white people, often recent immigrants.
1. Servants could quit their job.
B. An indentured servant was a _____________________________________.
1. ______________________________________________________.
C. Slaves ______________________________________________________.
1. ______________________________________________________.
X. Why don’t we hear much about the Revolution in New York City? What was the city like
back then?
A. The British occupied the city for almost the entire war.
XI. Are you sure there were slaves in New York back then?
A. Absolutely.
XII. __________________________________________________________________.
A. The fire was a terrible disaster.
B. Nearly _________________________ had burned to the ground.
XIII. Were conditions for the American prisoners of war really that bad?
A. Conditions were almost too horrible to describe.
B. _____________________________________________________________.
C. _____________________________________________________________.
D. Captured officers were treated differently because they were considered gentlemen
and they deserved to be treated by their higher social class.
E. More than __________________ American prisoners died in British captivity.
XIV. What happened to King George’s head?
A. It was destroyed.
Name _________________________________________________________
Directions: Chains is a series of cause and effect relationships. Fill in the graphic organizer
below with cause and effect relationships from the novel. Then, answer the questions on
Objective: Reading Applications: Identify and use the organizational structure of a text. (In
this instance, cause and effect) Then, evaluate its effectiveness.
Miss Mary Finch dies.
Lockton flees the city in a cheese
Isabel is missing and remembering
Christmas with her mother.
Isabel gives bread pudding to a
family in need in Canvas Town.
Name _________________________________________________________
1. Describe how the cause and effect relationships impact plot.
2. Change one of your answers in the effect column. Describe how this change
would impact the plot?
3. Give the story so far a rating between 1 – 5 with 1 being the worst, “I hate
this book,” and 5 being the best, “Love it!” Then describe why you like or
dislike it. Saying that it’s boring is not descriptive enough. Discuss topic,
plot, characters, ext.
Name _________________________________________________________
Chapter 3
Use context clues to match the following underlined words with their correct definition.
1. _____ As I folded the blankets, Mr.
Robert went out to the privy. (pg.13)
2. _____ It was a fanciful notion, but I
uncorked the jar, snatched a handful,
and buried it deep in my pocket.
3. _____ She looked familiar and
caused me to search my remembery.
4. _____ The proprietor called her over
to join us. (pg.15)
5. _____ “Auctions of people ain’t
seemly.” (pg.15)
6. _____ “Washington and his rabble
may have taken Boston, but that’s
the last thing they’ll take.” (pg. 19)
7. _____ “ Why not wait, Anne, and
procure another indentured girl in
New York?” (pg.20)
8. _____ “This one looks simple.”
9. _____ “Is she addlepated?” (pg. 21)
10. _____ “Insolence will not be
tolerated, not one bit.” (pg. 21)
11. _____ “My husband will tally your
account.” (pg.23)
12. _____ “Such impudence is
disturbing.” (pg.23)
13. What is the only thing Isabel takes?
Definitions to vocabulary
another word for memory
pack of animals
stupid and confused; mixed
E. an attitude marked by
F. the owner of a business
G. a silly idea
H. to be lacking in knowledge
I. add up your bill
J. lack of proper respect for
one’s position; disobedience
K. to get possession of
right in appearance
16. What is Isabel good at?
14. What state are they in?
15. Why does Mr. Robert allow the girls
to eat? _______________
17. What does Mr. Robert do with the
girls at the tavern?
Name _________________________________________________________
Chapter 4 & 5
Use context clues to match the words below with their definitions.
packet boat (pg.24)
cask (pg.24)
brackish (pg.24)
gentry (pg.27)
stout (pg.27)
livery (pg.27)
waistcoat (pg. 29)
fortifications (pg.29)
Tory (pg.31)
__________ a small vessel originally used by the government to ship mail
__________ upper or ruling class
__________ an American who sided with the British
__________ the distinctive clothing that was worn by people of rank
__________ the act of strengthening against the enemy
__________ barrel shaped containers
__________ built sturdy
__________ not appealing to the taste; somewhat salty
__________ a garment worn for decoration under a jacket
Rewrite these phrases according to their literal meaning.
“Word from Boston is that you still lick the king’s boots.” (pg.30)
“One of the proudest in our city.” (pg.35)
Answer the questions below in complete sentences.
Briefly explain how the Madame Lockton prevented the chest from being searched.
What do you think is in the chest?
Name _________________________________________________________
Chains Part I Assessment
Standard 2: Acquisition of Vocabulary
1. Jenny stirred the cauldron of stew. “Your mother and your father both. I held you when you
were just a day old. I heard she passed away last year. My condolences.”
Based on the sentence above, what is the best definition of condolences?
a. Appreciation
c. love
b. Sympathy
d. approval
2. When I opened the door, I was shocked to see not a messenger, but the rotund figure of Mr.
Goldbuttons. Instead of wearing a hat or coat, he had a long cloak draped over his head, and his
wig sat askew.
Based on the sentence above, which of the following is the best definition of askew?
a. in a crooked position
c. to be alone
b. in the dirt
d. on the head
3. “She speaks only Dutch,” Lady Seymour explained. “And she shows no inclination to learn
English, I’m afraid.”
Def. 1: a disposition or of the mind or will; a liking or preference
Def. 2 deviation or amount of deviation from a normal, esp. horizontal or vertical,
direction or position.
Def. 3 an inclined surface
Def. 4 the angle between the orbital plane of a planet and another given plane, usually
the ecliptic.
Which of the definitions above, is correct, as inclination is used in the sentence above?
a. Definition 1
c. Definition 3
b. Definition 2
d. Definition 4
4. “I was indentured when I was your age. Old Mister Malvone had five of us from Ireland,
along with near thirty slaves. Worked us all just as hard, but after seven years, I could walk
away, thank the Lord.”
Based on the sentence above, which of the following is the best definition of indentured?
a. given away
c. captured by pirates
b. married
d. bound by service
Name _________________________________________________________
5. Identify the type of figurative language used in the excerpt from page 49 below. Then, infer
the literal meaning of the excerpt. (2 points)
I was lost. I knew that we were in the cellar of a house on Wall Street owned by the
Locktons, in the city of New York, but it was like looking at a knot, knowing it was a
know, but not knowing how to untie it. I had no map for this life.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. My heart sang is an example of which of the following?
a. simile
c. personification
b. metaphor
d. foreshadowing
7. Identify the type of figurative language used in the excerpt from page 89 below. Then, infer
the literal meaning of the excerpt. (2 points)
I am a bookcase, I thought. I am a piece of furniture, not a girl who will remember every
word spoken in this room.
Standard 3: Reading Process: Comprehension
8. Make 2 predictions about Part II of Chains. Support each prediction with a detail from the
book. (4 points)
9. Compare and contrast Madam Lockton with Lady Seymour. (2 Points)
Name _________________________________________________________
Madam Lockton
Lady Seymour
10. How does Master Lockton smuggle in money to bribe the Patriots?
a. in the bureau
c. Madam Lockton carried the money
b. in with Isabel and Ruth d. Bellingham carried the money
11. Describe Ruth’s role in the Lockton house. Why is she chosen for this role? How does her
role change over time? Why? (4 points)
12. What is the new name that Lady Seymour gives Isabel?
a. Sal
c. Ruth
b. Sue
d. Becky
13. Describe the plan of the Loyalist on page 88- 92. What is the purpose of the signing of the
quill? ( 2 Points)
14. How does Master Lockton escape the Patriots?
a. he hides in the cellar
c. he leaves in the middle of the night
b. he escapes by horse
d. he leaves in a cheese crate
15. What punishment does Isabel receive from the Judge for trying to escape?
a. she is beaten
c. she is branded
b. she is whipped
d. she is tarred and feathered
Standard 4: Informational Text
16. Recently, we analyzed The Declaration of Independence. What is the organizational
structure of this document? Feel free to look back in your S.S book.
a. chronological order
c. cause-effect
b. problem-solution
d. compare-contrast
Name _________________________________________________________
17. Each chapter begins with an excerpt from a piece of non-fiction text. What do you think is
the purpose of these various newspaper articles, letters, documents and pamphlets? (2 Points)
Standard 5: Reading Applications: Literary Text
18. The main plot of Chains revolves around Isabel’s struggles as a slave. List 2 subplots.
Then, analyze how each subplot affects the larger plot. ( 4 Points)
19. What is the mood of Chains?
a. scary
b. mysterious
c. joyful
d. sorrowful
20. Isabel has been hit by Madam Lockton on two separate occasions. Which of the following is
the correct term for a recurring event in a text?
a. parallel episode
c. flashback
b. subplot
d. metaphor
21. Infer what the seeds may symbolize in Chains. Support your answer with details from the
book. Look back to pages 13, 14, and 84. (2 Points)
22. Chains is an example of historical fiction. How would the topic of slavery be presented
differently if it were expressed in a different genre? (2 Points)
23. Isabel falls asleep after drinking milk made by Madam Lockton. At the time, she welcomes
the sleep. But, the chapter ends on page 129 with, “For that, I shall never forgive myself.” This
is an example of which of the following terms?
a. flashback
c. personification
b. foreshadow
d. climax
Name _________________________________________________________
24. To fight for liberty, is a recurring theme in Chains. Defend this theme with two examples
from the book. (2 Points)
Chains Part II Assessment
Answer the questions below, over Part II of Chains.
Standard 2: Acquisition of Vocabulary
1. The sentence below, shows an example of which of the following?
July marched out and August sailed in on a suffocating tide.
a. simile
b. metaphor
c. personification
d. flashback
2. Identify the type of figurative language used below. Then, describe the literal meaning of the
sentence. (2 Points)
“A scar is a sign of strength,” he said quietly. “The sign of a survivor.” He leaned
forward and lightly kissed my cheek, right on the branding mark. His lips felt like a
butterfly that landed once, then fluttered away. (pg. 167)
3. Which of the following types of figurative language is used in the sentence below?
Walking down Broadway I was a fish swimming in the wrong direction. Everyone else in
New York flowed north and fought against my progress. (pg. 175)
a. simile
b. metaphor
c. personification
d. alliteration
4. Based on the context clues, which of the following is the best definition of wench?
Lady Seymour had just requested Isabel’s service at her home to help take care of the
Name _________________________________________________________
Madam gave a little shudder. “Hessians.” The hired soldiers from Germany had a
fearsome reputation. She crumpled the paper. “I will not perform housework like a
common wench. Tell her to hire someone.” (pg. 187)
a. woman servant
b. slave
c. distinguished woman
d. wife
5. Identify the type of figurative language used below. Then, describe the literal meaning of the
sentences. (2 points)
I kicked again, at the same spot. The potatoes under me shifted and the mug of water
overturned. I kicked a third time. The boards did not move at all. I cursed the carpenter
who built this tomb.
There has to be a way out. (pg. 284)
6. Which of the following definitions is correct for apprehensive as used in the passage below?
It is with much concern that I am to inform your Lordship the unfortunate and untimely
defeat at the Trenton has thrown us further back, than was at first apprehended, from the
great encouragement given to the rebels. (pg. 256)
Def. 1: to take into custody
Def. 2: to understand
Def. 3: to expect
a. Definition 1
b. Definition 2
c. Definition 3
d. none of the above
7. Identify the type of figurative language used in the excerpt from page 217 below. Then,
describe the literal meaning of the excerpt. (2 Points)
A giant guard opened up. “Wot do ye want?” he growled. He looked like he had been
fashioned by setting boulders atop boulders; his hands were iron mallets and his face
rough-carved out of granite. He was a mountain clothed in a lobsterback uniform.
8. Which of the following definitions is correct for milling as used in the excerpt below?
Name _________________________________________________________
The cell was little bigger than the one I had been confined in. It was filled with men and
boys milling around like nervous cattle into a goat pen. (pg. 218)
Def. 1:
Def. 2:
Def. 3:
Def. 4:
to move around aimlessly, slowly, or confusingly
to grind or work in a mill
to beat or stir; as to froth
to beat or strike
a. Definition 1
b. Definition 2
c. Definition 3
d. Definition 4
9. Which of the following types of figurative language is used in the sentence below?
“This will have to do. Halibut is rare as hen’s teeth today.”
a. simile
b. metaphor
c. personification
d. alliteration
10. Identify the relationship in the analogy below. Then, infer the word meaning of the
italicized words. (2 Points)
Lady Seymour : admirable :: Madam Lockton : repulsive
Standard 3: Reading Process: Comprehension
11. Read the excerpt from page 161 below and answer the questions. (4 Points)
“Sorry.” He released me, and I released him. “I’m sorry for your sister and your face
and your broken head.” He wiggled his thumb. “A hundred times as sorry as the hills.”
I moved to shut the gate in his face.
He held it open. “We all have scars Isabel.”
“I’ll never talk to you again.” I threw myself against the gate, shut it, and threw home
the latch.
Should Curzon feel responsible for what happened to Isabel? Why or why not? Infer what
Curzon means by, “We all have scars Isabel.” Do you agree with that statement?
Name _________________________________________________________
12. Describe the conditions of the jail. Use at least 2 specific examples from the book. (2
13. Why is Curzon a soldier?
a. he believes in the Patriots cause
b. he wants to make Bellingham proud
c. he can be with his family that way
d. he was promised freedom for enlisting in Bellingham’s place
14. What is Isabel given when she goes to pick up supplies for Madam Lockton?
a. Common Sense
c. a piece of scrap metal
b. seeds
d. food
15. Why does Isabel offer to fetch the water every day in the freezing cold?
a. she wants some fresh air
b. she wants to get away from the house
c. she wants to sneak off to the prison
d. she wants to see grandfather at the water pump
16. Lady Seymour tells Madam Lockton that she has been sending Isabel to the prison. Infer
why Lady Seymour would cover for Isabel. Describe Madam Lockton’s reaction to her going to
the prison. (2 Points)
17. On Christmas, Isabel makes bread pudding. What does she do with it?
a. gives it to a family at Canvastown
b. eats it with the other servants
c. gives it to Lady Seymour
d. offers it to the Locktons as a piece offering
18. Describe in detail, Isabel’s escape. What steps does she take to lessen her risk of capture?
(4 Points)
19. How does Isabel get Curzon out of jail?
Name _________________________________________________________
a. he plays dead
b. she bribes the guard
c. Bellingham gets him out
d. the war is over
20. Predict what will happen to Isabel and Curzon at the end of the novel. Use details from the
text to support your answer. (4 Points)
Standard 4: Reading Applications: Literary Text
21. Identify the character type(s) of Isabel and Madam Lockton. Describe how each character is
that character type, citing details from the text. (4 Points)
Round: character is multi-dimensional with a lot of known characteristics
Flat: character is one-dimensional with only one outstanding characteristic
Static: character does not change over the course of the story
Dynamic: character undergoes a change during the story
22. Which of the following is an example of a subplot?
the confrontation between the Patriots and the Loyalist
Lady Seymour is rich
Madam Lockton is hateful
Master Lockton riding away in the cheese crate
23. Chains is written in First Person Point of View. Infer how the story would be different if it
were in a different point of view. (2 Points)
24. Mood is the overall feeling of a work of literature. How does the mood change from the
beginning, middle and end of Chains? What is the mood at the end of the novel? (2 Points)
Name _________________________________________________________
25. The passage below, is an example of which of the following?
Her gaze returned to the logs in the hearth. “Take care how you go, Isabel. Many
people think it is a fine and Christian thing to help prisoners. I do not think my niece is one of
them.” (pg. 227)
a. flashback
b. foreshadowing
c. figurative language
d. symbol
26. When Madam Lockton slaps Isabel on page 281, this is an example of which of the
a. flashback
c. personification
b. foreshadowing
d. parallel episode
27. What is one theme from Chains? Defend this theme with at least 3 examples from the text.
(4 Points)
28. Define conflict. What is the main conflict in Chains? Define climax. What is the climax of
Chains? (4 Points)
Name _________________________________________________________
Chains Part I
Study Guide
Answer the questions below on a separate sheet of paper.
Standard 2: Acquisition of Vocabulary
1. Find the words listed below. Make an educated guess for each word using the context clues. Check
your answers with a dictionary.
inquire (pg.10)
beholden (pg.39)
fervently (pg. 85)
proprietor (pg. 15)
quest (pg.66)
askew (pg.107)
accommodating (pg. 28)
inclination (pg.77)
melancholy (pg.123)
2. Identify each type of figurative language. Then, infer the literal meaning of the sentence.
a. The Locktons and Charles walked to the land end of the dock. Ruth and me followed a few
steps behind, little mice trailing behind dogs that were fixing to fight. (pg. 29)
b. New York is a ball tossed between the Loyalist and the Patriots. (pg.39)
c. Ruth stood there like a carved statue, her finger still held to her lips. (pg. 56)
d. My belly growled and grumbled in its cage. (pg.59)
e. The walls have ears. (pg.102)
f. As I scrubbed, my mind ran in circles, like a dog chasing its tail. (pg. 122)
Standard 3: Reading Process: Comprehension
3. Summarize Part I of Chains, in a well-organized, half-page essay.
4. Compare and contrast the two different plans created by the loyalists.
5. What is the only thing that Isabel takes with her from Rhode Island? What could they possibly
Standard 4: Informational Text
6. Review the organizational structure of The Declaration of Independence.
Name _________________________________________________________
7. Infer the purpose of the various quotes, newspaper articles, ext. at the beginning of each chapter.
Standard 5: Reading Applications: Literary Text
8. Define subplot. Describe one of the subplots in Chains. How does the subplot affect the main plot?
9. Define mood. What are some possible moods of Chains.
10. Define parallel episode. Describe a parallel episode from Chains.
11. Define theme. What is a possible theme of Chains?
Chains Part II
Study Guide
Answer the questions below on a separate piece of paper.
Standard 2: Acquisition of Vocabulary
1. Use the context clues to infer the meaning of the words below. After, you’ve made a guess
based on the context clues, feel free to check your answers in the dictionary.
a. scurrying (pg. 169)
b. quaint (pg. 184)
c. wench (pg. 187)
d. bade (pg. 198)
e. meekly (pg. 233)
f. impudence (pg. 263)
2. Identify the type of figurative language used in each excerpt below. Then, describe the literal
meaning of the sentences.
July marched out and August sailed in on a suffocating tide. (pg. 158)
The rooftop beyond that was a lake of fire. (pg. 192)
Her heartbeat was light and fast as bird’s wings beating against a cage. (pg. 193)
We passed a family, all in their nightclothes, throwing buckets of water against the
wall of their house, as the fire chewed through the wood. (pg. 194)
e. The sky was a black curtain; the stars, ice chips whittled by an old knife. (pg. 213)
Standard 3: Reading Comprehension
3. Where does Isabel end up after her time in the stocks? Who saves her?
4. Describe the slaves’ opinion of the war. Are they for the Patriots or Loyalist?
5. Why did Curzon decide to join the Patriots? Describe the conditions of the jail.
6. Describe the relationship between Lady Seymour and Isabel.
7. What leads up to Isabel’s escape? Explain the events of her escape.
8. Predict what will happen after the novel ends. Use details from the text.
Name _________________________________________________________
Standard 4: Literary Text
9. Define the four character types. (Round, Flat, Static, Dynamic)
10. What is a subplot in Chains?
11. What point of view is Chains?
12. Identify 2 examples of foreshadowing in Chains.
13. Define theme. What is a theme in the novel?
14. Summarize Part II of Chains. Be sure to identify the conflict and climax.
Characterization in Chains
Use the book to complete the two charts below for two characters from Chains. In
each column, provide examples of Indirect or Direct Characterization for each
character. Be sure to give the quote and page number.
Direct Characterization: The writer tells the reader the character’s traits and
Indirect Characterization: The writer reveals personality through description of
character and dialogue.
1. Isabel
Indirect Characterization
Direct Characterization
Name _________________________________________________________
2. Pick ONE character of your choice to complete the second chart.
(Mr. Robert, Jenny, Madam Lockton, Mr. Lockton)
Indirect Characterization
Direct Characterization
Name _________________________________________________________