Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering The OGI School

Campus Wide
Learning Outcomes
Poster Showcase
May 22, 2008
Critical and Creative Thinking
1. Student Affairs, Advising - Joan Jagodnik & Mirela Blekic
2. Psychology - Gabriela Mortorell, Bob Sinclair, & Todd Bodner
3. Applied Linguistics - Laura Koonce
4. Applied Linguistics {student work session) - Ben Evans (GA)
5. Conflict Resolution – Amanda Smith Byron & Rob Gould
6. Mathematics – Paul Latiolais, Joyce O’Halloran, & Jon McClintik (GA)
7. Theater Arts – Judy Patton & Karin Magaldi
8. Graduate School of Education – Steve Isaacson & Serap Emil
9. Social Work [new UG major] – Joy Rhodes & Lisa Loewenthal (GA)
Ethics and Social Responsibility
10. Mechanical and Materials Engineering – Gerry Roecktenwald & Far Etesami
11. Student Affairs, Student Leadership – Aimee Shattuck
12. School of Community Health (student work session) – Ben Evans (GA)
13. Applied Linguistics – Brodie Lewis
14. Community Development – Richard White
15. Student Affairs – Nancy Feltner & Erika Wallin
16. Foreign Languages – Reuben Vyn (GA)
17. Applied Linguistics – Emily Hough
18. Community Development (student work session) – Ben Evans (GA)
Critical Thinking Goal
Applied Psychology Undergraduate Major
Gabriela A. Martorell, Ph.D.
Bob Sinclair, Ph. D.
Todd Bodner, Ph.D.
Department of Applied Psychology
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Critical Thinking and Applied Psychology
Applied psychology has the goal of advancing knowledge through a scientific approach to human behavior and experience while addressing
significant issues facing society
In order to do this, students must respect and use critical and creative thinking, skeptical inquiry and, when possible, the scientific approach to solve
problems related to behavior and mental processes (APA, 2002)
Necessary knowledge for this process includes (1) Research Design; (2) Psychological Measurement; (3) Statistical Analysis; and (4) Foundations of
Psychological Inquiry and Statistical Inference
Relationship of Critical Thinking Goal to the Curriculum
Required courses: Statistics 243, Statistics 244, PSY 321 (Research Methods)
Elective courses: PSY 207 (Introduction to Applied Psychology), PSY 399/401/404/405 (by-arrangement courses), PSY 430 (Applied Social
Psychology), PSY 454 (Experimental Psychology), PSY 465 ( Applied Developmental Psychology), PSY 495 (Psychological Test Construction),
PSY 497 (Applied Survey Research, PSY 498 (Field Observation Methods)
Content Domain for Psychological Research Methods
Research Design
Psychological Measurement
Statistical Analysis
Foundations of Psychological Inquiry &
Statistical Inference
For lab/field experiments:
For basic validity concepts
[Construct, Content, Predictive]
For central tendency measures
[Mean, Median, Mode]
For the scientific method:
Describe characteristics of the design
Choose an appropriate design for a research question.
Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the design.
Define validity in general
Distinguish forms of validity
Evaluate the quality of a measure in terms of its validity
Define the basic concept
Choose the appropriate test for a particular situation
Interpret central tendency statistical analyses
Define & distinguish among:
Hypothesis & Theory
Construct & Operational definition
Narrative review & meta-analysis
Replication & Generalizability
Internal and external validity
For survey/questionnaires:
For basic reliability concepts
[test-retest, internal consistency, inter-rater]
For variability measures
[standard deviation, range]:
For research ethics:
[Informed consent, Debriefing, Internal review board]
Describe characteristics of the design
Choose an appropriate design for a research question.
Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the design.
Define reliability in general
Distinguish forms of reliability
Evaluate the quality of a measure in terms of its reliability
Define the basic concept
Choose the appropriate test for a particular situation
Interpret central tendency statistical analyses
Define key terms:
Evaluate whether a study has potential ethical concerns.
For alternative research methods [Case studies, Observational
research, Qualitative research]
For various forms of psych. Measurement [Self-report,
Objective, Physiological, Rated]
For measures of bivariate Association [r, t-test, ANOVA, etc.]
For hypothesis testing issues
Describe characteristics of the design
Choose an appropriate design for a research question.
Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the design.
Describe the basic characteristics of the measurement strategy
Critically evaluate the measurement strategy.
Define the basic concept
Interpret results of tests of bivariate association
Choose the right test for a particular situation.
Define key terms such as:
Power & Sample Size
p-value & confidence intervals
Effect size
Sample & Population
Chance & ruling out alternate explanations
Psychology Department Assessment Activity
In the 2003-2004 academic year, approximately 600 undergraduate students were asked to answer questions on the four critical domains of
information. This assessment consisted of 10 questions of varying degrees of difficult per domain, for a total of 40 questions, and was conducted
over the web. Data was also collected on student major and number of credits completed thus far in psychology coursework.
How well do majors and non-majors perform?
How does our curriculum affect performance?
Credits in
0-12 SCH
12-24 SCH
24-36 SCH
36+ SCH
Future Plans for Assessment Activity
Plans are currently underway to collect data in fall 2009 psychology undergraduate courses. This data will be used to determine if practices instituted
in the Psychology Department since the 2003-2004 assessment, particularly with respect to student advising, have impacted what students learn.
Communication Learning Goal
Graduate Program in Conflict Resolution
Amanda Smith Byron, MIA
Core Faculty
Draft Communication Learning Goal
Students will demonstrate competency in oral and written communication, and with
Conflict Resolution skills and practices
Why is Communication Relevant and Important to Conflict Resolution?
Communication is the action of conflict resolution. In the interdisciplinary field of Conflict Resolution,
communication is key, both in the context of conflict resolution theory, and in terms of conflict resolution
practice. The tools we employ to engage others, and the skills with which we do so, have a direct impact on
the productive or destructive nature of conflict, and on the success of resolution.
Theoretical Understanding
Verbal Skills
Written Abilities
Conflict Communication/Intercultural
Communication Theories
Reflective Writing
Academic Writing
Public Speaking/Presentation
How is Communication Learned, Practiced, and Integrated for Students?
All of the Conflict Resolution courses include a learning objective that relates to the goal of communication,
and some have a more integral emphasis. Some examples of courses that emphasize communication are
electives such as: CR407/507 Academic Writing, CR410/510 Dialogue Processes, CR301U Introduction to
Conflict Resolution, CR410/510 Nonviolent Communication; and core graduate courses such as: CR524
Advanced Mediation, CR526 Intercultural Conflict Resolution, CR515 Negotiation and Mediation, and
CR512 Perspectives in Conflict Resolution.
How is Student Achievement of Communication Assessed?
Student achievement of the CR communication goal is measured through various methods. Written
communication is directly assessed through the evaluation of random work samples, based on the rubric
below. Indirect evaluation of student communication takes place through consideration of student grades, and
a summary of students’ end-of-course evaluations, which capture self-assessed success in reaching
communication goals.
No evidence
Insufficient demonstration of
student learning objectives
Average demonstration of
student learning objectives
Student demonstrates competency in written communication.
Student effectively utilizes a conflict resolution style of
Student incorporates understandings of relevant conflict
communication and/or intercultural communication theories.
Good demonstration of student
learning objectives
Student shows competence in academic writing ability.
Excellent demonstration of
student learning objectives
Student is able to articulate original insights through reflective
Diversity Goal
Graduate Teacher Education Program (GTEP)
Steve Isaacson, Associate Dean for Academics
Serap Emil, Assessment Graduate Assistant
Graduate School of Education
Importance of the Diversity Goal to Graduate School of Education:
GSE Vision: Preparing professionals to meet our diverse communities’ life long educational needs.
GSE Conceptual Framework:
We prepare our candidates to provide leadership in;
Diversity & Inclusiveness:
• to work effectively with diverse populations.
• to promote inclusive and therapeutic environments.
GSE Philosophy (GSE Guiding Principles):
• We create and sustain educational environments that serve all students and address diverse
needs (Diversity & Inclusiveness).
Relationship of Diversity Goal to the Curriculum:
Current courses with Diversity dimensions: CI 514-Multicultural & Urban Education, CI 512-Teaching and
Learning, SpEd 418/518-Survey of Exceptional Learners, CI 550/551/552/553- Student Teaching I & II.
In each of these courses, we introduce ideas about diversity and inclusiveness that are expanded and
applied in other courses and initial field experiences or student teaching throughout the program.
Diversity Learning Goal:
• Able to teach students of diverse backgrounds.
Graduates of our program will be prepared to deal effectively with students from diverse social,
cultural, and economic backgrounds, and are informed about issues of race, class, and gender.
They will be prepared to challenge racism, sexism, and inequality in their professional roles and
will work to educate all students to live in an increasingly diverse society.
An Example: CI 550/551/552/553
Student Teaching I & II
• Student Teaching evaluations include criteria that
reflect student skills and dispositions related to diversity.
• The items are taken directly from state administrative
rules (see samples below). These are evaluated by both
the university supervisor and on-site supervisor.
Several of the Student Learning Objectives
•Description of the classroom: Includes discussion of
cultural and linguistic diversity and the degree to which it
is considered in classroom instruction.
•Description of student factors: Includes information
about students with exceptionalities (IEPs, TAG, 504
plans, etc.)
•Differentiation of instruction: Activities have been
thoughtfully and creatively chosen to address the
learning needs of all students in the class.
•Interpretation/explanation of learning gains:
Analysis takes into account differences among individual
students, including language, culture, and
Diversity and Inclusiveness in
the GSE Conceptual Framework
Diversity Goal
Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Work (B.A.S.W.)
Joy Rhodes, MSW
School of Social Work
Importance of the Diversity Goal to Social Work:
This goal is fundamental to the social work profession as articulated in the School of Social Work’s mission
The School of Social Work is committed to the enhancement of the individual and society. Further values and
beliefs include a dedication to social change and to the attainment of social justice for all peoples, the
eradication of poverty, the empowerment of oppressed peoples, the right of all individuals and groups to
determine their own destinies, and the opportunity to live in harmony and cooperation. While the school
maintains a special commitment to these values, it recognizes the need for joining with others in society who
are working toward this same purpose.
Relationship of Diversity Goal to the Curriculum:
• Current courses with Diversity dimensions: SW 301- Intro to Social Work Practice , SW 439 – Diversity and
Social Justice , CFS 491 – Conceptual Foundations in Child and Family Studies, CFS 492 – Family Law and
Policy, SW 400 – Practicum & seminar I, II, III, SW 430-432 – Generalist Social Work Practice I, II, III and
SW 450-451 – Research Methods for Social Work Practice I & II.
• The Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Work is committed to prepare graduates for entry level professional
practice. As professional practitioners, social workers must be accountable, legally and ethically, to the stated
purposes of the profession that includes commitment to diversity and social justice.
Draft Diversity Learning Goal:
Understand the importance of maintaining a diversity perspective & awareness in Social Work
SW 439 - Diversity and Social Justice focuses on the dynamics of oppression and how forms of social
injustice are manifested within different social groups and diverse cultures. The framework, or "lens" for
an anti-oppression practice is established in this cornerstone course and is reinforced in every course
throughout the curriculum.
An Example: SW 439 Diversity
and Social Justice
Diversity and Social Justice
Course Assignments
Course Description
This course is based on the premise that understanding and
grappling with diversity and oppression issues begins with
self-reflection, and must include learning from one another as
students bring their experiences, knowledge, and analyses to
mutual learning and reflection. This class blends lectures,
videos, discussion, small and large group activities, papers,
and presentations.
Several of the Student Learning Objectives
• Articulate critical frameworks for understanding oppression, liberation
and social, political and economic justice.
• Have a detailed understanding of historical accounts, experiences and
treatment of diverse populations in the United States.
• Point to research that explores cross-cultural theories and practice.
• Have a greater sense of self awareness, particularly around their multiple
cultural identities and identify, navigate and locate themselves within
ethical dilemmas, particularly those related to cross-cultural differences. .
• Utilize skills to examine inter-group relations and policies that affect
subordinated groups.
•Articulate an awareness of interlocking dynamics of multiple identities
{e.g., race, ethnicity, social class, gender, sexual orientation, and
4. Self-Reflection
3. Taking Action for
2. Multi-culture Mapping
1. Culture Chest
The four assignments build on each other. The Culture Chest will explore
some of the students’ social and cultural identities, as well as let them
know their classmates better. The Multi-Culture Mapping assignment
examines their membership in social identity groups within a larger
societal context. In the third assignment, the students participate in, and
reflect on, Taking Action for Personal and Social Change. Finally, the
Self Reflection Paper gives students the opportunity to critically explore
their own learning throughout the term.
Ethics and Social Responsibility Goal
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Gerald Recktenwald and Faryar Etesami
Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science
Importance of Ethics and Social Responsibility to Engineering:
Engineers have a professional obligation to practice within the bounds of their expertise, to contribute
faithfully and truthfully in public discourse, to protect the intellectual property and fiscal integrity of their
employer, and to act honestly and in good faith when dealing with other companies.
Ethics and Social Responsibility in the Curriculum:
In the context of a liberal education
Mechanical Engineering students are exposed to classical issues in ethics and social responsibility through
the University Studies curriculum.
In the major
Professional ethics and social responsibility are discussed in a case study and guest lecture in ME 493
Results of Our Program Assessment:
Reliance on Indirect Assessment
Student achievement in ethics and social responsibility is not measured directly
Surveys of Juniors, Seniors and Alumni are used to measure student opinions on success and usefulness of
their education
Direct assessment should be integrated into capstone project assignments and reports
Need for Integrating Professional Standards Throughout the Curriculum
The MME Department is beginning a comprehensive review of the BSME Curriculum
There is general agreement that we need to introduce professional practices and standards earlier in the
The ASME Code of Ethics
In the Curriculum
Fundamental Principles
Case Study: The Columbia Disasters
Engineers uphold and advance the integrity, honor and dignity of the engineering
profession by:
I. Using their knowledge and skill for the enhancement of human welfare;
II. Being honest and impartial, and serving with fidelity their clients (including
their employers) and the public; and
III. Striving to increase the competence and prestige of the engineering profession.
The Fundamental Canons
1. Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public in
the performance of their professional duties.
2. Engineers shall perform services only in the areas of their competence; they
shall build their professional reputation on the merit of their services and shall
not compete unfairly with others.
3. Engineers shall continue their professional development throughout their careers
and shall provide opportunities for the professional and ethical development of
those engineers under their supervision
4. Engineers shall act in professional matters for each employer or client as faithful
agents or trustees, and shall avoid conflicts of interest or the appearance of
conflicts of interest.
5. Engineers shall respect the proprietary information and intellectual property
rights of others, including charitable organizations and professional societies in
the engineering field.
6. Engineers shall associate only with reputable persons or organizations.
7. Engineers shall issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner
and shall avoid any conduct which brings discredit upon the profession.
8. Engineers shall consider environmental impact and sustainable development in
the performance of their professional duties.
9. Engineers shall not seek ethical sanction against another engineer unless there is
good reason to do so under the relevant codes, policies and procedures
governing that engineer’s ethical conduct.
10. Engineers who are members of the Society shall endeavor to abide by the
Constitution, By-Laws and Policies of the Society, and they shall disclose
knowledge of any matter involving another member’s alleged violation of this
Code of Ethics or the Society’s Conflicts of Interest Policy in a prompt,
complete and truthful manner to the chair of the Committee on Ethical
Standards and Review.
The explosion of the Columbia Space Shuttle provides a dramatic context for
discussing what happens when professional concerns are overriden by
managerial decisions
Roger Boisjoly was an engineer in the Applied Mechanics Division of Morton
Thiokol. In 1985 he alerted Morton Thiokol, the manufacturer of the solid
rocket booster used on the shuttle, that a critical O-ring seal was not reliable
and could result in catastrophic failure of the massively explosive booster.
In January 1986, the Challenger shuttle exploded shortly after launch. Weather
conditions -- record low temperatures on the eve of the launch -- exacerbated
the mechanical weakness in the O-ring design flaw.
Investigations revealed that the decision to launch was made over the objection
of several other engineers who became aware of the O-ring weakness.
Guest Lecture: Matt Carter from Boeing
Personal ethical decisions in dealing with co-workers
Working with management pressures to achieve corporate goals.
Working with vendors
Managing competitive bids
Internationalization Goal
Community Development Undergraduate Major
Richard L. White, PhD
Nohad Toulan School of Urban Studies & Planning
College of Urban and Public Affairs
Importance of the Internationalization Goal to NTSUSP:
•Increasing student interest in International Community Development theory & practice
•Student population with international experience prior to their academic career
•Faculty with international planning & community development experience & involvement
•The goal is consistent with the other Community Development major learning goals & with the dominant
themes of our school: Planning, Community Development, Sustainable Urban Development
•We currently do not have an explicit International learning goal & we need to help students & faculty alike
understand the academic, research, & service components as they relate to Intl Community Development.
Relationship of Internationalization Goal to the Curriculum:
•Current courses with International dimensions: USP 317 Introduction to International Community
Development; USP 409 International CD Field Seminar; USP 424 Healthy Cities; USP 445 Cities & Third
World Development; USP 490 Green Economics & Sustainable Development
•The CD undergraduate program is concerned with equity, environment, economics, culture, & other
Community Development sustainability themes related to globalism & globalization
Draft International Learning Goal:
Understand the importance of maintaining an international perspective & awareness in Community
Development (Caveat: this goal has a single dimension – “understand” – we envision additional skill-based dimensions)
• the diverse needs & perceptions of the global community, especially the “developing world”
• the ways in which actions in the developed world impact the developing world
• the unique assets of local global communities
• the ways in which locality is important to community & individual identity
• the similarities & differences between domestic & international community development
An Example: USP 409 International
Community Development Field Seminar
Course Description
A field seminar course in International Community Development
(ICD) limited to 10 undergraduates with preference to Community
Development majors. Students traveled to Nicaragua to visit a
variety of government, non-government, and private organizations
engaged in international community development. Students
received instruction in the culture and history of Nicaragua,
observed urban and rural ICD, met with and interviewed
indigenous, expatriate, and volunteer staff and executive directors.
The seminar culminated in a cloud forest reserve to reflect, compile
field notes, and synthesize the experience into a rough draft paper
before returning to the U.S.
Seminar Structure
Observation / Interview – 11 organizations, including NGOs,
Government Agencies, Sustainable Businesses, Marketing
Cooperatives, and Campo Cooperatives.
USP 407 Nicaragua 2007:
Observation /
International Community Development Seminar : “Best Practices”
July 14, 2007
Student Initial Draft Report – Tisey Eco-Posada, Nicaragua
Undergraduate Seminar Participants:
Kevin Boles-Friscia
Luke Bonham
Ryan Cloutier
Katie Colgan
Nevin Freeman
Betsy Nolan
Brad Pizzimenti
Emily Rankin
Colin Rath
Nikolai Ursin
Ten undergraduates from Portland State University spent two weeks in
Nicaragua to study International Community Development. Our goal was to
understand “best practices” of organizations that impact community in
Nicaragua by traveling and observing them. This took us to eleven different
organizations. The types of organizations observed included non-governments,
businesses, non-profits, restaurants, farms, and cooperatives. In addition we
sought to identify any shared characteristics that would lead us to an idea of
those best practices as they might be applied universally.
The study participants consisted of mostly upperclassman in the fields of
International Studies and Community Development. We were lead by Dr.
Richard White and Portland State graduate Chuck Fisher. Dr. White provided
the framework from which to conduct our study. He served as a mentor by
coaching us in interview methods, conducting team meetings, and assisting us
in directing our focus. Marian Parsons was indispensable as our logistician and
During each visit we conducted interviews with at least one member of each
organization. We tried to gain an understanding of several aspects of the
organization. These aspects included environment, people, structure, and task.
This method allowed us to compare and contrast each organization with the
others as well as understand the nature of their work.
Environment was analyzed within three sub-categories: technological, sociocultural, and physical. The examination of People included members of the
organization as well as members of community. Task gave us a window into the
problem that the organization was trying to solve and the ways they went about
it. Finally, we examined organization structure to understand how decisions are
made and other organizations they are working with.
Critical Reflection – required activities: morning orientations,
maintain field notebooks, personal journals, photographs, attend
evening group reflection sessions, and engage in two working
retreats – Laguna de Apoyo & Tisey
Abstract Conceptualization – Student compiled “First Final
Draft” paper during 3-day writing retreat in Tisey Eco-Posada in
the Tisey Mountain Reserve of NW Nicaragua.