ENG 528: Language Change Research Seminar Sociophonetics: An Introduction Chapter 5: Vowels Duration Several uses in speech: • phonological contrasts in quantity (i.e., long vs. short vowels, tense vs. lax vowels, single vs. geminate consonants) • as a phonetic cue for other phonological distinctions (especially voiced vs. voiceless consonants, but also fricatives vs. stops, etc.) • word stress • other prosodic functions, especially phrase-final lengthening • overall rate of speech Determining onsets and offsets Cues to watch for: • vocal pulsing • appearance or cessation of F2 • aspiration or frication • stop bursts • basically, any discontinuity • adjacent vowels and contiguous vowels and approximants present special problems Some Examples Know what formant patterns to expect! 200 i y 300 u e 400 o 500 F1 in Hz •F1 and F2 are far apart for high front vowels •F1 and F2 are close together for low back and back rounded vowels •F1 is inversely correlated with height •F2 is directly correlated with advancement •Lip rounding lowers some formant values 600 700 800 900 a 1000 2500 2000 1500 F2 in Hz 1000 500 Where do you measure? It depends on what you want to show: • Are you looking at vowel shifting patterns? • Are you showing means or individual tokens? • Are you interested in dynamic patterns of vowels? • If so, are you looking at general diphthongization, consonantal transitions, or details of formant trajectories? If you need only one point • for studies of vowel shifting • for comparison of different tokens of a phoneme to check for conditioned allophony • for comparison of different tokens to see how much spread there is or if the spread shows a geometric pattern • to see how much different phonemes overlap (especially if a merger is possible) Where to measure a single point • Dead center of the vowel: less subjective than other methods, but no good for diphthongs doesn’t always represent a vowel’s closest approach to its target • Points where F1 or F2 reach extreme values: usually works, but problematic if consonantal transition patterns cause the onset or offset to show the most extreme value extreme F1 and F2 patterns don’t always match up • In a steady state if there is a steady state, that is If you need more than one point • Used to examine dynamic aspects of vowels • Dynamic aspects include: Diphthongization: usually, you need only two or three points Transitions to and from neighboring segments; only two or three points are needed Sometimes, more local patterns, such as convex/concave patterns, interference from harmonics, etc.; you need a lot of points for these kinds of problems • Be aware that too much data on one graph becomes hard to read Where to measure multiple points Two basic approaches: • At even intervals through the vowel (percentages or fractions) • At specified distances in ms from each other or from onset or offset • Each has advantages and disadvantages An example • word is cloud Plotting (1) • Old-fashioned way: from Labov, Yaeger, & Steiner (1972) • Individual tokens with ellipses Plotting (2) • A plot from Labov, Ash, & Boberg (2006) • Individual tokens, but no ellipses; utilizes Plotnik Plotting (3) BOT early BOT midpoint BOT late BOUGHT early BOUGHT midpoint BOUGHT late 500 300 law 600 400 got 500 700 600 F1 F1 Individual tokens are best for: examining mergers testing for vowel dynamics looking at internal configuration of a phoneme 800 700 900 800 not 1000 900 1000 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 F2 1100 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 F2 Plotting (4) • Mean values—my favorite method 400 i 500 T r i K l=ul u u <tour> r 600 e e r ' o N N N æ F1 700 800 ai au d æ 3000 F 2500 v o l = = ai = g æ 1000 oi o 900 r r =o æ P æ 2000 1500 F2 1000 500 Plotting (4) • You can try showing standard deviations 300 i 400 r i <school> . . e u e 500 r 600 F1 æ .. T æ 700 F æ 800 o r ' D o o r v . . au ai o ai oi 900 1000 2500 2000 1500 F2 1000 l Plotting (5) • Trajectories are mainly used to examine vowel dynamics 350 GOOSE FLEECE 400 GOAT FACE 450 KIT NURSE NEAR F1 500 SQUARE 550 CHOICE PRICE DRESS 600 THOUGHT =NORTH =FORCE STRUT =FOOT START LOT PRIZE MOUTH 650 TRAP=BATH 700 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 F2 1200 1000 800 Vowel Normalization (1) Aims of normalization 1. Eliminate variation due to physiological differences 2. Preserve lectal and linguistic differences 3. Keep contrastive vowels separate 4. Reflect how auditory normalization works Different scholars have different aims, but they don’t always understand that Vowel Normalization (2) • • • A procedure some sociolinguists use to get around vowel normalization is comparison of two vowels E.g., for the Southern Shift, compare whether /e/ or / / has a higher nucleus Labov, Ash, and Boberg (2006) made extensive use of vowel comparison to define the Northern Cities Shift area Vowel Normalization (3) • Lots of mathematical techniques have been developed to perform normalization • One important fact to keep in mind: There’s no such thing as a perfect normalization technique! • We’ll combine section 5.6 in the book with Clopper (2009) in what follows Vowel Normalization (4) • One way to divide normalization: vowelintrinsic vs. vowel-extrinsic • Vowel-intrinsic: each vowel is normalized on its own—all information is taken from that vowel • Vowel-extrinsic: vowels are normalized relative to each other—information is taken from multiple vowels Vowel Normalization (5) • Another division: scale-factor vs. range normalization • Scale-factor: a single scale factor is utilized • Range: the range of formant values that the speaker exhibits is involved Vowel Normalization (6) • One more division: speaker-intrinsic vs. speaker-extrinsic • Speaker-intrinsic: each speaker is normalized on their own—all information is taken from that speaker. Most methods do this. • Speakers are normalized relative to each other—information is taken from multiple speakers. Labov et al. (2006) did this. Vowel Normalization (7) • Vowel-intrinsic scale-factor: Bladon et al. • Subtract 1 Bark from all female formants • Problem with F1 Vowel Normalization (8) • Vowel-intrinsic range: Syrdal & Gopal • Z1-Z0 and Z3-Z2 (Bark-converted) • Better, but still some trouble with the height dimension Vowel Normalization (9) • My modification of Syrdal & Gopal • To avoid F0-related problems, use Z3-Z1 and Z3-Z2 • Still some height distortion FLEECE 11 NEAR FLEE CE 12 central Ohio female central Ohio male TOOT PRICE PIN=PEN Z3-Z1 in Bark GOA T HAN D PIN=PEN FACE GOOSE POOL=PULL KIT TOOT NEAR OT CHOICE FO 10 FA CE KIT E POLE R E STRUT GOOSE UAPRIC SS Q S DRE HAND FOOT T POOL=PULL GOAT STRU CHOICE SQUARE 9 NORTH=FORCE DRESS NURSE NORTH=FORCE POLE MOUTH LOT=T HOUGH T LOT=T TRAP=BATH HOUGH 8 NURSE T TRAP=BATH T AR ST UTH MO E IZ PR ZE I PR START 7 1 2 3 4 5 Z3-Z2 in Bark 6 7 8 Vowel Normalization (10) • Vowel-extrinsic scale-factor: Nearey, Watt & Fabricius • For Nearey, F*n[V] = anti-log(log(Fn[V]) - MEANlog), where F*n[V] is the normalized value for Fn[V], formant n of vowel V, and MEANlog is the log-mean of all F1s and F2s for the speaker • Watt & Fabricius compute a single scale for both F1 and F2 Vowel Normalization (11) • Vowel-intrinsic range: Lobanov • Fn[V]N = (Fn[V] - MEANn)/Sn, where Fn[V]N is the normalized value for Fn[V] (i.e., for formant n of vowel V); MEANn is the mean value for formant n for the speaker and Sn is the standard deviation Vowel Normalization (12) • Achilles heel of vowel-extrinsic techniques: they’re thrown off when used to compare very different vowel inventories 0.4 FLEECE FLEECE OT TO TOOTGOOSE GOOSE 0.5 KIT FACE NEAR E CUR POOL NURSE SQUARE FORCE GOAT FOOT POOL= PULL NORTH= FORCE GOA CHOICE T HAND NORTH SQUARE=BERTH H T T U DRESS POLE MO STRU PRICE STRUT L NUR OT SE PICK = CH THO MOUTH U O E ICE GH STA ICIZE T R DRESS RT P PR KIT TRAP=BATH LOT =TH OUG BACK FIVE HT FACE 0.6 T AR ST Normalized F1 Northern Ireland male central Ohio male NEAR 0.7 0.8 TRAP=BATH 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 Normalized F2 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 Vowel Quality/Voice Quality Interaction • We’ll save this for when we get to chapter 7 Steady-State Patterns (1) • For a fully realized diphthong, besides the transitions at the onset and offset, you can have: A nuclear steady state A transition between the nucleus and glide steady states A glide steady state • Not all diphthongs have both steady states • The steady states can also vary in duration Steady-State Patterns (2) • aid and day Steady-State Patterns (3) • Quantifying steady states is a problem • You can look at degree of change in formant values • There are probably statistical procedures for this sort of thing • Steady states can be used for perception experiments: see goodness experiments in Peeters (1991) Undershoot • This will be next week’s topic References • • • • • • • • • Diagrams on slides 13 and 19 are taken from: Labov, William, Sharon Ash, and Charles Boberg. 2006. The Atlas of North American English: Phonetics, Phonology and Sound Change. A Multimedia Reference Tool. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Diagrams on slide 14 are taken from: Thomas, Erik R. Forthcoming. Sociophonetics. The Handbook of Language Variation and Change. Ed. J. K. Chambers and Natalie Schilling-Estes. 2nd edn. Oxford, UK/ Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. Diagrams on slides 24, 25, 27, & 28 are taken from: Clopper, Cynthia G. 2009. Computational methods for normalizing acoustic vowel data for talker differences. Language and Linguistics Compass 3:1430-42. Other references: Labov, William, Malcah Yaeger, and Richard Steiner. 1972. A Quantitative Study of Sound Change in Progress. Philadelphia: U.S. Regional Survey. Peeters, Wilhelmus Johannes Maria. 1991. Diphthong dynamics: A cross-linguistic perceptual analysis of temporal patterns in Dutch, English, and German. Ph.D. dissertation, Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht.