Mission Statement Motto: Building relationships with God and each other, working hard in faith and hope to give our best in all things Holy Cross Catholic Primary School http://www.holycrossprimary.com Newsletter 13: Week Ending 15th May 2015 Dear Parents, Congratulations Congratulations to Favor Osazee and Zara Okocha who were awarded the Brentwood Diocese Citizenship Awards for Holy Cross, last Friday (8th May). The girls were very worthy winners for embodying all the Core Values of the school and acting as responsible school, local and global citizens. Thank you to their parents who joined us at the Cathedral for the award ceremony and celebrations. Our wonderful living world The chicks went off to their permanent home at the Ockendon Academy. There was sadness at seeing them go but the cockerel especially needed a bigger space. Classes are going to visit the chicks and other animals at the Ockendon so ask your children about what they see. Reception class have also had the opportunity to watch the development of butterflies from caterpillar to butterfly! Holy Cross and Somers Heath General Election The School Councils worked hard across both schools to explain the democratic process to all pupils. On Election Day, we set up at Polling Station in the ‘Outbreak Room’ with the children carrying out the roles of the officials and a Governor-Sheila Higginson- overseeing the process. The children thoroughly enjoyed the experience and only 11 ballot papers across the whole school were spoiled! The overall winner in Holy Cross was the Labour Party! School Uniform Please ensure your child has their P.E. uniform every day: P.E. Uniform-white Holy Cross tee shirt and navy or black plain shorts, black plimsolls/trainers for outdoor P.E. DATES w/b May 18th- Assessment week for years 1,3,4 & 5 Wednesday 20th May-Class 5 trip to Pizza Express (Food Technology) Thursday 21st May- Teachers from Campion and Ockendon to meet pupils in schoolSecondary Transition Friday May 22nd- D.T exhibition in school hall for all parents 3.30-4.30pm Monday 25th May-Friday 29th May- Half Term Holiday 1 Core Values: Respect, Honesty, Tolerance, Justice, Forgiveness Mission Statement Motto: Building relationships with God and each other, working hard in faith and hope to give our best in all things Monday June 1st INSET Day-School closed to pupils Tuesday 2nd June- Anti-Bullying Theatre/workshop for KS2 -Reception Class Health Screening-School Nurse Thursday 4th June-Junior Music Festival rehearsal at St Thomas of Canterbury School for Yr 5 Friday 5th June-‘Change for Life’-Year 5 9th and 11th June –VR and NVR tests for Years 3 and 5 Wednesday 10th June-Reception Class Trip to Sea-life Aquarium Friday 12th June-School Council Trip to Houses of Parliament w/b 15th June- Phonic Check Screening for Year ones Monday 15th June & Tuesday 16th June-Secondary Induction Day at Gaynes Tuesday 16th June-Class photos Thursday 18th June-District Sports at Blackshotts Friday 19th June-Class 2 to Somers Heath-drama activity w/b 22nd June-Science Week Wednesday 24th June –Class 3 & 3/4 to Tilbury Fort and Thurrock Museum Thursday 25th & Friday 26th June-Secondary Induction Day at Brentwood Ursuline Friday 26th June- Class 5/6 & 6 to Tilbury Fort and Thurrock Museum Monday 29th June-Thurrock Infant Music Festival at Blackshotts 9.45-11.30am (Tickets available from Box Office-£4) Tuesday 30th June-Quantum Theatre-Science Wednesday 1st July –Meeting for New Reception Parents 2pm Friday 3rd July -Somers Heath Year 6 to Holy Cross for Rounders Match Monday 6th July-Year 6 Retreat Day to Aylesford Monday 13th July-KS1 Sports Day 1.30pm Tuesday 14th July-KS2 Sports Day 1.15pm Wednesday 15th July –EYFS Sports Day 10am Thursday 16th July-Thurrock Junior Music Festival- Year 5 (coach leaves Holy Cross at 6.30pm returns 9pm) Friday 17th July- Year 6 Leavers’ Play 2pm Tuesday 21st July –Year 6 Leavers’ Mass-3.30pm -Year 6 Leavers Disco- 6.30-8.30pm Wednesday 22nd July break up at 1.30pm Extra -curricular activities Multi Skills before school Club : Mondays 8-8.45am- already started Football club with outside provider for Years 3-6: Wednesdays- already started Football Club for Yr6- Thursdays 3.20-4.15pm with Mr Laws- starts Thursday 23rd April UKS2 Art Club with Miss Johnston: Fridays after May half term 3.20-4.15pm UKS2 Science Club with Mr Price: Fridays after May half term 3.20-4.15pm 2 Core Values: Respect, Honesty, Tolerance, Justice, Forgiveness Mission Statement Motto: Building relationships with God and each other, working hard in faith and hope to give our best in all things Religious life of the school Prayer Intentions During the month of May, We ask Our Lady Mary to intercede for us in all our private prayer intentions. We pray also for all the children who will soon be making their First Holy Communion. Class Assemblies As always parents are warmly invited to attend Class Assemblies but please arrive at school by 8.55am to be seated before assembly begins. Also please remember that our assemblies are acts of worship and not shows. Summer Term Dates Friday 22nd May 2015 Friday 12th June 2015 Friday 19th June 2015 Friday 26th June 2015 Science Sharing Assembly St. Peter’s Class Assembly 9.00am St. Anthony’s Class Assembly 9.00am St Francis’ Class Assembly 9.00am Whole School Class 1/2 Reception Class 1 Whole School Masses/Class Liturgies As always parents are warmly invited to attend Class Masses/Liturgies and whole school Masses but please arrive promptly. Summer Term DATES Mass/Liturgy Person Responsible Monday 8th June 2015 St. John the Baptist Class 6 Mass 2.15pm Miss Johnston Monday 22nd June 2015 St. Clare’s Class 5/6 Mass 2.15pm Mr Price th Monday 13 July 2015 St. Francis’ Reception Class Liturgy 2.30pm Miss K Lakin Tuesday 21st July 2015 3.30pm Leavers Mass in school hall Miss Johnston/Mr Price Thank you for your continued support of the school. Kind regards Mrs. M. Shepherd Head Teacher 3 Core Values: Respect, Honesty, Tolerance, Justice, Forgiveness