Question 61. - UW Departments Web Server

(This is an exact replication of the online application. Please use this document to prepare. You
must submit your application through the online form. No other form of application will be
Henry M. Jackson School of International
Undergraduate Foreign Language and Area
Studies (FLAS) Application
Deadline: 12:01am, January 19, 2011
The online application will close at precisely 12:01:00am on January 19, 2011. Please do not
wait until the last second to submit!
General Information
FLAS Undergraduate Fellowships are administered by the Henry M. Jackson School of
International Studies National Resource Centers, in coordination with the Office of Merit
Scholarships, Fellowships & Awards, under a grant from the United States Department of
The Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship Program's mission is to meet the
national needs for expertise and competence in foreign language and area or international
Each of the National Resource Centers offers FLAS Fellowships in languages relevant to each
center's focus. The centers offering undergraduate fellowships, and their relevant languages, are:
East Asia Center: Chinese, Japanese, Korean
Center for Global Studies: Arabic, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, Chinese, Hebrew, Hindi,
Indonesian/Malay, Kazakh, Korean, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Swahili, Tagalog,
Thai, Turkish, Uighur, Vietnamese
Middle East Studies Center: Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, Turkish
Russia, East Europe, Central Asia Studies (REECAS/Ellison Center):
Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, Bulgarian, Czech, Estonian, Kazakh, Latvian, Lithuanian,
Polish, Russian, Slovenian, Tajik, Uyghur (Uighur), Uzbek
South Asian Studies Center: Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, Persian
Southeast Asian Studies Center: Burmese, Filipino/Tagalog, Indonesian, Thai,
Center for West European Studies: *Danish, *Estonian, Finnish, Italian, *Latvian,
*Lithuanian, Norwegian, Portuguese, *Swedish, Turkish. * Indicates the language is
unlikely to be taught at the UW in the summer.
Applicants may apply for FLAS funding for more than one language, or for a language offered
by more than one center, but must submit a separate and complete application for each center.
(NOTE: Only one complete set of three recommendation letters is necessary no matter how
many centers you are applying to. You may include more letters, but note that all letters will be
attached to all applications.)
Understanding the focus of each center and the relevance of the languages offered to that focus is
important to developing a strong application. For example, the Center for West European Studies
offers support for the study of Turkish, but its focus would be on Turkish as it is used within
Western Europe, not Turkey. The Middle East Center offers Turkish, and its focus would be the
use of Turkish in Turkey, not Western Europe. So choosing which center to apply to is driven by
your language and the focus for your studies.
FLAS Awards and Benefits
Undergraduate students may complete this application to be considered for either or both of the
following FLAS Fellowship options from any and all of the centers listed above:
Summer Intensive Language Study Awards - To be eligible for Summer FLAS
funding, applicants must propose summer language study programs that provide a
minimum of 6 consecutive weeks of intensive language study: at least 140 classroom
hours if at the intermediate level; at least 120 hours if advanced. The summer award may
be used at UW, another U.S. university, or abroad. All programs outside the U.S. must be
approved by the U.S. Department of Education through the FLAS Fellowship
Coordinator at least 30 days prior to fellow departure. Awardees are responsible for
locating, applying to, and making all arrangements to attend their study programs.
Summer awards provide up to $5,000 toward tuition and a $2,500 stipend. Travel funding
up to $1,000 to and from the summer program only may be available, but is not
Academic Year Awards - Fellows must take at least one course in the language of the
award and at least one course in area or international studies every quarter of the award
period. Fellows are expected to remain at UW for all courses and be full-time enrolled
students. Academic year awards provide up to $10,000 toward tuition and a $5,000
To be eligible to apply for a FLAS Undergraduate Fellowship, you must be:
a current UW undergraduate student in any field (prospective undergraduate students
with a spring, summer or fall 2011 start date are also eligible), and
a U.S. citizen, national or permanent resident, and
applying to study one of the target languages listed above, and meet all deadlines for
admission into proposed intensive summer language programs (summer awards only),
at the intermediate or advanced levels in the language you are applying to study.
Applications from students in all fields are welcome.
Graduating seniors are eligible to apply if they meet the above criteria AND IF:
they are applying for the fellowship for summer 2011 and will graduate no earlier than
August 2011 (i.e. you must remain an undergraduate student during the period of the
summer award), and/or
they are seeking UW graduate admission for fall 2011. If applying for FLAS funding for
graduate studies, please complete the Graduate FLAS application at
Applicants who have achieved native reading and writing fluency in the target language are not
Application Instructions
Before starting this application, read all of the procedures and guidelines, and view the questions.
Be prepared to answer all of the questions and to paste in your proposal. You will NOT be able
to save your responses and come back later.
All application materials must be submitted by 12:01:00am on January 19, 2011.
Please have all the information for the application, including your proposal, ready before you
start the application. Once you start the online application, you will need to be prepared to
complete the entire form in one sitting, as you will NOT be able to save and return at a later date.
To complete your application you will need to submit the following:
1. This online application, which includes your proposal.
2. Transcripts submitted via email
Transcripts must be obtained by the applicant from all colleges and universities attended,
including the University of Washington (UW). Unofficial copies are acceptable. If you
are applying to more than one center, please submit transcripts to each center
individually. Transcripts must be submitted by the application deadline.
How to submit transcripts:
1. Obtain all of your transcripts in electronic format. If necessary, scan them into an
electronic file. To obtain recent UW unofficial transcripts, log in to MyUW and
download your transcript as a PDF.
2. If submitting transcripts from more than one university, combine them into one PDF
document. (Learn how to create a PDF using Adobe Acrobat Professional 7.0. To use
later versions, see the help section within Adobe Acrobat.) If you do not have access to
Adobe Acrobat Professional, we will accept transcripts in multiple files. Please send
them as PDFs.
o If you need further assistance scanning or converting you transcripts to pdf
format, please see Robin Chang in the Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships
& Awards, 120 Mary Gates Hall.
3. Send your transcript file(s) in PDF format to the appropriate address based on the Center
to which you are applying. On the subject line, list your Last name, First name.
Center/Unit of
Email your transcripts to
East Asia Center
Center for Global
Studies (International
Middle East Studies
Russia, East Europe &
Central Asia Studies
South Asian Studies
Southeast Asian Studies
Center for West
European Studies
3. Three letters of recommendation (at least one needs to be from a language instructor):
Tell your referees that they will be completing a brief online form where they may cut
and paste a letter of recommendation. Please send your referees the appropriate URLS
(listed below) for the letters. For the language recommendation, tell your referee which
language you would like him or her to evaluate. The recommendations all need to be
submitted by the application deadline.
Please make sure your referees know for what language and to what center you are
Only one complete set of three letters is necessary no matter how many centers you are
applying to. You may include more letters, but note that all letters will be attached to all
Under the provisions of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, enrolled
students receiving fellowships have access to this recommendation unless they waive
such access. Fellowship applicants who are denied admission have no right to review
records under this Act. The Jackson School will accept and consider recommendations
with or without such a waiver.
Reference letter URLS:
o General Recommendations with a waiver:
o General Recommendation without a waiver
o Language Recommendation with waiver:
o Language Recommendation without a waiver
Selection Process and Criteria
All application materials must be received by the 12:01:00am, January 19, 2011 deadline. Each
National Resource Center will convene a Fellowship Review Committees composed of UW
faculty and staff to review all complete applications submitted to that center.
Review committees will be looking for applicants to demonstrate their commitment to studying
and using the language now and in the future, their motivation and ability to reach advanced skill
levels, and a clear articulation of how the language study is linked to future professional goals.
Based upon instructions from the Department of Education, the Fellowship Review Committees
assign competitive preference to applications based upon the following principles:
1. Priority will be given to applicants who are most likely to enter a professional field or
pursue government service.
2. Preference is given to students who will study less-commonly taught languages.
3. Preference is given to applicants who show potential in meeting critical national security
4. Applicants who have achieved native reading and writing fluency in the target language
are not eligible.
We hope to be able to notify applicants of results by late March.
Please continue on to the next page to complete the online application form.
Question 1.
I have read all of the procedures and guidelines and understand that I will need to complete
the entire online application once I start.
I have read the procedures and guidelines.
By submitting this application I give the University of Washington's Henry M. Jackson School of
International Studies (JSIS) permission to release this application to fellowship committees that
require the information to select recipients. I understand that FLAS selection committees may
include well qualified members from outside the University who are invited to serve as
reviewers, and who are bound by the same rules and laws regarding confidentiality of student
records as University officials. To the best of my knowledge the information on this form and
any supporting documents are complete and correct. I certify that I meet stated eligibility
requirements. I acknowledge that the Jackson School may add or withdraw any scholarship
announced in this application packet prior to selection of recipients. I understand further that the
inclusion of false information in this application will disqualify me for further student aid
through the Jackson School, and may make me subject to University disciplinary action.
Applicant Profile
Question 2.
First Name
Question 3.
Middle Initial
Question 4.
Last Name
Question 5.
E-mail address
Question 6.
Question 7.
UW student number
Question 8.
Number and Street (Mailing Address)
Question 9.
City (Mailing Address)
Question 10.
State or Province (Mailing Address)
Question 11.
Postal Code (Mailing Address)
Question 12.
Country (Mailing Address)
Question 13.
Permanent Address if different from mailing address.
Number and Street
Question 14.
City (Permanent Address)
Question 15.
State or Province (Permanent Address)
Question 16.
Postal Code (Permanent Address)
Question 17.
Country (Permanent Address)
Question 18.
Telephone (including area code)
Question 19.
U.S. Citizen
U.S. Permanent Resident
Question 20.
What residency status (for purposes of tuition) do you anticipate during the tenure of your
Out-of-state applicants should assume that they will be classified as non-residents for at least one
year. For information about state residency, refer to (Residence Classification Office, 264
Schmitz Hall 206-543-5932)
Resident of Washington State
Education and Background
In the following questions, list all colleges and universities attended starting with the current
or most recent, including the UW. You are required to submit a transcript for every institution
you list or your application will be considered incomplete.
Question 21.
List the college or university you attended most recently or are still attending.
Question 22.
List your major(s) at your current or most recent college or university.
Question 23.
List the dates you attended/are attending your most recent/current college or university.
Question 24.
If applicable, list your second most-recent college or university.
Question 25.
List your major(s) at your second most-recent college or university.
Question 26.
List the dates you attended your second most-recent college or university.
Question 27.
If applicable, list your third most-recent college or university.
Question 28.
List your major(s) at your third most-recent college or university.
Question 29.
List the dates you attended your third most-recent college or university.
Question 30.
If applicable, list any other colleges or universities attended, starting with the most recent. Note:
You are required to submit a transcript for every institution you list or your application will be
considered incomplete.
Include the following information: institution, degree received, major field, and dates of
List institution, degree received, major field, and dates of attendance (MM/YYYY - M
University of Washington (UW) Status During Fellowship
Question 31.
What is/will be your department (e.g., History, Sociology, Business, JSIS) at the UW?
Question 32.
Within your department or program, what is your major or track?
Question 33.
Are you now enrolled in the major you listed in question 32?
Yes, but on leave
Question 34.
What degree will you be working toward during the award period for which you are applying?
(Not necessarily your final goal.)
List the three people from whom you have requested recommendations. Two should be general
academic references; the other should be from one of your language instructors who can evaluate
your language learning ability. The first two you list are for your general academic references,
and the last one is for your language reference.
You will need to give each referee the correct Web address for submitting the recommendation.
Reference letter URLS:
General Recommendations with a waiver:
General Recommendation without a waiver
Language Recommendation with waiver:
Language Recommendation without a waiver
If you are applying for both an academic year and a summer award, and you want to ask two
different people to provide language references for you, you need only fill out information on
one reference here. Then ask both of your language referees to submit a language
recommendation form.
Question 35.
Name of first general referee
Question 36.
First general referee's email address
Question 37.
Under the provisions of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, enrolled students
receiving fellowships have access to this recommendation unless they waive such access.
Fellowship applicants who are denied admission have no right to review records under this Act.
The Jackson School will accept and consider recommendations with or without such a waiver.
Do you wish to sign the waiver? If you sign, you are waiving your right to have access to your
Yes, I am waiving my right to view my first general recommendation letter
No, I'm not waiving my right to view my first general recommendation letter
Question 38.
Name of second general referee
Question 39.
Second general referee's email address
Question 40.
Under the provisions of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, enrolled students
receiving fellowships have access to this recommendation unless they waive such access.
Fellowship applicants who are denied admission have no right to review records under this Act.
The Jackson School will accept and consider recommendations with or without such a waiver.
Do you wish to sign the waiver? If you sign, you are waiving your right to have access to your
Yes, I am waiving my right to view my second recommendation letter
No, I'm not waiving my right to view my second recommendation letter
Question 41.
Name of language referee
Question 42.
Language referee's email address
Question 43.
Under the provisions of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, enrolled students
receiving fellowships have access to this recommendation unless they waive such access.
Fellowship applicants who are denied admission have no right to review records under this Act.
The Jackson School will accept and consider recommendations with or without such a waiver.
Do you wish to sign the waiver? If you sign, you are waiving your right to have access to your
Yes, I am waiving my right to view my language recommendation letter
No, I'm not waiving my right to view my language recommendation letter
Additional Information
Question 44.
For what term(s) are you requesting a FLAS fellowship?
Academic year
Question 45.
Have you ever held, or do you currently hold, a FLAS fellowship? If yes, list dates and
institutions for all FLAS Fellowships held.
Dates (also specify academic year or summer):
Language studied:
Question 46.
List other fellowships, scholarships, TAships, etc. held since entering college or university:
Scholarships, Fellow ships, etc.:
Question 47.
List any jobs, internships, or volunteer positions you have held that are relevant to the language
you are applying to study, or to your field of study.
Question 48.
Check one or two boxes that best characterize your career goals. You will also discuss this in
the career goals section of your applicant proposal.
Postsecondary Education
Elem/Secondary Education
Graduate Study
International Agency in U.S.
International Agency outside U.S.
Private Sector/Profit
Private Sector/Non-Profit
U.S Federal Government
Foreign Government
State/Local Government
US. Military
Question 49.
List previous coursework which does not appear in your academic transcripts taken in the
language(s) pertinent to this application and grades received. Use the headings shown and repeat
them if necessary.
Dates (MM/YYYY):
In the following questions, list the language(s) you know (up to two) and give a brief evaluation
of your ability.
Question 50.
Language being evaluated:
Question 51.
Question 52.
Language being evaluated:
Question 53.
Question 54.
If you are applying for an academic year award...
During the academic year, does your application propose formal language and area/international
studies abroad, rather than at UW? [Note: FLAS academic year awards are intended to support
study at UW only, not abroad. Please consult with Robin Chang in the Office of Merit
Scholarships, Fellowships & Awards (, 206-543-2603) before proposing any
academic year studies abroad]. Academic year FLAS awards for use abroad are given lowest
If you are only applying for a summer FLAS award, please select "No/Not Applicable" from the
drop down menu.
Question 55.
In which language courses will you enroll during your fellowship?
For UW courses, please enter specific UW courses as listed in the Time Schedule, e.g.,
"HEBR 421-23;" "RUSS 350". (Prospective UW students may enter either the specific
UW courses or a descriptive phrase, e.g. "Intermediate Arabic".)
For summer courses proposed at other institutions, you may use more descriptive phrases
(e.g., "intermediate Arabic").
Question 56.
In which area studies or international courses will you enroll during your fellowship (academic
year awards only)? Please enter specific UW courses, e.g., "SISME 420: International
Humanitarian Law, SIS 425: International Arms Control, and HIST 463: Middle East since
1789". (Prospective UW students should consult UW course listings for the coming academic
year to identify appropriate courses.)
Question 57.
Summer applicants only: Indicate where you will study.
If you check "Study abroad program" please write in the country and name of the
program. Note: Prior approval of the U.S. Department of Education is required for all
FLAS awards to be used abroad. This approval is requested through the University’s
FLAS fellowship coordinator after an award has been made.
Your proposal must meet the requirements described in the Guidelines/Summer FLAS
Fellowships (program must be a minimum of 6 weeks long, with at least 140
classroom hours at the intermediate level, or at least 120 classroom hours at the
advanced level).
If you are proposing to study at another U.S. institution or abroad, it is highly
recommended that you identify some alternative programs to the one you propose in
this application. This will ensure that you have a fall-back plan in the event your
proposed program gets canceled, you aren't accepted into the program, or some other
event prevents you from participating in the proposed program.
Please remember that you must apply separately to any non-UW summer intensive
study program, and meet that program's application deadline and requirements.
Some program deadlines will be earlier than the deadline for this FLAS application.
University of Washington
Other U.S. institution
Study abroad program (country, name of program):
Question 58.
Academic Year Applicant Proposal
Please provide a written statement that responds to the following questions. It is highly
recommended that you draft this statement in Word or other word processing software and cut
and paste the text into the box below. The statement should be the equivalent of approximately 2
single-spaced pages. Submit separate statements if you are applying for both academic year and
1. What is your planned course of study or area of research pertaining to the target region
for which you are applying?
2. How will studying the target language strengthen your research or course of study?
3. How will receipt of this award contribute to your career goals?
4. If you have previously received a FLAS award, how have you used it to further your
studies or research?
Question 59.
Applicant Proposal for Summer Intensive Language Study
Please provide a written proposal that responds to the following questions. It is highly
recommended that you draft this statement in Word or other word processing software and cut
and paste the text into the box below. The statement should be the equivalent of approximately 2
single-spaced pages. Submit separate proposals if you are applying for both academic year and
summer. Use this question if you are applying for a summer fellowship.
1. What is your proposed language study for the summer? How will it contribute to your
course of study or research on the target region?
2. How will receipt of this award contribute to your career goals?
3. If you have previously received a FLAS award, how have you used it to further your
studies or research?
Question 60.
Center for this application. Check only one.
If you are applying to more than one center, you must submit a separate and complete
application for each center application.
East Asia Center
Center for Global Studies (International Studies)
Middle East Studies Center
Russia, E. Europe & Central Asian Studies (REECAS/Ellison Center)
South Asian Studies Center
Southeast Asian Studies Center
Center for West European Studies
Question 61.
East Asia Center:
Select the language(s) and time period for this application.
Chinese (Academic year)
Japanese (Academic year)
Korean (Academic year)
Chinese (Summer)
Japanese (Summer)
Korean (Summer)
To complete this application, click on the "Submit" button, then send a PDF with all of your
transcripts to, and have three referees submit letters of
recommendation for you.
Question 61.
Center for Global Studies
See for details about eligibility.
Select the language(s) and time period for this application.
Arabic (Academic year)
Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (Academic year)
Chinese (Academic year)
Hebrew (Academic year)
Hindi (Academic year)
Indonesian/Malay (Academic year)
Kazakh (Academic year)
Korean (Academic year)
Persian (Academic year)
Portuguese (Academic year)
Russian (Academic year)
Swahili (Academic year)
Tagalog (Academic year)
Thai (Academic year)
Turkish (Academic year)
Uighur (Academic year)
Vietnamese (Academic year)
Arabic (Summer)
Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (Summer)
Chinese (Summer)
Hebrew (Summer)
Hindi (Summer)
Indonesian/Malay (Summer)
Kazakh (Summer)
Korean (Summer)
Persian (Summer)
Portuguese (Summer)
Russian (Summer)
Swahili (Summer)
Tagalog (Summer)
Thai (Summer)
Turkish (Summer)
Uighur (Summer)
Vietnamese (Summer)
To complete this application, click on the "Submit" button, then send a PDF with all of your
transcripts to, and have three referees submit letters of
recommendation for you.
Question 61.
Middle East Center
Select the language(s) and time period for this application.
Arabic (Academic year)
Hebrew (Academic year)
Persian (Academic year)
Turkish (Academic year)
Arabic (Summer)
Hebrew (Summer)
Persian (Summer)
Turkish (Summer)
Applications Proposing Language Study Abroad: Applicants proposing language study
abroad must submit with this application the commitment of the relevant UW Language Faculty
to pre- and post- assess the awardee’s language level.
SPECIAL NOTE: FLAS applicants should apply for admission to foreign programs abroad (as
well as any non-UW summer-intensive language programs) as soon as possible and not wait to
do so until they hear if they are awarded a FLAS fellowship, as notification may come after
admission deadlines.
Applications Proposing Independent Study
Continuing UW Students - Applicants proposing independent study to satisfy the area
and/or language coursework requirements of the FLAS award must describe the content
of the course and must submit with this application the commitment of the relevant UW
Faculty to supervise the course(s).
Incoming Students - Awards to new, incoming students who are proposing independent
study are contingent upon (1) approval of course of study by supervising faculty, and (2)
commitment of UW language faculty to conduct pre-/post- award language assessment.
For instructions to secure instructor approval see
To complete this application, click on the "Submit" button, then send a PDF with all of your
transcripts to, and have three referees submit letters of
recommendation for you.
Question 61.
Russia, East Europe, Central Asia Center
Note: Although the languages below are all eligible for FLAS funding, it is not certain that all
will be taught during the next year. If there is any doubt about whether the language you are
selecting will be offered, please contact Marta Mikkelsen ( to find out whether
you will need to apply for a Less Commonly Taught Language tutorial.
Select the language(s) and time period for this application.
Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (Academic year)
Bulgarian (Academic year)
Czech (Academic year)
Estonian (Academic year)
Kazakh (Academic year)
Latvian (Academic year)
Lithuanian (Academic year)
Polish (Academic year)
Russian (Academic year)
Slovenian (Academic year)
Tajik (Academic year)
Uyghur (Uighur) (Academic year)
Uzbek(Academic year)
Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (Summer)
Bulgarian (Summer)
Czech (Summer)
Estonian (Summer)
Kazakh (Summer)
Latvian (Summer)
Lithuanian (Summer)
Polish (Summer)
Russian (Summer)
Slovenian (Summer)
Tajik (Summer)
Uyghur (Uighur) (Summer)
Uzbek (Summer)
Question 62.
Gross Undergraduate Scholarship
Students applying to REECAS for the study of Russian can also be considered for the Gross
Undergraduate Scholarship. This scholarship is for exceptional undergraduate students interested
in studying in Russia during summer 2011. Priority will be given to undergraduates to travel to
Russia to study the Russian language, but funds may also support undergraduate students to
travel to Russia to study the country’s history, literature or culture. Upon completion of study a
report on the experience will be expected. One award of up to $1000 will be offered toward
airfare or lodging.
If you would like to apply for the Gross Undergraduate Scholarship in addition to the FLAS
Summer Award, please check "Yes" below. No additional application materials are required.
PLEASE NOTE: One may not hold multiple language study fellowships, i.e. if you accept a
FLAS or other foreign study fellowship, you are no longer eligible for the Gross Undergraduate
Would you like to be considered for the Gross Undergraduate Scholarship?
To complete this application, click on the "Submit" button, then send a PDF with all of your
transcripts to, and have three referees submit letters of
recommendation for you.
Question 61.
South Asia Center:
IMPORTANT: If you are applying for summer FLAS, please make sure to apply to
the language programs as well. Many of these have early deadlines, including deadlines which
may be earlier than the FLAS application deadline. These include, but are not limited to, the
American Institute of Indian
South Asia Summer Language Institute:
Select the language(s) and time period for this application.
Bengali (Academic year)
Hindi (Academic year)
Urdu (Academic year)
Persian (Academic year)
Bengali (Summer)
Hindi (Summer)
Urdu (Summer)
Persian (Summer)
Other language - for summer only. See above about deadlines.
To complete this application, click on the "Submit" button, then send a PDF with all of your
transcripts to, and have three referees submit letters of
recommendation for you.
Question 61.
Southeast Asia Center (academic year only)
Select the language(s) and time period for this application.
Burmese (Academic year)
Filipino/Tagalog (Academic year)
Indonesian (Academic year)
Thai (Academic year)
Vietnamese(Academic year)
Burmese (Summer)
Filipino/Tagalog (Summer)
Indonesian (Summer)
Thai (Summer)
Vietnamese (Summer)
Other: for summer intensive study only.
To complete this application, click on the "Submit" button, then send a PDF with all of your
transcripts to, and have three referees submit letters of
recommendation for you.
Question 61.
West Europe Center
+ Indicates the language is unlikely to be taught at the UW in the summer.
Select the language(s) and time period for this application.
Danish (Academic year)
Estonian (Academic year)
Finnish (Academic year)
Italian (Academic year)
Latvian (Academic year)
Lithuanian (Academic year)
Norwegian (Academic year)
Portuguese (Academic year)
Swedish (Academic year)
Turkish(Academic year)
Danish + (Summer)
Estonian + (Summer)
Finnish (Summer)
Italian (Summer)
Latvian + (Summer)
Lithuanian + (Summer)
Norwegian (Summer)
Portuguese (Summer)
Swedish + (Summer)
Turkish (Summer)
To complete this application, click on the "Submit" button, then send a PDF with all of your
transcripts to, and have three referees submit letters of
recommendation for you.
(This is the end of the application. The online application form will allow you to review your
responses before submission.)
Questions or Comments?
Contact Robin Chang at