Demarcation Grade 5 June 2013 12 June 2013 Wednesday: English Home Language Language Skills in Context Simple past tense Present continuous tense Future tense Adverbs Comparisons Synonyms Antonyms (opposites) Direct Speech Reported Speech Conjunctions Prepositions Articles (A, An, The) The Ellipsis (…) Punctuation marks (The correct spelling of this section is compuksory) Comprehension Test Vocabulary: Title Author Reading with understanding 13 June 2013 Thursday: Natural Sciences & Technology Properties of metals and non-metals Matter o Properties of matter (materials) o Phases of matter Uses of metals Magnetism Metal and heat Metals and corrosion Forms of erosion 14 June 2013 Friday: Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal Lettergrepe Voorsetsels (Prepositions) Verlede tyd: Gister het ……geloop Diere geluide (Animal sounds) Voornaamwoorde (Pronouns) Manlik en vroulik (Male & Female) Teenoorgesteldes(Opposites) Werkwoorde (Doing words) Trappe van vergelyking (Degrees of comparison) Sinonieme (Words with the same meaning) Bevelsinne (Commands) 18 June 2013 Tuesday: History When, why and where the first farmers settled in S.A. How early African farmers lived in settled chiefdoms. Role of the chief. The first farmers attitude to the land. The first farmers meet the Khoi and the San. Homesteads and Villages. The crops and livestock of the early African farmers. The roles of men, women, boys and girls. Trade Medicine and heeling Hunting Role of the cow. 19 June 2013 Wednesday: Mathematics Addition (Expanded Notation) Subtraction (Expanded Notation) Multiplication the block method Expanded notation in numbers and words. eg. 13 847 = 1 Ten thousands + 3 Thousands + 8 Hundreds + 4 Tens + 7 units Complete the table by + 300; - 600; + 400; - 3000 Number patterns Colour in the quadrilaterals Time: i. Year; ii. Decade; iii. Century; iv. Millennium Capacity. Jugs Fractions: Additions same denominators. Relationship signs <; > or = (compare fractions with the fraction chart) Fractions: Two types of fractions from one diagram. 2 1 = and 3 3 Rate. Cars 3D Shapes NB. Bring a i) Ruller; ii) Pencil; iii) Colouring Pencils on the day of the test. 20 June 2013 Thursday: Life Skills Personal & Social Well-being Stereotype Bias Discrimination Helpful Guidelines Fair and unfair discrimination Child abuse Types of abuse The effects of abuse on personal health Discipline Dealing with violent situations Places where violent situations can occur. What we can do about the violence around us. 21 June 2013 Friday: Geography Physical features of S.A. Geography Mountains and mountain ranges. Valleys and hills Rivers and waterfalls Cape and bays Rivers, main rivers of S.A. How the physical landscape in S.A. affects people’s lifestyles. Rivers Worksheets (x3)