Music Appreciation Lesson - Joel Pohland's Portfolio

Music Appreciation Lesson Plan
Class Description:
The class that I envision teaching this unit to is to a class of high school seniors
interested in furthering their education in music. In my class, there are a variety of
ethnicities and socio-economic statuses. The class is made up of 12 students, with the
gender ratio being equal. These students come from mainly American backgrounds but
have a few students from African American and Chinese backgrounds. The students are
fluent in the English language, though for some, English is their second language. The
students are from a variety of socio-economic statuses, with most coming from affluent
families, and a few being from families that have one working-class income. This will
affect their at-home-learning, making what is done in the classroom even more important.
My students are very passionate Music students, who have strong backgrounds in
music and have developed music skills beyond their peers and have an aspiration for
learning more about what they love and enjoy. I am aware that there may be concepts that
they are unable to fully comprehend, and I will need to help them understand these
portions fully. Socially, the students are almost adolescents, leading them to have almost
no issues relating to one another. Some of the issues that I anticipate tackling are general
disagreement about music and total understanding as a few of the students have really
grasped their skills and others are still beginning to develop their potential. Overall, I
believe they will be able to relate well to each other in that they all have a desire to learn
about music and their drive to help themselves and others become better musicians.
Class: Music Appreciation
Grade Level: 12th Grade
Unit: History of Jazz Music in America
Teacher: Joel Pohland
By the end of this class, students will be able to better understand the components of jazz,
its composers, and the elements of jazz.
21st Century Skill(s)
Implement Innovations
 Act on creative ideas to make a tangible and useful contribution to the field in
which the innovation will occur
Work Independently
 Monitor, define, prioritize and complete tasks without direct oversight
Essential Question
What is Jazz music and how has it influenced American music?
Anticipatory Set (20 Minutes) (Writing Strategy)
Listen to different jazz pieces from different American Jazz composers in different styles.
Ask students if they can hear why it is Jazz and have them write down the reasons they
believe each piece is Jazz and specific characteristics of each piece. After we listen to 4
different Jazz pieces, the students will read the reasons and characteristics of each piece.
This will lead into a discussion of what Jazz music is and what makes the music Jazz.
Teaching: A History of Jazz Music (40 Minutes)
Present a slide show on the history of jazz music and where and why jazz started. Have
examples of different composers and styles of jazz music incorporated in presentation to
help students begin to be able to hear certain characteristics of jazz music and learn about
the many composers of jazz music.
Have students take notes to help students establish knowledge of the different styles and
different composers of jazz music.
Closure (15 Minutes)
Have each student use their computer to find a jazz piece to listen to a snippet of for the
class. This way, students can begin to hear all the different styles of jazz music and
develop an interest for a specific style.
Independent Practice
Find a composer or style of jazz music that interests you and find a piece by that
composer or in the style to present to class next day.
Exit Slip:
Name 2 composers of jazz music
Give an example of jazz music and explain why it is jazz
Powerpoint presentation, music selections
75 Minutes
Modified from Madeline Hunters Lesson Plan Design
Class: Music Appreciation
Grade Level: 12th Grade
Unit: History of Jazz Music in America
Teacher: Joel Pohland
By the end of the day, students will build on their knowledge of jazz and come to a more
comprehensive understanding of its style. Students will begin to understand the works of
four different composers.
21st Century Skill(s)
Access and Evaluate Information
 Access information efficiently (time) and effectively (sources)
Use and Manage Information
 Manage the flow of information from a wide variety of sources
Essential Question
What is Jazz music and how has it influenced American music?
Anticipatory Set (20 Minutes)
Listen to specific jazz pieces brought in by students from different American Jazz
composers and styles. After we listen to the students examples, listen to the 4 different
jazz styles and composers the students will be presenting on and have students write
down what they hear in each piece. The students will present what style they thought
each piece was and the reasons and characteristics of each piece. This will lead into a
discussion of different styles of jazz music and an introduction to the group project.
Teaching: Composers and Styles (45 Minutes) (Reading strategy)
Have students split into four groups for this activity. Present that each group will be given
a specific composer and style of jazz music that they will have to give a presentation on
and a performance part of the presentation. Explain that the presentation will need to be
10 minutes long with 2 minutes being performance of the specific style. Fill out note
taking sheet to guide reading and presentation.
Group 1
Count Basie and Blues Music
Group 2
Miles Davis and Funk Music
Group 3
Benny Goodman and Swing Music
Group 4
Charlie Parker and BeBop Music
Closure (10 Minutes)
Have each student give one interesting fact they found about their composer or style of
music and explain the impact the style had on Jazz Music as a whole.
Independent Practice
Continue to work with groups on group presentation.
Exit Slip:
Students will write paragraph about composer to show comprehension.
Notetaking guide will demonstrate knowledge of composer and style.
Students will demonstrate further knowledge of composer and style in presentation.
Computers, Notetaking guide
75 Minutes
Modified from Madeline Hunters Lesson Plan Design
Class: Music Appreciation
Grade Level: 12th Grade
Unit: History of Jazz Music in America
Teacher: Joel Pohland
By the end of the class today, students will be able to differentiate between the styles of
jazz music.
21st Century Skill(s)
Create Media Products
 Understand and utilize the most appropriate media creation tools, characteristics
and conventions
Interact Effectively with Others
 Conduct themselves in a respectable, professional manner
Produce Results
 Demonstrate additional attributes associated with producing high-quality products
including the abilities to:
o Manage time and projects effectively
o Participate actively, as well as be reliable and punctual
o Present oneself professionally and with proper etiquette
o Collaborate and cooperate effectively with teams
o Be accountable for results
Essential Question
What is Jazz music and how has it influenced American music?
Anticipatory Set (15 Minutes)
Presentation by teacher about Louis Armstrong and New Orleans Jazz /Scat Music to
help students understand what is expected and give demonstration of music by
Teaching: Group Presentations (50 Minutes)
Students will present the following (through presentation and performance):
Group 1
Count Basie and Blues Music
Group 2
Miles Davis and Funk Music
Group 3
Benny Goodman and Swing Music
Group 4
Charlie Parker and BeBop Music
Closure (10 Minutes)
Have students write reflection on the four different styles of jazz music presented in class
and decide which they think is most interesting.
Writing Prompt: Through this unit we have learned about jazz music, composers of jazz,
and specific styles. Write about these composers and specific styles we talked about and
the difference between each style and what makes each style unique.
Independent Practice
Reflection paper
Grading on presentation and reflection paper
Presentation, Instruments, Projector, Speakers
75 Minutes
Modified from Madeline Hunters Lesson Plan Design