Design of the studio

MPDSD- 2 2014: M a ster Prog ra m m e De sig n for Susta ina b le De ve lop m ent
MPSEB- 2 2014: M a ste r Pro g ra m m e Struc tura l Eng ine e ring a nd Build ing Pe rfo rm a nc e De sig n
Cha lme rs Unive rsity of Technology
ARK350 – Sustainable Building – Competition
Elective design studio - A utumn 2014 - p eriod 1 a nd 2
Department of Architecture
The Sustainable Building studios are based on three general statements:
1. Localization: Buildings should have the ability to respond to its local environment and climate, while also
providing comfort and well-being to its inhabitants.
2. Team Work: Sustainability is a complex and challenging issue. It needs to be discussed on many different
levels and a bunch of aspects have to be considered and addressed in order to make progress and provide
interdisciplinary approaches. Moreover, real dialogue with stakeholders involved will continuously require
experimentations and insight-research, implementation, evaluation and feedback loops as well as
refinement and adjustment.
3. Ecology: A micro-scale symbiotic approach with mimicry of nature. It requires that humans establish an
intimate relationship with the biological world and society’s metabolism, ensuring environmental, social and
economic sustainability
As global concern increases about climate change, so does the relevance of low-carbon, resource efficient
building. In order to minimize the impact of buildings on the environment and positively promote alternative
answers, rapid changes are taking place, in Sweden and in the world, not only through ever tougher legislations
and tax incentives for technological solutions, but also through the commitment of more and more professions
and through action on the individual level to meet the pressing demands.
Designers are becoming increasingly aware of their environmental responsibility beside their economic and
societal responsibility and the impacts and possible contribution of their work.
Clients and end-users have growing expectations to occupy environmentally efficient and healthy buildings
along with the increasing risks associated with buildings with poor environmental performance .
The Sustainable Building – Competition studio, the last part of the Sustainable Building track within the
MPDSD, provides students with the knowledge, skills and tools to be able to design, plan, evaluate and advise
on the creation of sustainable buildings as well as evaluate the life-cycle-wide impacts of their decisions.
These studios are specifically designed to meet the need for buildings to be judged by their performance as
opposed to the rather subjective aspects of appearance and to demonstrate sustainability in terms of:
their global impacts with regard to greenhouse gas emissions, use of natural resources,
their impacts on local levels of pollution and waste, and
their ability to positively contribute towards sustainable development and human well-being.
The overall aim of the Sustainable Building
Competition studio is to promote an
interdisciplinary and strategic approach to design.
The studio is open for architects and engineers.
This will enable future professionals to integrate
their skills and cooperate in achieving genuinely
excellent environmental, economic as well as
social-cultural performance of the buildings to be
The specific aim of the Sustainable Building
Competition studio is to shape a context in which
the students may learn to carry out design for
sustainable building, integrating lifecycle-wide
environmental, functional, technical and aesthetical
as well as economic qualities in a design concept,
cooperating over professional boundaries in design
processes. Within the framework of this studio the
students will train their ability to formulate and
communicate their main ideas and goals towards an
entry for an architectural competition.
The main design assignment consists of delivering
a complete competition entry in which architects
and engineers cooperate in groups. The task is
defined in a competition program concerning a
project in a specific context.
The competition is supported by workshops,
seminars and lectures. Main issues for the
workshops will be
to get introduced to and critically reflect
on current building certification systems,
Miljöbyggnad etc.,
to get introduced and critically reflect on
options to reduce the energy consumption
of a building ranging from material choice
(embodied impact) over design choices
(heat bridges) to the usage phase (running
consumption and energy standards).
to develop conceptual design approaches
and integrated visual presentations of
architectural strategies and solutions.
The topic for the year 2014 Sustainable Building
Competition will be the ‘Refurbishment and
transformation of the A-building at Chalmers’.
Design of the studio
The teaching and learning methods reflect the wide
variety of topics and tools associated with
sustainability while planning and constructing
buildings, especially related to a low-emission and
lifecycle-wide resource efficient design.
Staff-led lectures define the framework, background
and knowledge base. Analysis, synthesis and
application of the material introduced in the lectures
are achieved through professional- and staff-led
workshops, group and one-to-one tutorials, studentled seminars, case studies and practical work in the
design project.
Students will work in combined teams (groups) of
4-6 persons (one engineer in each group!). The
groups are formed by the staff.
In order to facilitate the design work and the
collaborative character of this project ,
special supervision for Revit modelling and
built up of a BIM model will be given
intensively during the first 3 weeks and later
as support and consultations during the
whole period by members of Jig studio/
previous Halo Team Sweden (Chalmers
entry to the Solar Decathlon Competition
Consultations are a compulsory part of the studio
and will be organized as seminars with
presentations during week 41 (phase 1) and during
weeks 46 and 48 (phas 2)
The studio work will be structured along two main
Phases interrupted by a conference week .
Competition Phase 1
Week 37-38-39: 3 intensive weeks of
workshops and lectures will state the general
framework for the competition. Competition
teams are formed.
Competition Programme will be announced and
distributed on Monday the 8th September 9.00.
Week 40-41-42 Design groups will start the
development of first sustainability and first
conceptual design/energy concept. Each group’s
sustainability matrix will be discussed in
consultation seminars for other teams and staff
during week 41. Presentations in slides.
Conference week 43
During week 43 the competition Team will have
the chance to present and discuss their first
concepts in a more public meeting at Chalmers
to other professionals, and managers of the
project (!!!???).
Competition Phase 2
Week 45-50. . The Teams will develop their entries
in the light of the inputs and feedbacks given in
previous moments. The design process is now
centered on the elaboration of a final entry.
The final entries must be delivered on Thursday
the 11/12. Models together with a conceptual poster
will be exposed in the showcase in the Entry hall of
the Department of Architecture Posters, texts and
technical descriptions will be exhibited in the Entry
Hall of the A-building
An external Jury will be invited.
Final Prize Ceremony will be held on
December 18th 2014
The final staff-led assessment of the competition
and of the studio work as a whole will follow
during the week 3 2015 as well as the student-led
course assessment will be concluded and presented
during the same week.
Week 37 – results of Workshop 1 in Ping Pong
Week 38 – results of workshop 2 in Ping Pong
Week 39 – results of workshop 3 in Ping Pong
Week 41 – Presentation in consultation
seminars (student and staff led) slides
Week 43 – Monday 20th October - Slide and oral
presentation at the Conference workshop
Week 46 or 48 – Consultation-seminars with
Week 50 – Final DELIVERY
Week 51 – Exhibition of posters and models
Week 51 - Thursday 18th December Jury
assessment and Prize Ceremony
All students are required to participate in working
groups, to be specified later
Intended Learning outcomes
Skills and ability
On completion of the studio the student shall
demonstrate the ability to:
visualize and communicate the lifecycle
performance of a building concerning
energy, environment and indoor climate in
conceptual drawings/scheme/sketches
make a rough estimation of life cycle costs
synthesize programme issues into a
competition entry
cooperate across disciplinary boundaries in
design processes
define her/his specific professional
contribution in a design team
On completion of the studio the student shall
demonstrate skills in:
design sustainable architecture, with good
understanding of building certification
systems (BREEAM, LEED, DGNB, etc)
describing and analyzing the main criteria
of sustainable buildings
designing integrated systems for healthy
indoor climate and energy efficiency
• using a diverse range of tools (digital and
physical models) in order to cooperate in
team work and communicate ideas and
solutions to a wide public (Workshop 3;
phase 2 and 3)
• designing and promoting sustainable
building and architecture (phase 1, 2 and 3
+ Course Exhibition)
Knowledge and Understanding
On completion of the course the student shall
Understanding of the strength, weaknesses
and implication of using building
certification tools in design processes for
sustainable architecture
Broad understanding of various and
diverse approaches to resource efficiency
Insights into particular disciplinary
frameworks commonly used in sustainable
design projects
Supervision and consultations
share knowledge and collaborate for innovative
solutions for sustainable building. The Teams will
work under a continuous staff-led supervision.
Several consultations with representatives of the
staff are therefore planned each week (see Main
schedule). Students are supposed to attend
consultations in group.
Programmes and internal
Programme and its updates as well as other
documents will be distributed during the course on
the studio’s Homepage in PingPong announced by
an e-mail to all students registered.
Communication between students and staff will
mainly happen by e-mail (see list below) and
through the studio’s Homepage in PingPong.
All studio activities, lectures as well as group work
will take place in room 1010 and 1009c on the first
floor of the V-building.
Jury ceremony
Three external jury members will evaluate the
entries and decide on prizes, normally one first, one
second and one third prize. The jury ceremony will
take place in the Entry Hall of the A-building and is
compulsory for all students. After a presentation of
each entry by the groups, the jury will comment each
project and finally at 16.00 the prize ceremony will
take place.
Participation and deliveries in the workshops of
phase 1 will be graded by groups.
Depending on the general design of the studio (see
above description) the competition entries are
assessed in two different stages at the end of
competition stage 1 and at end of stage 2. The
intended learning outcomes are common for both
engineers and architects and will be assessed
mainly as a result of group work.
The competition entries will generally be assessed
• The quality of the investigations; scope,
relevance, reflection and motivations
• The quality of the design ; integration,
• The quality of the reports
• Innovation and creativity
This is a Competition studio! This should
normally mean that Teams work isolated,
competing against each other.
It is instead the meaning of this Competition to
In order to pass this studio the following
requirements must be fulfilled focused on deliveries
and individual participation and engagement:
Delivery of design tasks that pass assessments
Delivery of research tasks and reports that pass
the assessments
• Active personal participation in the design
Team and consultations
• Personal participation in all workshops
• Personal participation in all assessments and
• Active participation in either the Exhibition
work or the preparation of the final Party or
the course assessment group!
Lectures, seminars, workshops, are all compulsory
moments for all the students attending the studio.
Max 1-2 absences per study period will be accepted
Grades will be given group wise
Assessment criteria will be:
10 %
Workshop 1
10 %
Workshop 2
10 %
Workshop 3
30 %
week 42
Energy concept.
30 %
week 50
Week 3
10 %
Design and
technical reports
with staff, client,
authorities and
+ BR
+ BR
+ BR
Teaching language:
Studio Staff
The studio, included in the Master Program Design
for Sustainable Development at the Department of
Architecture, is taught by staff from the
Departments of Architecture, Civil and
Environmental Engineering, at Chalmers University
of Technology.
Barbara Rubino, examiner 1 and coordinator of
the Sustainable Building studios.
Architect, PhD, Senior lecturer in Sustainable
Building at the Department of Architecture at
Chalmers. Research interests include: Project-based
change and innovation; resilience management; life
cycle approaches to building; building in history.
Holger Wallbaum, examiner 2. Full professor in
Sustainable Building at the Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering at Chalmers. Main
research interests are ecological and economic life
cycle assessment of construction materials,
buildings and infrastructures, sustainability
assessment tools for buildings, social-cultural and
climate adapted design concepts, the refurbishment
of the building stock as well as dynamic building
stock modeling.
Angela Sasic Kalagasidis,
Engineer, PhD, Assistant professor at the
Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering at Chalmers. Research interests
include: building physics - hygrothermal
performance of whole buildings; numerical
modelling; future climate changes; risk assessment.
York Ostermeyer,
Architect, PhD, Assistant professor at the
Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering at Chalmers. Research interests:
climate tailored building design and construction,
life cycle approaches for buildings and Pareto
optimization processes
Course assistant will be Shahrzad Askaripour Jazi
Credits for the design studio
15 cts. Study period 1-2. Advanced level