
---How to get the main idea
1、细节理解题 (details)
2、词义推测题 (words guessing)
3、推理判断题 (inference)
4、主旨大意题 (main idea)
56. What is the main idea of the passage?
48. What is the introduction mainly about?
56. What might be the best title for the passage?
40. What’s the best title for the passage?
36. What’s the best title of the passage?
36. What’s the best title for the passage?
40. This passage is written to tell us that______.
1.主题类(subject / main idea)
How to get the main idea?
topic sentence
the main idea of a paragraph
tells ____________
Passage 1(体裁:议论文)
Smoking cigarettes is harmful to your health.
Experiments show that cigarette smoking can
cause cancer. Besides the most serious and
terrible illness, cancer, cigarette smoking also
can cause other health problems. For example,
it can give one a “smoker’s cough”. Finally,
studies have shown it is easy for cigarette
smokers to catch colds.
Passage 2(体裁:事理性说明文)
On the Internet, we can read news at home and
abroad and get as much information as we can.
We often send e-mails to our families as well as
to our friends by Internet. What’s more, we can
go to school on the net, read a lot of books and
even teach ourselves foreign languages. We also
enjoy music, watch ball matches on the net and
play computer games. So the Internet is playing
a more and more important part in our daily life.
Information words: so,
Passage 3(体裁:一事一议议论文)
If you were planning to buy a television set, the following
advertisement would certainly draw your attention: “Color
TV. Only $79. Two days sale. Hurry.” However, when you
go to the store ready to buy. You may discover that they are
sold out. But the shop assistant is quick to tell you that he
has another model. A much better set which is “just right
for you” It costs $395. In fact, this sales trick骗局is called
“bait and switch诱购”. Buyers are baited with a sales
advertisement, and then they are switched to another more
expensive one.
Information words: in fact ,
(3)主题句在文中 actually …
What’s the best title for the passage?
A. Buying a TV Set
B. A selling method
C. Buyer take care
D. TV on sale
Passage 4(体裁:记叙文)
Tom studied four years at the University of Paris and
decided to leave before his graduation. He transferred(转学)
to the University of Berlin and graduated with honors.
Harvard Law School and, later, Boston College provided
him with an excellent legal (法律的)education. He is
presently a corporation lawyer in Miami, Florida.
The main idea of this paragraph is that ______.
A. Tom had studied at Paris Universities for four years,
then moved to another university. detail
B. Tom became a lawyer since his graduation from
Harvard Law School and later from Boston College.
C. Tom was an excellent student when he studied at
Berlin university. detail
D. Tom received an excellent education.
at the beginning
The position of
the topic sentence
at the end
in the middle
no clear topic sentence
结尾 及各个段落的_____和_____
尾句 ,因为它们
Text messaging, or simply “texting”, with allows people to send and
receive messages on mobile phones, becomes very popular today.
The advantages of texting are obvious. Texting helps to save
money. If you have a few words to greet your families and friends on
their birthdays or on some important festivals, sending messages can
be cheaper than phone calling. Texting helps to save time. Even if you
want to send a message to 100 people, you can do it one second.
Texting helps you to “talk” to someone when he is too busy to answer
the phone. Texting can also help you to “talk” to someone secretly if
you don’t want others to hear what you are talking on the phone. These
advantages are so amazing that many people are crazy about it. They
hold mobile phones in hands all day long, send dozens of messages
each day, and even text while driving or walking.
However, texting has its disadvantages. Junk messages may come
into your mobile phone box now and then. When your phone box gets
too full, you can’t receive any more messages. You may therefore miss
some important information.
What’s more, if you don’t do texting properly, for example texting while
driving or walking, it can be dangerous. It can cause injuries and even
death. It was reported that about 6,000 people were killed and half a million
were injured for this reason each year. In Fort Lee, a small town in New
Jersey, USA, three people died because they walked into traffic while
texting in 2011. Two researchers at Stony Brook University, New York found
that texters are 60% more probably to have an accident than others. When
people are texting, they don’t notice other people or things around them. To
reduce traffic accidents, all drivers of the UN are now not allowed to text
while driving. About 32 countries have passed laws restricting the use of
mobile phones while driving.
Texting is a wonderful way of communication. However, only when we
use it properly, can we fully enjoy the fun it brings.
Information word
40. This passage is written to tell us that ______.
A. we should do less texting
B. texting has many advantages
C. texting is better than phone calling D. we should do texting properly
D 说明文
World Book Day falls on April 23 every year. It was set up
by the UNESCO in 1995 to encourage people, especially
teenagers, to discover the pleasure of reading. It is also the
day to honor great writers, for example, William Shakespeare
born or dead on that day.
Many countries celebrate World Book Day. Take UK as an
example. On that day, millions of school children can buy
books of special price, a much lower price than usual, in any
bookstore. It has been done every year since 1998. World
Book Day is also celebrated in China. Wen Jiabao, Premier of
China, does lots of reading every day. On World Book Day
2009, he called on people to do more reading. Wen suggested
that young people should spend more time reading. "Books
can not change the world by changing themselves through
reading,” he said.
Reading can benefit(有益于)people in many ways. Reading helps us
become more knowledgeable and more intelligent(聪明的).Reading helps us
to follow the latest developments of science and technology. Reading gives
us information about other cultures and places of the world. When we read,
we may find many things that are unfamiliar(不熟悉的)to us. We would have
to use our brain to think about them or do more reading to find out the
answers. The more we read, the more we know, the smarter we become.
Reading is also one of the most important ways to learn a foreign language
like English. We all know that it is difficult to learn everything in the
classroom, for example, the ways English people are speaking and writing
today. Reading helps us.
"Reading makes a full man"(Bacon, 1597). Books, magazines,
newspapers and other kinds of reading materials can help us to know more
about the outside world and perfect us. Therefore, it is necessary for us to
spend time on reading every day.
Information word
40. What’s the best title for the passage?
A. World Book Day in UK
B. Suggestions on Reading
C. World Book Day in China
D. World Book Day and Benefits of Reading
When 12-year-old Helen received a lot of money on her
birthday, she knew exactly what she wanted to buy: a pair of
Lulu Lemon trousers that her mom wouldn't buy because they
were too expensive.
"We went to the store together,” Helen’s mom, Kate
remembers, "but she gave up. When it was her own money,
she felt they were too expensive, after all.”
That story well explains why kids should have some
money of their own―not for lunch or movies, but for the
things that they dream of. Because they don't really
understand what it means to pay $ 100 for a pair of trousers
until it's their $ 100.
"Kids get excited about receiving money because it gives
them the chance to decide what to buy," says Lana, a
manager of the Yonge and Eglinton CIBC in Toronto. "Kids
are more interested in money, which means there is a need
for parents to teach them."
If kids are given some money a week or a month, it will
do them good, because they will learn how to use money. But
Lana has other suggestions:
Information word
Help them plan. "If there's a big-ticket item your child
wants'" says Lana, "help him plan how long it will take him to
save enough money for that, and how much he should save
each week."
Help them earn. Tell kids the ways they can make their
money, for instance, they can help do the housework.
56. What might be the best title for the passage?
A. How to Make More Money
B. Learn How to Manage Money
C. Money Is Very Important
D. Keep Kids Away from Money
I grew up in New Hampshire, a small town in South Canada, where in
my father’s words for the seasons were “Spring, Summer, Fair time and
Winter!” At that time, a week-long fair was held in the town every autumn.
Thousands of people from other towns came to sell and buy things. It was
the busiest time of the year.
When “Fairtime” came, my grandma became the most “useful” and
busiest person of the family. Grandma was a kind, well-educated old lady.
She was good at cooking. All her relatives liked the food she cooked.
During “fairtime”, they would come to live in her house and have meals
there. Grandma was always happy to look after them.
Year after year, many people moved to big cities. There was no longer
“Fairtime”. Grandma became very old and was gradually going blind. My
parents and I moved to live with Granma in her house. We did our best to
make her day-to-day life as comfortable as possible. I was at high school
then. What I often did at home was to help Grandma with the daily
newspaper’s crossword puzzle. However, she didn’t look happy. She often
sat in her room for hours, without saying a word.
To attract people to move back, the Town Hall decided to reopen the
Fair. One day, when I came back room school, I saw Grandma wearing
her glasses, washing the dishes in the kitchen. With a big smile on her
face, she looked a lot much younger. She told me that her two nieces
would come. “They said the food I cooked was very delicious and they
want to stay in my house again.” Grandma said happily. “They will stay
here for one week and we can have a big party. That must be the busiest
week I’ve had in years!”
I suddenly realized that Grandma didn’t want to be looked after. She
wanted to be “useful”, appreciated and helpful.
36. What’s the best title for the passage?
A. Fairtime
B. My “Old” Grandma
C. A Small Town
D. Grandma’s Family
1、转折性词语:however, but等,其后面往往就是文章的重点。
Many environmental groups are warning oceans of the world are in great
danger. The main dangers for the oceans are pollution and overfishing. Pollution
receives more publicity (attention got from media), but overfishing may be the
more serious of the two in the next few years.
By the early 1990s, 13 of the world’s 17 main fishing areas were already
destroyed or damaged*(损坏)by overfishing. Fishermen are finding fewer and
fewer fish everywhere. Unluckily, this does not mean that fishermen are stopping
fishing. Instead many are using new ways to fish new waters as deep as a mile.
Many scientists believe that present fishing methods will destroy all the
large fishing areas of the world. What can be done to stop this?
Some scientists believe that governments should create no-fishing zones*(
地带)-areas where no one can fish. Governments can patrol*(巡逻)and
police these areas. During the U.N. International Year of the Ocean, more than
1600 leading scientists from 65 countries called for the world to create 80 times
the no-fishing areas that exist*(存在)now. Their goal is to protect 20% of the
The fishing industry often argues that the scientific evidence*(证据)
is not complete—that we just don’t know what is going on in the oceans.
Now, scientists and environmentalists have to prove*(证明)that the fishing
industry is doing damage before the government will pass laws protecting the
ocean. This takes time and sometimes it is difficult to prove something like
this. Science magazine says we should have the opposite rule—big fishing
companies should have to prove that they are not destroying the oceans before
we allow them to fish.
Environmentalists say that the large fishing companies who own the
large fishing boats are not going to stop fishing by themselves. So people need
to get together and put pressure on their governments to do something. If we
don’t, there will be nothing left in the oceans but water.
40. The best title of the passage is _____________.
A. Stop Fishing
B. The Ocean in Trouble
C. No-fishing Areas Needed
D. Problems caused by Overfishing
Most supermarkets in China provided free plastic bags. It was
convenient for people to do shopping, but things changed. To protect
the environment, supermarkets all over China stopped providing free
plastic bags from June 1, 2008. If you don't want to pay money to
buy them, you'll have to bring your own shopping bags.
What can we use to hold things we buy from shops? Students at
Qingshan Middle School had some good ideas. One idea was making
different kinds of eco-shopping bags. 54 students at that school made
their own eco-shopping bags. They held an eco-shopping bag show
last Friday afternoon. Many students made the bags with used
clothes. They painted pictures like the Olympic rings on them. Some
bags were made of used materials like used paper, old newspapers.
Some were made of eco-materials like bamboo.
A boy student, Wang Lin, made his bag with several old
newspapers. We asked him whether the bag was strong enough. Wang
Lin said it was. "No problem. I took six bottles of water in the bag
from the shop to my home yesterday evening," he said. "I think it's
strong enough to hold even ten bottles of water."
Fang Yuanyuan, a girl student, had a more traditional way to make
her bag—a bamboo basket. "It was a hard job," she said. "With my
grandfather's help, I spent a whole afternoon making it."
The students also asked their parents and friends to use ecoshopping bags instead of plastic ones. Next Saturday afternoon, the
school will hold another eco-shopping bag show to help shops and
stores get ideas from the students' work.
56. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. People can still use plastic bags.
B. Students encourage people to use eco-shopping bags.
C. Students have good ideas to make money.
D. Most supermarkets will go on providing free plastic bags.