IB English 7-8

IB English 7-8
Part 3: Genre
Spring 2014
Study Guide
The Final
You will have two class periods to write a paper 2 essay about two of the four plays we have read. We
will do this the last week of classes.
I will score your responses based on the paper 2 rubric. The rubric is out of 25 points. This final exam will
be 10% of your IB English 8 grade.
23-25 points = 100% = A
20-22 points = 80% = B
18-19 points = 70% = C
15-17 points = 60% = D
14 and below = F
Raising your Final Exam Grade:
***Completion of the study guide activities with sufficient detail and attention by Wednesday 5/14/14
will raise your final exam grade one whole letter. No partial credit for partial work. You should use
complete sentences and provide evidence where appropriate. Example: If you get a C, completion of this
guide will give you a B. If you get a B, I will give you an A. ***
I do expect you to work on the study guide in class, however, while we are together. Much of this can be
pulled from your notes.
Part 1: Drama Terms
Directions: Define each term and provide at least one example for each from our plays, an explanation
of the example, as well as the effect of using this term in the play. I provided an example for the first
one, euphemism, below.
1) Euphemism
Definition: A euphemism is a term or phrase that is used in place of another one as a way of
softening the meaning. The euphemism could be an indirect or vague reference used in place of an
offensive one.
Textual example and explanation: Bunburying from IOBE. Algernon invents a fictional friend
named Bunbury who is supposed to be very sick. He uses this sick friend as an excuse to get out of social
Effect: The fact that Algernon uses a fictional friend as an excuse reinforces the joke that
“Ernest” is anything but earnest (honest). Bunbury allows Algernon to effectively deviate social norms
without getting caught; he can uphold his reputation without damaging it when he misbehaves. It also
highlights the shallow nature of the Victorian aristocracy given no one has much pity for Mr. Bunbury
when he dies.
2) Situational Irony – Definition:______________________________________________________
Textual Example and Explanation___________________________________________________
Effect: _________________________________________________________________________
3) Dramatic Irony - Definition:________________________________________________________
Textual Example and Explanation___________________________________________________
Effect: _________________________________________________________________________
4) Verbal Irony - Definition:__________________________________________________________
Textual Example and Explanation___________________________________________________
Effect: _________________________________________________________________________
5) Tragedy - Definition:_____________________________________________________________
Textual Example and Explanation___________________________________________________
Effect: _________________________________________________________________________
6) Tragic hero - Definition:___________________________________________________________
Textual Example and Explanation___________________________________________________
Effect: _________________________________________________________________________
7) Tragic flaw - Definition:___________________________________________________________
Textual Example and Explanation___________________________________________________
Effect: _________________________________________________________________________
8) Comedy - Definition:_____________________________________________________________
Textual Example and Explanation___________________________________________________
Effect: _________________________________________________________________________
9) Satire - Definition:_______________________________________________________________
Textual Example and Explanation___________________________________________________
Effect: _________________________________________________________________________
10) Aside Definition:________________________________________________________________
Textual Example and Explanation___________________________________________________
Effect: _________________________________________________________________________
11) Foil - Definition:_________________________________________________________________
Textual Example and Explanation___________________________________________________
Effect: _________________________________________________________________________
12) Understatement - Definition:______________________________________________________
Textual Example and Explanation___________________________________________________
Effect: _________________________________________________________________________
13) Hyperbole - Definition:___________________________________________________________
Textual Example and Explanation___________________________________________________
Effect: _________________________________________________________________________
14) Soliloquy Definition:_____________________________________________________________
Textual Example and Explanation___________________________________________________
Effect: _________________________________________________________________________
15) Monologue Definition:___________________________________________________________
Textual Example and Explanation___________________________________________________
Effect: _________________________________________________________________________
Part 2: Content of Plays
Date written/performed: ________________________________________________________________
Author’s brief biography: ________________________________________________________________
Directions: Give a quick overview of that character and provide at least ONE quote from the play that
best represents the character. Be sure to include who said the quote and from where in the play it was
Who is this? What are they like? __________________________________________________________
Quote illustrating this character: __________________________________________________________
Who is this? What are they like? __________________________________________________________
Quote illustrating this character: __________________________________________________________
Who is this? What are they like? __________________________________________________________
Quote illustrating this character: __________________________________________________________
Who is this? What are they like? __________________________________________________________
Quote illustrating this character: __________________________________________________________
Who is this? What are they like? __________________________________________________________
Quote illustrating this character: __________________________________________________________
Directions: Draw an image that best represents and summarizes the plot points contained in each act
and scene. You need not cover everything that happens in each scene. Just stick to the most important
plot points.
Act 1, Scene 1
Act 1, Scene 2
Act 2, Scene 1
Act 3, Scene 1
Act 1, Scene 3
Act 2, Scene 2
Act 3, Scene 2
Act 2, Scene 3
Act 3, Scene 3
Act 3, Scene 4
Act 4, Scene 1
Act 4, Scene 2
Act 5, Scene 1
Directions: Complete the plot pyramid for Othello.
Act 4, Scene 3
Act 5, Scene 2
The function of a soliloquy is self-analysis or self-reflection and helps the audience know the inner
thoughts and feelings of a character. There are many soliloquies in Othello. For each soliloquy listed
below, give a statement of what we can learn from this particular soliloquy.
Iago’s first soliloquy (act 1, scene 3): _______________________________________________________
Iago’s second soliloquy (act 2, scene 1): ____________________________________________________
Iago’s third soliloquy (act 2, scene 3): ______________________________________________________
Iago’s fourth soliloquy (act 3, scene 3): _____________________________________________________
Othello’s first soliloquy Act 3 scene 3): _____________________________________________________
Othello’s second soliloquy: (act 5, scene 2): _________________________________________________
The Importance of Being Earnest:
Date written/performed: ________________________________________________________________
Author’s brief biography: ________________________________________________________________
Directions: Give a quick overview of that character and provide at least ONE quote from the play that
best represents the character. Be sure to include who said the quote and from where in the play it was
1) Jack
Who is this? What are they like? __________________________________________________________
Quote illustrating this character: __________________________________________________________
2) Algernon
Who is this? What are they like? __________________________________________________________
Quote illustrating this character: __________________________________________________________
3) Cecily
Who is this? What are they like? __________________________________________________________
Quote illustrating this character: __________________________________________________________
4) Lady Bracknell
Who is this? What are they like? __________________________________________________________
Quote illustrating this character: __________________________________________________________
5) Gwendolyn
Who is this? What are they like? __________________________________________________________
Quote illustrating this character: __________________________________________________________
6) Lane
Who is this? What are they like? __________________________________________________________
Quote illustrating this character: __________________________________________________________
7) Miss Prism
Who is this? What are they like? __________________________________________________________
Quote illustrating this character: __________________________________________________________
8) Reverend Chasuble
Who is this? What are they like? __________________________________________________________
Quote illustrating this character: __________________________________________________________
Directions: Draw an image that best represents and summarizes the plot points contained in each act.
You need not cover everything that happens in each act. Just stick to the most important plot points.
Act 1
Act 2
Act 3
Focus Questions:
Explain the Aesthetic movement and Wilde’s involvement in it: _________________________________
Remember that the aesthetic movement is a reaction to the materialism of Victorian society. In what
ways does play illustrate the values of the aesthetic movement? ________________________________
Plot Pyramid:
Directions: Complete the plot pyramid for The Importance of Being Earnest.
The Broken Calabash
Date written/performed: ________________________________________________________________
Author’s brief biography: ________________________________________________________________
Directions: Give a quick overview of that character and provide at least ONE quote from the play that
best represents the character. Be sure to include who said the quote and from where in the play it was
1) Ona
Who is this? What are they like? __________________________________________________________
Quote illustrating this character: __________________________________________________________
2) Cortuma
Who is this? What are they like? __________________________________________________________
Quote illustrating this character: __________________________________________________________
3) Oliaku
Who is this? What are they like? __________________________________________________________
Quote illustrating this character: __________________________________________________________
4) Daiku
Who is this? What are they like? __________________________________________________________
Quote illustrating this character: __________________________________________________________
5) Otu Agada
Who is this? What are they like? __________________________________________________________
Quote illustrating this character: __________________________________________________________
6) Ugo
Who is this? What are they like? __________________________________________________________
Quote illustrating this character: __________________________________________________________
7) Dibia
Who is this? What are they like? __________________________________________________________
Quote illustrating this character: __________________________________________________________
8) Ekete
Who is this? What are they like? __________________________________________________________
Quote illustrating this character: __________________________________________________________
Directions: Draw an image that best represents and summarizes the plot points contained in each
section of the play.
Movement Three
Movement One
Movement Four
Movement Two
Movement Five
Movement Six
Movement Seven
Focus Questions:
What is an Idegbe and why does Cortuma want his daughter to be one? __________________________
What is post-colonialism? ________________________________________________________________
How is this play an example of post-colonial theatre? _________________________________________
What is feminism? _____________________________________________________________________
How is it an example of feminist theatre?
Plot Pyramid:
Directions: Complete the plot pyramid for The Broken Calabash.
Blood Relations
Date written/performed: ________________________________________________________________
Author’s brief biography: ________________________________________________________________
Directions: Give a quick overview of that character and provide at least ONE quote from the play that
best represents the character. Be sure to include who said the quote and from where in the play it was
1) Miss Lizzie
Who is this? What are they like? __________________________________________________________
Quote illustrating this character: __________________________________________________________
2) The Actress
Who is this? What are they like? __________________________________________________________
Quote illustrating this character: __________________________________________________________
Who is this? What are they like? __________________________________________________________
Quote illustrating this character: __________________________________________________________
4) Dr. Patrick
Who is this? What are they like? __________________________________________________________
Quote illustrating this character: __________________________________________________________
5) Harry
Who is this? What are they like? __________________________________________________________
Quote illustrating this character: __________________________________________________________
6) Mrs. Abigail Borden
Who is this? What are they like? __________________________________________________________
Quote illustrating this character: __________________________________________________________
7) Mr. Andrew Borden
Who is this? What are they like? __________________________________________________________
Quote illustrating this character: __________________________________________________________
Remember, there are only three real characters on stage and everyone else is a memory.
Plot Pyramid:
Directions: Complete the plot pyramid for Blood Relations. This may be a challenge given the nature of
the play, but try your best. You should consider in what ways this play breaks the traditional plot
structure and how the dream thesis complicates it.
Focus Questions:
Explain the Dream Thesis: _______________________________________________________________
How does the Dream Thesis impact what we know about the setting? ____________________________
How does the Dream Thesis impact what we know about the characters? _________________________
What is post-modernism? _______________________________________________________________
How is this play an example of post-modern theatre? _________________________________________
How is this play an example of feminist theatre? _____________________________________________
Remember, this is DUE no later than May 14th, 2014.
I will not accept any late work past May 9th, 2014.
Your final exam will probably be May 14th and 15th, depending on what the schedule looks like for the