Optimising student achievement in Collaborative Partnerships, Collaborative Conference - June 2015 Richard J Self University of Derby r.j.self@derby.ac.uk http://tinyurl.com/ppyg6t8 http://computing.derby.ac.uk/wordpress/people-2/richard-jself/ Richard J Self - University of Derby 1 Objective To demonstrate how to ensure that student experience is similar in collaborative partnerships to that experienced in the UK setting Richard J Self - University of Derby 2 The Challenge Transferring innovative Learning , Teaching and Assessment strategies to collaborative partners can present significant challenges Richard J Self - University of Derby 3 Context Traditional Approach (Teach) Academic as Domain expert Transfer Knowledge to Students →BMEI grade deficit (in UK) Successful Approach (Facilitate Learning) Academic as Skills expert Students learn by doing research No BMEI Deficit Publishable Work Richard J Self - University of Derby 4 Leaky Buckets? “Education is not filling (leaky) buckets but lighting fires (of enthusiasm)” Plutarch (amended) Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited; imagination is infinite Albert Einstein I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious. Richard J Self - University of Derby Albert Einstein 5 Summary Leading horses to water syndrome Scheduled contact time too valuable to waste Deliver very high levels of achievement Great Satisfaction Richard J Self - University of Derby 6 Agenda Approach Results Reflection Richard J Self - University of Derby 7 The Problem Research based learning in Derby Very high achievement levels in Derby Transfer to Collaborative Partners with equal success? Richard J Self - University of Derby 8 The Derby LTA Approach Research based learning Skills guidance One-to-One guidance Broad Assignment topic, negotiated topic Clear, relevant, simple marking criteria Formalised Final draft assignment review Redraft and submit Publish e-book of best articles Richard J Self - University of Derby 9 The Module Final year, final semester Capstone module Enterprise Systems 9 students in Derby 10 Students in BAC Very broad assignment topics Big Data for SMEs:- Questions of Opportunities, Challenges, Benefits and Operations Richard J Self - University of Derby 10 Collaboration Early transfer of all teaching materials Video all seminars → YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWBDEvP8sOv91LxLZ_2pQA/playlists http://tinyurl.com/preklh2 Richard J Self - University of Derby 11 Department of Computing Channel Richard J Self - University of Derby 12 Enterprise Systems Richard J Self - University of Derby 13 Clear Marking Criteria Presentation (20%) Perfect adherence to the IEE template is worth 100% Argument Criteria (40%) Weighting Your personal Assessment out of 100% for each column 1st (95%) Your mark will be reduced st 1 (85%) for each type of error from the following list by the specified amount Errors on each line of the 1st (75%) Title and Affiliation section – 5% each (maximum 30% 2:1(65%) deduction) etc………. Topic (40%) Exceptionally lucid argument, with logical and novel conclusions, thorough critical evaluation Novel topic that has been clearly articulated and also grounded in the existing literature. Publishable in an international workshop Lucid argument, with logical Novel topic that has been and novel conclusions, clearly articulated and also thorough critical evaluation grounded in the existing literature. Publishable in a national workshop A coherent argument with Very clear focus to the article, logical conclusions drawn in an emerging topic area and justified by thorough, that contributes to the critical evaluation research literature A coherent argument with Good focus to the article, in logical conclusions drawn an emerging topic area that and justified contributes to the research literature Richard J Self - University of Derby 14 Results Improves grades by average of 15% to 18% Module average grade of 73% - 78% High numbers of cited sources Almost eliminates failures Provides publication and editing CV entries Aids employability Richard J Self - University of Derby 15 Computing and Maths Student Publishing Richard J Self - University of Derby 16 The Results Richard J Self - University of Derby 17 Module Grade Distribution Average 79.5% Average 74.9% Richard J Self - University of Derby 18 Quality of Research Richard J Self - University of Derby 19 Final Draft Review Impact on Article Marks Average Presentatio Article Academic n Argument Topic Mark mark 20% 40% 40% 70% 98.8 73.8 76.3 79.8 75.0 Average Article Academic Presentation Argument Topic Mark mark 20% 40% 40% 70% 71.1 72.2 72.2 65.2 65.0 Derby BAC Average Formatting Academic Article Improvement Improvement Improvement 15.6 7.5 9.1 Average Academic Formatting Improvem Article Improvement ent Improvement 9.0 6.3 7.3 Richard J Self - University of Derby 20 Challenges for Autumn 2015 Final Year Module Sustainable Information and Corporate Governance Elimination of mark deficit for Presentation and formatting Improve topic and argument marks Richard J Self - University of Derby 21 Student Feedback – ES Derby 2014 Richard J Self - University of Derby 22 Student Feedback – ISA Derby 2014 Richard J Self - University of Derby 23 Reflection Do not waste time on “teaching” facts Trust students to research and learn Ask questions, rarely give answers! Coach and mentor Develop skills Students can achieve amazing results High expectations lead to great achievement Students can surprise themselves Richard J Self - University of Derby 24 References (1) Plutarch, (100 AD) On Listening to Lectures (De auditu), in Moralia (Vol 1, 3), http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Plutarch/Moralia/De_audit u*.html , Accessed 18 May 2014 Richard J Self - University of Derby 25 References (2) Alltree, J., Barefoot, H., Flynn, S., Haddleton, F., Weston, K. and Wright, M. (2010) The University of Hertfordshire’s Higher Education Academy (HEA) and Equality Challenge Unit’s (ECU’s) Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Summit project – Report April 2010, University of Hertfordshire, http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/resources/detail/Hertfordshireethnicitysummi t , (accessed 10 Feb 2014) Berry,J., Loke, J. (2011) Improving the degree attainment of Black and minority ethnic students – Final Report, HEA, http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/resources/detail/inclusion/Ethnicity/BMEPr ogramme_FinalReport , (Accessed 10 Feb 2014) Richard J Self - University of Derby 26 References (3) HEA (2011) Improving the degree attainment of Black and minority ethnic students, 17-03-2011, UK Higher Education Academy, http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/news/detail/2011/improving_BME_degree_at tainment , (accessed 10 Feb 2014) Self, R.J., (2013) Students Can do Research and Can Deliver Strong Bibliographies!, International Journal of Arts and Sciences, Toronto, Canada, May 2013, Volume 06, Number 04, pp 247–259, ISSN:1944-6934 Senior, N. (2013) Exploring the retention and attainment of black and minority ethic (BME) students on Social Policy pathways in higher education, http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/resources/detail/disciplines/hsc/Social-Workand-Social-Policy/retention-and-attainment-senior , (accessed 10 Feb 2014) Richard J Self - University of Derby 27 References (4) Stevenson, J. (2010) Enhancing BME student success through staffstudent collaboration, Summit Programme to Promote Student Success: Improving the Degree Attainment of Black and Minority Ethnic Students, http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/resources/detail/inclusion/Leedsethnicitysum mit , (Accessed 10 Feb 2014) University of Northampton, (2009) The University of Northampton Improving the degree attainment of Black and minority ethnic students, http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/resources/detail/inclusion/northampton_ethn icity_summit (accessed 10 Feb 2014) Richard J Self - University of Derby 28