Actions York County Council Council Chambers, Agricultural Bldg, 6 S. Congress St., York, SC Tuesday, January 22, 2013 6:00pm Call to Order ………………………………………………………… Britt Blackwell, Chairman Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance……………………………… Michael Johnson, District 1 Oath of Office for newly appointed Board and Commission Members Trina Ricks – Accommodations Tax Advisory Committee Diana Eastep – Catawba Workforce Investment Board Absent Constance Larson – Catawba Workforce Investment Board Grey Parks – Catawba Workforce Investment Board Mark Cable – Catawba Workforce Investment Board Johnny Starnes – Oakdale Rural Fire District Board Appearances 1. David Bowman appeared to discuss the roadside vendor ordinance modifications and other matters. 2(a). Kevin Brackett, Solicitor for York County appeared to discuss a DUI Unit Grant Application and a JAG Grant Application. 2(b). Authorized to apply and accept, if awarded an Office of Highway Safety and Justice Program DUI Grant. 3(a). Captain Allen Brandon appeared on behalf of Sheriff Bruce Bryant to discuss a Highway Safety Grant and JAG Grant 3(b). Authorized by Sheriff’s Office to apply for and accept if awarded a federal fiscal year Department of Public Safety 2014 Highway Safety Grant. 3(c). Authorized submittal by Solicitor’s Office of a Department of Public Safety JAG Grant application. Public Forum Session (limited to thirty (30) minutes, two (2) minutes per person) Fred Glickman appeared to discuss the EMS/Piedmont Medical Center Agreement 1 Count Smith appeared to discuss the EMS/Piedmont Medical Center Agreement Frank Duncan appeared to discuss grants Lee Keller appeared to discuss the EMS/Piedmont Medical Center Agreement Lee Rowley appeared to discuss the EMS/Piedmont Medical Center Agreement Richard Tucker appeared to discuss the EMS/Piedmont Medical Center Agreement Nicholas Rounds appeared to discuss the EMS/Piedmont Medical Center Agreement Michelle Dillon appeared to discuss the EMS/Piedmont Medical Center Agreement Linda Williams appeared to discuss the EMS/Piedmont Medical Center Agreement Chairman Britt Blackwell welcomed Anna Moore as the Interim County Manager, recognized the past Council and welcomed new Council members. Public Hearing(s) 1. Gave 1st reading: Tax Map # 7160000074p Zoning request: Major Amendment to the Gold Hill Commons PD 2.5 +/- acres One (1) Johnson YPMC LLC (Glen Nedza) Fort Mill School District Near Deerfield Drive and Springfield Parkway APPROVAL APPROVAL Acres: Council district: Applicant: Property Owners: Location: Staff: Planning Commission: 2. Held a public hearing and gave 2nd reading to an ordinance to amend section 31.04 of the York County Code of Ordinances to provide for the commissioning and appointment of certain named animal control officers for the enforcement of county animal control ordinances; to vest such animal control officers with the power and authority to issue ordinance summonses as provided by S.C. Code Ann. §4-9-145, as amended; to provide that animal control officers commissioned and appointed in this ordinance shall have all powers and duties conferred by law upon constables in the enforcement of York County Animal Control Codes and Ordinances; to provide that no animal control enforcement officer commissioned under this ordinance may perform a custodial arrest; to provide for a public hearing; and to provide for other matters relating thereto. 2 3. Held a public hearing and suspended the rules to move 2nd reading of an ordinance authorizing the execution and delivery of an infrastructure payment agreement by and between York County, South Carolina and Project Lakemont, its affiliates and assigns, to provide for a special source revenue payment and other related matters to follow Executive Session. Old Business 1. Gave 2nd reading of an ordinance TO AMEND THE CODE OF THE COUNTY OF YORK, SOUTH CAROLINA, CHAPTER 155, SECTIONS 155.021(N), 155.036(O), 155.046(O), 155.061(O), 155.161(P), 155.176(S), AND 155.191(DD) IN ORDER TO PROVIDE FOR AN AMENDED DEFINITION OF “SEASONAL AGRICULTURAL ROADSIDE AND PRODUCE STANDS” OR “SEASONAL ROADSIDE AGRICULTURAL AND PRODUCE STANDS” HOWEVER TERMED WITHIN THE CODE; TO PROVIDE FOR THE REGULATORY PROVISIONS REQUIRING THE PROVISON OF A SITE PLAN, AND REGARDING SIZE AND PRINCIPAL USE; TO PROVIDE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING; AND, TO PROVIDE FOR OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. New Business 1. Council gave recognition of former Council members, David Bowman and Eric Winstead. 2. Approved a Resolution in memory of Dr. Bessie Moody-Lawrence. 3. Approved an Emergency Temporary Dwelling Permit Application. 4. Gave 1st reading of an ordinance TO AMEND THE CODE OF THE COUNTY OF YORK, SOUTH CAROLINA, CHAPTER 155, SECTIONS 155.009, 155.021(G)(4), 155.036(G)(3), 155.046(G)(5), 155.061(G)(3), 155.076(D)(3), 155.091(D)(4), 155.101(F)(5), 155.111(F)(5), AND 155.191(G)(5) IN ORDER TO PROVIDE FOR A DEFINITION OF “ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT”; TO PROVIDE FOR THE REGULATORY PROVISIONS RELATIVE TO THE QUANTITY, SIZE, LOCATION, HEIGHT, BUILDING MATERIALS, ENTRANCE WAYS, AND PARKING FOR SUCH STRUCTURES; TO PROVIDE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING; AND, TO PROVIDE FOR OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. 5. Granted approval for property exchange by the Rock Hill School District. 6. Approved Change Order to Jabo Construction’s construction contract for ADA Accessible hallway and restroom renovations associated with the McCelvey Center 7. Authorized Order to Nations Roof’s construction contract for replacing the 100-yearold slate roof on the historic McCelvey Center. 8. Authorized contract with ECS Carolinas for abatement work associated with the renovations to the historic York County Courthouse. 9. Authorized Change Order to Bogg’s Construction 2011-2012 Critical Needs Resurfacing project construction contract for resurfacing 13 county-maintained Roads (Crescent 3 Ridge Road, Maple Ridge Road, Double Oaks Road, Hickory Wood Court, Dogwood Court, Glenway Road, Galway Lane, O’Malley’s Court, Oak Hill Court, Wesley Amaker Road, Pony Ridge, Brer Rabbit Run and Cotton Patch Drive). 10. Approved Change Order to Blythe Construction’s Subdivision Completion Project 4 construction contract. 11. Authorized contract for the design of Project 11149-008f: Griggs Road/SC 557/Bate Harvey Intersection as part of the Capital Projects Sales and Use Tax, Pennies-3 Program. 12. Approved insurance settlement for a wrecked patrol vehicle. 13. Approved a request from the Rural Fire Board to declare the Flint Hill E-3, 1986 Chevy C-70 VIN #1GBL7D1G8GV119752 KME Pumper as surplus and donate to the Flint Hill Fire Department. 14. Approved a request from the Rural Fire Board to declare the Newport E-1, 1986 Chevy C-70 VIN #1GBL7D1G9GV119677 KME Pumper as surplus and donate to the Newport Fire Department. 15. Approved a request from the Rural Fire Board to declare the Lesslie E-3, 1986 Chevy C70 VIN #1GBL7D1G8GV119685 KME Pumper as surplus and donate to the Riverview Fire Department. 16. Authorized a request from the Rural Fire Board to declare the Bethel E-2, 1979 Ford C8000 VIN # D80DVFA6614 E-One Pumper surplus and authorize this vehicle to be donated to the Cherokee Vocational Center. 17. Authorized a request from the Rural Fire Board to declare a Newport 1990 Ford F250 4x4 P/U Truck VIN # 1FTHF26H5LNB42233 surplus and donate to the Newport Fire Department. 18. Authorized a request from the Rural Fire Board to declare a Bullock’s Creek 1990 Ford F250 4x4 P/U Truck VIN # 1FTHF26H9LNB42235 surplus and donate to the Bullock’s Creek Fire Department. 19. Approved authorization to apply and accept if awarded 2012-2013 deobligated Section 5311 funds in the amount of $60,000 to be used for Demand Response Services. 20. Authorized approval of Venue Agreement with Fishers of Men for the use of Ebenezer Park for a South Carolina Low Country Bass Fishing Tournament. 21. Authorized radios for use by the Emergency Management Department: Bid 2137. 22. Authorized approval to request and accept if approved, a surplus command post\mobile Emergency Operations Center. 23. Gave first reading by Title Only of AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY'S SALE OF TWO TRACTS OF LAND, IDENTIFIED BY TAX MAP NUMBERS 563-00-00-002 AND 478- 4 00-00-072, TO THE BETHEL RURAL FIRE TAX DISTRICT FOR PURPOSES OF PROVIDING TRACTS OF LAND FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW BETHEL FIRE STATION, TO CALL FOR A REVERSIONARY CLAUSE IN THE DEED, TO PROVIDE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING, AND TO PROVIDE FOR OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO. 24. Authorized approval of nominated Applicants for Service for Boards & Commissions from the Finance &Operations Committee Meeting on December 17, 2012 along with nominations from the floor: Trina Perry, Council on Aging Barry McGrew, Council on Aging Rob Worley, Building Board of Appeals Scott Childers, Zoning Board of Appeals Rodney Hicks, Zoning Board of Appeals Sylvia Garney, Library Board James Darby, Planning Commission Charles Wood, Convention & Visitors Bureau 25. Approved Council standing committee appointments and authorize establishment of ad hoc committee and appointment for Pennies for Progress Committee. 26. Gave 1st reading of an ordinance TO AMEND THE CODE OF THE COUNTY OF YORK, SOUTH CAROLINA, CHAPTER 30, SECTION 30.16(A)(3) TO PROVIDE FOR FUTURE ADJUSTMENTS IN SALARY AND COMPENSATON OF THE CHAIRPERSON AND OTHER MEMBERS OF COUNCIL BY ORDINANCE ONLY AND THEREBY ELIMINATE THE AUTOMATIC INCREASE IN SALARY CURRENTLY PROVIDED FOR IN THE CODE; TO PROVIDE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING; AND, TO PROVIDE FOR OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. 27. Approved process for reviewing and narrowing proposals for Executive Search Services. Committee and Other Reports Consent Agenda Approved the Consent Agenda and approved the minutes of the December 17, 2012 Finance & Operations Committee Meeting, the minutes of the December 17, 2012 Council Meeting, the minutes of the December 17, 2012 Transportation Committee Meeting, the minutes of the January 7, 2013 Special Called Meeting and the minutes of the January 9, 2013 Special Called Meeting. Council member Comments Executive Session: Contractual Matter Matters for consideration following Executive Session 5 Authorized 2nd reading of an ordinance authorizing the execution and delivery of an infrastructure payment agreement by and between York County, South Carolina and Project Lakemont, its affiliates and assigns, to provide for a special source revenue payment and other related matters with direction to amend the Ordinance and agreement as directed by Council and agreed to by the applicant. Adjourn 6