Spring Test Administration Training Session January 2016 Presenters Dan Wiener Administrator of Inclusive Assessment Jodie Zalk Test Administration Coordinator Scott Kelley Assessment Reporting Specialist 2 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Today’s Agenda Review materials in folders Updates for spring 2016 Test security and test administration protocols Participation requirements Students with disabilities ELL students Reporting Additional information and orientation for new principals Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 3 Board Approved Transition Board approved Commissioner Chester’s recommendation to transition to next-generation MCAS tests starting in spring 2017. Spring 2016: Districts that administered PARCC in spring 2015 will do so again in 2016. Districts that administered MCAS in spring 2015 choose MCAS or PARCC in 2016. MCAS districts administer some PARCC items, which will be reported but not included in students’ scores. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 4 Assessment Decision Spring 2016 MCAS ELA and Math Grades 3–8 MCAS PARCC # of districts # of students in gr. 3–8 reported in Oct. SIMS (approx.) % of MA gr. 3–8 students # of districts # of students in gr. 3–8 reported in Oct. SIMS (approx.) % of MA gr. 3–8 students 112 115,000 27% 235 269,000 63% Data as of Dec. 24, 2015 See www.doe.mass.edu/news/news.aspx?id=21379 for details. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 5 2017 MCAS Plans (and beyond) www.doe.mass.edu/mcas/nextgen/ The test will include MCAS and PARCC items. MA will remain a member of the PARCC consortium. Educator advisory groups will give input on Testing policies High school graduation requirement History and Social Science test New contracts to be awarded to develop MCAS tests ELA, Math, and STE, including high school MCAS-Alt and ACCESS for ELLs: separate contracts Goal to implement computer-based tests by 2019 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 6 Test Administration Protocols Updates for 2016 Testing schedule (PAM pages iii–v) New dates for grades 3–8 ELA New timed section (Session 2B) in grades 3–8 ELA (PAM pages 20–21) No composition in grades 4 and 7 Updated test blueprints for grades 3–8 ELA and Mathematics test with new PARCC items ELA: http://www.doe.mass.edu/mcas/tdd/ela.html?section =testdesign Math: www.doe.mass.edu/mcas/tdd/math.html?section=test design Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 8 Become Familiar with 2016 Updates www.doe.mass.edu/mcas/testadmin/practice MCAS practice tests PARCC practice tests and released items PARCC item types on spring 2016 MCAS grades 3–8 ELA and Math tests ELA narrative writing task Math Type I items Fill-in-the-blank, multiple-choice, multiple-select Math Type II and III items Constructed response Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 9 Grades 3–8 ELA Session 2A Contains MCAS test items Designed to be completed within 35 minutes (recommended) Usual ELA administration procedures Can administer both 2A and 2B on the same day (recommended) 10 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Grades 3–8 ELA Session 2B (new) PARCC narrative writing task 2B must be completed within 60 minutes (timed) Exceptions for students with disabilities and ELLs Schedule an additional 15 minutes (75 minutes total) to complete administration tasks (recommended) Students must complete 2A before 2B. Can wait until all students complete 2A before starting everyone together on 2B (same day or different day). OR Move students to 2B in dismissal waves (begin 2B in different timed groups). Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 11 Materials for Grades 3–8 ELA (new) Required (Session 2B only): Provide at least one sheet of unused scratch paper (blank, lined, or graph) for each student. Students can request more if needed. Securely destroy all used scratch paper after testing. Unused scratch paper can be reused. Prohibited (all sessions): English-language dictionary Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 12 Updates for Grades 3–8 Math Updated recommended time to complete sessions: grade 3: 50 minutes per session grades 4–8: 55 minutes per session PARCC Mathematics items will be administered during both Session 1 and Session 2. Students will use the same tools (e.g., calculators, rulers) on all the MCAS Mathematics and PARCC items. No need to distribute additional tools for PARCC items. No need to collect tools. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 13 Turn & Talk – Gr. 3–8 ELA Scheduling What considerations are involved in deciding whether to do Sessions 2A and 2B on the same day or different days? What are some considerations for students with disabilities and ELLs? 14 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Questions & Answers Stay organized! Keep good records throughout test administration. Plan your schedule early. Especially for schools with grade 5 or 8 doing PARCC ELA/math and MCAS STE during the same time in May 16 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Develop School Security Plan Review with the superintendent: Staffing plan Training plan How to implement security requirements Considerations: Who is involved in planning? How will you evaluate its success? 17 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Plan Your School’s Schedule Testing dates Note new dates for grades 3–8 ELA (PAM pages iii–v) Administration deadlines (see schedule in PAM) Tasks for Before Testing Tasks for After Testing Complete the PCPA (Materials Received section) Complete the PCPA Report packing discrepancies Schedule UPS pickup Order additional materials UPS pickup Testing locations and staffing plan (including administering accommodations) Daily schedule, including dismissal waves Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 18 Complete Other Preparations Prepare record of test administrators and students. Check the Department’s website. SAS Updates – www.doe.mass.edu/mcas/updates.html Read the PAM. Student participation guidelines Submit requests to test students in an alternate setting if needed (PAM page 16) including Students receiving home/hospital instruction Students who are expelled but still enrolled Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 19 Review Data for March SIMS Review the data your district will be reporting in SIMS for students enrolled in your school: Students’ names Including newly enrolled students Demographic information ELL, IEP, and 504 status New: First-year ELL status no longer collected on answer booklets, since it is reported in SIMS. Grade levels Students are reported as absent if they are enrolled but not tested. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 20 Receive Test Materials and Prepare Them for Distribution Complete forms. Internal tracking forms Sample in PAM on pages 125–126 Materials Summary Principal’s Certification of Proper Test Administration (PCPA) – www.mcasservicecenter.com Order additional materials if necessary. Deadlines listed on PAM pages iii–v Distribute TAMs for review during training. Can affix Student ID Labels to answer booklets. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 21 Order STE Materials (High Schools Only) High schools: Order June STE materials March 7–11, 2016 www.mcasservicecenter.com 22 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Be Sure to… Distribute and collect test materials using tracking forms. Monitor and coordinate test administration. Store materials in secure storage area between sessions and after each day of testing. Remind test administrators to read scripts verbatim. Keep a log of test administrators and students. 23 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Prepare Materials for School Files Retain your school’s test administration files for three years. These materials may be requested in the event of an investigation or during an observation visit. Materials to retain: PAM pages 56–57, 75–76 24 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Prepare the Scorable Shipment Assign an answer booklet for students who participated in ANY part of testing students who were absent with medical documentation New – Do not assign a booklet for first-year ELLs who do not participate in ELA (testing is optional). Transcribe responses if necessary for certain accommodations damaged/defective booklets Prepare envelopes Return, Special Handling, Void Packing diagrams and instructions in PAM ELA: beginning on page 48 of the PAM Math and STE: beginning on page 66 of the PAM Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 25 Before Packing Confirm there are no secure materials left in your school. Students’ used answer booklets Test booklets Each day after testing, verify that all materials have been returned to you. Two independent counts of test materials recommended Double-check central storage area. In the bottom of a bin In between file folders Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 26 Complete Forms after Testing Materials Summary PCPA Signature must match the name of the principal in School/District Profiles (http://profiles.doe.mass.edu). 27 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Options for Returning Materials (March–April and May) Complete Early Shipment • Early pickup of all scorable and nonscorable materials Partial Early Shipment • Early pickup of used answer booklets for students who were tested by certain dates AND • Pickup of remaining scorable and nonscorable materials by deadline Regular Shipment • Pickup of all scorable and nonscorable materials as soon as testing has been completed (by deadline) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 28 Schedule Your School’s Pickup Two methods: Schedule online at mcasservicecenter.com. One day prior, and by 3:00 p.m. OR Give cartons to your regular UPS driver. Call to inform the MCAS Service Center (800-737-5103). Grade 10: Call the Service Center to cancel early pickup if using regular return. Do not take materials to UPS or remove from building. 29 Do not leave materials unattended. Use correct UPS labels. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Ship Materials Separately Separate locations and shipping deadlines for each of the following: MCAS MCAS-Alt PARCC ACCESS for ELLs 30 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Other Next Steps Retain specific materials for school files. ELA: PAM pages 56–57 Math and STE: PAM pages 75–76 Recycle certain materials. ELA: PAM page 57 Math and STE: PAM page 76 Securely destroy (e.g., by shredding) scratch paper used by students during grades 3–8 ELA Session 2B. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 31 Test Security Most Common Security Issues Cell phones Improper coaching Improper use of the read-aloud accommodation (#26) Student collaboration Going back to earlier sessions Twitter Improper calculator use Accessing notes/textbooks Improper dictionary use Accessing Internet while using typed response accommodation 33 (#23) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Importance of Leadership Superintendents must review their principals’ test security plans. Superintendent’s Assurance of Proper Test Administration (optional form) — PAM page 124 Principals must maintain the security of the testing environment and test materials. PCPA certification — PAM pages 122–123 Train test administrators and others, and ensure they comply with requirements. Meet with students. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 34 A Secure Testing Environment Plan for appropriate testing spaces students who may need more time lunch, recess, restrooms Cover/remove prohibited classroom displays PAM page 27 No unauthorized visitors 35 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Security Requirements for Test Materials Store all test materials in a central location each day. Locked when tests are not being administered Restricted access Maintain chain of custody of materials during test administration. Do not remove test materials from school. Do not leave test materials unattended. Materials must be returned to the central secure storage area and signed in each day. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 36 Confidentiality of Booklets Do NOT … review test booklets or answer booklets before, during, or after testing, with these exceptions: Test administrators read student directions as instructed in TAM during grades 3–8 ELA Session 2B. Certain accommodations provide students access to tests before testing duplicate test materials retain, recycle, remove, or destroy test materials Remember that confidentiality requirements are in place for MCAS items as well as for PARCC items. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 37 Train Test Administrators and Others All individuals involved in test administration must participate in training. See topics in PAM — pages 31–33 Sample quiz on protocols can be used in training: www.doe.mass.edu/mcas/testadmin/ Test administrators must sign forms. Confirmation of training participation and receipt of TAMs — sample form on PAM page 129 Nondisclosure agreement if providing certain accommodations — form on PAM page 127 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 38 Test Administrator Responsibilities 1. Follow directions in TAMs and read scripts verbatim. 2. Supervise students at all times to prevent cheating. 3. Prevent use of prohibited materials (e.g., cell phones). 4. Focus full attention on the testing room. 5. Do not coach students or alter responses. 39 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Turn & Talk –Training Plan How are your test administrators trained? Test administrators for accommodations? How do you evaluate the success of your training? 40 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Planning for Required and Prohibited Materials Principals must develop procedures so that students receive required materials, and do not access prohibited materials. Principals must inform Test administrators whether to read recommended TAM script or school-developed script how they will actively monitor the room how to handle a situation if a student is found with a prohibited item Students Parents/guardians See PAM beginning on page 27 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 41 Test Security Requirements for Students Meet with students before testing to review expectations. During testing, students must NOT … preview test materials copy others’ work or communicate with other students ask for or accept any coaching let someone else answer for them work in a different test session use devices/materials (e.g., cell phones) that are prohibited during testing 42 See PAM page 130 for a sample form to document students’ understanding of requirements. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Results will be invalidated for students who use cell phones or other electronic devices at any time during a session, including after a student turns in his or her test materials, during a break, or during the transition to a test completion area. 43 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education How to Avoid This Situation Inform students about the cell phone policy, including consequences for using one during testing. Plan for end of session: Inform students of appropriate activities at the end of a session (e.g., do homework for another class). See PAM page 30 for a list of materials permitted after a student has turned in test materials. Have test administrators collect test materials when students are done. Schedule sessions for appropriate lengths of time. Use dismissal waves in scheduling. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 44 Please contact the Department at 781-338-3625 IMMEDIATELY to report testing irregularities. See PAM pages 6–7 for more information about reporting testing irregularities. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 45 Tips to Maintain Security (Recommended) Use seating charts. Have an empty seat between students. Whenever possible, Assign test administrators to classes other than their own. OR Have two test administrators in each room. 46 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Other Tips from Schools www.doe.mass.edu/mcas/testadmin/ schoolsamples/default.html Sample seating chart Training materials Worksheets for accounting for materials Tracking accommodations Checklists Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 47 Questions & Answers Short Break Participation for Students with Disabilities Updates for 2016 Requirements for the Participation of Students with Disabilities in MCAS (2015–2016 Update) www.doe.mass.edu/mcas/participation/sped.pdf PAM Appendix B: Procedures for Testing Students with Disabilities MCAS accommodations available for English Language Arts Session 2B (PARCC section) for grades 3–8. Students with disabilities may receive extended time. Students can have test read aloud only if (nonstandard) accommodation 26 (read aloud ELA) is listed in IEP/504. 50 Students can have a scribe if (nonstandard) accommodation 29 (scribe composition) is listed in IEP/504. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Assigning MCAS Accommodations IEP or 504 plan must specify which accommodations will be used for testing. Include a description of the accommodation, not just the accommodation number (e.g., accommodation 25: other – slant board). IEP must be signed by parent/guardian before accommodations may be provided. Notification of parents is required for 504 plans. 51 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Prohibitions for Test Accommodations Test administrators may not… Provide accommodations not listed in a student’s IEP or 504 plan Appendix B of the PAM, without Department approval Provide a different grade-level test Alter, photocopy, or scan a test booklet Coach or provide clues/assistance E.g., define words, explain questions, suggest the student write more 52 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Examples of Testing Irregularities due to Prohibited Materials English-language dictionary or thesaurus Dictionaries are allowed only on the Grade 10 ELA Composition test. Unapproved individualized math reference sheet or graphic organizer Calculator on the non-calculator session of Mathematics test for a student who does not have this listed in an IEP/504 plan 53 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Things to Do Now to Prepare for MCAS Accommodations Review IEPs, 504 plans, and PAM Appendix B. Prepare a list or spreadsheet for test scheduling: Student Name John Ward Grade Subject TA Name Room # Accommodation(s) 5 Math 208 19 – scribe 20 – graphic organizer Mr. Lee Order special test editions, as needed. E.g., large-print, Braille Submit graphic organizers and individualized reference sheets to the Department for approval. Provide training on accommodations to Test administrators Substitutes Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 54 Nonstandard Accommodations (NSAs) NSAs may be provided only to a student who is virtually unable to decode, calculate, write, or spell; AND receives ongoing intervention in this area. NSAs may not be provided if student is simply performing “below grade level.” Score may be invalidated if ineligible student was provided an NSA. Use of NSAs will be reported with a notation on Parent/Guardian Reports School and district rosters Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 55 MCAS Accommodation 20: Graphic Organizers, Checklists, and Individualized Reference Sheets ELA graphic organizers and Mathematics reference sheets must be approved by the Department prior to testing. ELA graphic organizers may include text, but no hints, sentence starters, examples. Individualized Math reference sheets May include formulas, memory prompts (e.g., mnemonics) May not include graphics, definitions, sample problems, steps for solving specific problems See PAM Appendices B and E. www.doe.mass.edu/mcas/participation/?section=all Sample ELA and STE reference sheets Approval guide for Mathematics reference sheets Pre-approved ELA graphic organizers Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 56 MCAS Accommodation 20: Deadlines for Submission Use Approval Cover Sheet for approval (all subjects) Page 139 of the PAM Only submit/resubmit materials approved in 2014 or earlier. Deadline to Test Submit Feb. 5 ELA tests (all grades) April 1 Mathematics tests (all grades) and STE tests (grades 5 and 8) April 29 High school STE tests Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 57 If a Student Refuses an Accommodation Document the refusal in the student’s file. Sample refusal form — page 141 of the PAM Continue to make accommodation available for remainder of test administration. Do not fill in circles on the student’s answer booklet (back cover) for accommodations that were not used. Notify parent/guardian. Amend IEP/504 plan for future testing. If appropriate, list accommodation in the IEP/504 plan “as requested by student,” or remove it. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 58 MCAS-Alt General Information IEP team or 504 plan designates students for MCAS-Alt each year and in each subject. Student will take MCAS-Alt, regardless of whether the school is giving MCAS or PARCC. Principals should encourage teachers to attend Department-sponsored training. Training and portfolio review sessions offered in Oct., Jan., and March Participation increases likelihood of submitting a complete portfolio MCAS-Alt scores are included with other results for school and district accountability. Results posted electronically (DropBox) in mid-June Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 59 How Principals Can Support Their Teachers Who Conduct the MCAS-Alt Determine which teachers need support. Who can assist in the school/district? Monitor teachers’ progress. Encourage teachers to review each other’s portfolios. Bi-monthly MCAS-Alt Newsletter, including “Administrator’s Corner” Where possible, provide time and flexibility to work on portfolios. E.g., scheduling, coverage, substitutes Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 60 Participation for ELL Students MCAS Participation by ELL Students ELLs are required to participate in MCAS (or PARCC), or MCAS-Alt in all subjects required for their grade. Exception: First-year ELLs may participate in ELA testing, but are not required. Foreign exchange students (coded #11 in SIMS) are also required to participate in all tests scheduled for their grade. Requirements for the Participation of English Language Learners in ACCESS for ELLs 2.0, MCAS, and PARCC available at www.doe.mass.edu/mcas/participation/ell.pdf Grade 10 and retest: English/Spanish MCAS Math test is available. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 62 MCAS Accommodations for ELL Students ELLs and former ELLs may use an approved bilingual word-to-word dictionary or glossary on any MCAS test. Updated list available at www.doe.mass.edu/mcas/testadmin/lep-bilingualdictionary.pdf Includes list of specialized glossaries for Math and STE ELLs may receive extended time on ELA Session 2B for grades 3–8. ELLs with disabilities must also receive test accommodations, per their IEP/504 plan. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 63 MCAS Test Administration for ELLs Assigning Testing Spaces for ELLs Principals may assign students to spaces other than regular classrooms, as long as other conditions and staffing requirements are met. Do not mark this as an accommodation on a student’s answer booklet unless the student also has this in his or her IEP or 504 plan. “Stop Testing” Policy If an ELL student does not seem to be responding to test questions, the test administrator may ask if the student is finished. 64 If so, collect test materials. The student may do homework, read a book, or sit quietly. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education ACCESS for ELLs Test Administration Deadlines Until February 10 Administer ACCESS for ELLs test February 11 Deadline to pack test materials and schedule UPS pickup February 12 Deadline for UPS pickup March 30 – April 8 Online Data Validation (Verify student demographics) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 65 Questions & Answers High School Participation Review CD Data (High Schools Only) Check lists of students who are in grade 12 to confirm Who has not been tested? Who still needs to earn a CD? Check CD report PE618 Available in Edwin Analytics on January 15 Includes November retest results Check list of students in grade 11 who were in grade 9 the previous school year To be posted in School and District DropBoxes in late January Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 68 High School EPP Students can participate in the March ELA retest for EPP purposes. Students can participate in EPP/MCAS test for Math. April 25–May 6, 2016 www.doe.mass.edu/ccr/epp/test.html 69 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education New Grade 11 Students Claim them by Reporting them in SIMS (or SIF) or Using the claiming process in Edwin Analytics If they have not taken the high school MCAS tests, determine whether they wish to qualify for the Adams Scholarship. If so, schedule them for grade 10 ELA and Mathematics testing. If not, schedule them for retests. Administer STE tests in February (Biology) or in June (all four tests). Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 70 High School Participation Guidelines posted at www.doe.mass.edu/mcas/participation/high school.html Call 781-338-3625 with questions. 71 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Reporting Reporting Topics Schedule for reporting MCAS results Discrepancy reporting periods High school reporting notes Student Profile Report in Edwin Preliminary plans for reporting PARCC portions of MCAS Accountability reporting 73 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Spring 2016 MCAS Reporting Schedule March–May (all dates tentative) March 31 Access February Biology data files and rosters at DropBox Central April 15 Access March Retest data files and rosters at DropBox Central March 30– ACCESS for ELLs data validation (schools) April 8 Districts receive February Biology and March May 10 Retest Parent/Guardian Reports Late May Schools and districts receive printed ACCESS for ELLs reports and data posted at DropBox Central Results will be available in EDW/Edwin Analytics 3 days after the DropBox release. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 74 Spring 2016 MCAS Reporting Schedule Early Summer Mid-June: MCAS-Alt student results and portfolio feedback forms at DropBox Central Late June: Districts access grade 10 MCAS ELA Compositions at www.mcasservicecenter.com Early July: ELA (preliminary results), Math (multiple-choice only), Grades 5 and 8 STE (multiple-choice only) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 75 Spring 2016 MCAS Reporting Schedule July–August (all dates tentative) July 1–July 31 MCAS discrepancy reporting by phone (800-737-5103) Early August TBD Districts access full preliminary Mathematics and STE MCAS results • Combined with June ELA August TBD MCAS discrepancy reporting online (mcasservicecenter.com) 76 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Spring 2016 MCAS Official Results Reporting Schedule — Fall (TBD) Districts access official MCAS student, school, and district results on MassEdu Gateway. One day later: Districts receive shipment of MCAS and MCASAlt Parent/Guardian Reports. Public release of official school and district results by the Department. 77 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Reporting Notes for High Schools STE scores used for accountability in grade 10 Grade 9 students’ scores are held until grade 10. All high school accountability determinations are based on grade 10 data. Any student enrolled as a 10th grader from March through the end of the school year who has never taken an STE test will count against participation rates. Including first-year ELL students and students taking the MCAS-Alt Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 78 Reporting Notes for High Schools Continued Grade 11 or 12 students who were reported in SIMS in grade 9 in 2015 (i.e., skipped grade 10) are required to participate in spring grade 10 MCAS tests, even if they earned the CD by taking a retest. The Department will place a “skip g_10” file in school and district DropBoxes by January 29. Students who do not participate will count against school/district participation results. 79 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Student Profile Report in Edwin Provides all school enrollment, assessment, and Student Course Schedule (SCS) history for individual students To view data immediately for a student who transfers into your district, you must claim the student in Edwin Analytics. Once your district claims educational responsibility for the student, authorized users may view data in Edwin from prior to a student’s arrival in your district. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 80 Reporting PARCC Portions of MCAS (Anticipated) PARCC section on MCAS to be scored and reported to parents/guardians and educators PARCC “reporting category” score to be included on MCAS Parent/Guardian Reports, Edwin Analytics reports, and School/District Profiles Estimate of whether students are scoring at the PARCC “Meets Expectations” level to be included on MCAS reports Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 81 Accountability Reporting in 2016 Schools administering MCAS will be classified into a level as usual, and will not be “held harmless.” Schools administering PARCC will have their 2016 accountability and assistance level “held harmless” (i.e., the level will stay the same or improve from 2015, but cannot decline). Accountability levels will be calculated after PARCC results become available. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 82 Equipercentile Linking: MCAS/PARCC Concordance Table 83 PARCC and MCAS scores are linked Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education by the percentile they share. Student Growth Percentiles 2015 MCAS 100 2016 MCAS 99 90 80 70 Academic Peers 60 50 50 40 30 1 20 10 0 MCAS Grade 3 Warning MCAS Grade 4 Needs Improvement Proficient Advanced Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 84 Questions & Answers Short Break If you are leaving now, please leave your completed Evaluation Form at the registration desk. Thank you for coming. Additional Information and Orientation for New Principals Additional Accommodations Information Selecting Appropriate Accommodations for Instruction Adults who work with the student: Gather information on student’s learning style and preferences. Look at student’s classroom performance, not just the type of disability. Try out prospective accommodations during instruction. Evaluate instructional accommodations and modify as needed. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 89 Designating Accommodations for Assessment Team bases the selection of test accommodations on those used successfully during instruction. For each subject, determine whether the accommodation is appropriate and allowed for MCAS testing. Develop/amend IEP or 504 plan, listing instructional and assessment accommodations separately. Accommodations must be provided/offered if listed in IEP (signed by parent/guardian) or in 504 plan. Evaluate the effectiveness of test accommodations. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 90 Additional Details on Test Administration Additional Information Forms Materials Summary PCPA Internal tracking form Completing student information on answer booklet covers Return shipping instructions Brockton High School video Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 92 Materials Summary 93 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education PCPA “Materials Received” Section 94 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education PCPA “After Testing” Sections 95 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education The principal must sign the PCPA. 96 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Internal Tracking Forms Used to determine chain of custody of materials See samples in PAM (pages 125 and 126) 97 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education School-created Internal Tracking Forms Include the following components: The specific count of materials at the time of distribution The specific count of materials at the time of return Signature areas for the test administrator and the principal or test coordinator to sign the form 98 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Student ID Labels and SIMS Student ID Labels based on October SIMS Use a label even if there is some incorrect information on it as long as the SASID on the label is correct. Correct the student’s name or date of birth in the next SIMS submission (March or June) via your district SIMS contact (see PAM page ii for instructions on how to find yours). 99 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Completing Student Information If a student has a label, fill in the following information on the front cover: School name School district Student’s name (Write in the name, but no need to fill in the circles below.) If no label, fill in all the information on the front cover and fill in corresponding circles. See sample front covers of a student answer 100 booklet in the PAM on pages 132 and 133. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education What to fill in on the answer booklet front cover if a student does NOT have a label 101 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Returning Answer Booklets – Three Envelopes Return Envelope Used/assigned standard answer booklets (ABs) Special Handling Envelope Typed Responses inserted in ABs Large-print ABs with transcribed standard AB Void Envelope ABs that were assigned to students but that should not be scored Fill in “VOID” circle on back cover of the AB. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 102 Pack Return Shipments Use the diagrams in the PAM to pack scorable and nonscorable shipments. ELA instructions — pages 52–55 Mathematics and STE instructions — pages 71–74 103 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education One School’s Perspective on Test Administration Brockton High School www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=zrpUTFGyUDw Organizing Test Administration (Courtesy of Brockton High School) 1. Preparation in advance of materials arriving at the school 2. Preparation of test administrators 3. Preparation of students 4. Maintaining security within each testing room 5. Collection and accountability of materials Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 105 Questions & Answers Please leave your completed Evaluation Forms at the registration desk. Thank you for coming.