

Overview of Differences between DESE New Regulations for Teacher Evaluation and Quabbin’s Current Teacher Evaluation



Performance Standards


7 Principles of Effective


New Evaluation Regulations

4 Performance Standards

Curriculum, Planning and Assessment

Teaching All Students

Family and Community Engagement

Professional Culture

For additional information refer to section 35.03: Standards and Indicators of Effective Teaching Practice in Evaluation of Educators Regulations

Performance Levels

Goal Setting

Meets/Needs Improvement Exemplary/Proficient/Needs Improvement/Unsatisfactory

as defined by rubrics

Exemplary shall mean that the educator's performance consistently and significantly exceeds the requirements of a standard or overall.

Proficient shall mean that the educator's performance fully and consistently meets the requirements of a standard or overall.

Needs improvement shall mean that the educator's performance on a standard or overall is below the requirements of a standard or overall, but is not considered to be unsatisfactory at this time. Improvement is necessary and expected.

Unsatisfactory shall mean that the educator's performance on a standard or overall has not significantly improved following a rating of needs improvement, or the educator's performance is consistently below the requirements of a standard or overall and is considered inadequate, or both

Informal Formal Goal Setting with monitoring system

Professional goals linked to school and district goals much like IPDP goals

Team goals are encouraged

For additional information refer to section 35.06: Evaluation Cycle part 3 in

Evaluation of Educators Regulations

Rubrics None

Unannounced Observations



Improvement Plan

Use of Student Achievement Data None

Use of Student/Parent Feedback None


For additional information refer to Mass Model System for Educator

Evaluation – Part III Guide to Rubrics and Model Rubrics

Required unannounced observations and frequent short observations

(announced observations are optional)

Plans for everyone

Developing Educator Plan shall mean a plan, developed by the educator and the evaluator for one school year or less for a teacher without Professional Teacher Status; or, at the discretion of an evaluator, for an educator in a new assignment.

Self-directed Growth Plan shall mean a plan of one or two school

 years for experienced educators who are rated proficient or exemplary, developed by the educator.

Directed Growth Plan shall mean a plan of one school year or less for

 educators who are in need of improvement, developed by the educator and the evaluator.

Improvement Plan shall mean a plan of at least thirty calendar days and no more than one school year for educators who are rated unsatisfactory, developed by the evaluator with goals specific to improving the educator's unsatisfactory performance.

Required (in 2013-14)

Exact requirements are still under development – student growth “trends” over at least a two year period may be used as one of multiple measures

For additional information refer to section 35.09: Student Performance

Measures and section 35.07: Evidence Used in Evaluation in Evaluation of

Educators Regulations

Required (in 2013-14)

Exact requirements are still under development

For additional information refer to section 35.07: Evidence Used in

Evaluation part 1.c.2 in Evaluation of Educators Regulations

Reported to DESE

Professional Teacher Status


No criteria identified in document

Performance levels by teacher reported to DESE

For additional information refer to Mass Model System for Educator

Evaluation – Part I District-Level Planning and Implementation Guide –

Appendix F

Must be proficient in all 4 performance standards to earn PTS

For additional information refer to section 35.08: Performance Level Ratings

Part 6

For additional detailed information about the new teacher evaluation regulations and the DESE model teacher, principal and superintendent evaluation system , please review:

The regulations at

The model system documents at

Frequently asked questions at

Timeline for Implementation

RTTT Districts (Quabbin is one) have an advantage in that they can implement in phases

Must implement Phase I (use of the 4 performance standards, four performance levels and goal setting) by fall of 2012

Must implement use of educator impact on student learning (Phase II) and use of student and staff feedback (Phase III) by fall of 2013

Non RTTT districts must implement all Phases I, II and III at the same time by fall of 2013
