DDMs: Updates and Discussion MVSA Ron Noble - ESE October 16, 2013 The Educator Evaluation Framework Everyone earns two ratings Summative Performance Rating Student Impact Rating Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory High Moderate Low Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 2 Summative Rating Two Ratings Exemplary 1-yr Self-Directed Self-Directed 2-yr Self-Directed Growth Plan Growth Plan Growth Plan Proficient Needs Improvement Directed Growth Plan Unsatisfactory Improvement Plan Low Moderate High Rating of Impact on Student Learning Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 3 Student Impact Rating Evaluators must assign a rating based on trends (at least 2 years) and patterns (at least 2 measures) Options: Statewide growth measure(s) must be used, where available District-determined Measure(s) of student learning comparable across grade or subject district-wide. Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 4 Student Impact Rating – 2 examples Year Measure Student Results Year 1 MCAS SGP, grade 8 English language arts High growth Year 1 Writing assessment Moderate growth Year 2 MCAS SGP, grade 8 English language arts High growth Year 2 Writing assessment Moderate growth Year 2 Portfolio assessment Moderate growth Year Measure Student Results Year 1 MCAS SGP, grade 8 English language arts Low growth Year 1 Writing assessment Moderate growth Year 2 MCAS SGP, grade 8 English language arts Moderate growth Year 2 Portfolio assessment Moderate growth Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 5 Definition “Measures of student learning, growth, and achievement related to the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks, Massachusetts Vocational Technical Education Frameworks, or other relevant frameworks, that are comparable across grade or subject level district-wide. These measures may include, but shall not be limited to: portfolios, approved commercial assessments and district-developed pre and post unit and course assessments, and capstone projects.” Student Measures 603 CMR 35.02 Aligned to Frameworks Comparable Across District Expansive Definition of Acceptable Measures Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 6 SY 2013-2014 DDM Milestones Date September 2013 Action • Example DDMs released: http://www.doe.mass.edu/edeval/ddm/example/. • All districts and RTTT charter schools submit list of DDMs to pilot during the 2013-2014 year. Template available here: http://www.doe.mass.edu/edeval/ddm/. Sept. 2013 – • All districts and RTTT charter schools pilot DDMs June 2014 June 2014 • All districts and RTTT charter schools submit final plans, including any extension requests, for implementing DDMs during the 201415 school year*. 7 *ESE will release the June 2014 submission template and DDM implementation extension request form in December 2013.. Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education DDM Implementation Timeline August 15th – Commissioner’s Memorandum Extension requests will be coupled with June 2014 submissions One-year extension of DDM implementation for particular grade(s)/subject(s) or course(s) for which the district has not yet identified DDMs. Blanket extensions will not be granted. Use judiciously - not all districts will need an extension Not a pause button. 8 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education DDM Key Questions Is the measure aligned to content? Does it assess what the educators intend to teach and what’s most important for students to learn? Is the measure informative? Do the results tell educators whether students are making the desired progress, falling short, or excelling? Do the results provide valuable information to schools and districts about their educators? Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 9 Refining your Pilot DDMs Districts will employ a variety of approaches to identify pilot DDMs (e.g., build, borrow, buy). Key considerations: 1. How well does the assessment measure growth? 2. Is there a common administration protocol? 3. Is there a common scoring process? 4. How do results correspond to low, moderate, of high growth? 5. Is the assessment comparable to other DDMs? Use the DDM Key Questions and these considerations to strengthen your assessments during the pilot year. Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 10 Resources Available Now: Technical Guide B DDMs and Assessment Literacy Webinar Series Technical Assistance and Networking Sessions Core Course Objectives and Example DDMs Coming Soon Model Contract Language DDM Pilot Plan Cohorts Using Current Assessments Guidance (Curriculum Summit) Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 11 Example Assessments 150 assessments that provide over 800 options for different grades/subjects and courses. More complete open source assessments coming! We need your help! Please submit: Assessment directions, materials, items and prompts Scoring resources (rubrics, answer keys) Other information (steps for administration, lesson plans, examples of how results are used) To submit your examples, complete the survey and upload your materials at https://www.smartsheet.com/b/form?EQBCT=52e3762ac7954f93aa40cc879bc38855 WestEd's DDM submission help line at (415) 615-3127. (10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. EST.) Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 12 12 Example Assessments Key features of each option are described in a one-page summary. Each one-pager includes a link for additional information. 13 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Ongoing Work with WestEd 1. Continued collection and evaluation of locallydeveloped assessments. 2. Evaluation of all collected assessments for additional grade/subject and course coverage, specifically to expand the collection of Example DDMs in the minimum pilot areas. 3. Analyze new information submitted by assessment developers and make appropriate revisions to onepage summaries. 4. Execute a scope of work that will yield Example DDMs in the CVTE program areas Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 14 Using Current Assessments Presentation Guidance Document: Using Current Assessments in DDMs Curriculum Summit November 6th and 7th Content Three steps for bringing together multiple assessments from across the year to measure growth Two concrete examples of this process using the Curriculum Embedded Performance Assessments (CEPAs) from the Model Curriculum Units (MCUs) Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 15 DDMs: 4 Key Messages 1. DDMs are part of a multidimensional framework. Decisions about an educator’s impact or effectiveness will never be based of the results of a single DDM. 2. Focus is on students, not just educators DDMs must yield information that will be useful to educators in improving student outcomes. 3. This is about building capacity. DDMs provide districts a good reason to consider ways to refine and improve existing assessment practices. 4. Teachers have the necessary skills to lead the process of identifying DDMs – You can do this! Many districts will have success leveraging teacherdeveloped assessments to develop DDMs. Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 16