The Model Process for
Principal Evaluation
July 26, 2012
Massachusetts Secondary School
Administrators’ Association
Summer Institute
Overview of 5-Step Evaluation Cycle o Strategies for leveraging your evaluation for school improvement and professional growth
Resources o What’s available o What’s coming
Lessons from an Early Adopter District
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Understand the 5-Step Cycle of Continuous
Improvement that is the foundation of the new system o How it applies to you as an educator o How to marshal it for your own professional growth o How to leverage it for improvement in your school
Know the key components of the model system for evaluating principals
Know how to access resources that will help you lead effective implementation efforts back in your school and district
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Massachusetts Model System for
Educator Evaluation
Part V: Implementation Guide for
Principal Evaluation
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Educator: any person employed in a position requiring a license or certificate o Principal o Assistant Principal o Superintendent o Teacher o Etc.
Evaluator: any person who has responsibility for evaluation o Superintendent o Principal o School Committee o Assistant
Superintendent o Etc.
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Principals & Administrators
Instructional Leadership *
Curriculum, Planning & Assessment *
Management and Operations Teaching All Students *
Family & Community Engagement Family & Community Engagement
Professional Culture Professional Culture
* Standards requiring proficient rating or above to achieve overall rating of proficient or above
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Educators earn two separate ratings
Rating of Impact on Student Learning
(multiple measures of performance, including MCAS
Student Growth Percentile and MEPA where available)
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Every educator is an active participant in an evaluation
Process promotes collaboration and continuous learning
Foundation for the
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Every educator is an active participant in the evaluation process
Every educator uses a rubric and data about student learning
Every educator proposes at least 1 professional practice goal and 1 student learning goal – team goals must be considered
Every educator earns one of four ratings of performance
Every educator has a mid-cycle review
Every educator and evaluator collects evidence and assesses progress.
Collaboration and Continuous Learning are the focus
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Note: Two Ways the 5-Step Cycle is different for Principals in the Model
Goals: Plan includes School Improvement Goals, as well as Student Learning and Professional Practice goals
Evaluation Cycle: Annual Cycle (not two-year) for
Educator Plan, regardless of experience
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Principals self-assess their performance using: o Student data, and o Local rubric
Based on the Standards and Indicators of Effective
Administrative Leadership o Principals are encouraged to consult with their school leadership team
Principals propose 3 types of goals
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
I. Instructional
A. Curriculum
B. Instruction
C. Assessment
D. Evaluation
E. Data-Informed
Decision Making
Principal Rubric At-a-Glance
II. Management
& Operations
A. Environment
III. Family &
A. Engagement
B. HR Management &
C. Scheduling &
Information Systems
D. Law, Ethics &
E. Fiscal Systems
B. Sharing
C. Communication
D. Family Concerns
IV. Professional
A. Commitment to
High Standards
B. Cultural
C. Communications
D. Continuous
E. Shared Vision
F. Managing Conflict
Jot down one or two key priorities you want to focus on next year in your school to improve instruction and student learning
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Principal sets goals: o Student learning goal o Professional practice goal o 2-4 School improvement goals
Principals are required to consider team goals
Superintendent has final authority over goals
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Student learning goal o “Specified improvement in student learning, growth and achievement” o Includes a goal statement, key actions and process/outcome benchmarks
Professional practice goal o Educator practice in relation to performance standards and/or indicators o Use rubric as starting point
School Improvement goals o Directly linked to school improvement priorities o Aligned to district improvement priorities
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
District Goals
School Goals
Team Goals
Teacher Goals
Principal completes the planned action steps
Principal collects evidence: o Described in the plan o Active outreach to families (Standard III) o Fulfillment of professional responsibilities and growth (Standard IV)
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Superintendent collects evidence on the professional practice of principal, including: o Multiple measures of student learning o Observations and artifacts o Additional evidence related to performance standards
Superintendent provides feedback on practice to principal
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Superintendent Rubric (I-D-2):
I-D. Evaluation Indicator: Provides effective and timely supervision and evaluation of all staff in alignment with state regulations and contract provisions
2) Typically makes at least three unannounced visits to each school to observe principal practice every year and provides targeted, constructive feedback to all administrators. Acknowledges effective practice and provides redirection and support for those whose practice is less than proficient.
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Ongoing and, at times, unannounced– a minimum of 3 (recommended) visits per year
(Fall, Winter, Spring)
Foci of visits o Discuss progress and challenges o Examine artifacts o Observe teaching practice and share analyses
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
What is the opportunity with Superintendent’s visits?
o Discuss progress and challenges
Related to goals o Examine relevant artifacts (quality not quantity)
Aligned to priority areas
Ex: Interim assessment results, meeting plans, etc.
o Observe classrooms and other practices; share analyses
Meetings: leadership team, faculty, parent, department
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Principal prepares a progress report
Review evidence and assess progress on principal’s goals
Superintendent completes the Mid-Cycle formative assessment o Provides feedback to the principal to help him or her improve professional practice
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Principal submits collected data to
Superintendent determines an overall summative rating of performance based on: o The principal’s performance against the four performance Standards (educators receive a rating for each Standard), and o Evidence of the attainment of goals
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Superintendent provides feedback to the educator to help him or her improve professional practice
Principal uses summative evaluation to inform self-assessment o Continuous Improvement process
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
“Proficient is the expected, rigorous level of performance for educators. It is the demanding but attainable level of performance for most educators.”
“Exemplary performance significantly exceeds
Proficient and could serve as a model for leaders district-wide or even statewide. Few educators—principals included—are expected to demonstrate Exemplary performance on more than a small number of Indicators or
Part III: Guide to Rubrics
Page 9
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Suggestions for Principals
Review “SMART” Goal Setting and assess how
“SMART” your current school improvement goals are
Read the Implementation Guide for Principal
Evaluation (Part V of the Model System) and the
Administrator rubric
Locate your school improvement focus areas in the Administrator and Teacher rubric
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Massachusetts Model System for
Educator Evaluation
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Content Overview
The Model Evaluation Process for Principals
Guidance for Conducting the Evaluation Process
Cycle of Continuous Improvement
Select Appendices: Administrator Standards and
Indicators, Evaluation Report Forms, Roles and
Responsibilities, SMART Goals, Samples
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
What’s coming?
− Summer 2012
Guidance on District-Determined Measures
Training Modules with facilitator guides, PowerPoint presentations, and participant handouts
List of approved vendors
Updated website with new Resources section
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
What’s coming?
− Fall/Winter 2012
Solicit and review feedback on Model System; update
Research & develop student and staff feedback instruments
Collect and disseminate best practices
Collect and vet assessments to build a repository of district measures
Internal collaboration to support cross-initiative alignment
EX: Support for use of rubric for teachers of ELLs aligned to RETELL initiative
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
For More Information and Resources:
Visit the ESE educator evaluation website:
Contact ESE with questions and suggestions:
Claudia Bach –
Preeya Pandya –
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Patricia Puglisi
Assistant Principal
Reading Memorial High School
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education