Section III and IV – Exam Preparation Extended Response Answers How to Use this Guide 1. The Economics syllabus “students learn to examine economic issues” statements are in the 1st column. 2. HSC Extended response questions from the years 2002-2013 are in the 2nd column. 3. Notice the correlation between the syllabus economic issues and the extended response questions. 4. Underneath each of the past HSC exam questions are the “marking guidelines”, “notes from the marking centre” and the “sample answers”. All of these documents will provide you with useful information on how to answer the question – these are hyperlinked to the correct place. Please let me know if the links take you to the wrong place so I can correct the error. 5. Please note – there are separate hyperlinks for the papers from 2010-2013 for the “marking guidelines”, “notes from the marking centre” and the “sample answers”, however, the past HSC papers from 2002-2009 include this in one document and therefore, there is only one hyperlink. Make sure that you scroll through the entire document in this case. 6. A mapping grid can be found in the “marking guidelines” document which shows you the link between Syllabus content and all examination questions from all sections in the exams. A sample is pasted below. It clearly shows that question 1 related to the dot point concerning trade agreements. You can work out the rest. I can’t provide any guarantees about what will be asked in the HSC or Trial, but it is interesting to note that there are a few economic issues that haven’t been covered in the HSC extended response questions in the last 12 years. It should also be evident that there are certain economic issues which have been questioned regularly. Other than that, read the document and prepare yourself as best as you can. Work smart not hard! Topic 1 – The Global Economy HSC 2012 – Question 27 For an economy other than Australia, discuss the effects of globalisation on economic growth and the quality of life. Marking Guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2009 – Question 28 Analyse the impact of changes in the global economy on Australia’s economic growth and external stability. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers Examine the effects of globalisation on economic growth and the quality of life, levels of unemployment, rates of inflation and external stability. HSC 2005 – Question 28 Outline the features of globalisation, and analyse the impact of globalisation on the standard of living in the global economy. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2003 – Question 27 Explain the impact of globalisation on the economic performance of EITHER the Australian economy OR and economy other than Australia. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2002 – Question 27 Analyse the impact of changes in the global economy on Australia’s current account and net foreign debt. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers Assess the potential impact on the environment of continuing world economic development. HSC 2006 – Question 28 Outline the arguments for ecologically sustainable development, and discuss the likely impacts of an increase in the rate of Australia’s economic growth on the environment. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2004 – Question 28 Discuss the impact of globalisation on one or more economies, with reference to economic development and environmental consequences. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2009 – Question 26 With reference to Australia and at least ONE other economy, discuss the impact of globalisation on development and the distribution of global wealth. In your answer, you should refer to the economic information provided. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers Investigate the global distribution of income and wealth. HSC 2005 – Question 28 Outline the features of globalisation, and analyse the impact of globalisation on the standard of living in the global economy. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2007 – Question 28 For an economy other than Australia, explain how government development strategies have responded to the process of globalisation. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2004 – Question 28 Discuss the impact of globalisation on one or more economies, with reference to economic development and environmental Assess the consequences consequences. of an unequal distribution of global Marking guidelines income and wealth. Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2008 – Question 25 Discuss the influence of international organisations and contemporary trading blocs and agreements in promoting globalisation. In your answer, use the economic information provided. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2006 – Question 25 Analyse the impact of reduced levels of protection on the global economy. Discuss the effects of protectionist policies on the global economy. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2002 – Question 28 Analyse the impact of protectionist policies on the domestic and global economies. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2002 – Question 28 Analyse the impact of protectionist policies on the domestic and global economies. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers Topic 2 – Australia’s Place in the Global Economy HSC 2011 – Question 28 Discuss the impact of changes in the domestic and global economy on Australia’s exchange rate. Assess the impact of recent changes in the global economy on Australia’s trade and financial flows. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2005 – Question 25 Examine the reasons for changes in the composition and direction of Australia’s trade, and explain the impact of these changes on structural change in Australia. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers Examine the effects of changes in trade and financial flows on Australia’s economic performance. HSC 2011 – Question 28 Discuss the impact of changes in the domestic and global economy on Australia’s exchange rate. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2013 – Question 25 Explain how movements in the Australian dollar can affect the performance of the Australian economy. In your response you should refer to the economic information provided. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Analyse the effects of changes in the value of the Australian dollar on the Australian economy. HSC 2008 – Question 26 Discuss the effects of an appreciation of the Australian dollar on Australia’s internal and external stability. In your answer, use the economic information provided. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2006 – Question 27 Outline the causes of an increase in demand for the Australian dollar, and discuss the impacts on the Australian economy of a sustained appreciation of the Australian currency. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2004 – Question 25 Analyse the effects of changes in the exchange rate of the Australian dollar (against other currencies) on the Australian economy. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2013 – Question 27 Analyse the effects of domestic AND global free trade and protection policies on the Australian economy. Discuss the impacts of free trade and protection policies on the quality of life in Australia. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre HSC 2010 – Question 28 Analyse the effects of protectionist trade policies on the Australian economy. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers Propose likely changes to the structure of industry within Australia as a result of current trends in the global economy. HSC 2012 – Question 26 Analyse the impact of changes in the global economy on the structure of industry in the Australian economy. In your response, you should refer to the economic information provided. Marking Guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers Topic 3 – Economic Issues Examine the arguments for and against increasing economic growth rates. HSC 2005 – Question 27 Outline the factors affecting Australia’s economic growth, and analyse the relationship between economic growth and changes in Australia’s unemployment rate. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2013 – Question 28 Analyse the causes of unemployment and its effect on the Australian economy. Investigate the economic and social problems created by unemployment. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre HSC 2003 – Question 25 In relation to the Australian economy, discuss the causes of unemployment and the economic and social problems created by unemployment. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers Analyse the effects of inflation on an economy. HSC 2012 – Question 25 Analyse the impact of changes in the global economy on Australia’s Balance of Payments. In your response, you should refer to the economic information provided. Discuss the effect of a continued current account deficit on an economy. Marking Guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2010 – Question 27 Analyse the causes and effects of fluctuations in Australia’s external stability. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2007 – Question 26 Discuss the economic implications for the Australian economy of Australia’s continuing current account deficits. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2004 – Question 26 Analyse the causes of Australia’s on-going current account deficit and its effect on external stability. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers Investigate recent trends in the distribution of income in Australia and identify the impact of specific economic policies on this distribution. Analyse the economic and social costs of inequality in the distribution of income. Examine the economic issues associated with the goal of ecologically sustainable development. HSC 2011 – Question 25 How does fiscal policy affect economic activity and income distribution in the Australian economy? In your response you should refer to the economic information provided below. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2010 – Question 26 Discuss the consequences for Australia of an unequal distribution of income and wealth, and the policies that can be used to address this issue. In your response, you should refer to the economic information provided. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2010 – Question 25 Discuss the economic concerns that the Australian Government takes into account when formulating policies to manage the environment. In your response, you should refer to the economic information provided. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2006 – Question 28 Outline the arguments for ecologically sustainable development, and discuss the likely impacts of an increase in the rate of Australia’s economic growth on the environment. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers Topic 4 – Economic Policies and Management HSC 2013 – Question 26 Explain the effects of Australia’s macroeconomic policy mix on economic growth and inflation in the domestic economy. In your response, you should refer to the economic information provided. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre HSC 2012 – Question 28 Discuss the effectiveness of economic policies in achieving the Australian government’s economic objectives. Marking Guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2009 – Question 27 Analyse the federal government’s macroeconomic policy mix to address inflation and unemployment in the Australian economy. Analyse the opportunity cost of government decisions in addressing specific economic problems or issues. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2008 – Question 27 Evaluate the effectiveness of fiscal policy in achieving Australia’s economic objectives. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2008 – Question 28 Evaluate the effectiveness of monetary policy in achieving Australia’s economic objectives. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2006 – Question 25 Analyse the impacts of macroeconomic and microeconomic policies on the economic performance of the Australian economy. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2006 – Question 26 Analyse the impacts of macroeconomic and microeconomic policies on the economic performance of the Australian economy. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2005 – Question 27 Outline the factors affecting Australia’s economic growth, and analyse the relationship between economic growth and changes in Australia’s unemployment rate. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2005 – Question 26 Examine the economic policies available to deal with inflation in the Australian economy, and explain the limitations of these policies. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2004 – Question 27 Discuss the effectiveness of Australia’s monetary and fiscal policies in dealing with economic growth and inflation. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2011 – Question 27 Discuss the effects of microeconomic reform on product and factor markets in the Australian economy. Investigate structural changes in the Australian economy resulting from microeconomic policies. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2009 – Question 25 Discuss the impact of microeconomic policies on Australia’s economic performance. In your answer you should refer to the information provided. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2007 – Question 27 Explain how Australia’s labour market policies have affected work practices and employment. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2005 – Question 25 Examine the reasons for changes in the composition and direction of Australia’s trade, and explain the impact of these changes on structural change in Australia. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2003 – Question 28 Explain how current labour market policies contribute to the management of the Australian economy. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2002 – Question 25 Explain the role of microeconomic policies in assisting structural change in the Australian economy. HSC 2011 – Question 26 How does monetary policy affect inflation and unemployment in the Australian economy? In your response you should refer to the economic information provided below. Apply economic theory to explain how a government could address an economic problem or issue in hypothetical situations. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2008 – Question 27 Evaluate the effectiveness of fiscal policy in achieving Australia’s economic objectives. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2008 – Question 28 Evaluate the effectiveness of monetary policy in achieving Australia’s economic objectives. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2007 – Question 25 Discuss the impact of sustained fiscal surpluses on resource use and economic activity in the Australian economy. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2005 – Question 26 Examine the economic policies available to deal with inflation in the Australian economy, and explain the limitations of these policies. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2003 – Question 26 Discuss the causes of inflation and the policies available to the Australian Government to control the rate of inflation. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers HSC 2002 – Question 26 Explain how the Federal Government can use fiscal policy to promote economic growth, redistribute income and assist external stability. Marking guidelines Notes from the marking centre Sample answers Analyse alternative ways to finance a budget deficit.