Literary Analysis using The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver

Literary Analysis using The
Poisonwood Bible by Barbara
The purpose of a literary analysis is to
carefully examine and evaluate the work of
literature you have been reading.
You will use the three main elements we’ve
discussed in connection with the book.
Characters (Dynamic vs. Static)
The objective is to convince the reader (Ms. Culver)
that you have supported the ideas you have been
developing through your reading, note taking (charts)
and your study guide.
Your essay must cover the topic (thesis) you are
writing about.
Your essay must have a central idea (stated in your
thesis) that governs its development.
Your essay must be organized so that every part
contributes something to the reader’s understanding
of the central idea.
The Thesis Statement
Thesis is your central idea and tells your
reader what to expect as they read.
Without a carefully conceived thesis, an
essay has no chance of success.
You can formulate your thesis based on one of the following topics.
Kingsolver’s use of character, theme, and symbol to portray the story of Western
Colonization and its effects of Africa.
Kingsolver’s use of theme and symbol to create vivid characterizations of the
protagonists in the story.
Kingsolver’s use of character and symbol to promote the themes (western
arrogance, change and revelation, guilt, and the power of Africa).
For example:
In the novel The Poisonwood Bible, Kingsolver uses the character, theme, and symbol
as tools to address western colonization and its effect on the African Continent.
The characters in The Poisonwood Bible (Orleanna, Leah, Adah, Rachel, Ruth May, and
Nathan) are characterized, through the use of theme and symbol, has strong,
independent protagonists, which ultimately complete the story Kingsolver is trying to tell.
Each character in the novel The Poisonwood Bible undergo a dramatic change
characterized through the use of both theme and symbols throughout the story.
Kingsolver uses dramatic and dynamic characterization and symbolism to address the
themes of western arrogance, change and revelation, guilt, and the power of Africa in
her novel The Poisonwood Bible.
The Introduction
Should try to arouse interest in your reader.
Bring immediate focus to your subject
You may use a quotation, a provocative question, an
anecdote, or a combination of these.
It should include background information related to
the novel.
It needs the title of the work and the full name of the
Your body is the evidence that supports your thesis.
You can write the body based on the three main
topics – Character, Theme, and Symbol
You can organize the body based on each character
and how they relate to the them and symbol
You can write the body based on the four themes
and how character and symbol are used to promote
these themes
You must use evidence from the text in your body.
Summary – gives a short overview of the scene you
are describing.
Paraphrase – retelling of the scene (in about the
same amount of words as the original) in your own
Direct quotation – using the author’s words directly –
in quotation marks
You must cite summaries, paraphrases, and
quotations. For example.
Kingsolver points out that Africa cannot be tamed by
a minister and his family (35-45).
Africa cannot be tamed by the minister and his family
based on the evidence of the demonstration garden
(Kingsolver 35-45).
“Mama Tataba seemed not to be listening. She
pointed at the red dirt. ‘You got to be make hills.’”
(Kingsolver 40).
Types of Quotations and Body
Tomorrow we will go over the different types
of quotations (in more detail) and how to
incorporate them into your paper as well as
writing body paragraphs.
This will include:
Longer quotations
Omissions from the quote
Construction and relevance of each paragraph
Make sure that all body paragraphs relate
back to the thesis
Organize your body based on the format you
have chosen
Gives your essay a sense of completeness
Restates the thesis in different words
Summarizes your main points again
Makes a relevant comment about the work
you are analyzing
Do not introduce a new topic in your
Your title should be engaging and incorporate
what you are discussing in your paper
For example
The Use of Allegory in the story The Pilgrim’s
Imagery in T.S. Eliot’s The Love Song of J. Alfred
You must give clear, full reference to the work and
author you are writing about somewhere in your
introductory paragraph
Use the correct format when referring to the novel,
The Poisonwood Bible must always be in italics.
Use the Present Tense when you are discussing
and writing about literature.
For example, - Nathan is a fundamentalist. Adah does not
understand her place in the family. Kingsolver says…
The entire paper should be written in third person.
No you, I, us, we, etc.
You will have time to work on your paper in
If you are typing it, make sure to keep a printed
copy (ongoing) so that we can discuss issues you
have encountered.
Keep an outline of what you are writing with you
at all times.
Use your notes, etc… for you analysis
Your paper should follow MLA format
12 point Times New Roman font
1 in margins
Look on my website under resources for websites that explain
MLA format
Paper must be 6-8 pages in length (no exceptions)
Due Date – The final paper is due 11/29/2010.
Turning it in early is acceptable. No paper will be
taken after this date.
Please take a few moments to formulate a
thesis statement for your paper
This is a working thesis and can change – I
just want to see what angle you think you
would like to take on the paper.
Dates, etc.
Today – Wikis 1 and 2 should be completed
Friday May 6 – Book 4 study guide and
discussion question from Wiki
Tuesday, May 10 – Book 5 study guide
Wednesday, May 11 – Wikis 3 and 4
Friday, May 13 – Book 6 Study Guide
(Charts will be checked when you’ve finished
each section – have me sign it!)