E-learning System in STI, KOSTAT: Achievements and Challenges Workshop on HRM and Training in Statistical Office Sept. 5~7. 2012, Hungary Kyung Ae Park, Ph.D. Director, Training Management Division Statistical Training Institute, Statistics Korea kaypark@korea.kr 1 Contents I. Outline of E-learning II. Current E-learning System III. Evaluation of E-learning Results IV. Challenges and Responses V. U-learning System VI. Concluding Remarks I. Definition of Terms • E-learning: - In a broad sense, the computer and net-work enabled transfer of knowledge - In a narrow sense, IBL or WBL • • M-learning: mobile technology is used S-learning: smart-phone is used • U (ubiquitous)-learning: wherever and whenever learning is possible regardless of various digital devices 3 I. SWOT of E-learning Strength - Low learning cost - Learner-driven learning - Accessibility - Easy learning management - Just in time - Good for shy learner Opportunity - To secure many customers - Provision of diverse learning opportunities using different ICT - Sharing information and resources with other institutions Weakness - Limited Interaction - Difficulty in developing content - Difficulty in evaluation - Limitation of technology - Effective to limited areas - Less effective in learning Threat - Cost to develop system: Server, LMS, Contents - Difficulty of Standardization due to changes in ICT environment: Diffusion of new digital devices 5 I. Strategy - Providing diverse content focusing on introductory and repetitive learning - Providing on-line service of good quality classroom (off-line) lecture - Providing learning materials to anyone, anytime without any limitations 6 II. Current E-learning System, 2011 • Web-based Training • Making content: Animation, Videos (human instructor) + PPT • http://elearn.nso.go.kr • MY E-LEARNING: 31 courses • OPEN STUDY: 34 animation, 9 videos+ PPT • HELP LEARNING: - 67 course materials (text, EXCEL, PPT) - 43 e-books (pdf) 7 II. Making E-learning Content Animation using FLASH Videos + PPT 8 II. Current Learning Management System • Construction of Individual learning paths introduction to levels and steps of courses by • Encouraging learning and strengthening guidance for learning : Seven touch principle • Completion of a course is determined applying progress/attendance(60%) & evaluation (40%). • Evaluation by essays and multiple choices • The number of study sessions a trainee can take is limited to 4, 1 topic a month 9 II. Procedure for E-Learning • Course Announcement - Distribute letters & course information on the 10th of prior month • Course Registration (training expenses free of charge) - Register course during specified period using website - Maximum 1 course per month • Approval Training - After approval, STI sends email and SMS • Training - E-learning website>My E-LEARNING>Study - Submission of the task or test • Completion of the course - Pass or Fail is determined applying progress/ attendance(60%) and evaluation (40%). 10 III. Number of Trainees Completed STI Programs by Learning Method 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 ' 05 ' 06 ' 07 E-learning ' 08 ' 09 Classroom ' 10 ' 11 III. Cost of Training per Trainee, 2011 (Unit: person, KRW) Total classroom E-learning Total Trainees Total Expenditure 21629 7726 13,903 1150581150 962420260* 188160890** Expenditure per capita 53196 124569 13534 * Includes fees for lecturer, text purchasing and development, management outsourcing, purchasing PC & SW for classroom, other management fees ** Includes fees for lecturer, text development, system development , other management fees III. Satisfaction by training methods, 2011 4.5 4.4 4.3 4.2 4.1 4 3.9 3.8 3.7 3.6 Comp. Help Curr. Classroom Mang. E-learning Lecture IV. Challenges and Responses • More communication - Blended Learning (online + offline) - For synchronous activities, the new U-learning System will encourage SNS • Creating compelling content - Videos (human instructors) with text, PPT - Cultivate good authors and lecturers • Learner-centered approach - Puts challenges in front of learner - More interesting, more motivating 14 V. U-learning System • Access U-learning anywhere, anytime, any device • Increased simultaneous interactivity • E-learning using pc and mobile can be incorporated into one U-learning system • Content developments of U-learning: - “Survey Methods” for Local officials (enumerators) - “Basic Statistics” for General public 15 VI. Education Model Present: Classroom One-way Massive education Future: Individual E-learning+ Discussion at classroom Increase quality Cost saving Instructor Learner Coach Learner 20 VI. Concluding Remarks • E-learning with Blended Learning can be the dominant learning method - Effective and efficient, if learners are motivated. • Two-tiered system of learning: - Classroom courses will concentrate on nurturing professionals - U-learning will be focused on securing more customers • To overcome shortcomings of E-learning through: - Increasing synchronous interactivity by Blended-Learning and U-learning - Creating compelling content - Learner-centered approach 21 22