The favorite longshot bias in ATP and WTA tennis What is the best strategy: playing favorites or risk-love? ERASMUS UNIVERSITY ROTTERDAM Erasmus School of Economics October 2014 Author: Student ID: Study Program: Thesis Supervisor: Jacky Quint 363710 Master Economics and Business: Accounting & Finance Prof. Dr. E.A. de Groot 1 Abstract The favorite longshot bias is a phenomenon where bettors overvalue longshots and undervalue favorites. This results in the fact that a betting on favorites in sport matches give a higher return than betting on the underdogs, also called the longshots. Most literature is focused on the bias in horse racing, this is also the sport where the bias is found for the first time. In this paper, the favorite longshot bias in the tennis sport is investigated. This paper uses a large dataset, which contains 37.220 odds from ATP and WTA tournament in the years 2009 to 2013. The results do not show an existence of a favorite longshot bias. In addition, there is no strong evidence for a favorite longshot bias in WTA or ATP tournaments separately. Investigating the bias per years or surface does show a bias in ATP tournaments in 2011 and ATP tournaments on hardcourt (outdoor), but the overall conclusion is an absent of a favorite longshot bias. 2 Preface This thesis is the result of a research assignment in order to finalize the Master degree in Business & Economics (Accounting & Finance). I greatly appreciate the help of my supervisor Prof. Dr. E.A. de Groot. I would like to thank him for all the valuable comments and feedback, but especially for his patience when I was struggling for months with choosing a subject. I also would like to express my gratitude to all others who have contributed, directly or indirectly, to this thesis. Jacky Quint Rotterdam, October 2014 3 Table of Contents Abstract ................................................................................................................................................... 2 Preface .................................................................................................................................................... 3 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 6 2. Literature review............................................................................................................................. 8 2.1 The early evidence .................................................................................................................. 8 2.2 Favorite longshot bias in other sports .................................................................................. 10 2.3 Favorite longshot bias in tennis ............................................................................................ 11 2.4 Contradicting literature ........................................................................................................ 12 3. Research question & hypotheses.................................................................................................. 15 4. Methodology................................................................................................................................. 18 4.1 Data ....................................................................................................................................... 18 4.2 Statistical research ................................................................................................................ 19 5. Results ........................................................................................................................................... 20 5.1 Results ATP and WTA tournament (2009-2013) ................................................................... 21 5.2 Results gender....................................................................................................................... 23 5.3 Results over the years ........................................................................................................... 26 5.3.1 Results over the years - ATP and WTA tournaments ........................................................... 26 5.3.2 Results over the years – ATP and WTA tournaments separately ........................................ 30 5.4 Results surface ...................................................................................................................... 37 5.4.1 Results surface - ATP and WTA tournaments ...................................................................... 37 5.4.2 Results surface - ATP and WTA tournaments separately .................................................... 41 6. Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 46 7. Discussion...................................................................................................................................... 49 7.1 Contribution ................................................................................................................................ 49 7.2 Limitations & further research.................................................................................................... 49 References ............................................................................................................................................ 50 Appendix ............................................................................................................................................... 52 A. Overview of ATP tournaments .................................................................................................. 52 4 B. Overview of WTA tournaments ................................................................................................ 55 C. Historical winners Australian Open 1950-2014 ........................................................................ 57 D. Historical winners Roland Garros 1950-2014 ........................................................................... 58 E. Historical winners Wimbledon 1950-2014 ............................................................................... 59 F. Historical winners US Open 1950-2014 .................................................................................... 60 5 1. Introduction The introduction of this master thesis will introduce the research topic and current state of knowledge. The research question and the research methodology of the study will be briefly presented. The main empirical findings and the contribution of the study will discussed shortly. Finally, the structure of the thesis is provided. Griffith (1949) mentions the favorite-longshot bias for the first time. The favorite longshot bias is a phenomenon where bettors overvalue longshots and undervalue favorites. This results in the fact that a betting on favorites in sport matches give a higher return than betting on the underdogs, also called the longshots. In the early literature, there is a lot of investigation on horse racing (Ali 1977, Arsch & Malkiel 1982 and McGlothlin 1956). Later, there was more investigation according to the bias in other sports, like football (Andrikogiannopoulou & Papakonstantinou 2011, Cain, et al. 2000 and Vlastakis et al, 2008) and golf (Shmanske, 2005) and tennis (Forrest & Mchale, 2007). In section 2, the literature overview, many articles that support this favorite longshot bias are discussed. The current literature (Forrest & Mchale, 2007 and Cain et al, 2003) suggest that there will be a favorite longshot bias in tennis matches. There is also a lot of contradicting literature that found a reverse favorite longshot bias, but this is mainly in other kind of sports. As will be conclude from the literature review in section 2, there is a lot of research done according to the favorite longshot bias in different sports, but not much according to tennis. In addition, does this study have a much larger database and more specific results than other studies (Forrest & Mchale, 2007 and Cain et al, 2003). This study aims to answer the following research question: ‘Is there a favorite longshot bias in ATP and WTA tennis?’ To answer this question, data is collected from The total database contains 18.610 tennis matches, which automatically will result in 37.220 odds. This odds will be distributed in categories and the mean return per category will be calculated. After this calculation the results will be analyzed by a t-test. 6 The results do not show an existence of a favorite longshot bias. In addition, there is no strong evidence for a favorite longshot bias in WTA or ATP tournaments separately. Investigating the bias per years or surface does show a bias in ATP tournaments in 2011 and ATP tournaments on hardcourt (outdoor), but the overall conclusion is an absent of a favorite longshot bias. This is not in line with the current literature of favorite longshot bias in the tennis sport (Forrest & Mchale, 2007 and Cain et al, 2003). This thesis is structured as follows. In the next section the literature will be reviewed. To have a good overview, there are tables with summaries of the relevant literature. Thereafter the research question and the hypothesis development are discussed. In section 4 the data and the empirical research are explained. Then section 5 contains the results of this research. After analyzing the results, in section 6 and 7 these results will be conclude and discussed. 7 2. Literature review This section contains a literature overview which is divided in four parts. The first part goes back to the early literature about the favorite longshot bias. After the history, the literature about the favorite longshot bias in other sports is discussed. The third part contains literature of the favorite longshot bias in tennis. As the favorite longshot bias is not found by everyone, in the last part the contradicting literature is discussed. To have a clear overview of the articles which provide insight for the research, the tables 1 to 4 are used. This tables give a summary of the articles by writing the author(s), date, title, research question, time period and outcomes of the article. In some papers there are more outcomes than explained in the tables, but those outcomes are not directly relevant for this study. 2.1 The early evidence This section goes back to the history of the favorite longshot bias which is mainly based on the horse racing sport. The very first who came up with the favorite longshot bias was Griffith (1949). He researched if bettors at horse race tracks were able to predict the exact probabilities of a horse winning the race. The data he used were horse race tracks in the United Kingdom in 1947. He found out that the bettors tend to overvalue the longshot horses and they undervalue the favorite horses. In 1956 McGlothlin did a similar research like Griffith, which was also based on the behavior during horse racing. He looked at the behavior of bettors during race tracking, especially during the day. The same favorite longshot bias as Griffith (1949) was found. The results of his research also show that betting on favorites becomes more valuable during the day. Almost 20 years later, in 1977 Ali also investigated the favorite longshot bias, but he used far more data than Griffith (1949) and McGlothlin (1956). Ali’s dataset was based on races from 1970 till 1974 which contains 20.507 races in total. There was also another advantage comparing to Griffith (1949). Griffith worked divided the groups based on odds, which means that there was a chance that two competing horses were in the same group. In the research of Ali there was no possibility that two competing horses were in the same group. The results of the investigation of Ali shows a favorite longshot bias in every year (1970-1974). 8 A few years after in 1982 Arsch and Malkiel also did research on horse racing. The research question they wanted to answer was: Do all horses go off at odds that reflect their true probability of winning or is there a systematic tendency to over bet longshots and under bet favorites? And they came to the same conclusion as their predecessors: the favorite longshot bias exists. The odds are a good indication of how horses will finish. Table 1: Literature summary ‘The early evidence’. The table below summarizes the academic articles that are discussed in 2.1 The early evidence. Author(s) Date Title Research question Time period Outcomes Ali, M.M. 1977 Probability and utility estimates for racetrack bettor. Is there a favorite longshot bias in horse racing? 19701974 In every racetrack in each year exists a favorite longshot bias. Arsch, P., & Malkiel, B.G. 1982 Racetrack Betting and Informed Behavior. Do all horses go off at odds that reflect their true probability of winning or is there a systematic tendency to overbet longshots and underbet favorites? 1978 A favorite longshot bias exists. The odds are a good indication of how horses will finish. Griffith, R. 1949 Odds Adjustments by American Horse-Race Bettors. Are bettors at the horse race tracks in the United Kingdom able to predict the exact probabilities of a horse winning the race? 1947 The bettors over valuated the chances of a longshot horse to win the race. McGlothlin, W.H. 1956 Stability of Choices among Uncertain Alternatives. Is there a difference in behavior of horse race track bettors during the day? 19471953 The same favorite longshot bias as Griffith (1949) was found. The results also show that betting on favorites becomes more valuable during the day. 9 2.2 Favorite longshot bias in other sports After all the research which was done on the favorite longshot bias in horse race tracking, from the year 2000 there came more research on the favorite longshot bias in other sports. In this section those articles are discussed. The articles based on the tennis sport are discussed in section 2.3. In 2000 Cain et al. did research about the favorite longshot bias in UK football. Therefore the research question of this study was: Does the favorite longshot bias appear in UK football? The study shows that the same favorite longshot bias is found as in horse racing. The bias appears in betting on the results of the game (home win, away win or a draw), but also In betting on specific scores. Shmanske (2005) did examination of the extent to which the odds predict the outcome. He studied the golf-betting market, but did that with a small dataset. The data only contains the PGA TOUR events for the 2002 season. There was evidence found for a positive favorite longshot bias; betting on favorites will pay the highest return to bettors, but because of the small dataset size, the results are doubtful. Vlastakis, Dotsis & Markellos (2008) did an assessment of the international efficiency of the European football betting market by examining the forecast ability of match outcomes. The data contains the European football league games from 2002 to 2004. In the results of the study a favorite longshot bias was found. Three years later, Andrikogiannopoulou & Papakonstantinou (2008) also investigate football games. They examine whether the prices set by bookmakers on large number of soccer events are efficient. The dataset they used contains 10.000 soccer matches. Besides the match results, they also looked at the behavior of bettors. A favorite longshot bias was found for the matches in the years from 2005 to 2009. They also found a favorite longshot bias looking at the outcomes of the soccer matches. For example the winning of home and away games of favorites were underbetted. Looking at the results of the behavior of bettors, they found out that only 2% of the bettors constantly bet on the favorite, while 6% of the bettor bet on the underdog. 10 Table 2: Literature summary ‘Favorite longshot bias in other sports’. The table below summarizes the academic articles that are discussed in 2.2 Favorite longshot bias in other sport. Author(s) Date Title Research question Time period Outcomes Andrikogian nopoulou, A., & Papakonsta ntinou, F. 2011 Market Efficiency and Behavioral Biases in the Sports Betting Market. Examine whether the prices set by bookmakers on large number of soccer events are efficient. 20052009 A favorite longshot bias occurs in soccer matches. Cain, M., Law, D. and Peel, D. 2000 The favouritelongshot bias and market efficiency in UK football betting. Does the favorite longshot bias appear in UK football? 19911992 There appears to be a favorite longshot bias. Shmanske, S. 2005 Odds-setting efficiency in gambling markets: Evidence from the PGA Tour. Examination of the extent to which the odds predict the outcome. 2002 A favorite longshot bias exists. Vlastakis, N., Dotsis, G., & Markellos, R.N. 2008 How efficient is the European football beting market? Assessment of the international efficiency of the European football betting market by examining the forecast ability of match outcomes. 20022004 A favorite longshot bias exists. 2.3 Favorite longshot bias in tennis As seen in sections 2.1 and 2.2 there is a lot of research on the favorite longshot bias in horse racing and football. In table 3, the articles about the favorite longshot bias in tennis are summarized. This are only two articles and the article of Cain et al. (2003) contains besides tennis also study on boxing, cricket, horserace, snooker and tennis. Cain et al. (2003) investigated the returns on bets in different kinds of sports, namely boxing, cricket, horserace, snooker and tennis. In each sport they used a very small amount of data, which lead to very poor returns. The sample, which was used to study tennis, only contains 91 matches of Wimbledon in 1996. The data which will be used in this thesis will be over 200 times larger. 11 In 2007 there was a study from Forrest & Mchale which investigate the favorite longshot bias in tennis tournaments with a larger dataset. In their study they used 17.000 possible odds, which means that this study is still more than 2 times bigger with 37.220 possible odds. The paper finds an positive bias throughout the range of odds. Table 3: Literature summary ‘Favorite longshot bias in tennis’. The table below summarizes the academic articles that are discussed in 2.3 Favorite longshot bias in tennis. Author(s) Date Title Research question Time period Outcomes Cain, M., Law, D. and Peel, D. 2003 The favouritelongshot bias, bookmaker margins and insider trading in a variety of betting markets. Does the favouritelongshot bias exists in a variety of sports betting markets? (boxing, cricket, horserace, snooker and tennis) 19891997 A favorite longshot bias was found, though there still appears to be some doubt about its exact nature. Forrest, D., & Mchale, I. 2007 Anyone for Tennis (Betting)? Is there a positive longshot bias in single’s men tennis matches? 2002 2005 There is a positive longshot bias. (the study is based on 17.000 possible bets) 2.4 Contradicting literature In this subsection, the contradicting literature is discussed, because not all academic articles found a favorite longshot bias. There are investigations which found that the favorites are the ones that are overvalued, while the underdogs are undervalued, this is called the reverse favorite longshot bias. The results of the articles discussed in this section are in contradictory to what is found by most of the literature in section 2.1 to 2.3. Table 4: Literature summary ‘Contradicting literature’. The table below summarizes the academic articles that are discussed in 2.4 Contradicting literature. Author(s) Date Title Research question Time period Outcomes Busche, K. and Hall, C.D. 1988 An exception to the risk preference anomaly Does the favorite longshot bias appear in Hong Kong horse racing? 19811987 No favorite longshot bias was detected. 12 Busche, K. and Walls, W.D. 2000 Decision costs and betting market efficiency Examination of the linkage between decision costs and market efficiency in the context of racetrack betting markets. No favorite longshot bias was detected. Dixon, M.J., & Pope, P. 2004 The value of statistical forecasts in the UK association. Evaluation of the economic significance of statistical forecasts of UK Association Football match outcomes in relation to betting market prices. 19931996 A reverse favorite longshot bias; high odds for longshots and small odds for high probability outcomes. Paul, R.J., & Weinbach, A.P. 2005 Bettor Misperceptions in the NBA : The Overbetting of Large Favorites and the ''Hot Hand''. Is there a favorite longshot bias in NBA Basketball games? 19952002 Systematic bettor misperceptions and evidence of the overbetting of favorites was found. Vaughan Williams, L. and Paton, D. 1998 Why are some favourite-longshot biases positive and some negative? Is there a favorite longshot bias in horseraces in Britain? 1992 A bias absent in the case of wagering on ‘higher-grade handicap’ races. Woodland, L.M., & Woodland, B.M. 1994 Market Efficiency and the FavoriteLongshot bias: The Baseball Betting Market. Does the favorite longshot bias appear in the legal gambling market for major league baseball? 19791989 There is a reverse favorite longshot bias in baseball. Woodland, L. and Woodland, B. 2001 Market Efficiency and Profitable Wagering in the National Hockey League: Can Bettors Score on Longshots? Is the favoritelongshot bias confined to the racetrack? 19901996 There is a reverse favorite longshot bias in hockey. They even found a profitable strategy betting on the underdogs. In the Asian racetrack market there are a few investigations who found a reverse favorite longshot bias, namely; Busche & Hall (1988), Busche & Walls (2000). Vaughan Williams & Paton (1998) found a reverse favorite longshot bias by investigating 5903 horses running (510 horseraces) in Britain. 13 Dixon & Pope (2004) did research in the fixed odds football betting market. In this study the odds of the matches are fixed before the game, which means that there is no influence of betting behavior. The results of this study show that there is a reverse favorite longshot bias in UK football from 1993 to 1996. Paul & Weinbach (2005) looked at the NBA basketball point spread betting market. The results show systematic bettor misperceptions. Using a strategy of betting the underdogs rejecting the null of a fair bet, a reverse favorite longshot bias is found. Betting these home underdogs not only rejects a fair bet, but it also shown to reject the null of no profitability. Another profitable betting strategy according to this article is betting against winning streaks. Actually, Woodland & Woodland (1994) were one of the first investigators who found a reverse favorite longshot bias. They found this reverse bias in the major league baseball games from the years 1979 to 1989. These results were not in line with the previous literature. In this study they also tested the market efficiency. Because the results gave a reverse favorite longshot bias, which means that betting on the underdogs will give smaller losses than betting on favorites, the market may be inefficient. After the study in 1994, Woodland & Woodland did a similar research in 2001, but this time they investigate the hockey sport. In this study they tested the two same things as in 1994, namely the existence of the favorite longshot bias and the market efficiency. Also in this research they found a reverse favorite longshot bias. The results also show an inefficient betting market. They create a strategy where they bet the underdog in away games in the period 1990 to 1996, which makes 11% profit in those years. There is no doubt looking at the results; there is definitely a reverse favorite longshot bias. 14 3. Research question & hypotheses After reviewing the existing literature in section 2, you can conclude that there are a lot articles about the favorite longshot bias in different kinds of sports, but there is not much according to tennis. A larger and more recent research on the favorite longshot bias in tennis will contribute to the existing literature. The research question that is addressed in the thesis is: ‘Is there a favorite longshot bias in ATP and WTA tennis?’ Besides the favorite longshot bias in general, this study will look at the favorite longshot bias in other aspects in tennis; like gender, surface and years. The following four hypotheses will be investigated. H1: There exists a favorite longshot bias in ATP and WTA tennis. H2: The favorite longshot bias is stronger in women tournaments. H3a: The favorite longshot bias is becoming stronger over the years. H3b: The favorite longshot bias is becoming stronger over the years in ATP tournaments. H3c: The favorite longshot bias is becoming stronger over the years in WTA tournaments. H4a: At gravel tournaments occurs a stronger favorite longshot bias than in hard-court tournaments. H4b: At gravel tournaments occurs a stronger favorite longshot bias than in hard-court tournaments in ATP tournaments. H4c: At gravel tournaments occurs a stronger favorite longshot bias than in hard-court tournaments in WTA tournaments. The expectation of the first hypothesis is based on the outcomes Forrest & Mchale (2007). This article is discussed in section 2.3. The outcome of this research was that there exists a favorite longshot bias in tennis. Based on this article, the expectation is the same for this study, which means that a favorite longshot bias in ATP and WTA tennis exists. For the other tree hypothesis, it is hard to have an expectation, because there are no articles that looked at the favorite longshot bias for men and women, the surface or the trend over the years before. So the hypotheses are not based on literature, but on own experience and interest. 15 The expectation of the second hypothesis is that a favorite longshot bias exist in men and women tournaments, but in women tournaments the bias will be stronger. This expectation is based on the fact that the differences in level in women tennis are bigger than in men’s tennis. This means that favorites are playing much better tennis than the underdogs and the gap between favorites and underdogs is bigger in women tennis. The favorites in women tennis are more constant and there is less chance to have a ‘surprising’ win of an underdog in WTA tennis. The third hypothesis tests the trend of the favorite longshot bias over the years. The last years the favorites (top 10 players) are getting better and better. In Appendix C to F the results of the 4 grand slam tournaments from 1950 to 2014 are presented. For example looking at the ATP winners of Roland Garros you see that Rafael Nadal won from 2005 till 2014, except of 2009. In the years before there was no one who won so much Roland Garros titles in a row. This is also the case with ATP Wimbledon – Federer / Sampras, WTA Wimbledon – Williams, WTA Roland Garros – HeninHardenne, ATP US Open Federer and WTA US Open Williams. The trend is not visible in every category in every tournament, but if you look at the overall results, you see that in the recent years there are more the same winners than in the earlier years. This means the favorites are getting better and the difference in level with the underdogs are getting bigger. This is the reason why the expectation that the favorite longshot bias is becoming stronger over the years. The last hypothesis tests the favorite longshot bias at different kind of surfaces. Most tournaments investigated in this study, are played on gravel (30%) and hard-court (59%). Only 11% of the tournaments in this study are played on grass, that why this surface is excluded in the hypothesis. The expectation is that in gravel tournaments there is a stronger bias than in hard-court tournaments (indoor and outdoor). The expectation is also based on the historical results in Appendix C to F. Comparing Roland Garros (gravel) with Australian Open and US Open (both hardcourt), we see more the same winners in Roland Garros. This can be an indication that favorite players who prefer gravel are more constant at winning games, than players who have a preference for hard-court. This means that the gap in level between gravel players is larger, than the gap between hard-court players is smaller. The favorite longshot bias in gravel tournaments should be stronger, because the chance of a ‘surprising’ win of an underdog is lower at this surface. A reason for the gap in level can be that there are more player who love to play on hard-court, than players who prefer gravel. This means there is more competition in the top favorites players on hard-court. However, it is also possible that it is harder to become very good at playing on gravel and 16 it is easier to become a favorite on hard-court. The reason for this is not very important for the hypothesis. 17 4. Methodology The first subject which is discussed in this section is the dataset. Then the methodology is explained by working out the statical research and statical tests which are used for the results of this thesis. 4.1 Data This study will contain data of all ATP and WTA tournaments over the past 5 years (2009-2013). In Appendix A and B an overview of all those tournaments is attached. For every tournament the official tournament name, country, surface and number of matches is included. There are in total 18.610 matches included in this study. These are only single matches, so every match contains two players. Those two players each got an odd, so this study contains 37.220 odds. That is a lot if you compare this to other studies; Forrest & Mchale (2007) 8.500 matches/17.000 odds, Cain et al (2003) 91 matches/182 odds. Only the official tournament matches are included, there are no qualification matches in this study. The data is collected from: The data will be tested for four different subjects namely; totally, men vs women, the surface and the trend over the years. In the table below, an overview of those categories is given. Table 5: Data distribution per hypotheses subject Men vs. Women ATP 24.152 WTA 13.068 Total 37.220 Trend over the years 2009 7.328 2010 7.372 2011 7.462 2012 7.474 2013 7.584 Total 37.220 Surface Grass Gravel Hard-court (i) Hard-court (o) Total 4.330 10.596 5.608 16.686 37.220 18 4.2 Statistical research The research design used in this study is derived from Forrest & Mchale (2007). First, for all 37.220 players the odds are turned into winning probabilities, by using the next formula: Winning Probability = 1/odds For example: if Federer has a winning odd of 1,05, the win probability is 1/1.05 = 95%. This is done for all 37.220 players who played a match in ATP and WTA tournaments over the last 5 years. The next step is to divide all the odds in categories based on their probability. The next 20 categories will be used: Table 6: Probability categories 1. 0-5% 11. 50-55% 2. 5-10% 12. 55-60% 3. 10-15% 13. 60-65% 4. 15-20% 14. 65-70% 5. 20-25% 15. 70-75% 6. 25-30% 16. 75-80% 7. 30-35% 17. 80-85% 8. 35-40% 18. 85-90% 9. 40-45% 19. 90-95% 10. 45-50% 20. 95-100% In Forrest & McHale (2007) they use probability categories of 10%, which means this study is more specific by using probability categories of 5%. After the distribution in categories, the mean return per category was calculated. The return will be determined by betting 1 euro per match. Mean return of category i: ∑ returns Ni Statistical tests First calculate the standard deviation of every category. Then there will be a T-test for every category. T-statistic = Mean Return Standard Deviation / √šµ 19 5. Results This section will provide the results and findings of the study as described in section 4. More specifically, section 5.1 will presents the results of all ATP and WTA tournaments in the past 5 years (2009-2013). To see if there is a difference in favorite longshot bias between men (ATP) and women (WTA), in section 5.2 the ATP and WTA tournaments are investigated separately. In section 5.3 the trend over the last 5 years is studied. In the last section the results of the influence of surfaces on the favorite longshot bias are presented. In every section a table with the results is presented which contains the probability, the mean return and the standard deviation for every category. In the last column the result of the t-test for every category is calculated. The t-test is significant when it is below -2 or above 2 which means -2 < t < 2 is insignificant. In the analyzing the results, we look at the categories 1 to 7 for the underdogs and categories 15 to 20 for the favorites. When there are many significant t-values we can conclude that there is a favorite longshot bias. 20 5.1 Results ATP and WTA tournament (2009-2013) Appendix A shows an overview of all ATP and WTA tournaments in the last 5 years (2009-2013). In total 18.610 matches are played during this tournament. Every player has an odd, so this means that there are 37.220 odds in this study. Below you find the outcomes of all the ATP and WTA tournaments in the last 5 years (2009-2013). Table 7: Results of all ATP and WTA tournaments in the last 5 years (2009-2013) All ATP and WTA tournaments 2009-2013 Category Total Probability 1 1-5% 2 3 Number of games Mean return category Standard deviation T-test 122 -0,470 3,354 -1,548 5-10% 1.034 -0,483 2,502 -6,209 10-15% 1.274 -0,345 2,182 -5,647 4 15-20% 1.518 -0,168 2,036 -3,218 5 20-25% 1.980 -0,163 1,736 -4,178 6 25-30% 2.083 -0,179 1,523 -5,351 7 30-35% 2.308 -0,113 1,395 -3,883 8 35-40% 2.392 -0,070 1,274 -2,684 9 40-45% 2.443 -0,085 1,149 -3,670 10 45-50% 2.300 -0,040 1,055 -1,838 11 50-55% 1.791 -0,064 0,954 -2,826 12 55-60% 2.205 -0,079 0,865 -4,288 13 60-65% 2.606 -0,035 0,782 -2,273 14 65-70% 2.386 -0,056 0,710 -3,829 15 70-75% 2.324 -0,036 0,633 -2,760 16 75-80% 2.087 -0,015 0,553 -1,255 17 80-85% 2.063 -0,021 0,480 -1,970 18 85-90% 1.482 -0,023 0,404 -2,191 19 90-95% 1.561 -0,029 0,334 -3,481 20 95-100% 1.261 -0,013 0,203 -2,186 37.220 -2,487 24,124 ATP and WTA tournaments are played at the highest level of professional tennis. The past five years 18.610 matches were played. Those matches were divided in probability categories. Probability category 1 contains the biggest ‘underdogs’ . The betting market gives those players 1 – 5% chance to win the game. The other way around, category 20 (chance: 95-100%) are the most favorite players. In the fifth column ‘Mean return category’, the mean return when betting 1 euro on all the 21 players in the category is given. In every category this contains a negative value, this means that in every category you lose money. What stands out in table 1 is the pattern of the mean return. Lower probability categories contains a more negative return, and higher probability categories a lower negative return. For every betted euro in category 1, the bettor receives €0,53 back. Betting one euro in category 20 will one average give €0,987 back. To make it more clear the graph below is added. Graph 1: Development of the mean return of all ATP and WTA tournaments in the last 5 years (2009-2013) ATP and WTA tournaments (2009-2013) 0.000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 -0.100 -0.200 -0.300 Mean return -0.400 -0.500 -0.600 The mean return line gets more to the 0-point on the X-as while the category becomes higher. As said before, every category had a negative return, which means that there is no chance to make a profit on betting on the tennis tournaments. Even though, betting on favorite players will generate the least negative return and is the best strategy possible. Looking at the last column we see a lot of t-values below -2 of above 2 which means a lot of significant results. In category 1 to 7 there are 6 significant values, which is an indication for a favorite longshot bias. However, in the categories 15 to 20 we see also 5 significant values. Based on this you cannot really speak of a bias. 22 5.2 Results gender Table 8: Results of all ATP and WTA tournaments separately in the last 5 years (2009-2013) ATP matches (Men) Category Total Probability Number of games Mean return category Standard deviation WTA matches (Women) T-test Number of games Mean return category Standard deviation T-test 1 1-5% 105 -0,384 3,610 -1,091 17 -1,000 0,000 0,000 2 5-10% 692 -0,391 2,686 -3,832 342 -0,669 2,071 -5,971 3 10-15% 812 -0,393 2,113 -5,299 462 -0,261 2,298 -2,445 4 15-20% 951 -0,213 1,987 -3,307 567 -0,093 2,114 -1,045 5 20-25% 1.219 -0,186 1,720 -3,783 761 -0,126 1,763 -1,966 6 25-30% 1.306 -0,238 1,482 -5,806 777 -0,078 1,585 -1,380 7 30-35% 1.509 -0,130 1,388 -3,629 799 -0,081 1,410 -1,623 8 35-40% 1.601 -0,068 1,276 -2,141 791 -0,073 1,272 -1,621 9 40-45% 1.614 -0,073 1,151 -2,532 829 -0,110 1,144 -2,771 10 45-50% 1.522 -0,023 1,056 -0,835 778 -0,075 1,051 -1,998 11 50-55% 1.146 -0,052 0,956 -1,842 645 -0,084 0,950 -2,257 12 55-60% 1.440 -0,097 0,866 -4,231 765 -0,046 0,863 -1,473 13 60-65% 1.747 -0,049 0,785 -2,584 859 -0,007 0,776 -0,261 14 65-70% 1.553 -0,061 0,711 -3,366 833 -0,046 0,707 -1,881 15 70-75% 1.553 -0,023 0,628 -1,435 771 -0,063 0,644 -2,727 16 75-80% 1.323 0,000 0,543 -0,004 764 -0,041 0,568 -2,014 17 80-85% 1.270 -0,012 0,474 -0,929 793 -0,034 0,490 -1,976 18 85-90% 938 -0,017 0,398 -1,336 544 -0,033 0,414 -1,842 19 90-95% 982 -0,023 0,326 -2,249 579 -0,040 0,348 -2,746 20 95-100% 869 -0,018 0,213 -2,536 392 0,000 0,178 0,048 24.152 -2,451 24,369 13.068 -2,960 20,646 23 Graph 2: Development of the mean return of ATP and WTA tournaments separately in the last 5 years (20092013) WTA Tournaments (2009-2013) - ATP/WTA 0.000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 -0.200 -0.400 ATP (men) -0.600 WTA (women) -0.800 -1.000 -1.200 Graph 2 shows the line of the mean return for ATP tournaments (men) and WTA tournaments (women) separately. The higher the probability category, the closer the line gets to the x-as, so it is clear that there is a favorite longshot bias in both genders. The line of the WTA (women) gets faster to the x-as than the ATP (men). For the WTA tournaments from category 4 the mean return is higher than -0,2 and fluctuate between -0,2 and 0,00 in categories 4 to 20. The line of the mean return in ATP tournaments shows a more stable upward curve. The higher the category, the higher the return. Only at category 12 the mean return bounces a bit back. After all, looking at category 1 (longshot), we see that the WTA tournaments have a lower return than the ATP tournaments. Looking at category 20 (favorites) we see that in WTA tournaments you have no profit or loss (return is €0) and in ATP tournament you have a loss of €0,018. Looking at the last column we see a lot of t-values below -2 of above 2 which means a lot of significant results. Looking at the ATP tennis, in categories 1-7 there are 6 significant t-values and in category 15-20 there are 2 significant t-values. In WTA tennis, in categories 1-7 there are 2 significant t-values and in category 15-20 there are 3 significant t-values. The significant results in the underdogs categories are an indication for the existence of a favorite longshot bias. In WTA 24 tennis there are only 2 significant t-values in underdog categories. Based on the lack of significant results, we can doubt about the existence of a favorite longshot bias. In the underdog categories of ATP tournaments there are 6 out of 7 significant t-values, but also in the favorite categories there are a lot of significant t-values. Based on this you cannot really speak of the existence of a bias. 25 5.3 Results over the years 5.3.1 Results over the years - ATP and WTA tournaments After looking at the difference between men and women in the previous section, this section will show results over the last 5 years separately. Table 9: Results of all ATP and WTA tournaments sorted by year (2009-2013) 2009 Category Total Probability Number of games 2010 Mean return category Standard deviation T-test Number of games 2011 Mean return category Standard deviation T-test Number of games Mean return category Standard deviation T-test 1 1-5% 11 -1,000 0,000 0,000 5 -1,000 0,000 0,000 24 -1,000 0,000 0,000 2 5-10% 191 -0,315 2,850 -1,525 166 -0,779 1,642 -6,112 187 -0,627 2,066 -4,147 3 10-15% 282 -0,276 2,193 -2,110 242 -0,225 2,364 -1,481 264 -0,387 2,162 -2,905 4 15-20% 319 -0,052 2,137 -0,432 277 -0,248 1,958 -2,109 306 -0,042 2,154 -0,345 5 20-25% 392 -0,183 1,728 -2,099 421 -0,107 1,781 -1,236 387 -0,187 1,722 -2,132 6 25-30% 412 -0,231 1,490 -3,153 442 -0,147 1,542 -2,008 434 -0,150 1,547 -2,022 7 30-35% 389 -0,057 1,425 -0,785 468 -0,168 1,367 -2,653 495 -0,199 1,352 -3,274 8 35-40% 444 -0,124 1,254 -2,090 469 -0,112 1,261 -1,923 504 -0,051 1,281 -0,894 9 40-45% 472 -0,058 1,155 -1,087 483 -0,065 1,154 -1,230 480 -0,098 1,146 -1,880 10 45-50% 490 -0,015 1,058 -0,320 449 -0,097 1,046 -1,970 446 -0,059 1,055 -1,187 11 50-55% 385 -0,049 0,955 -1,014 399 -0,084 0,954 -1,751 325 -0,107 0,949 -2,038 12 55-60% 474 -0,130 0,867 -3,270 427 -0,037 0,864 -0,889 422 -0,014 0,860 -0,345 13 60-65% 530 -0,047 0,786 -1,378 529 -0,037 0,783 -1,076 486 -0,041 0,783 -1,151 14 65-70% 441 -0,042 0,706 -1,259 456 -0,042 0,706 -1,274 515 -0,070 0,715 -2,211 15 70-75% 408 -0,033 0,633 -1,043 475 -0,028 0,630 -0,961 489 -0,004 0,619 -0,159 16 75-80% 401 -0,003 0,545 -0,126 438 -0,016 0,554 -0,590 447 -0,003 0,546 -0,123 17 80-85% 424 -0,007 0,469 -0,290 415 -0,040 0,495 -1,662 398 -0,027 0,485 -1,123 18 85-90% 296 -0,066 0,442 -2,567 309 -0,011 0,393 -0,486 302 -0,024 0,404 -1,036 19 90-95% 352 -0,044 0,353 -2,359 293 -0,044 0,353 -2,134 314 -0,039 0,347 -2,016 20 95-100% 215 -0,016 0,218 -1,062 209 -0,004 0,186 -0,342 237 0,002 0,162 0,176 7.328 -2,748 21,264 7.372 -3,291 20,032 7.462 -3,129 20,357 26 2012 Category Total Probability Number of games 2013 Mean return category Standard deviation T-test Number of games Mean return category Standard deviation T-test 1 1-5% 43 -0,485 3,380 -0,942 39 0,090 4,754 0,118 2 5-10% 264 -0,448 2,580 -2,823 226 -0,330 2,911 -1,706 3 10-15% 256 -0,387 2,130 -2,914 230 -0,463 2,057 -3,410 4 15-20% 304 -0,314 1,880 -2,915 312 -0,197 2,021 -1,721 5 20-25% 393 -0,037 1,830 -0,405 387 -0,307 1,608 -3,759 6 25-30% 395 -0,234 1,480 -3,152 400 -0,134 1,556 -1,725 7 30-35% 478 0,010 1,450 0,158 478 -0,139 1,383 -2,193 8 35-40% 480 -0,099 1,260 -1,722 495 0,028 1,305 0,478 9 40-45% 491 -0,184 1,120 -3,636 517 -0,024 1,164 -0,462 10 45-50% 415 -0,050 1,060 -0,955 500 0,010 1,058 0,220 11 50-55% 342 0,000 0,960 0,004 340 -0,079 0,956 -1,527 12 55-60% 402 -0,101 0,870 -2,336 480 -0,104 0,868 -2,628 13 60-65% 517 0,016 0,770 0,484 544 -0,064 0,790 -1,902 14 65-70% 491 -0,014 0,700 -0,447 483 -0,108 0,723 -3,277 15 70-75% 465 -0,099 0,660 -3,258 487 -0,019 0,627 -0,681 16 75-80% 404 -0,029 0,560 -1,055 397 -0,026 0,559 -0,910 17 80-85% 417 -0,038 0,490 -1,580 409 0,008 0,455 0,375 18 85-90% 274 -0,003 0,380 -0,131 301 -0,010 0,394 -0,452 19 90-95% 323 -0,009 0,310 -0,534 279 -0,008 0,305 -0,417 20 95-100% 320 -0,013 0,200 -1,168 280 -0,027 0,232 -1,966 7.474 -2,518 24,070 7.584 -1,902 25,727 27 In the tables above, the pattern of the less negative return in the higher categories and the higher negative return in the lower categories still emerges. Graph 3: Development of the mean return of ATP and WTA tournaments in the last 5 years (2009-2013) 0.200 0.000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 -0.200 2009 -0.400 2010 2011 -0.600 2012 2013 -0.800 -1.000 -1.200 Graph 3 shows the line of the mean returns per year. It is hard to see which favorite longshot bias is the strongest, but in every year there the line goes upwards. In category 1 in 2013 there is a positive return of €0,090. In this category there are 39 matches and one match is won by an underdog which gives a high return and therefore the mean return is positive. Also category 8, 10 and 17 of 2013 matches will give you a positive return. The favorite longshot bias is based on underdogs and favorites, which means we have to look at category 1 (underdogs) and category 20 (favorites). In table 10 a quick overview of the returns is added. In every year, except of 2013, the return in category 20 is higher than in category 1. Based on these facts, you might be able to conclude that, a favorite longshot bias exists in every year, except of 2013. 28 Table 10: Mean return in category 1-7 and 15-20 over the years Year Mean return category 1-7 Mean return category 15-20 2009 -0,178 -0,027 2010 -0,221 -0,025 2011 -0,235 -0,015 2012 -0,204 -0,231 2013 -0,037 -0,014 Looking at table 10, we see that for every year the underdog categories generate a lower mean return than the favorite categories, except of 2012. Based on those numbers, you might be able to conclude that, a favorite longshot bias exists in every year, except of 2012. It is hard to look if the trend is becoming stronger over the years. If you look at the categories 1-7 the return gets lower till 2011 and from there the return gets higher. In the favorite categories the return till 2011 becomes higher, but in 2012 there is a very low result of -0,231. The results are not showing a clear trend over the years. If we compare the t-values in the years with the t-values of section 5.1 and 5.2, we see a lot more insignificant results. Because of those insignificant t-values (-2 < t < 2) we can doubt about the existence of a favorite longshot bias. It is interesting to test the ATP and WTA tournaments separately, because this might lead better t-values. With better t-values the doubt about the existence of a favorite longshot bias could disappear. In 5.3.2 we test the data over the years for ATP and WTA tournaments separately. 29 5.3.2 Results over the years – ATP and WTA tournaments separately This section starts with the results of the ATP tournaments in table 11 and the WTA tournament in table 12. After that we discuss those results. Table 11: Results of all ATP tournaments sorted by year (2009-2013) Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Total Probability 1-5% 5-10% 10-15% 15-20% 20-25% 25-30% 30-35% 35-40% 40-45% 45-50% 50-55% 55-60% 60-65% 65-70% 70-75% 75-80% 80-85% 85-90% 90-95% 95-100% Mean Number return Standard of games categorie deviation 11 135 182 197 235 256 259 295 309 323 243 300 364 285 266 262 249 184 228 149 4.732 -1,000 -0,291 -0,360 -0,258 -0,180 -0,362 -0,006 -0,125 -0,004 0,002 -0,042 -0,141 -0,086 -0,052 -0,024 0,017 0,004 -0,057 -0,011 -0,018 0,000 2,916 2,078 1,913 1,741 1,386 1,452 1,253 1,164 1,058 0,957 0,867 0,793 0,709 0,630 0,532 0,460 0,434 0,308 0,219 T-test Category Probability 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1-5% 5-10% 10-15% 15-20% 20-25% 25-30% 30-35% 35-40% 40-45% 45-50% 50-55% 55-60% 60-65% 65-70% 70-75% 75-80% 80-85% 85-90% 90-95% 95-100% 0,000 -1,158 -2,335 -1,895 -1,586 -4,181 -0,068 -1,717 -0,055 0,026 -0,689 -2,807 -2,059 -1,240 -0,631 0,517 0,135 -1,785 -0,557 -1,001 Total Number Mean of return Standard games categorie deviation 3 119 141 162 238 273 305 308 323 285 248 264 354 293 320 271 236 185 171 145 -1,000 -0,691 -0,382 -0,094 -0,137 -0,137 -0,223 -0,140 -0,054 -0,066 -0,068 -0,060 -0,057 -0,032 0,004 -0,025 -0,027 -0,010 -0,061 0,000 0,000 1,934 2,152 2,139 1,770 1,549 1,341 1,254 1,155 1,052 0,957 0,867 0,787 0,703 0,615 0,560 0,487 0,393 0,372 0,170 T-test 0,000 -3,899 -2,106 -0,559 -1,198 -1,460 -2,898 -1,953 -0,847 -1,060 -1,125 -1,130 -1,360 -0,790 0,108 -0,729 -0,838 -0,339 -2,135 0,005 4.644 30 2011 Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Probability 1-5% 5-10% 10-15% 15-20% 20-25% 25-30% 30-35% 35-40% 40-45% 45-50% 50-55% 55-60% 60-65% 65-70% 70-75% 75-80% 80-85% 85-90% 90-95% 95-100% Mean Number return Standard of games categorie deviation 24 126 165 194 249 273 322 344 320 305 200 290 320 349 329 282 259 190 194 169 4.904 -1,000 -0,708 -0,358 -0,032 -0,268 -0,266 -0,238 -0,060 -0,067 -0,069 -0,095 -0,038 -0,057 -0,064 0,010 0,033 0,008 -0,032 -0,043 0,008 0,000 1,886 2,222 2,153 1,655 1,467 1,330 1,279 1,153 1,054 0,955 0,863 0,787 0,714 0,612 0,521 0,457 0,412 0,352 0,137 2012 T-test 0,000 -4,215 -2,070 -0,205 -2,559 -2,993 -3,207 -0,870 -1,034 -1,140 -1,399 -0,750 -1,284 -1,676 0,299 1,074 0,265 -1,072 -1,683 0,743 Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Probability 1-5% 5-10% 10-15% 15-20% 20-25% 25-30% 30-35% 35-40% 40-45% 45-50% 50-55% 55-60% 60-65% 65-70% 70-75% 75-80% 80-85% 85-90% 90-95% 95-100% Mean Number return Standard of games categorie deviation 41 161 165 201 243 254 314 308 330 276 223 270 341 312 305 262 263 180 205 214 -0,460 -0,165 -0,486 -0,452 -0,060 -0,221 -0,063 -0,055 -0,184 -0,024 0,001 -0,098 0,015 -0,045 -0,069 -0,037 -0,034 0,015 0,005 -0,031 3,458 3,150 1,945 1,704 1,809 1,488 1,417 1,281 1,126 1,060 0,956 0,865 0,769 0,706 0,647 0,566 0,492 0,360 0,284 0,237 T-test 0,000 -0,665 -3,210 -3,763 -0,519 -2,364 -0,782 -0,753 -2,973 -0,372 0,023 -1,852 0,368 -1,123 -1,866 -1,060 -1,124 0,575 0,263 -1,884 4.868 31 2013 Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Probability 1-5% 5-10% 10-15% 15-20% 20-25% 25-30% 30-35% 35-40% 40-45% 45-50% 50-55% 55-60% 60-65% 65-70% 70-75% 75-80% 80-85% 85-90% 90-95% 95-100% Mean Number return Standard of Games categorie deviation 26 151 159 197 254 250 309 346 332 333 232 316 368 314 333 246 263 199 184 192 0,635 -0,222 -0,381 -0,200 -0,278 -0,209 -0,097 0,024 -0,049 0,034 -0,059 -0,138 -0,056 -0,107 -0,037 0,010 -0,013 -0,003 -0,015 -0,042 5,781 2,983 2,193 2,021 1,629 1,513 1,402 1,307 1,159 1,059 0,960 0,869 0,789 0,723 0,636 0,537 0,474 0,388 0,316 0,259 T-test 0,000 -0,913 -2,190 -1,390 -2,721 -2,182 -1,218 0,337 -0,772 0,594 -0,944 -2,824 -1,364 -2,622 -1,071 0,298 -0,440 -0,121 -0,654 -2,244 5.004 32 Table 12: Results of all WTA tournaments sorted by year (2009-2013) 2009 Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Mean Proba- Number return Standard bility of games categorie deviation 1-5% 0 0,000 0,000 5-10% 56 -0,372 2,709 10-15% 100 -0,123 2,392 15-20% 122 0,282 2,428 20-25% 157 -0,188 1,715 25-30% 156 -0,017 1,628 30-35% 130 -0,157 1,368 35-40% 149 -0,123 1,259 40-45% 163 -0,161 1,134 45-50% 167 -0,048 1,058 50-55% 142 -0,061 0,956 55-60% 174 -0,113 0,870 60-65% 166 0,038 0,763 65-70% 156 -0,024 0,703 70-75% 142 -0,048 0,640 75-80% 139 -0,042 0,569 80-85% 175 -0,022 0,482 85-90% 112 -0,081 0,457 90-95% 124 -0,105 0,418 95-100% 66 -0,011 0,218 2.596 2010 T-test 0,000 -1,027 -0,513 1,283 -1,372 -0,129 -1,312 -1,188 -1,807 -0,584 -0,766 -1,708 0,636 -0,435 -0,899 -0,868 -0,593 -1,866 -2,799 -0,407 Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Mean Proba- Number return Standard bility of games categorie deviation 1-5% 2 -1,000 0,000 5-10% 47 -1,000 0,000 10-15% 101 -0,006 2,628 15-20% 115 -0,466 1,656 20-25% 183 -0,068 1,800 25-30% 169 -0,164 1,534 30-35% 163 -0,065 1,412 35-40% 161 -0,059 1,276 40-45% 160 -0,085 1,155 45-50% 164 -0,152 1,038 50-55% 151 -0,109 0,950 55-60% 163 0,000 0,860 60-65% 175 0,004 0,775 65-70% 163 -0,059 0,711 70-75% 155 -0,093 0,656 75-80% 167 -0,001 0,544 80-85% 179 -0,059 0,507 85-90% 124 -0,013 0,396 90-95% 122 -0,021 0,325 95-100% 64 -0,015 0,221 2.728 T-test 0,000 0,000 -0,024 -3,015 -0,512 -1,389 -0,585 -0,589 -0,932 -1,870 -1,405 0,004 0,074 -1,067 -1,760 -0,017 -1,549 -0,352 -0,701 -0,527 33 2011 Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Mean Proba- Number return Standard bility of Games categorie deviation 1-5% 0 0,000 0,000 5-10% 61 -0,458 2,404 10-15% 99 -0,434 2,070 15-20% 112 -0,061 2,165 20-25% 138 -0,039 1,833 25-30% 161 0,046 1,662 30-35% 173 -0,127 1,395 35-40% 160 -0,032 1,289 40-45% 160 -0,162 1,132 45-50% 141 -0,039 1,059 50-55% 125 -0,128 0,942 55-60% 132 0,037 0,853 60-65% 166 -0,011 0,776 65-70% 166 -0,082 0,721 70-75% 160 -0,034 0,634 75-80% 165 -0,066 0,583 80-85% 139 -0,092 0,529 85-90% 112 -0,011 0,391 90-95% 120 -0,034 0,338 95-100% 68 -0,013 0,214 2558 2012 T-test 0,000 -1,488 -2,088 -0,299 -0,249 0,349 -1,199 -0,311 -1,807 -0,433 -1,516 0,502 -0,179 -1,458 -0,684 -1,445 -2,056 -0,285 -1,111 -0,499 Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Probability 1-5% 5-10% 10-15% 15-20% 20-25% 25-30% 30-35% 35-40% 40-45% 45-50% 50-55% 55-60% 60-65% 65-70% 70-75% 75-80% 80-85% 85-90% 90-95% 95-100% Mean Number return Standard of Games categorie deviation 2 -1,000 0,000 103 -0,890 1,115 91 -0,209 2,425 103 -0,045 2,168 150 0,000 1,857 141 -0,259 1,463 164 0,150 1,501 172 -0,179 1,235 161 -0,184 1,121 139 -0,101 1,052 119 -0,002 0,962 132 -0,108 0,870 176 0,018 0,773 179 0,040 0,677 160 -0,157 0,673 142 -0,015 0,555 154 -0,045 0,501 94 -0,038 0,422 118 -0,034 0,342 106 0,022 0,101 2606 T-test 0,000 -8,099 -0,821 -0,211 0,000 -2,101 1,282 -1,901 -2,086 -1,131 -0,025 -1,422 0,316 0,786 -2,941 -0,333 -1,125 -0,883 -1,080 2,192 34 2013 Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Mean Proba- Number return Standard bility of Games categorie deviation 1-5% 13 -1,000 0,000 5-10% 75 -0,549 2,765 10-15% 71 -0,646 1,716 15-20% 115 -0,191 2,031 20-25% 133 -0,363 1,571 25-30% 150 -0,010 1,622 30-35% 169 -0,215 1,350 35-40% 149 0,038 1,306 40-45% 185 0,022 1,175 45-50% 167 -0,038 1,057 50-55% 108 -0,121 0,951 55-60% 164 -0,039 0,864 60-65% 176 -0,082 0,794 65-70% 169 -0,109 0,725 70-75% 154 0,020 0,606 75-80% 151 -0,084 0,590 80-85% 146 0,047 0,419 85-90% 102 -0,024 0,408 90-95% 95 0,007 0,286 95-100% 88 0,005 0,155 2.580 T-test 0,000 -1,720 -3,172 -1,010 -2,662 -0,075 -2,068 0,358 0,253 -0,459 -1,327 -0,573 -1,367 -1,960 0,401 -1,744 1,349 -0,590 0,240 0,290 35 In tables 13 and 14 below the mean return in the underdog categories (1-7) and in the favorite categories (15-20) are given. In every year you see that the return on favorites is higher than on underdogs, which can be an indication for a favorite longshot bias. Table 13: Mean return in category 1-7 and 15-20 over the years at ATP tournaments Year Mean return category 1-7 Mean return category 15-20 2009 -0,238 -0,012 2010 -0,236 -0,018 2011 -0,292 0,001 2012 -0,223 -0,030 2013 -0,200 -0,017 Table 14: Mean return in category 1-7 and 15-20 over the years at WTA tournaments Year Mean return category 1-7 Mean return category 15-20 2009 -0,071 -0,052 2010 -0,197 -0,037 2011 -0,131 -0,046 2012 -0,171 -0,051 2013 -0,287 -0,006 As said in section 5.3.1 we wanted to test the results over the years for ATP and WTA tournaments separately, with the goal of getting more t-values that are significant. Looking at the t-values in table 11 and 12, we see that they are actually becoming more insignificant. When testing the ATP and WTA tournaments separately, the results becoming more insignificant. When we put all the data together, the results are looking fine and significant, but when we split them apart, the results show a whole other point of view. This is not in line with the literature of Forrest & Mchale, 2007 and Cain et al, 2003. Only in 2011 at ATP tournaments, we see significant t-values. Also, table 13 shows a higher return at favorites than underdogs in 2011 ATP tournaments. Based on those results we can say that there is a favorite longshot bias in 2011 ATP tournaments. 36 5.4 Results surface 5.4.1 Results surface - ATP and WTA tournaments Table 15: Results of all ATP and WTA tournaments sorted by surface Grass Category Total Probability Gravel Number of games Mean return category Standard deviation T-test Number of games Mean return category Standard deviation T-test 1 1-5% 25 1,586 7,153 1,109 47 -1,000 0,000 0,000 2 5-10% 142 -0,444 2,716 -1,950 265 -0,506 2,560 -3,214 3 10-15% 169 -0,359 2,157 -2,165 382 -0,469 1,980 -4,627 4 15-20% 218 -0,157 2,046 -1,135 392 -0,058 2,120 -0,541 5 20-25% 218 -0,057 1,834 -0,456 595 -0,196 1,710 -2,783 6 25-30% 242 -0,057 1,595 -0,558 547 -0,184 1,520 -2,842 7 30-35% 266 -0,180 1,364 -2,151 667 -0,110 1,400 -2,036 8 35-40% 251 0,045 1,309 0,540 758 -0,069 1,280 -1,495 9 40-45% 261 -0,141 1,138 -2,008 683 -0,037 1,160 -0,832 10 45-50% 257 -0,038 1,055 -0,582 680 0,004 1,060 0,103 11 50-55% 182 -0,071 0,953 -1,001 429 -0,089 0,950 -1,932 12 55-60% 239 -0,073 0,866 -1,306 627 -0,106 0,870 -3,061 13 60-65% 275 0,008 0,776 0,169 770 -0,048 0,780 -1,704 14 65-70% 258 -0,102 0,722 -2,263 703 -0,071 0,710 -2,657 15 70-75% 270 -0,010 0,621 -0,274 695 -0,039 0,640 -1,606 16 75-80% 238 -0,081 0,589 -2,132 573 -0,013 0,550 -0,577 17 80-85% 212 -0,025 0,486 -0,756 580 -0,019 0,480 -0,976 18 85-90% 204 -0,053 0,432 -1,739 412 -0,039 0,420 -1,866 19 90-95% 221 -0,021 0,327 -0,972 436 -0,012 0,310 -0,830 20 95-100% 182 -0,029 0,235 -1,651 355 -0,006 0,190 -0,620 4.330 -0,261 28,375 10.596 -3,067 20,690 37 Hard-court (i) Category Total Probability Hard-court (o) Number of games Mean return category Standard deviation T-test Number of games Mean return category Standard deviation T-test 1 1-5% 1 -1,000 0,000 0,000 49 -1,000 0,000 0,000 2 5-10% 76 -0,214 2,998 -0,623 551 -0,519 2,338 -5,208 3 10-15% 132 -0,030 2,645 -0,132 591 -0,331 2,196 -3,667 4 15-20% 222 -0,331 1,847 -2,674 686 -0,182 2,039 -2,333 5 20-25% 304 -0,080 1,805 -0,777 863 -0,197 1,702 -3,392 6 25-30% 358 -0,200 1,508 -2,509 936 -0,198 1,513 -4,008 7 30-35% 366 -0,082 1,413 -1,113 1.009 -0,108 1,397 -2,453 8 35-40% 398 -0,060 1,279 -0,932 985 -0,104 1,262 -2,581 9 40-45% 384 -0,062 1,156 -1,047 1.115 -0,110 1,144 -3,209 10 45-50% 349 0,065 1,058 1,141 1.014 -0,107 1,048 -3,251 11 50-55% 343 -0,050 0,955 -0,974 837 -0,055 0,955 -1,658 12 55-60% 345 -0,160 0,868 -3,432 994 -0,035 0,861 -1,284 13 60-65% 401 -0,051 0,786 -1,310 1.160 -0,030 0,781 -1,323 14 65-70% 389 -0,077 0,717 -2,122 1.036 -0,025 0,702 -1,163 15 70-75% 371 -0,034 0,633 -1,025 988 -0,043 0,636 -2,104 16 75-80% 360 -0,011 0,551 -0,384 916 -0,001 0,544 -0,042 17 80-85% 329 -0,047 0,501 -1,710 942 -0,011 0,473 -0,746 18 85-90% 217 -0,009 0,390 -0,341 649 -0,008 0,388 -0,551 19 90-95% 175 -0,042 0,355 -1,582 729 -0,039 0,345 -3,051 20 95-100% 88 -0,024 0,241 -0,950 636 -0,010 0,197 -1,252 5.608 -2,503 21,707 16.686 -3,113 20,521 38 Graph 4: Development of the mean return of ATP and WTA tournaments per surface ATP and WTA Tournaments (2009-2013) Surface 2.000 1.500 1.000 Grass 0.500 Gravel Hard-court (i) Hard-court (o) 0.000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 -0.500 -1.000 -1.500 39 Table 16: Mean return in category 1-7 and 15-20 per surface Year Mean return Mean return category 1-7 category 15-20 Grass -0,150 -0,036 Gravel -0,233 -0,023 Hard-court (i) -0,151 -0,028 Hard-court (o) -0,239 -0,019 As said before, the favorite longshot bias is based on underdogs and favorites, so categories 1-7 (underdogs) and category 15-20 (favorites) are the most important. In table 12 a quick overview of the returns per surface is added. Looking at table 16 we see at every surface a lower return in the underdogs categories compared to the favorites, which can be a indication for the existence of a favorite longshot bias. If we compare the t-values in the years with the t-values of section 5.1 and 5.2, we see a lot more insignificant results. Especially the results of gravel and hard-court (i) are insignificant. Because of those insignificant t-values (-2 < t < 2) we can doubt about the existence of a favorite longshot bias at those surfaces. It is interesting to test the ATP and WTA tournaments separately, because this might lead better t-values. With better t-values the doubt about the existence of a favorite longshot bias could disappear. In 5.4.2 we test the data per surface for ATP and WTA tournaments separately. 40 5.4.2 Results surface - ATP and WTA tournaments separately This section starts with the results of the ATP tournaments in table 17 and the WTA tournament in table 18. After that, we discuss those results. Table 17: Results of all ATP tournaments sorted by surface Grass Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Total Probability 1-5% 5-10% 10-15% 15-20% 20-25% 25-30% 30-35% 35-40% 40-45% 45-50% 50-55% 55-60% 60-65% 65-70% 70-75% 75-80% 80-85% 85-90% 90-95% 95-100% Number of Games 20 94 116 136 129 145 184 165 178 169 126 155 186 168 189 145 124 129 148 124 2.830 Mean return Standard categorie deviation 2,233 7,902 -0,488 2,449 -0,465 1,995 -0,153 2,057 -0,061 1,838 -0,119 1,570 -0,246 1,330 -0,009 1,300 -0,205 1,119 0,012 1,059 -0,080 0,954 -0,098 0,865 0,033 0,769 -0,076 0,718 0,028 0,602 -0,046 0,571 -0,030 0,490 -0,060 0,440 -0,010 0,309 -0,040 0,254 Gravel T-test 1,264 -1,933 -2,511 -0,866 -0,377 -0,914 -2,514 -0,087 -2,449 0,152 -0,939 -1,411 0,586 -1,377 0,643 -0,961 -0,693 -1,556 -0,386 -1,746 Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Total Probability 1-5% 5-10% 10-15% 15-20% 20-25% 25-30% 30-35% 35-40% 40-45% 45-50% 50-55% 55-60% 60-65% 65-70% 70-75% 75-80% 80-85% 85-90% 90-95% 95-100% Mean Number return Standard of Games categorie deviation 42 -1,000 0,000 179 -0,391 2,899 250 -0,469 1,985 256 -0,114 2,072 377 -0,159 1,752 370 -0,283 1,450 480 -0,107 1,402 529 -0,079 1,274 482 -0,088 1,148 493 -0,007 1,055 302 -0,078 0,956 448 -0,116 0,870 553 -0,023 0,780 489 -0,039 0,703 496 -0,049 0,639 396 0,010 0,537 362 -0,017 0,478 277 -0,037 0,419 286 -0,014 0,313 249 -0,006 0,182 7316 T-test 0,000 -1,806 -3,740 -0,879 -1,765 -3,759 -1,669 -1,427 -1,685 -0,143 -1,411 -2,828 -0,708 -1,218 -1,709 0,371 -0,696 -1,480 -0,758 -0,494 41 Hardcourt (i) Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Total Probability 1-5% 5-10% 10-15% 15-20% 20-25% 25-30% 30-35% 35-40% 40-45% 45-50% 50-55% 55-60% 60-65% 65-70% 70-75% 75-80% 80-85% 85-90% 90-95% 95-100% Number of Games 1 70 118 198 272 311 316 344 335 297 291 299 350 331 324 312 294 194 153 82 4.892 Mean return Standard categorie deviation -1,000 0,000 -0,147 3,117 -0,182 2,464 -0,306 1,882 -0,119 1,778 -0,244 1,476 -0,085 1,411 -0,053 1,281 -0,030 1,162 0,095 1,058 -0,057 0,955 -0,164 0,869 -0,073 0,790 -0,094 0,721 -0,029 0,631 -0,005 0,546 -0,029 0,488 -0,010 0,391 -0,033 0,343 -0,029 0,249 Hardcourt (o) T-test 0,000 -0,394 -0,802 -2,287 -1,100 -2,915 -1,066 -0,760 -0,465 1,546 -1,013 -3,266 -1,731 -2,378 -0,841 -0,147 -1,031 -0,347 -1,186 -1,050 Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Total Probability 1-5% 5-10% 10-15% 15-20% 20-25% 25-30% 30-35% 35-40% 40-45% 45-50% 50-55% 55-60% 60-65% 65-70% 70-75% 75-80% 80-85% 85-90% 90-95% 95-100% Mean Number return Standard of Games categorie deviation 42 -1,000 0,000 349 -0,414 2,546 328 -0,385 2,117 361 -0,255 1,960 441 -0,288 1,617 480 -0,235 1,485 529 -0,137 1,382 563 -0,085 1,269 619 -0,046 1,158 563 -0,109 1,051 427 -0,022 0,959 538 -0,042 0,861 658 -0,080 0,791 565 -0,056 0,711 544 -0,013 0,624 470 0,009 0,539 490 0,006 0,459 338 0,011 0,366 395 -0,032 0,335 414 -0,017 0,210 9.114 T-test 0,000 -3,039 -3,294 -2,475 -3,740 -3,470 -2,275 -1,593 -0,980 -2,460 -0,484 -1,137 -2,582 -1,856 -0,476 0,343 0,299 0,550 -1,872 -1,691 42 Table 18: Results of all WTA tournaments sorted by surface Grass Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Total Probability 1-5% 5-10% 10-15% 15-20% 20-25% 25-30% 30-35% 35-40% 40-45% 45-50% 50-55% 55-60% 60-65% 65-70% 70-75% 75-80% 80-85% 85-90% 90-95% 95-100% Mean Number return Standard of Games categorie deviation 5 -1,000 0,000 48 -0,359 3,202 53 -0,127 2,480 82 -0,165 2,041 89 -0,050 1,839 97 0,035 1,636 82 -0,030 1,434 86 0,147 1,329 83 -0,004 1,174 88 -0,136 1,046 56 -0,050 0,959 84 -0,027 0,869 89 -0,045 0,792 90 -0,149 0,732 81 -0,100 0,658 93 -0,137 0,614 88 -0,018 0,484 75 -0,040 0,422 73 -0,045 0,361 58 -0,005 0,190 1.500 Gravel T-test 0,000 -0,776 -0,374 -0,732 -0,258 0,212 -0,193 1,026 -0,035 -1,217 -0,391 -0,285 -0,531 -1,935 -1,370 -2,154 -0,346 -0,812 -1,060 -0,214 Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Total Probability 1-5% 5-10% 10-15% 15-20% 20-25% 25-30% 30-35% 35-40% 40-45% 45-50% 50-55% 55-60% 60-65% 65-70% 70-75% 75-80% 80-85% 85-90% 90-95% 95-100% Mean Number return Standard of Games categorie deviation 5 -1,000 0,000 86 -0,746 1,658 132 -0,469 1,986 136 0,047 2,223 218 -0,258 1,648 177 0,022 1,636 187 -0,119 1,388 229 -0,047 1,281 201 0,086 1,175 187 0,033 1,065 127 -0,116 0,953 179 -0,081 0,867 217 -0,111 0,794 214 -0,146 0,730 199 -0,013 0,627 177 -0,065 0,580 218 -0,022 0,479 135 -0,041 0,425 150 -0,009 0,307 106 -0,007 0,198 3.280 T-test 0,000 -4,171 -2,715 0,246 -2,315 0,181 -1,171 -0,551 1,038 0,424 -1,374 -1,250 -2,061 -2,928 -0,292 -1,499 -0,693 -1,135 -0,365 -0,373 43 Hardcourt (i) Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Total Probability 1-5% 5-10% 10-15% 15-20% 20-25% 25-30% 30-35% 35-40% 40-45% 45-50% 50-55% 55-60% 60-65% 65-70% 70-75% 75-80% 80-85% 85-90% 90-95% 95-100% Hardcourt (o) Number Mean of return Standard Games categorie deviation 0 0,000 0,000 6 -1,000 0,000 14 1,247 3,726 24 -0,543 1,551 32 0,243 2,024 47 0,090 1,696 50 -0,067 1,440 54 -0,106 1,278 49 -0,282 1,093 52 -0,108 1,052 52 -0,014 0,959 46 -0,137 0,873 51 0,097 0,750 58 0,020 0,691 47 -0,063 0,649 48 -0,054 0,583 35 -0,198 0,588 23 -0,003 0,395 22 -0,109 0,430 6 0,037 0,008 716 T-test 0,000 0,000 1,253 -1,715 0,680 0,366 -0,331 -0,609 -1,804 -0,742 -0,103 -1,060 0,926 0,224 -0,661 -0,641 -1,989 -0,037 -1,184 11,000 Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Total Probability 1-5% 5-10% 10-15% 15-20% 20-25% 25-30% 30-35% 35-40% 40-45% 45-50% 50-55% 55-60% 60-65% 65-70% 70-75% 75-80% 80-85% 85-90% 90-95% 95-100% Mean Number return Standard of Games categorie deviation 7 -1,000 0,000 202 -0,700 1,920 263 -0,264 2,294 325 -0,100 2,124 422 -0,101 1,783 456 -0,159 1,542 480 -0,076 1,415 422 -0,128 1,253 496 -0,190 1,123 451 -0,105 1,047 410 -0,088 0,950 456 -0,027 0,862 502 0,034 0,765 471 0,011 0,689 444 -0,079 0,649 446 -0,011 0,550 452 -0,031 0,488 311 -0,029 0,410 334 -0,048 0,357 222 0,005 0,168 7.572 T-test 0,000 -5,179 -1,868 -0,848 -1,162 -2,205 -1,180 -2,106 -3,773 -2,123 -1,881 -0,660 1,003 0,342 -2,568 -0,404 -1,338 -1,264 -2,447 0,407 44 In tables 19 and 20 below the mean return in the underdog categories (1-7) and in the favorite categories (15-20) are given. At every surface, except hard-court (i), you see that the return on favorites is higher than on underdogs, which can be an indication for a favorite longshot bias. At hard-court (i) in ATP and WTA tennis the return in categories 1 to 7 is higher than in the categories 15-20, which can be an indication for a reverse favorite longshot bias. Table 19: Mean return in category 1-7 and 15-20 over the years at ATP tournaments Year Mean return Mean return category 1-7 category 15-20 Grass -0,178 -0,022 Gravel -0,243 -0,020 Hard-court (i) -0,178 -0,283 Hard-court (o) -0,021 -0,006 Table 20: Mean return in category 1-7 and 15-20 over the years at WTA tournaments Year Mean return Mean return category 1-7 category 15-20 Grass -0,101 -0,062 Gravel -0,212 -0,027 Hard-court (i) 0,041 -0,081 Hard-court (o) -0,187 -0,035 As said in section 5.4.1 we wanted to test the results over the years for ATP and WTA tournaments separately, with the goal of getting more t-values that are significant. Looking at the t-values in table 17 and 18, we see that they are actually becoming more insignificant. By separating between ATP and WTA tournaments, the same as in section 5.3.2 happens; the results becoming more insignificant. When we put all the data together, the results are looking fine and significant, but when we split them apart, the results show a whole other point of view. This is not in line with the literature of Forrest & Mchale, 2007 and Cain et al, 2003. Only at hard-court (o) tournaments in ATP tournaments, we see significant t-values. In addition, table shows a higher return at favorites than underdogs in hard-court (o) tournaments. Based on those results we can say that there is a favorite longshot bias in hard-court (o) ATP tournaments. 45 6. Conclusion In this study the matches of all the ATP and WTA tournaments of the years 2009 to 2013 are examined. Before we evaluate the hypotheses and conclusion of the results of section 5, we will restate the research question and the hypotheses. The research question which is answered in this thesis was: ‘Is there a favorite longshot bias in ATP and WTA tennis?’ Hypotheses: H1: There exists a favorite longshot bias in ATP and WTA tennis. H2: The favorite longshot bias is stronger in women tournaments. H3a: The favorite longshot bias is becoming stronger over the years. H3b: The favorite longshot bias is becoming stronger over the years in ATP tournaments. H3c: The favorite longshot bias is becoming stronger over the years in WTA tournaments. H4a: At gravel tournaments occurs a stronger favorite longshot bias than in hard-court tournaments. H4b: At gravel tournaments occurs a stronger favorite longshot bias than in hard-court tournaments in ATP tournaments. H4c: At gravel tournaments occurs a stronger favorite longshot bias than in hard-court tournaments in WTA tournaments. To answer the question the odds of WTA and ATP tennis tournaments from 2009 to 2013 were analyzed. The odds were calculated into winning probabilities and divided over 20 probability categories. For every category the mean return and standard deviation was calculated. For every category we did a T-test, where the results lower than -2 or higher than 2 are significant, obviously -2 < t < 2 is insignificant. Table 21: Hypotheses evaluation Hypothesis H1: There Accept/reject exists a favorite returns of underdogs and most t-values of underdog longshot bias in ATP and WTA tennis. Remarks The returns of favorites are mostly higher than the categories are significant. But also the favorite Reject categories are significant. Based on this there is an 46 absent of favorite longshot bias. The returns of favorites are mostly higher than the returns of underdogs and most t-values of underdog H2: The favorite longshot bias is categories are significant. But also the favorite stronger in women tournaments. categories are significant. Based on this there is an Reject absent of favorite longshot bias. H3a: The favorite longshot bias is The returns of favorites are mostly higher than the becoming stronger over the returns of underdogs, but most of the t-values are years. insignificant. Based on this there is an absent of Reject favorite longshot bias. The returns of favorites are mostly higher than the returns of underdogs, but most of the t-values are H3b: The favorite longshot bias is insignificant. Only the results of 2011 contain becoming stronger over the years significant results. Based on this there is an absent of in ATP tournaments. favorite longshot bias in the years 2009, 2010, 2012 and 2013 in ATP tournaments. In 2011, a favorite Reject longshot bias exists. The returns of favorites are mostly higher than the H3c: The favorite longshot bias is returns of underdogs, but most of the t-values are becoming stronger over the years insignificant. Based on this there is an absent of in WTA tournaments. favorite longshot bias in every year in WTA Reject tournaments. H4a: At gravel tournaments The returns of favorites are mostly higher than the occurs a stronger favorite returns of underdogs, but most of the t-values are longshot bias than in hard-court insignificant. Based on this there is an absent of tournaments. Reject favorite longshot bias The returns of favorites are mostly higher than the H4b: At gravel tournaments returns of underdogs, but most of the t-values are occurs a stronger favorite insignificant. Only the results of hard-court (o) longshot bias than in hard-court contain significant results. Based on this there is an tournaments in ATP tournaments. absent of favorite longshot bias at grass, gravel and hard-court (o) in ATP tournaments. In hard-court (i), a Reject favorite longshot bias exists. H4c: At gravel tournaments The returns of favorites are mostly higher than the occurs a stronger favorite returns of underdogs, but most of the t-values are longshot bias than in hard-court insignificant. Based on this there is an absent of tournaments in WTA Reject favorite longshot bias at every surface in WTA 47 tournaments. tournaments. Looking at the results of all the data together in 5.1 and the results of ATP and WTA separately in 5.2 we see many significant t-values and the mean return of favorites is often higher than underdogs. At first sight, you see a clear favorite longshot bias in both situations. However, in section 5.3.2 and 5.4.2, we separate the ATP and WTA tournament over the years and per surface, which lead to many insignificant results. This means that if we look at the results of all the data together, it looks all good and significant, but if we separate it, it does not look that significant anymore. In addition, if we look at the t-values in the results overall and sorted by gender, we see many significant t-values in underdogs categories (1 to 7), which is a good indication of a favorite longshot bias. However, in the favorite categories (15 to 20) we also see many significant t-values. Based on this, we made the conclusion that there is no strong favorite longshot bias in ATP and WTA tournaments over 2009 to 2013. This is not in line with the literature of Forrest & Mchale, 2007 and Cain et al, 2003. Only at hard-court (o) tournaments in ATP tournaments and in 2011 ATP tournaments, we see significant t-values. However, this is such a small share that we conclude that there is no favorite longshot bias in ATP and WTA tournament over the years or per surface. Articles that investigate the favorite longshot bias in tennis before, found a favorite longshot bias (Forrest & Mchale, 2007 and Cain et al, 2003). There were no tennis-related articles which found a absent of a favorite longshot bias. In other sports, there were articles which did not found a favorite longshot bias like; Busche & Hall 1988 (horse racing), Busche & Walls 2000 (racetrack), Vaughan Williams & Paton 1998 (horse racing), Woodland & Woodland 1994 (baseball) and Woodland & Woodland 2001 (hockey). The results of this study are corresponding to those contradicting literature.f The answer to the question is as follows: ‘No, a favorite longshot bias in tennis ATP and WTA tennis does not exists. There are only indication for a favorite longshot bias in 2011 ATP tournaments and ATP hard-court (i) tournaments. However, the overall conclusion is that there is an absent of a favorite longshot bias in ATP and WTA tennis (sorted by gender, years and surface)’. In the next section, the contribution and limitations of this study are discussed. In addition, some interesting directions for future research are discussed. 48 7. Discussion In this section the contribution of this study to the academic literature is discussed. The most important limitations of this study are summarized and some interesting directions for future research are discussed. 7.1 Contribution As seen in the literature review in section 2, there was a lot of research on the favorite longshot bias in different kind of sports. Most of these studies are based on horseracing, football and soccer. Investigations on the favorite longshot bias in tennis are scarce, so a new research on the favorite longshot bias in the tennis sport will contribute to the existing literature. Cain et al. (2003) did some research on tennis, but they used a very small dataset whereby the results were doubtful. Forrest & Mchale (2007) actually did a valuable study on the favorite longshot bias in tennis tournaments. They used a dataset of 17.000 possible bets and found a favorite longshot bias. This study goes a step further by using a dataset of 37.220 possible bets, which is 219% bigger than the dataset of Forrest & Mchale (2007). In addition, the large dataset used in this investigation, will make this a valuable article that contribute to the existing literature. 7.2 Limitations & further research Looking at the conclusion in section 6, we see that all hypothesis are reject by the data. In the literature review we did not find any articles that looked at the trend over the years of the favorite longshot bias in tennis matches. So there is no possibility compare the results of this study with a similar study. Also looking at the research method we do not find an explanation for the rejection of the hypothesis. The sample we used is not too small or biased. Also there is no question of noisy proxies or failed manipulation checks. It is interesting to do further research on the trend over the years. In this study we looked at the trend over 5 years (2009-2013), but you probably have to have a bigger sample size which contain more years. For example, if you use data from the last 30 years, you might see a clearer trend than the trend over 2009 to 2013. 49 References Ali, M.M. (1977). Probability and utility estimates for racetrack bettor. Journal of Political Economy 85, 803815. Andrikogiannopoulou, A., & Papakonstantinou, F. (2011). Market Efficiency and Behavioral Biases in the Sports Betting Market. Arsch, P., & Malkiel, B.G. (1982). Racetrack Betting and Informed Behavior. Journal of Financial economics, 187-194. Busche, K. (1994) Efficient market results in an Asian setting, in: D. Hausche, S.Y. Lo andW. T. Ziemba (Eds) Efficiency in Racetrack Betting Markets, pp. 615–616 (London: Academic Press). Busche, K. and Hall, C.D. 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Overview of ATP tournaments Surface Official name Matches 20092013 Total odds Grand Slam Australian Open Roland Garros Wimbledon US Open Australian Open Les Internationaux de France de Roland Garros The Wimbledon Championships US Open Hard-court (o) Gravel Gras Hard-court (o) 545 609 599 600 1.090 1.218 1.198 1.200 Barclays ATP World Tour Finals Hard-court (i) 75 150 BNP Paribas Open Sony Open Tennis Monte-Carlo Rolex Masters Internazionali BNL d'Italia Mutua Madrid Open Coupe Rogers Western & Southern Open - Cincinnati Shanghai Rolex Masters BNP Paribas Masters Hard-court (o) Hard-court (o) Gravel Gravel Gravel Hard-court (o) Hard-court (o) Hard-court (o) Hard-court (i) 454 452 261 253 255 157 257 256 222 908 904 522 506 510 314 514 512 444 ATP World Tour Finals Londen ATP World Tour Masters 1000 Indian Wells Miami Monte Carlo Rome Madrid Montréal/Toronto Cincinnati Shanghai Parijs 52 ATP World Tour 500 Rotterdam Memphis Acapulco Dubai Barcelona Hamburg Washington Peking, Beijng Tokio Basel Valencia ABN AMRO World Tennis Tournament U.S. National Indoor Tennis Championships Abierto Mexicano Telcel Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships Barcelona Open Banc Sabadell bet-at-home Open - German Tennis Championships Citi Open China Open Rakuten Japan Open Tennis Championships Swiss Indoors Basel Valencia Open 500 Hard-court (i) Hard-court (i) Gravel Hard-court (o) Gravel Gravel Hard-court (o) Hard-court (o) Hard-court (o) Hard-court (i) Hard-court (i) 141 150 148 144 252 202 209 147 150 154 146 282 300 296 288 504 404 418 294 300 308 292 BB&T Atlanta Open Heineken Open Thailand Open SkiStar Swedish Open Claro Open Colombia Brisbane International BRD Nastase Tiriac Trophy Hard-court (o) Hard-court (o) Hard-court (i) Gravel Hard-court (o) Hard-court (o) Gravel Gravel Gravel Hard-court (o) Hard-court (o) Hard-court (o) Gravel Gras Gravel Gras Gravel 102 130 132 130 118 138 135 147 134 143 143 153 126 133 136 141 132 204 260 264 260 236 276 270 294 268 286 286 306 252 266 272 282 264 ATP World Tour 250 Atlanta Auckland Bangkok Bastad Bogota Brisbane Bucharest Buenos Aires Casablanca Chennai Delray Beach Doha Dusseldorf Eastbourne Gstaad Halle Houston Copa Claro Grand Prix Hassan II Aircel Chennai Open Delray Beach Open by The Venetian® Las Vegas Qatar ExxonMobil Open Power Horse Cup Aegon International Crédit Agricole Suisse Open Gstaad Gerry Weber Open US Men's Clay Court Championship 53 Kitzbuhel Kuala Lumpur London Marseille Metz Montpellier Moscow Munich Newport Nice Oeiras** Sao Paulo San Jose 's-Hertogenbosch St. Petersburg Stockholm Stuttgart Sydney Umag Vienna Vina del Mar Winston-Salem Zagreb bet-at-home Cup Kitzbühel Malaysian Open, Kuala Lumpur Aegon Championships Open 13 Moselle Open Open Sud de France Kremlin Cup by Bank of Moscow BMW Open Hall of Fame Tennis Championships Open de Nice Côte d’Azur Portugal Open Brasil Open 2013 SAP Open Topshelf Open St. Petersburg Open If Stockholm Open MercedesCup Apia International Sydney Vegeta Croatia Open Umag Erste Bank Open VTR Open Winston-Salem Open PBZ Zagreb Indoors Gravel Hard-court (i) Gras Hard-court (i) Hard-court (i) Hard-court (i) Hard-court (i) Gravel Gras Gravel Gravel 106 128 256 134 127 78 132 139 146 103 129 212 256 512 268 254 156 264 278 292 206 258 Gravel (i) Hard-court (i) Gras Hard-court (i) Hard-court (i) Gravel Hard-court (o) Gravel Hard-court (i) Gravel Hard-court (o) Hard-court (i) 51 143 140 142 131 139 128 133 131 77 131 141 102 286 280 284 262 278 256 266 262 154 262 282 12.076 24.152 Total 54 B. Overview of WTA tournaments Matches 20092013 Total odds Official name Surface Australian Open Les Internationaux de France de Roland Garros The Wimbledon Championships US Open Hard-court Gravel Gras Hard-court 542 627 620 618 1.084 1.254 1.240 1.236 WTA Championships Commonwealth Bank Tournament of Champions Hard-court Hard-court 60 28 120 56 BNP Paribas Open Sony Ericsson Open Mutua Madrileña Madrid Open China Open Hard-court Hard-court Gravel Hard-court 486 466 278 271 972 932 556 542 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships Internazionali BNL d'Italia Rogers Cup presented by National Bank Western & Southern Financial Group Toray Pan Pacific Open Hard-court Gravel Hard-court Hard-court Hard-court 204 260 97 257 259 408 520 194 514 518 Grand Slam Australian Open Roland Garros Wimbledon US Open Year-End Championships WTA Championships, Istanboel Tournament of Champions, Bali Premier Mandatory WTA Indian Wells WTA Miami WTA Madrid WTA Peking Premier Five WTA Dubai WTA Rome WTA Montreal/Toronto WTA Cincinnati WTA Tokio 55 Premier WTA Sydney WTA Parijs WTA Doha WTA Charleston WTA Stuttgart WTA Brussel WTA Eastbourne WTA Stanford WTA San Diego WTA New Haven WTA Moskou Medibank International Sydney Open GDF Suez Qatar Ladies Open Family Circle Cup Porsche Tennis Grand Prix Brussels Ladies Open AEGON International Bank of the West Classic Mercury Insurance Open New Haven Open at Yale Kremlin Cup Hard-court Hard-court Hard-court Gravel Gravel Gravel Gras Hard-court Hard-court Hard-court Hard-court Total 135 138 156 260 132 83 130 132 28 135 132 270 276 312 520 264 166 260 264 56 270 264 6.534 13.068 56 C. Historical winners Australian Open 1950-2014 ATP - Men Year Winner 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Stanislas Wawrinka Novak ÄokoviÄ Novak ÄokoviÄ Novak ÄokoviÄ Roger Federer Rafael Nadal Novak ÄokoviÄ Roger Federer Roger Federer Marat Safin Roger Federer Andre Agassi Thomas Johansson Andre Agassi Andre Agassi Jevgeni Kafelnikov Petr Korda Pete Sampras Boris Becker Andre Agassi Pete Sampras Jim Courier Jim Courier Boris Becker Ivan Lendl Ivan Lendl Mats Wilander Stefan Edberg geen toernooi Stefan Edberg Mats Wilander Mats Wilander Johan Kriek Johan Kriek Brian Teacher Guillermo Vilas Guillermo Vilas Roscoe Tanner Mark Edmondson John Newcombe Jimmy Connors John Newcombe Ken Rosewall Ken Rosewall Arthur Ashe Rod Laver William Bowrey Roy Emerson Roy Emerson Roy Emerson Roy Emerson Roy Emerson Rod Laver Roy Emerson Rod Laver Alex Olmedo Ashley Cooper Ashley Cooper Lew Hoad Ken Rosewall Mervyn Rose Ken Rosewall Ken McGregor Dick Savitt Frank Sedgman Losing finalist Rafael Nadal Andy Murray Rafael Nadal Andy Murray Andy Murray Roger Federer Jo-Wilfried Tsonga Fernando González Marcos Baghdatis Lleyton Hewitt Marat Safin Rainer Schüttler Marat Safin Arnaud Clément Jevgeni Kafelnikov Thomas Enqvist Marcelo Ríos Carlos Moyá Michael Chang Pete Sampras Todd Martin Stefan Edberg Stefan Edberg Ivan Lendl Stefan Edberg Miloslav MeÄíÅ Pat Cash Pat Cash Mats Wilander Kevin Curren Ivan Lendl Steve Denton Steve Denton Kim Warwick John Sadri John Marks Guillermo Vilas John Newcombe Jimmy Connors Phil Dent Onny Parun Malcolm Anderson Arthur Ashe Dick Crealy Andrés Gimeno Juan Gisbert Arthur Ashe Arthur Ashe Fred Stolle Fred Stolle Ken Fletcher Roy Emerson Rod Laver Neale Fraser Neale Fraser Malcolm Anderson Neale Fraser Ken Rosewall Lew Hoad Rex Hartwig Mervyn Rose Frank Sedgman Ken McGregor Ken McGregor WTA- Women Year Winner 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Li Na Viktoryja Azarenka Viktoryja Azarenka Kim Clijsters Serena Williams Serena Williams Maria Sjarapova Serena Williams Amélie Mauresmo Serena Williams Justine Henin Serena Williams Jennifer Capriati Jennifer Capriati Lindsay Davenport Martina Hingis Martina Hingis Martina Hingis Monica Seles Mary Pierce Steffi Graf Monica Seles Monica Seles Monica Seles Steffi Graf Steffi Graf Steffi Graf Hana Mandlíková geen toernooi Martina Navrátilová Chris Evert Martina Navrátilová Chris Evert Martina Navrátilová Hana Mandlíková Barbara Jordan Chris O'Neil Kerry Melville Reid Evonne Goolagong Cawley Evonne Goolagong Cawley Evonne Goolagong Cawley Margaret Court Virginia Wade Margaret Court Margaret Court Margaret Court Billie Jean King Nancy Richey Margaret Court Margaret Court Margaret Court Margaret Court Margaret Court Margaret Court Margaret Court Mary Carter Reitano Angela Mortimer Barrett Shirley Fry Mary Carter Reitano Beryl Penrose Thelma Coyne Long Maureen Connolly Thelma Coyne Long Nancye Wynne Bolton Louise Brough Losing finalist Dominika Cibulková Li Na Maria Sjarapova Li Na Justine Henin Dinara Safina Ana IvanoviÄ Maria Sjarapova Justine Henin Lindsay Davenport Kim Clijsters Venus Williams Martina Hingis Martina Hingis Martina Hingis Amélie Mauresmo Conchita Martínez Mary Pierce Anke Huber Arantxa Sánchez Vicario Arantxa Sánchez Vicario Steffi Graf Mary Joe Fernandez Jana Novotná Mary Joe Fernandez Helena Suková Chris Evert Martina Navrátilová Chris Evert Helena Suková Kathy Jordan Martina Navrátilová Chris Evert Wendy Turnbull Sharon Walsh Betsy Nagelsen Dianne Fromholtz Balestrat Renáta Tomanová Martina Navrátilová Chris Evert Evonne Goolagong Cawley Evonne Goolagong Cawley Evonne Goolagong Cawley Kerry Melville Billie Jean King Margaret Court Lesley Turner Bowrey Nancy Richey Maria Bueno Lesley Turner Bowrey Jan Lehane Jan Lehane Jan Lehane Jan Lehane Renee Schuurman Lorraine Coghlan Robinson Althea Gibson Thelma Coyne Long Thelma Coyne Long Jenny Staley Hoad Julia Sampson Helen Angwin Thelma Coyne Long Doris Hart 57 D. Historical winners Roland Garros 1950-2014 ATP - Men Year Winner Losing finalist WTA - Women Year Winner Losing finalist 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Novak ÄokoviÄ David Ferrer Novak ÄokoviÄ Roger Federer Robin Söderling Robin Söderling Roger Federer Roger Federer Roger Federer Mariano Puerta Guillermo Coria Martin Verkerk Juan Carlos Ferrero Àlex Corretja Magnus Norman Andrej Medvedev Àlex Corretja Sergi Bruguera Michael Stich Michael Chang Alberto Berasategui Jim Courier Petr Korda Andre Agassi Andre Agassi Stefan Edberg Henri Leconte Mats Wilander Mikael Pernfors Ivan Lendl John McEnroe Mats Wilander Guillermo Vilas Ivan Lendl Vitas Gerulaitis Victor Pecci Guillermo Vilas Brian Gottfried Harold Solomon Guillermo Vilas Manuel Orantes Niki Pilic Patrick Proisy Ilie NÄstase Zeljko Franulovic Ken Rosewall Rod Laver Tony Roche Istvan Gulyas Tony Roche Nicola Pietrangeli Pierre Darmon Roy Emerson Nicola Pietrangeli Luis Ayala Ian Vermaak Luis Ayala Herbert Flam Sven Davidson Sven Davidson Art Larsen Vic Seixas Frank Sedgman Eric Sturgess Jaroslav Drobný 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Simona Halep Maria Sjarapova Sara Errani Francesca Schiavone Samantha Stosur Dinara Safina Dinara Safina Ana IvanoviÄ Svetlana Koeznetsova Mary Pierce Jelena Dementjeva Kim Clijsters Venus Williams Kim Clijsters Conchita Martínez Martina Hingis Monica Seles Martina Hingis Arantxa Sánchez Vicario Arantxa Sánchez Vicario Mary Pierce Mary Joe Fernandez Steffi Graf Arantxa Sánchez Vicario Steffi Graf Steffi Graf Natasja Zvereva Martina Navrátilová Martina Navrátilová Martina Navrátilová Chris Evert-Lloyd Mima Jaušovec Andrea Jaeger Sylvia Hanika Virginia Ruzici Wendy Turnbull Mima Jaušovec FlorenÅ£a Mihai Renáta Tomanová Martina Navrátilová Olga Morozova Chris Evert Evonne Goolagong Helen Gourlay Helga Niessen Ann Haydon-Jones Ann Haydon-Jones Lesley Turner Nancy Richey Margaret Smith Maria Bueno Ann Haydon-Jones Lesley Turner Yola Ramírez Yola Ramírez Zsuzsa Körmöczy Shirley Bloomer Dorothy Knode Angela Mortimer Dorothy Knode Ginette Bucaille Doris Hart Shirley Fry Doris Hart Patricia Todd Rafael Nadal Rafael Nadal Rafael Nadal Rafael Nadal Rafael Nadal Roger Federer Rafael Nadal Rafael Nadal Rafael Nadal Rafael Nadal Gaston Gaudio Juan Carlos Ferrero Albert Costa Gustavo Kuerten Gustavo Kuerten Andre Agassi Carlos Moyà Gustavo Kuerten Jevgeni Kafelnikov Thomas Muster Sergi Bruguera Sergi Bruguera Jim Courier Jim Courier Andrés Gómez Michael Chang Mats Wilander Ivan Lendl Ivan Lendl Mats Wilander Ivan Lendl Yannick Noah Mats Wilander Björn Borg Björn Borg Björn Borg Björn Borg Guillermo Vilas Adriano Panatta Björn Borg Björn Borg Ilie NÄstase Andrés Gimeno Jan Kodeš Jan Kodeš Rod Laver Ken Rosewall Roy Emerson Tony Roche Fred Stolle Manuel Santana Roy Emerson Rod Laver Manuel Santana Nicola Pietrangeli Nicola Pietrangeli Mervyn Rose Sven Davidson Lew Hoad Tony Trabert Tony Trabert Ken Rosewall Jaroslav Drobný Jaroslav Drobný Budge Patty Maria Sjarapova Serena Williams Maria Sjarapova Li Na Francesca Schiavone Svetlana Koeznetsova Ana IvanoviÄ Justine Henin-Hardenne Justine Henin-Hardenne Justine Henin-Hardenne Anastasia Myskina Justine Henin-Hardenne Serena Williams Jennifer Capriati Mary Pierce Steffi Graf Arantxa Sánchez Vicario Iva Majoli Steffi Graf Steffi Graf Arantxa Sánchez Vicario Steffi Graf Monica Seles Monica Seles Monica Seles Arantxa Sánchez Vicario Steffi Graf Steffi Graf Chris Evert-Lloyd Chris Evert-Lloyd Martina Navrátilová Chris Evert-Lloyd Martina Navrátilová Hana Mandlíková Chris Evert-Lloyd Chris Evert-Lloyd Virginia Ruzici Mima Jaušovec Sue Barker Chris Evert Chris Evert Margaret Smith-Court Billy Jean King Evonne Goolagong Margaret Smith-Court Margaret Smith-Court Nancy Richey Françoise Dürr Ann Haydon-Jones Lesley Turner Margaret Smith Lesley Turner Margaret Smith Ann Haydon Darlene Hard Christine Truman Zsuzsa Körmöczy Shirley Bloomer Althea Gibson Angela Mortimer Maureen Connolly Maureen Connolly Doris Hart Shirley Fry Doris Hart 58 E. Historical winners Wimbledon 1950-2014 ATP - Men Year Winner Losing finalist WTA - Women Year Winner Losing finalist 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Roger Federer Novak ÄokoviÄ Andy Murray Rafael Nadal Tomáš Berdych Andy Roddick Roger Federer Rafael Nadal Rafael Nadal Andy Roddick Andy Roddick Mark Philippoussis David Nalbandian Patrick Rafter Patrick Rafter Andre Agassi Goran IvaniševiÄ Cédric Pioline MaliVai Washington Boris Becker Goran IvaniševiÄ Jim Courier Goran IvaniševiÄ Boris Becker Boris Becker Stefan Edberg Boris Becker Ivan Lendl Ivan Lendl Kevin Curren Jimmy Connors Chris Lewis John McEnroe Björn Borg John McEnroe Roscoe Tanner Jimmy Connors Jimmy Connors Ilie NÄstase Jimmy Connors Ken Rosewall Alex Metreveli Ilie NÄstase Stan Smith Ken Rosewall John Newcombe Tony Roche Wilhelm Bungert Dennis Ralston Fred Stolle Fred Stolle Fred Stolle Marty Mulligan Chuck McKinley Rod Laver Rod Laver Neale Fraser Ashley Cooper Ken Rosewall Kurt Nielsen Ken Rosewall Kurt Nielsen Jaroslav Drobný Ken McGregor Frank Sedgman 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Eugenie Bouchard Sabine Lisicki Agnieszka RadwaÅska Maria Sjarapova Vera Zvonarjova Venus Williams Serena Williams Marion Bartoli Justine Henin Lindsay Davenport Serena Williams Venus Williams Venus Williams Justine Henin Lindsay Davenport Steffi Graf Nathalie Tauziat Jana Novotná Arantxa Sánchez Vicario Arantxa Sánchez Vicario Martina Navrátilová Jana Novotná Monica Seles Gabriela Sabatini Zina Garrison Martina Navrátilová Martina Navrátilová Steffi Graf Hana Mandlíková Chris Evert Chris Evert Andrea Jaeger Chris Evert Hana Mandlíková Chris Evert Chris Evert Chris Evert Betty Stöve Evonne Goolagong Evonne Goolagong Olga Morozova Chris Evert Evonne Goolagong Margaret Court Billie Jean King Billie Jean King Judy Tegart Ann Haydon-Jones Maria Bueno Maria Bueno Margaret Court Billie Jean King VÄra Suková Christine Truman Sandra Reynolds Price Darlene Hard Angela Mortimer Darlene Hard Angela Buxton Beverly Baker Fleitz Louise Brough Doris Hart Louise Brough Shirley Fry Margaret Osborne duPont Novak ÄokoviÄ Andy Murray Roger Federer Novak ÄokoviÄ Rafael Nadal Roger Federer Rafael Nadal Roger Federer Roger Federer Roger Federer Roger Federer Roger Federer Lleyton Hewitt Goran IvaniševiÄ Pete Sampras Pete Sampras Pete Sampras Pete Sampras Richard Krajicek Pete Sampras Pete Sampras Pete Sampras Andre Agassi Michael Stich Stefan Edberg Boris Becker Stefan Edberg Pat Cash Boris Becker Boris Becker John McEnroe John McEnroe Jimmy Connors John McEnroe Björn Borg Björn Borg Björn Borg Björn Borg Björn Borg Arthur Ashe Jimmy Connors Jan Kodeš Stan Smith John Newcombe John Newcombe Rod Laver Rod Laver John Newcombe Manuel Santana Roy Emerson Roy Emerson Chuck McKinley Rod Laver Rod Laver Neale Fraser Alex Olmedo Ashley Cooper Lew Hoad Lew Hoad Tony Trabert Jaroslav Drobný Vic Seixas Frank Sedgman Dick Savitt Budge Patty Petra Kvitová Marion Bartoli Serena Williams Petra Kvitová Serena Williams Serena Williams Venus Williams Venus Williams Amélie Mauresmo Venus Williams Maria Sjarapova Serena Williams Serena Williams Venus Williams Venus Williams Lindsay Davenport Jana Novotná Martina Hingis Steffi Graf Steffi Graf Conchita Martínez Steffi Graf Steffi Graf Steffi Graf Martina Navrátilová Steffi Graf Steffi Graf Martina Navrátilová Martina Navrátilová Martina Navrátilová Martina Navrátilová Martina Navrátilová Martina Navrátilová Chris Evert Evonne Goolagong Martina Navrátilová Martina Navrátilová Virginia Wade Chris Evert Billie Jean King Chris Evert Billie Jean King Billie Jean King Evonne Goolagong Margaret Court Ann Haydon-Jones Billie Jean King Billie Jean King Billie Jean King Margaret Court Maria Bueno Margaret Court Karen Hantze Susman Angela Mortimer Maria Bueno Maria Bueno Althea Gibson Althea Gibson Shirley Fry Louise Brough Maureen Connolly Maureen Connolly Maureen Connolly Doris Hart Louise Brough 59 F. Historical winners US Open 1950-2014 ATP - Men Years Winner 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Marin ÄiliÄ Rafael Nadal Andy Murray Novak ÄokoviÄ Rafael Nadal Juan Martín del Potro Roger Federer Roger Federer Roger Federer Roger Federer Roger Federer Andy Roddick Pete Sampras Lleyton Hewitt Marat Safin Andre Agassi Patrick Rafter Patrick Rafter Pete Sampras Pete Sampras Andre Agassi Pete Sampras Stefan Edberg Stefan Edberg Pete Sampras Boris Becker Mats Wilander Ivan Lendl Ivan Lendl Ivan Lendl John McEnroe Jimmy Connors Jimmy Connors John McEnroe John McEnroe John McEnroe Jimmy Connors Guillermo Vilas Jimmy Connors Manuel Orantes Jimmy Connors John Newcombe Ilie NÄstase Stan Smith Ken Rosewall Rod Laver Arthur Ashe John Newcombe Fred Stolle Manuel Santana Roy Emerson Rafael Osuna Rod Laver Roy Emerson Neale Fraser Neale Fraser Ashley Cooper Mal Anderson Ken Rosewall Tony Trabert Vic Seixas Tony Trabert Frank Sedgman Frank Sedgman Art Larsen Losing finalist Kei Nishikori Novak ÄokoviÄ Novak ÄokoviÄ Rafael Nadal Novak ÄokoviÄ Roger Federer Andy Murray Novak ÄokoviÄ Andy Roddick Andre Agassi Lleyton Hewitt Juan Carlos Ferrero Andre Agassi Pete Sampras Pete Sampras Todd Martin Mark Philippoussis Greg Rusedski Michael Chang Andre Agassi Michael Stich Cédric Pioline Pete Sampras Jim Courier Andre Agassi Ivan Lendl Ivan Lendl Mats Wilander Miloslav MeÄíÅ John McEnroe Ivan Lendl Ivan Lendl Ivan Lendl Björn Borg Björn Borg Vitas Gerulaitis Björn Borg Jimmy Connors Björn Borg Jimmy Connors Ken Rosewall Jan Kodeš Arthur Ashe Jan Kodeš Tony Roche Tony Roche Tom Okker Clark Graebner John Newcombe Cliff Drysdale Fred Stolle Frank Froehling Roy Emerson Rod Laver Rod Laver Alex Olmedo Mal Anderson Ashley Cooper Lew Hoad Ken Rosewall Rex Hartwig Vic Seixas Gardnar Mulloy Vic Seixas Herbert Flam WTA- Women Years Winner 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Serena Williams Serena Williams Serena Williams Samantha Stosur Kim Clijsters Kim Clijsters Serena Williams Justine Henin Maria Sjarapova Kim Clijsters Svetlana Koeznetsova Justine Henin-Hardenne Serena Williams Venus Williams Venus Williams Serena Williams Lindsay Davenport Martina Hingis Steffi Graf Steffi Graf Arantxa Sánchez Vicario Steffi Graf Monica Seles Monica Seles Gabriela Sabatini Steffi Graf Steffi Graf Martina Navrátilová Martina Navrátilová Hana Mandlíková Martina Navrátilová Martina Navrátilová Chris Evert Lloyd Tracy Austin Chris Evert Lloyd Tracy Austin Chris Evert Chris Evert Chris Evert Chris Evert Billie Jean King Margaret Smith-Court Billie Jean King Billie Jean King Margaret Smith-Court Margaret Smith-Court Virginia Wade Billie Jean King Maria Bueno Margaret Smith Maria Bueno Maria Bueno Margaret Smith Darlene Hard Darlene Hard Maria Bueno Althea Gibson Althea Gibson Shirley Fry Doris Hart Doris Hart Maureen Connolly Maureen Connolly Maureen Connolly Margaret Osborne duPont Losing finalist Caroline Wozniacki Viktoryja Azarenka Viktoryja Azarenka Serena Williams Vera Zvonarjova Caroline Wozniacki Jelena JankoviÄ Svetlana Koeznetsova Justine Henin-Hardenne Mary Pierce Jelena Dementjeva Kim Clijsters Venus Williams Serena Williams Lindsay Davenport Martina Hingis Martina Hingis Venus Williams Monica Seles Monica Seles Steffi Graf Helena Suková Arantxa Sánchez Vicario Martina Navrátilová Steffi Graf Martina Navrátilová Gabriela Sabatini Steffi Graf Helena Suková Martina Navrátilová Chris Evert Lloyd Chris Evert Lloyd Hana Mandlíková Martina Navrátilová Hana Mandlíková Chris Evert Pam Shriver Wendy Turnbull Evonne Goolagong Cawley Evonne Goolagong Cawley Evonne Goolagong Evonne Goolagong Kerry Melville Rosie Casals Rosie Casals Nancy Richey Billie Jean King Ann Haydon-Jones Nancy Richey Billie Jean Moffitt Carole Graebner Margaret Smith Darlene Hard Ann Haydon Maria Bueno Christine Truman Darlene Hard Louise Brough Althea Gibson Patricia Ward Louise Brough Doris Hart Doris Hart Shirley Fry Doris Hart 60