2013 Schedule for Special Inspections Classes Offered by the SW

Special Inspector 2013 Technical Seminars
Seminars sponsored by the SW WA Chapter of ICC
The Willamette Carpenters Training Center
and The Oregon Council of Engineering
laboratories presents
Revised to add
Prestressed in October
Structural & Complex Structural Plan Reading
(M1) Saturday & Sunday
January 12th & 13th, 2013
8-4:30 / 15 Hours (1.5 CEU’S)
Day 1 starts with simple plans and concepts moving slowly into complex structural plans
Building confidence and comprehension while completing quiz’s as a class. Day 2 will continue
with detailed comprehension of complex high-rise structures; Practice exam questions
completed as a class. Pre-stress will be addressed as time allows.
Proprietary Anchors **
Saturday, February 9th,
8-4:30 / 7.5 Hours (.75 CEU’S)
(M3) Saturday & Sunday
February 23rd & 24th, 2013
8-4:30 / 15 Hours (1.5 CEU’S)
Topic includes the duties and responsibilities of the OBOA, WABO and Model Programs. With
a brief review of the technical requirements of the adhesive (chemical) and Expansion
(mechanical). Included in this course will be a review of alternate anchor types with
installation procedures, Inspections for cracked & un-cracked concrete applications. Hands-on
product review, plus handouts & review questions. 2009 IBC & ACI standard, 318-02,05, 08
Appendix D
Reinforced Concrete*
This course will focus on Structural Plan reading skills for complex high rise concrete buildings.
Provision of Chapter 17 of the 2009 International Building Code, ASTM, and ACI Standards will
be discussed as time allows.
(M4) Saturday & Sunday
March 23rd & 24th, 2013
8-4:30 / 15 Hours (1.5 CEU’S)
Structural Steel (S1) Prerequisite for (S2)*
2009 IBC, AISC 13th Edition Manual of Steel Construction, Model Program Special Inspection
Specifications for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts. Code of Standard
Practice for Steel Building and Bridges. Detailed (structural) plan reading skills.
One Day Special Inspector Renewal
(M5) Saturday, April
8-4:30 / 7.5 Hours (.75 CEU’S)
(M6) Saturday & Sunday
April 27th & 28th , 2013
8-4:30 / 15 Hours (1.5 CEU’S)
(M7) Saturday & Sunday
May 18th & 19th , 2013
8-4:30 / 15 Hours (1.5 CEU’S)
Will emphasis on the duties and responsibilities of Special Inspections, scope of work,
Report writing and documentations. A review of the Special inspection category code
changes, and the class will end with code questions and Plan reading quiz’s.
Cold Form Steel Framing**
Review of IBC, ASTM & AISA Standard of Cold Formed Steel General Provision. Introduction
to metal framing techniques with hands-on framing examples. Structural Plan reading skills,
with light gage welding practices and product review.
Structural Steel (S2)*
2009 IBC, Model Program for Special Inspection, AWS ~ D1.1, 02,04,06, 08. D1.3 Sheet Steel
1998/02 D1.4 Reinforcing Steel 98/02, Text on Nondestructive Examination. Detailed
(structural) plan reading skills.
Wood Construction**
(M8) Saturday & Sunday
June 22nd & 23rd, 2013
8-4:30 / 15 Hours (1.5 CEU’S)
2009 IBC Chapters 17, 18 and 23 ~ National Design Specifications for Wood Construction.
APA ~ Introduction to Lateral Wood & Engineered Wood Construction Guide. EERi’s Research
Paper on Construction Quality Education and Seismic Safety. Load path theory and practical
inspect practices. Detailed (structural) Plan reading skills.
(M9) Saturday, July
, 2013
8-4:30 / 7.5 Hours (.75 CEU’S)
Will review the history, development & usage of shotcrete as well as the different process
between dry & wet mix, materials and equipment. You will learn the crew duties &
qualifications. Core samples & examination will be given. 2009 IBC & ACI standard: 506R &
Proprietary Anchors **
(M10) Saturday, August
8-4:30 / 7.5 Hours (.75 CEU’S)
(M11) Saturday & Sunday
August 24th & 25th, 2013
8-4:30 / 15 Hours (1.5 CEU’S)
Topic includes the duties and responsibilities of the OBOA, WABO and Model Programs. With
a brief review of the technical requirements of the adhesive (chemical) and Expansion
(mechanical). Included in this course will be a review of alternate anchor types with
installation procedures, Inspections for cracked & un-cracked concrete applications. Handson product review, plus handouts & review questions. 2009 IBC & ACI standard, 318-02,05,
08 Appendix D
Structural Masonry
2009 IBC, TMS 602/ACI 530.1/ASCE 6 Code Requirements for Masonry Structures, Ref to as
the ACI 530 Code. Reinforced Grout Brick Masonry, Reinforced Concrete Masonry
Construction Inspectors Handbook, IBC 2009/6 ASTM Referenced Standards.
One Day Special Inspector Renewal
September 21st
(M12) Saturday,
, 2013
8-4:30 / 7.5 Hours (.75 CEU’S)
Will emphasis on the duties and responsibilities of Special Inspections, scope of work,
Report writing and documentations. A review of the Special inspection category, code
changes, and the class will end with code questions and Plan reading quiz’s.
Prestress Concrete*
(M13) Saturday & Sunday
October 19th & 20th, 2013
8-4:30 / 15 Hours (1.5 CEU’S)
(M14) Saturday Nov. 2nd, 2013
8-4:30 / 7.5 Hours (.75 CEU’S)
2009 IBC, ACI 318-02/05 ~ Structural Concrete, Manual for quality control for plans and
production of Precast (MNL116) Field procedures Manual for Unbonded Single Strand Tendons,
Specification for Unbonded Single Tendons, Recommendations for Prestressed Rock and Soil
Anchors. ASTM Standards for Concrete A416, A-421, found in ASTM SP-71.
Suspended Ceilings**
Seminar will review chapter 17 requirements for special inspectors and suspended ceiling.
Referenced text’s will include; Seismic Technical Guide (USG), Guidelines for Seismic Restraint for
Direct Hung Suspended Ceiling Assemblies (CISCA), and appropriate ICC-ES Evaluation Reports.
(M15) Saturday & Sunday
December, 8th & 9th, 2013
8-4:30 / 15 Hours (1.5 CEU’S)
2009 IBC, Geotechnical Testing, Observation, and Documentation (Tim Davis), with applicable
ASTM standards, This two day seminar will focus on soil verification and inspection duties of the
special inspector outlined in the IBC combined with review of ASTM test standards. You
will participate in practice exams as well as enhancing site grading plan reading skills.
* Note:
Unless noted otherwise, ICC specialty exams cover provisions found only in the model program
for special inspections.
These Course will conclude with a final exam.
Prior class student retake exam = $125
Exam only with NO Class $225.00 (Price includes exam and proctor time)
Students are responsible for all required texts
Students who complete seminar will receive CEU’S
from SW Washington Chapter of ICC.
Seminar instructors reserve the right to change / reschedule class dates based on unforeseen circumstances.
A minimum of students may be required per seminar.
Personalized training arrangements can be offered at your location upon request.
A minimum of 5 pre-registered students is required.
$185.00 OCEL / ICC members ~ $235.00 for Non-members
Sat & Sun (Same Weekend) $320.00
To register, complete the information and mail to address below
Please indicate what seminar(s) you will be attending
□ M1
□ M2
□ M3
□ M4
□ M5
□ M6
□ M7
□ M8
□ M9
□ M10
□ M11
□ M12
□ M13
□ M14
□ M15
Strctrl & Complex Plan Reading
Proprietary Anchors
Reinforced Concrete
Structural Steel (S1)
1 Day Special Inspector Renewal
Cold Form Steel Framing
Structural Steel (S2)
Wood Construction
Proprietary Anchors
Structural Masonry
1 Day Special Inspector Renewal
Prestressed Concrete
Suspended Ceilings
January 12th & 13th
February 9th
February 23rd & 24th
March 23rd & 24th
April 13th
April 27th & 28th
May 18th & 19th
June 22nd & 23rd
July 20th
August 10th
August 24th & 25th
September 21st
October 19th & 20th
November 2nd
December 8th & 9th
Saturday & Sunday
Saturday & Sunday
Saturday & Sunday
Saturday & Sunday
Saturday & Sunday
Saturday & Sunday
Saturday & Sunday
Saturday & Sunday
Saturday & Sunday
Location: Pacific NW Carpenters Institute
4222 NE 158th St Portland OR
ALL requests for refunds MUST be in writing and received 48
hours prior to seminar.
A $35.00 administrative fee will be deducted from the refund
For questions or to register, contact Michelle Wall @
360.397.2375 x 4088 or michelle.wall@clark.wa.gov
Registration may be emailed or mailed to:
Attn: Michelle Wall, SWWCICC
Po Box 821862
Vancouver WA 98682
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