November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 [WRAN PHY/MAC Proposal for TDD/FDD] IEEE P802.22 Wireless RANs Date: 2005-11-17 Authors: Name Company Address Phone email Chang-Joo Kim ETRI Korea +82-42-860-1230 Hak-Sun Kim Samsung Electro-mechanics Korea +82-31-210-3500 om Joy Laskar Georgia Institute of Technology USA +1-404-894-5268 joy.laskar@ece.gatech .edu Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE 802.22. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.22. Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair Carl R. Stevenson as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE 802.22 Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at > Submission Slide 1 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Co-Authors Name Company Address Phone email Myung-Sun Song ETRI Korea +82-42-860-5046 Soon-Ik Jeon ETRI Korea +82-42-860-5947 Gwang-Zeen Ko ETRI Korea +82-42-860-4862 Sung-Hyun Hwang ETRI Korea +82-42-860-1133 Soon-Soo Oh ETRI Korea +82-42-860-4974 Bub-Joo Kang ETRI Korea +82-42-860-5446 Chung Gu Kang ETRI Korea +82-2-3290-3236 KyungHi Chang ETRI Korea +82-32-860-8422 Yoan Shin ETRI Korea +82-2-820-0632 Yun Hee Kim ETRI Korea +82-31-201-3793 Kyesan Lee ETRI Korea +82-31-201-2032 Moon Ho Lee ETRI Korea +82-63-270-2463 Jeong Suk Lee Samsung Electro-Mechanics Korea +82-31-210-3217 Chang Ho Lee Samsung Electro-Mechanics Korea +82-31-210-3217 Wangmyong Woo Samsung Electro-Mechanics Korea +82-31-210-3217 Kyutae Lim Georgia Institute of Technology USA +1-404-385-6008 ktlim Youngsik Hur Georgia Institute of Technology USA +1-404-385-6008 yshur Submission Slide 2 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Abstract This contribution presents PHY/MAC protocol specification for CR-enabled IEEE 802.22 WRAN system. For PHY layer, this document clearly presents the characteristics of physical layer, such as system parameters for WRAN, cognitive WRAN transceiver architecture, OFDMA symbol time structure and parameters, frame structure for TDD/FDD, subcarrier allocation and pilot pattern, channel coding and modulation, spectral efficiency and minimum peak throughput, ranging type, proposed spectrum sensing scheme, and performance analysis, etc. For MAC layer, it suggests that the existing MAC standard, especially IEEE 802.16 specification, be adopted as a baseline. Some CR-enabled features, including channel management, are introduced. Furthermore, CR-specific MAC management messages or information elements are proposed for modifying the current IEEE 802.16 specification as a baseline. Submission Slide 3 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Contents Part I. PHY Layer • • • • • • • • • • • • • WRAN Hierarchy and Deployment Scenario.................................8 Proposed Key Features...................………………..............10 System Parameters for WRAN………………………..……………..11 WRAN Transceiver Architecture……………..............….……….14 OFDMA Parameters ....................................................……...…16 OFDMA Symbol Time Structure ..........................................18 Frame Structure and Parameters for TDD or FDD…………………19 Subchannelization, Preamble, and Pilot Pattern…………………..…23 Channel Coding and Modulation……………………………….….30 Data Rate and Spectral Efficiency………………………...………….36 Minimum Peak Throughput .................................................38 Additional Physical Layer Features…………………….…………39 Design Review………………………………..…………………40 Submission Slide 4 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Contents Part II. MAC Layer • • • • • • • • • • Overview................…………………………………………………..45 Key Features of MAC………………………….....………………….46 MAC Support of PHY.............................................................. 47 Channel Management ................................................................48 Scanning Operation ...................................................................... 51 Scanning Scenario ........................................................................54 Cooperative Sensing Protocol ........................................................61 BS Coexistence Issue ................................................................... 63 Radio Resource Management………………….…………………….64 CR-Specific Messages & IE’s .........................................................68 Submission Slide 5 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Contents Part III. Spectrum Sensing Technologies • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Mission of Spectrum Sensing Block..…………….………………..70 Proposed Spectrum Sensing Technique………......……………….71 Proposed Sensing Scheme ……..................…………..…..72 Advantages…..............………………………………...…………....73 Coarse Spectrum Sensing......…………………..……………..…74 MRSS Schematics………………………….……………....…75 MRSS Simulation Results…………………………………….76 Fine Spectrum Sensing……...………………………………….77 AAC Schematics ....................................................... 78 AAC Implementation ...........................................................79 AAC Simulation Results ....................................................80 Resource for Spectrum Sensing ........................................... 81 Summary of Spectrum Sensing ...............................................82 References…………………………………………………..……….83 Abbreviations………………………………………………………...84 Submission Slide 6 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 PART 1. PHY Layer Submission Slide 7 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 WRAN Hierarchy Public IP Network SD Service Provider IP Network HA AAA ACR ACR 집 CPE WRAN BS 집 집 집 • AAA : Authentication, Authorization and Account Server • ACR : Access Control Router HA : Home Agent Submission Slide 8 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Deployment Scenario 집 집 집 WRAN Base Station 집 집 집 집 집 Wireless MIC 집 집 집 집 집 집 집 집 집 집 TV Transmitter WRAN Base Station 집 집 집 집 집 집 WRAN Repeater 집 집 Wireless MIC : WRAN Base Station Typical ~33km Max. 100km 집 집 집 집 집 집 집 집 집 집 집 집 집 집 집 : CPE 집 집 집 Submission Slide 9 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 What We Have Proposed …. Adaptive OFDMA FDD/TDD Known and proven technology for broadband fixed/mobile wireless access (e.g., IEEE 802.16d/e – WiBro in Korea) • Adaptively scalable to spectrum availability (1,2,3,4,6,7,8MHz bandwidth) • New frame structure for CR-enabled operation • Enhanced PHY features - Cyclic prefix and cyclic postfix - Adaptive pilot insertion - Enhanced channel coding, e.g., LDPC Submission Slide 10 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 System Parameters: Proposed Parameters Specification Frequency range 54~862 MHz Service coverage Typical range 33 km, Maximum 100 km Bandwidth 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 MHz Data rate Spectral Efficiency Allows for deriving the sub-band from a single TV channel • Maximum: 30Mbps • Minimum: 3Mbps • Maximum: 0.5 bits/s/Hz • Minimum: 5 bits/s/Hz Bandwidth = 6MHz Bandwidth = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8MHz Modulation BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM, 256QAM Transmit power Multiple Access FFT Mode Cyclic Prefix Mode Cyclic Postfix Mode Duplex Default 4W EIRP Adaptive OFDMA 2048, 4096, 8192 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 1/64 TDD or FDD • TDD: 5 ms or 10 ms • FDD: 5.103 ms or 10.206 ms Point-to-Multipoint Network Frame Length Network topology Submission Remark Slide 11 Partial bandwidth allocation To cope with pre-echo signal C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Adaptive OFDMA: Bandwidth Scalability • Example Incumbent or other CR user f Unused Submission 6 MHz 3 MHz 1 MHz Slide 12 6 MHz C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Adaptive OFDMA: Bandwidth Scalability • Example Incumbent or other CR user f 6 MHz Submission 12 MHz Slide 13 6 MHz C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 WRAN Transceiver Architecture Directive Antenna Transmitter (RF/IF) PHY (Baseband) SW or Duplexer Receiver (RF/IF) Omni Antenna MAC Sensing Receiver Coarse “MRSS” Low Speed ADC Fine “AAC” * MRSS : Multi-Resolution Spectrum Sensing ** AAC : Analog Autocorrelation Submission Slide 14 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 PHY (Baseband) Architecture P/S Guard Insertion S/P Guard Removal IFFT Preamble & Pilot Insertion Subcarrier Allocator S/P FFT Channel Estimation Subcarrier Deallocator P/S Mapper Puncturer & Interleaver Encoder Randomizer Demapper Deinterleaver & Depuncturer Decoder Derandomizer Binary Data Channel AWGN Recovered Data Synchronization Submission Slide 15 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 OFDMA Parameters Mode 2K 4K 8K FFT Size 2048 4096 8192 Bandwidth k MHz (k = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) k MHz (k = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) k MHz (k = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) Sampling Factor 8/7 8/7 8/7 No. of Used Subcarriers (including pilot, but not DC tones) 208 * k 416 * k 832 * k Sampling Frequency 64/7 MHz 64/7 MHz 64/7 MHz Subcarrier Spacing 4.464 kHz(***) 2.232 kHz 1.116 kHz Occupied Bandwidth 4.464 kHz*208*k 2.232 kHz*416*k 1.116 kHz*832*k Bandwidth Efficiency(*) 92.93 % 92.93 % 92.93 % FFT Time 224 us 448 us 896 us Cyclic Prefix Time(**) 56 us 112 us 224 us Cyclic Postfix Time 3.5 us - - OFDMA Symbol Time 283.5 us 560 us 1120 us (*) Bandwidth Efficiency = Subcarrier Spacing * (Number of Used Subcarriers + 1)/BW (**) It is assumed that cyclic prefix mode and cyclic postfix mode are 1/4 and 1/64, respectively. (***) Italics indicate an approximated value. Submission Slide 16 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Advantages of Adaptive OFDMA Proposal • Flexible Bandwidth Allocation – To use the partial bandwidth (1,2,3,4,6,5,7,8MHz) adaptively, depending on the channel state information (availability) – To fully utilize available bandwidth under a unified PHY framework • Single Sampling Frequency – Sampling frequency is the same, i.e., 64/7MHz, for all FFT modes. • Constant Subcarrier Spacing – The subcarrier spacing is constant for all different channel bandwidths Robust to the frequency offset Submission Slide 17 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 OFDMA Symbol Time Structure • Type I: Conventional – 4K & 8K Modes • Type II: Hybrid – 2K Mode Cyclic Prefix Cyclic Postfix Cyclic Prefix Profile D 0 Mode Cyclic Prefix Time 2K 56 us 4K 112 us Relative attenuation (dB) -5 8K 224 us -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Excess delay (usec) < 60us Submission Slide 18 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Frame Structure: TDD (1) Spectrum Sensing (sensing period = 100ms, quiet period=~5ms) Submission Slide 19 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Frame Structure: TDD (2) • Frame Parameters Frame Parameters Frame Length(*) 10 ms FFT Size 2048 4096 8192 OFDMA Symbol Time(**) 283.5 us 560 us 1120 us OFDMA Symbols / Frame(**) 34 (DL:UL=23:11) 17 (DL:UL=12:5) 8 (DL:UL=6:2) TTG Time 321 us 440 us 1000 us RTG Time 40 us 40 us 40 us Cell Coverage(***) < 42.5 km < 60.6 km < 145.5 km (*) It is assumed that frame length is 10 ms (**) It is dependent on cyclic prefix mode and cyclic postfix mode. Here, it is assumed that cyclic prefix mode and cyclic postfix mode are 1/4 and 1/64, respectively. (***) Minimum TTG=round trip delay + tx to rx switching time, Minimum RTG = rx to tx switching time. It is assumed that it takes 3.3 us for the waveform to reach 1 km and switching time is less than 40 us. For Typical Range (33 km) Submission Slide 20 For Maximum Range (100 km) C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Frame Structure: FDD (1) Submission Slide 21 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Frame Structure: FDD (2) • Frame Parameters Frame Parameters FFT Size 2048 4096 8192 Frame Length(*) 10.206 ms 10.080 ms 10.080 ms OFDMA Symbol Time(**) 283.5 us 560 us 1120 us OFDMA Symbols / Frame(**) 36 18 9 (*) It is assumed that frame length is about 10 ms (**) It is dependent on cyclic prefix mode and cyclic postfix mode. Here, it is assumed that cyclic prefix is 1/4 and cyclic postfix mode is 1/64 for 2K mode only. Submission Slide 22 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Subchannelization (1) Subcarrier Allocation Distributed Subcarrier permutation Adjacent Subcarrier Permutation Scattered type Band type BIN Band #1 Band #1 BIN Band #2 Band #3 Band #2 Band #4 … Band #3 Band #5 … User 0 User 1 … … User 0 User 2 User 1 Band #24 User 2 User 3 Band #48 Symbol Submission Slide 23 Symbol C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Subchannelization (2) • Type of subchannelization is determined by channel quality information Adjacent Subcarrier Permutation Distributed Subcarrier permutation • Each subchannel consists of a group of adjacent subcarriers • Bands in good state are selected for data transmission • Multiuser diversity • Require more feedback information than distributed subcarrier allocation type Submission • Each subchannel consists of distributed subcarriers within an OFDM symbol • Only the average CINR over all subcarriers is required • For users with high frequency selectivity or far distant users Slide 24 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Subchannelization (3) • Band-Type Adjacent Subcarrier Allocation – To achieve the multi-user diversity gain – Multiple bins allocated to each user (Bin denotes a group of adjacent subcarriers). BIN Band #1 Band #2 Band #3 … … User 0 User 1 Band #24 User 2 Symbol Submission Slide 25 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Subchannelization (4) • Scattered-Type Adjacent Subcarrier Allocation – To achieve the multi-user diversity gain – Only one bin allocated to each user Band #1 BIN Band #2 Band #3 Band #4 Band #5 … User 0 … User 1 User 2 User 3 Band #48 Symbol Submission Slide 26 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Subchannelization (5) • Distributed Subcarrier Allocation – Subcarriers are pseudo-randomly selected for frequency diversity Number of used subcarriers Subcarriers Pilot subcarriers ... Data subcarriers ... Groups G0 G1 G2 ... GN ... Subchannels Submission Slide 27 S0 S1 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT SM November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Preamble • Preamble has the repetition pattern in the time domain: – Time synchronization – Frequency synchronization – Cell ID detection – Channel estimation • Preamble is modulated using a boosted BPSK modulation Submission Slide 28 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Pilot Pattern • Pilot pattern is varied with channel condition: - Adaptively rotated pilot pattern - Channel estimation by preamble or pilot, depending on power boosting • Pilot subcarriers are modulated using a boosted BPSK modulation Preamble OFDMA Symbol Direction Data Subcarrier Subcarrier Direction Direction Pilot Subcarrier Period(variable) Pilot Subcarrier Period(variable) Pilot Symbol Period(variable) Pilot Symbol Period(variable) Pilot Symbol Period(variable) Boosted Pilot Submission Slide 29 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Channel Coding (1) • Coding Scheme – – – – LDPC Code Convolutional Turbo Code Convolutional Code Concatenated Code : BCH+LDPC (CC or CTC) • Code Rates – For LDPC, R = 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8 can be supported – For CTC, R = 1/3, 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8 can be supported – For CC, R = 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8 can be supported Submission Slide 30 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Channel Coding (2) • LDPC Encoder • CTC Encoder – Duo-binary CTC output A A B B 1 CTC Interleaver Constituent Encoder 2 C1 Y1W1 C2 Y2W2 ST p1 Information bits ST ET-1 A 1 T-1 B p2 switch Systematic part C H matrix A S1 S2 S3 n m m p A B T I D E p B p p Parity part Y W C Submission Slide 31 m p C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Channel Coding (3) • CTC Decoder Le2 (u ) 2 2 yk yp 2 1 MAP INT decoder L (u ) e1 2 2 S/P 2 ys MAP decoder INT 2 2 DEINT û k y 2p • LDPC Decoder memQ _even B B memR _even A memQ _odd B B memR _odd A: Bit_to_Check block ; memQ(even,odd):implement a pair of message buffers alternating between R/W B: Check_to_Bit block ; memR(even,odd): implement a pair of message buffers alternating between R/W Submission Slide 32 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Channel Coding (4) • Performance Comparison: CTC vs. LDPC - Code rate of 1/2 over WRAN channel model C 0 10 16QAM QPSK 64QAM 256QAM -2 10 Blue1 -4 10 BER Blue2 -6 10 WRAN Channel profile C Multi-path Fading -8 6-Paths Carrier=617MHz Dopper=0.10 200 Frames -10 Blue1: Blue2: Red1: Red2: 10 10 Submission 0 Red1 Red2 1/2Turbo message 728 bits 1/2Turbo message 1456 bits 1/2LDPC H size 728*1456 1/2LDPC H size 1456*2912 5 10 15 Eb/No(dB) Slide 33 20 25 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Channel Coding (5) • Performance Comparison: CTC vs. LDPC - Code rate of 2/3 over WRAN channel model C 0 10 QPSK 16QAM 64QAM 256QAM -1 10 -2 10 Blue1 -3 BER 10 -4 10 -5 10 -6 10 -7 10 Submission Blue2 Multi-path fading WRAN Channel profile C 6-Paths Carrier=617MHz Dopper=0.10 200 Frames Red1 Red2 Blue1:2/3Turbo message bits 728 Blue2:2/3Turbo message bits 1456 Red1:2/3 LDPC H size 364*1092 Red2:2/3 LDPC H size 728*2184 5 10 15 Eb/No(dB) Slide 34 20 25 30 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Modulation Subcarrier Type Modulation Preamble/Pilot BPSK Control Channel BPSK or QPSK DL Spread-BPSK (optional), QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM, 256QAM UL QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM Traffic Submission Slide 35 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Data Rate • • • • • Bandwidth = 6MHz Pilots and quiet periods are NOT accounted FFT size = 2048 Cyclic prefix mode = 1/4 cyclic postfix mode = 1/64 Code Rate Unit: Mbps 7/8 5/6 3/4 2/3 1/2 256QAM 30.8 29.37 26.4 23.43 17.6 64QAM 23.1 22.0 19.8 17.6 13.2 16QAM 15.4 14.63 13.2 11.77 8.8 QPSK 7.7 7.37 6.6 5.83 4.4 Modulation Data Rate = No. of used subcarriers * code rate * no. of bits per modulation symbol/OFDM symbol time Submission Slide 36 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Spectral Efficiency • • • • • Bandwidth = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 MHz Pilots and quiet periods are NOT accounted FFT size = 2048 Cyclic prefix mode = 1/4 cyclic postfix mode = 1/64 Code Rate Unit : bps/Hz 7/8 5/6 3/4 2/3 1/2 256QAM 5.16 4.89 4.40 3.91 2.93 64QAM 3.85 3.67 3.30 2.93 2.20 16QAM 2.57 2.45 2.20 1.96 1.47 QPSK 1.28 1.22 1.10 0.98 0.73 Modulation Spectral Efficiency = No. of used subcarrier*code rate*no. of bits per modulation symbol/OFDM symbol time/BW The proposal meets the spectral efficiency in the SRD: min 0.5 bps/Hz, max 5 bps/Hz or better Submission Slide 37 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Minimum Peak Throughput • • • • • • Bandwidth = 6MHz Pilots and quiet periods are NOT accounted FFT size = 2048 Cyclic prefix mode = 1/4 cyclic postfix mode = 1/64 No. of CPE’s = 512 CPE’s/oversubscription ratio 50 ~ 11 CPE’s Unit : Mbps Code Rate Modulation 256QAM 64QAM 16QAM QPSK 7/8 5/6 3/4 2/3 1/2 2.80 2.10 1.40 0.70 2.67 2.00 1.33 0.67 2.40 1.80 1.20 0.60 2.13 1.60 1.07 0.53 1.60 1.20 0.80 0.40 Min. Peak Throughput = No. of used subcarriers*code rate*no. of bits per modulation symbol/OFDM symbol time/no. of CPE’s The proposal meets the minimum peak throughput in the SRD: 1.5 Mbps (DL) and 384 kbps (UL) Submission Slide 38 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Additional Physical Layer Features • Stationary Beam Forming with Dynamic Channel Allocation • Transmit/Receive Diversity • Robust DL Channel for Public Safety using SpreadBPSK • Efficient Sleep Mode Operation Submission Slide 39 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Design Review: PHY Layer Checking the functional requirements for IEEE 802.22 WRAN WRAN Functional Requirements Our Proposal Minimum Data Rate DL: 1.5 Mbps/subscriber DL:2.8 Mbps/subscriber UL: 384 kbps/subscriber UL:400 kbps/subscriber Service Coverage Typical: 33 km Maximum: 100 km Typical: 42.5 km(2K mode), 60.6 km(4K mode) Maximum: 145.5km(8K mode) (*) Spectral Efficiency Minimum: 0.5 bits/s/Hz Maximum: 5 bits/s/Hz Minimum: 0.73 bits/s/Hz Maximum: 5.16 bits/s/Hz Maximum Pre-echo: 3 us Excess Delay Post-echo: 60 us Pre-echo: 3.5 us (2K mode) Post-echo: 112 us(4K mode), 224 us (8K mode) (*) It is calculated from the point of view of TTG time, not from link budget. Submission Slide 40 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 PART 2. MAC Layer Submission Slide 41 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Can you believe that we do not need any new MAC protocol for CR system? Whether you believe or not, the existing MAC protocol can be employed in CR system as it is!!! It can be done by introducing only one new message with some modification in the existing control signal First of all, you have to understand what makes CR system so complicated! Submission Slide 42 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 What Makes CR System so Complicated? • CASE 1: IU detected by both BS and CPE IU(Fy) TV Immediately rendezvous CPE(Fx,Fy) CPE(Fx,,Fz] BS(Fx,Fy) BS(Fx,Fz) 집 CPE(Fx,Fy) BS(Fx,Fy) • CASE 2: What if IU can be detected by either BS or CPE only? TV 4 different cases Interference detected in IU = U/L IU = D/L Case (i) Case (ii) Case (iii) Case (iv) 집 IU BS detected by CPE Submission Slide 43 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 What is Our Idea, then? Key Idea: Implicit Signal-based Cooperative Sensing Everything looks fine, so let me keep it up…. 집 I found IU just had appeared, so I now have to search for new band…. By the way, do he know about that? Submission Slide 44 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Overview • Rendezvous Procedure for Band Switching IU = UL or DL Detected in Fx? IU = UL or DL Detected in Fx? No Implicit/Explicit Signaling Yes Band Change: Fx Fy Acknowledged from CPE? Searching for Fy Yes Rendezvous? Yes Initialized in Fy? No No Submission Yes Slide 45 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Key Features of MAC • Minimal changes in the IEEE 802.16d MAC specification - To adopt the existing MAC specification with additional CR-enabled MAC features • Channel management - To define CR-specific channel sets • Scanning operation - To support cooperative (distributed) sensing with implicit signaling No control channel required! • Radio resource management - Channel grouping for MAP overhead reduction in the multi-FA system - Active set update to maximize the average system throughput Submission Slide 46 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 MAC Support of PHY • Frame Structure :TDD 100 ms superframe 10 (5) ms Frame #0 Frame #1 -CQI channel region - UL_MAP allocation Preamble region RTG UL Bursts #1 DL Bursts #3 - DL burst allocation - UL burst allocation UL Frame # 9 (#19) DL Bursts #2 DLMAP ULMAP Frame #8 (#18) UL Bursts #0 FCH DL Bursts#1 - BR/Periodic ranging Frame #3 TTG DL - Frame control - CH grouping / matching - Initial ranging region Frame #2 UL Bursts #2 UL Control ( ACK,..) DL Bursts #4 Ranging Submission Slide 47 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Channel Management (1) • Channel Set: Definitions - Active set 1: a set of used channels for a certain CPE Active set 2: a set of used channels for a certain BS Candidate set: a set of five clean channels available for a certain CPE or BS Occupied set: a set of occupied channels by incumbent user which a certain CPE finds Disallowed Set: a set of channels whose access are not allowed by regulation Null set : a set of channels that are not classified as one of above five sets * Note: The allowed set is defined by union of candidate set and null set depending on channel’s SIR level • Channel Set Maintenance - Each BS maintains five channel sets: Active 1, Active 2, Occupied, Candidate, Null - Each CPE maintains four channel sets: Active 1, Active 2, Candidate, Occupied - Each set is updated in every interval of quiet period (either at a fixed interval or aperiodic interval) and notified in DCD. Submission Slide 48 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Channel Management (2) • Transition diagram for channel set The channel becomes useless as incumbent service appears. Incumbent service releases the channel, but classified as a member of candidate set as quality goes above a given threshold. Incumbent service releases the channel, but classified as a member of null set as quality goes below a given threshold. The channel is classified as a member of candidate set as quality goes above a given threshold. The channel becomes active as quality goes above a given threshold. The channel is classified as a member of null set as quality goes below a given threshold. The channel is released due to the finish of its usage. Submission Slide 49 Null Set 6 6 3 4 1 Active Set 5 7 1 1 Candidate Set Occupied Set 2 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Channel Management (3) • Modified DCD – To update the channel sets in a broadcast message Field Note ……… Number of DL_Channels for (i=1; Number of DL Channels) { To specify all channels that CR-BS can use Channel ID } Number of active set 2 channels for (i=1; Number of active set 2 channels) { To specify the channel IDs of active set 2 Channel ID} Number of occupied set channels for (i=1; Number of occupied set channels) { To specify occupied set channel IDs Channel ID} Number of CPEs for (i=1; Number of CPEs) { (CPE_ID, channel ID) } To specify the channel IDs of the candidate set for individual CPE ……… Submission Slide 50 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Scanning Operation: Overview (1) • Rendezvous Procedure for Band Switching IU = UL or DL Detected in Fx? IU = UL or DL Detected in Fx? No Implicit/Explicit Signaling Yes Band Change: Fx Fy Acknowledged from CPE? Searching for Fy Yes Rendezvous? Yes Initialized in Fy? No No Submission Yes Slide 51 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Scanning Operation: Overview (2) • Network Entry & Initialization Scan for Downlink Channel CPE Authorization & Key Exchange Downlink Sy nch. Es tablis hed CPE Authorization Complete Obtain Uplink Parameters Regis ter with BS Es tablis h Time of Day Normal Uplink Parameters Acquired Regis tration Complete Time of Day Es tablis hed Traffic connectio n request Ranging & Automatic Adjus tments Es tablis h I P Connectiv ity Ranging & Automatic Adjus tments Complete IP Complete Negotiate Bas ic Capabiliities Update Channel Set Information Es tablis h Prov is ioned Connections Bas ic Capabilities Negotiated Channel Set Updated Operational Pow er on System access (Netw ork entry) Initialization Traffic connection setup DSA User data transm ission Connection established Submission Slide 52 Trans fer Operational Parameters Trans fer Complete C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Scanning Operation: Overview (3) • Normal Operation BS CPE QP Fx:MAP QP Superframe CR-SCAN-RSP Fx:MAP .. . - Message field .. . QP Fx:MAP CR-SCAN-RSP • Scan response Message: CR-SCAN-RSP - Every quiet period, CPE must respond with their scanning results. - The scanning results include C/I measurement, spectrum set management parameters, etc. QP Field Management message type = xxx Note Number of channels for which CPE performs scanning Number of channels_to_scan for (i=1; Number of channels_to_scan) { Channel ID Scanning method refers to the channel measurement types, e.g., CIR and IU detection. Scanning method Scanning result } Submission Slide 53 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Scanning Scenario: IU = D/L - BS • Normal Operation QP Fx:MAP BS TV Transmitter QP QP D 집 Superframe CR-SCAN-RSP Fx:MAP CPE QP Fx:Null Time-out IU D/L CPE Fx:Null 집 집 .. . Fx:Null 집 .. . WRAN Base Station 집 집 .. . Fz:MAP Fz:MAP .. . 집 QP QP 집 Fx:MAP QP CPE 집 CR-SCAN-RSP Submission Slide 54 Fz:MAP CR-SCAN-RSP Fz:MAP QP C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT Initialization BS • Implicit Band Switching November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Scanning Scenario: IU = D/L - CPE (1) • Normal Operation Fx:MAP TV Transmitter QP Fx:MAP 집 Fx:MAP Time-out Superframe D QP QP CR-SCAN-RSP 집 집 .. . CPE Fx:MAP[SCAN-REQ] Fx:MAP[SCAN-REQ] 집 .. . WRAN Base Station 집 집 Fz:MAP .. . Fz:MAP 집 QP .. . 집 Fx:MAP QP CPE 집 QP Fz:MAP CR-SCAN-RSP QP CR-SCAN-RSP Fz:MAP Submission Slide 55 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT Time-out (Ranging) QP BS IU D/L CPE Initialization BS • Implicit Band Switching November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Scanning Scenario: IU = D/L - CPE (2) • Implicit Band Switching BS CPE Time-out Fx:MAP[SCAN-REQ] Fx:MAP[SCAN-REQ] Fz:MAP .. . Fz:MAP QP Fz:MAP CR-SCAN-RSP Fz:MAP .. . Initialization QP Fx:MAP Time-out (Ranging) D QP • CR-SCAN-REQ_IE in UL-MAP - New information element is included in the UL-MAP for fast implicit signaling (short implicit scanning) - UL-MAP Information Element Field Extended UIUC Broadcasting/unicasting Duration Quiet period length CID Broadcasting/Primary CID Number of channels_to_scan Number of channels for which CPE performs scanning for (i=1; Number of channels_to_scan) { Channel ID QP } Scanning method Data region Submission Note Slide 56 Scanning method refers to the channel measurement type, e.g., CIR. Resource allocation for Scan response (PHY dependent) C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Scanning Scenario: IU = U/L - BS (1) • Implicit Band Switching • Normal Operation BS BS CPE CPE TV Transmitter QP Fx:MAP QP QP U Fx:MAP QP 집 집 Fx:MAP[SCAN-REQ] 집 .. . .. . 집 WRAN Base Station 집 집 .. . Fy:MAP Fy:MAP .. . Fy:MAP QP 집 QP Fx:MAP QP QP 집 CPE 집 CR-SCAN-RSP Submission CR-SCAN-RSP Slide 57 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT Initialization Superframe Fx:MAP Time-out Fx:MAP[SCAN-REQ] CR-SCAN-RSP November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Scanning Scenario: IU = U/L - BS (2) • Explicit Band Switching • Band Change Request Message: CR-CHANGE-REQ CPE QP U .. . Fx:MAP[SCAN-REQ] Fy:MAP .. . Fy:MAP QP CR-SCAN-RSP An explicit message to direct a corresponding band to move to new band - Message field QP Fx:CR-CHANGE-REQ Fy:MAP QP - Initialization BS Field Note Management message type = xxx Current channel ID The band (TDD: one band, FDD: band pair) in which IU has appeared. New Channel ID The band (TDD: one band , FDD: band pair) to which CR system is moved. Remaining channel move time Reason code Submission Slide 58 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Scanning Scenario: IU = U/L - CPE • Implicit Band Switching • Normal Operation BS BS CPE TV Transmitter QP Fx:MAP CPE U QP QP Fx:MAP QP Time-out 집 Fx:MAP 집 Fx:MAP[SCAN-REQ] Fx:MAP[SCAN-REQ] 집 .. . .. . 집 WRAN Base Station 집 Fz:MAP .. . 집 Fz:MAP .. . 집 QP Fx:MAP QP QP 집 CPE 집 CR-SCAN-RSP Submission Fz:MAP QP CR-SCAN-RSP Fz:MAP Slide 59 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT Initialization Superframe CR-SCAN-RSP November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Scanning Scenario: IU = U/L - CPE (3) • Long periodic scanning vs. short implicit scanning - Short implicit scanning - Long periodic scanning BS BS CPE IU D/L Fx:MAP U QP TV Transmitter U QP CPE QP Fx:MAP QP Fx:MAP Time-out 집 Fx:MAP[SCAN-REQ] Fx:MAP[SCAN-REQ] 집 .. . .. . 집 WRAN Base Station 집 Fz:MAP .. . 집 Fz:MAP QP 집 Fx:MAP QP QP 집 CPE 집 Fz:MAP QP CR-SCAN-RSP Fz:MAP Fx:MAP Submission .. . Slide 60 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT Initialization Time-out Superframe 집 November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Cooperative Sensing Protocol: BS Periodic sensing report start Received sensing result IU detected by BS in D/L IU detected by BS in U/L No IU detected by BS Waiting for CRSCAN-REP Start timer T1 Start timer T4 Waiting for CRSCAN-REP Or periodic ranging Start timer T3 Start timer T2 Time out T4 Time out T1 Transmit CRSCAN-REQ_IE Received CR-SCAN-RSP Time out T2 IU detected by BS in U/L Received periodic ranging Time out T3 Time out T4 Rendezvous End Transmit CRSCAN-REQ_IE Rendezvous Submission Rendezvous IU detected by BS in D/L Rendezvous Slide 61 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Cooperative Sensing Protocol: CPE Periodic sensing report start Sensing result Is received IU detected by CPE in U/L Rendezvous No IU detected by CPE IU detected by CPE in D/L Waiting UL-MAP for CR_SCAN_REP Start timer T3 Start timer T5 Periodic ranging Time out T3 UL MAP received Time out T5 CR-SCAN-REQ_IE received Rendezvous Transmit CRSCAN-RSP End Submission IU detected by CPE In D/L Rendezvous Slide 62 IU detected by CPE In U/L Rendezvous C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 BS Coexistence Issue • BS coexistence problem may not be typical, because – BS coverage is typically large. – Not many BS’s are required when CR is deployed in rural area. • BS-to-BS wireless communication needs much cost – BS needs exactly two times transmit power than normal communication (BS to CPE). – Needs special MAC protocol or special entity (e.g., relay CPE) for medium access coordinator between BS and BS. – The doubled transmit power is more likely to worsen the hidden IU problem. – BS-to-BS frame synchronization is essential. Wired based communication is more preferable !! Submission Slide 63 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Radio Resource Management for Multi-FA System (1) • Multi-FA Resource Allocation UL DL 1 2 3 1’ N 2’ 3’ N’ 6MHz MAP DL Burst#4 Burst#5 Burst#2 DL Burst #3 time Burst #1 MAP Multi-FA Resource Allocation: FA-1 MAP + FA-3 MAP Burst #6 BS 1’ 3’ 1 3 MAP overhead for Specifying multi-FA allocation 3’ 3 CPE 1 Submission 1’ 1 Slide 64 3’ 1’ 3 1 CPE 3 CPE 2 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Radio Resource Management for Multi-FA System (2) • FA Grouping and Matching DL 1 2 UL 3 1’ N 2’ 3’ N’ 6MHz FA-1 MAP Burst#4 Multi-FA Resource Allocation by FA Grouping: FA-1 MAP + FA-3 MAP DL Burst#5 Burst#2 DL Burst #3 time Burst #1 FA-3 MAP Burst #6 FA Matching BS FA Matching 1’ 3’ 1 3’ CPE 1 3 3 FA Matching: To select (UL and DL) active set 1 for individual CPE Submission FA Grouping: To select a group of CPE’s that are assigned to the same FA Slide 65 CPE 3 CPE 2 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Radio Resource Management for Multi-FA System (3) • Active Set Update & FA Regrouping BS 3’ 3 3’ 3 QP CR-SCAN-RSP F3:MAP[SCAN-REQ] CR-SCAN-RSP[FA1] CPE 3 CPE 2 Fx:DL-MAPPrefix[CHG=1] CPE 2: Active Set 1 changed (FA3FA1) BS 1’ 1 CPE 1 1’ 1 3’ 3 F1:MAP .. .. F1:MAP .. .. Initialization 1’ 1 CPE 1 CPE 2 BS F1:MAP CPE 3 FA Regrouping Submission CPE 2 Slide 66 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Radio Resource Management for Multi-FA System (4) • CR-GROUP-CHG Information Element CPE 2 BS - DL-MAP Information Element QP CR-SCAN-RSP F3:MAP[SCAN-REQ] CR-SCAN-RSP[FA1] Fx:CR-GROUP-CHG .. .. F1:MAP .. .. Initialization F1:MAP Field Extended DIUC Number of CPEs_to_update for (i=1; Number of CPEs_to_update) { CPE CID Group ID DL channel ID UL channel ID } Note Primary CID New group ID New group DL New group UL F1:MAP Submission Slide 67 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 CR-Specific Messages & IE’s Type New Messages Message or IE CR-SCAN-RSP Usage Note Scan response message CR-CHANGE-REQ Band switch request Optional CR-SCAN-REQ Scan request Information Element To be included in UL-MAP CR-GROUP-CHG Group change To be included in DL-MAP Modified Message DCD[spectrum set] Spectrum set information Submission Slide 68 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 PART 3. Spectrum Sensing Technologies Submission Slide 69 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Mission of Spectrum Sensing Block • • • • • • Provide spectrum occupancy information to MAC Identify type of incoming signal Fast tracking time to improve data throughput Flexible resolution for adaptive and scaling searching Simple computation for low power Easy implementation for low cost Submission Slide 70 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Proposed Spectrum Sensing Technique • Features – – – – Sensing block is separated from transceiver Multiple sensing strategy : Coarse and Fine Sensing while in communication and not in communication Critical computation is performed at analog domain • Proposed Sensing Technique – Multi-Resolution Spectrum Sensing (MRSS) : Coarse sensing, detect existence of signal – Analog Autocorrelation (AAC) : Fine sensing, categorize the signal type Submission Slide 71 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Proposed Sensing Scheme Directive Antenna Transmitter (RF/IF) PHY (Baseband) SW or Duplexer Receiver (RF/IF) Omni Antenna MAC Sensing Receiver Coarse “MRSS” Low Speed ADC Fine “AAC” Submission Slide 72 Spectrum Recognition Algorithm C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Advantages • Sensing block is separated from transceiver – The sensing block is separated from PHY and controlled by MAC – Sensing can be performed without waking-up PHY – Sensing is performed, while not in using, as well as in using • Multiple sensing strategy – Two step sensing : The coarse sensing for spectrum occupancy and fine sensing for identifying incoming signal – Reduce the false detect rate • Wavelet based sensing architecture – Flexibility in sensing resolution and speed – RF Filter is not required on the sensing path – Relaxing RF components constraint, linearity and noise • Critical computation is performed at analog domain – – – – Submission No significant computation, such as FFT nor Correlation, in the baseband Faster recognition time Drastically reduce power consumption Require very low speed/low resolution ADC Slide 73 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Coarse Spectrum Sensing Multi-Resolution Spectrum Sensing (MRSS) • MRSS detect spectral components of incoming signal by the Fourier Transform. • Fourier Transform is performed in analog domain. • MRSS may utilize wavelet transforms as the basis function of the Fourier Transform. • Bandwidth, resolution and center frequency can be controlled by wavelet function Submission Slide 74 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 MRSS Schematics y (t ) x(t ) w(t ) T x( ) w(t )d 0 X x(t) Driver Amp z(t) y(t) ADC CLK#2 w(t) CLK#1 v(t)*fLO(t) Timing Clock MAC Wavelet Generator Submission Slide 75 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 MRSS Simulation Results (example) 40 -50 20 -60 0 -70 -20 -80 PSD (dB) Power Spectrum Magnitude (dB) Wireless Microphone (FM) Signal -40 -90 -60 -100 -80 -110 -100 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Frequency 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 x 10 The spectrum of the wireless microphone signal Submission -120 6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Frequency (Hz) 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 x 10 6 The corresponding signal spectrum detected with the MRSS technique Slide 76 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Fine Spectrum Sensing Analog Autocorrelation (AAC) • Recognize the periodic features of the input signals unique for each modulation format or frame structure • Auto correlation is done at the analog domain • AAC can recognize the following input signals : • IS-95, WCDMA, EDGE, GSM, Wi-Fi, Wi-MAX, Zigbee, Bluetooth, Digital TV (ATSC, DVB), and like Submission Slide 77 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 AAC Schematics Sensing Antenna x(t) Multiplication Integrate FIR Low Speed ADC Delay Td x(t-Td)) Decision Making Submission Slide 78 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 AAC Implementation • An input RF signal x(t) is divided and delayed by a certain delay value Td. • The correlation between the original input signal x(t) and the delayed signal x(t- Td) is performed at analog domain. • If the resulting integrator output shows sharp pulse, that Td indicates the feature of the incoming signal. • Since AAC is performed at analog domain, low speed ADC is sufficient. Submission Slide 79 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 AAC Simulation Results (Example) OFDM Signal (3) (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) Multiplier Output Waveform Submission FIR Output Waveform Slide 80 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Resource for Spectrum Sensing (Example) • Freq. for searching : 50-850MHz (800MHz span) • Wf(3dB BW of Gaussian frequency window) : 8MHz • Wt(3dB Time window size) = 0.0625 usec • Applied time pulse window = Wt x 3 =0.1875 • No. of freq. point : 100 points • No. Freq. sweeping : 10 times (for signal processing) % ADC sampling frequency can be adjusted to meet total sweeping time. Optimized for Low power Optimized for Speed •Sampling freq. = 5.33Ms/s •Time for one sweep = 18.75usec •Time for 10 sweep = 0.1875msec •Resolution = 6 bit, dynamic range= 36 dB •Additional SNR improvement = 10dB Submission •Sampling freq. = 500 Ks/s •Time for one sweep = 0.2 msec •Time for 10 sweeps = 2 msec •Resolution = 6 bit, dynamic range= 36 dB •Additional SNR improvement = 10dB Slide 81 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Summary of Spectrum Sensing Block Specification ADC resolution 6 bit (MRSS) 1-3 bit (AAC) ADC sampling time >5M sample/sec (MRSS) >120 k sample/sec (AAC) Sensing time < 1 m sec (while in communication) < 4 m sec (while not in communication) Sensing threshold <-110 dB Baseband processing in PHY No significant computation, such as FFT nor Convolution, is required at the baseband. Baseband processing in MAC Noise reduction, harmonic suppressions Submission Slide 82 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 References [1] IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Network-Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems, IEEE Std. 802.16-2004 [2] Digital Video Broadcasting(DVB); Framing Structure, Channel Coding and Modulation for Digital Terrestrial Television, ETSI EN 300 744 V1.5.1(2004-06) [3] Transmission System for Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting, ARIB STD-B31 V1.5 [4] IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks-Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control(MAC) and Physical Layer(PHY) Specifications, IEEE Std 802.11a-1999 [5] IEEE Std 802.11h-2003 (Amendment to IEEE Std 802.11, 1999 Edn. (Reaff 2003)) Publication Date: 2003 Submission Slide 83 C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.22-05/0109r1 Abbreviations AAC BE BR BS CC CID CoS CPE CQI CR CRC CTC DCD DFS DL DSA EC FA FCH FDD HT IE Submission Analog AutoCorrelation Best Effort Bandwidth Request Base Station Convolutional Code Connection IDentifier Class of Service Consumer Premise Equipment Channel Quality Indicator Cognitive Radio Cyclic Redundancy Check Convolutional Turbo Code Downlink Channel Descriptor Dynamic Frequency Selection Downlink Dynamic Service Addition Encryption Control Frequency Allocation Frame Control Header Frequency Division Duplexing Header Type Information Element IU LDPC MAC MRSS nrtPS OFDMA PDU PHSI PHY PU QoS RRM RTG rtPS SDU TDD TTG UCD UGS UL WRAN Slide 84 Incumbent User Low Density Perity Check Medium Access Control Multi-Resolution Spectrum Sensing non real time Polling Service Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access Protocol Data Unit Packet Header Suppression Indicator PHYsical layer Primary User Quality of Service Radio Resource Management Receive/Transmit Transtion Gap real time Polling Service Service Data Unit Time Division Duplexing Transmit/Receive Transition Gap Uplink Channel Descriptor Unsolicited Grant Service Uplink Wireless Regional Area Network C.J.Kim/ETRI, H.S.Kim/SEM, J.Laskar/GT