Goal Assessment Report

Section One:
Activity Statement:
MKT 253 Incorporation of Yellow Page National Competition
All MKT courses received course and rubric revisions
MKT 151 new text book information
The second Tiffin University School of Business Poster Competition was incorporated into all Spring
Marketing courses to increase student presentation, network, and research skills.
Marketing student participation in Business Professionals of America.
MKT 364 students planned, wrote, and presented event plans for local Seneca county businesses.
MKT 353 students conducted, wrote, and presented in depth marketing research plans.
MKT 151 students create and present original marketing plans
Selected marketing students participated in the re-branding for Tiffin University
Marketing students participated in focus groups for Tiffin University website design
MKT 350 classes participated in experiential live action case studies with Lowe’s and WalMart
Section Two: Describe which program goal(s) in the Major Program Plan was assessed during the academic
Intended Outcomes 1: (D – Career Readiness – Program Specific)
Marketing graduates will explain how organizations can apply the consumer behavior model to improve
organizational performance.
Assessment Criteria:
On an exam at least 90 percent of Marketing graduates will successfully answer a test question where the
graduate will list the steps in the consumer behavior model and explain how organizations apply them in their
marketing activities. (MKT 252)
Intended Outcomes 2:
Marketing graduates will plan, create and present a marketing research project.
Assessment Criteria: (D – Career Readiness – Program Specific / D – Research Skills)
At least 90 percent of Marketing graduates will earn a grade of 80% or better on a marketing research project
where the student plans, creates and presents to the class and faculty member using the grading criteria
established by for the project. (MKT 353)
Intended Outcomes 3: (D – Career Readiness – Program Specific)
Marketing students will preview the environments of business prior to graduation.
Assessment Criteria:
Internship – students with a “B” or better.
(a): Students will be able to participate in a Marketing interest group, which meets once a month during the
regular semesters.
Results of Outcomes Activity:
Met/Not Met
Data Details
Outcome 1
100% of MKT 252 students in Fall 2010 successfully answer a test
question where the graduate will list the steps in the consumer
behavior model and explain how organizations apply them in their
marketing activities.
Outcome 2
90% of MKT 353 Marketing graduates planned, created, and
presented a marketing research project.
Outcome 3
All nine Marketing Interns passed with a B or better.
Section Three:
Analysis and Action Plans:
The 2010-2011 outcomes activities were met. Future analysis of assessment data for MKT 252 will eliminate
non-marketing major student data.
The marketing faculty will be reviewing the goal assessment report during the summer of 2011.